Gregory Anders f4bedf56f6 cli: clear line after writing
Clear the rest of the cursor line (from the cursor to the end of the
row) after drawing the progress bar rather than clearing the entire line
before drawing. This reduces flickering on terminal emulators which are
able to redraw rapidly.
2024-05-30 12:27:11 -05:00

232 lines
6.9 KiB

use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crossterm::terminal::{Clear, ClearType};
use jj_lib::fmt_util::binary_prefix;
use jj_lib::git;
use jj_lib::repo_path::RepoPath;
use crate::cleanup_guard::CleanupGuard;
use crate::text_util;
use crate::ui::{OutputGuard, ProgressOutput, Ui};
pub struct Progress {
next_print: Instant,
rate: RateEstimate,
buffer: String,
guard: Option<CleanupGuard>,
impl Progress {
pub fn new(now: Instant) -> Self {
Self {
next_print: now + INITIAL_DELAY,
rate: RateEstimate::new(),
buffer: String::new(),
guard: None,
pub fn update(
&mut self,
now: Instant,
progress: &git::Progress,
output: &mut ProgressOutput,
) -> io::Result<()> {
use std::fmt::Write as _;
if progress.overall == 1.0 {
write!(output, "\r{}", Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine))?;
return Ok(());
let rate = progress
.and_then(|x| self.rate.update(now, x));
if now < self.next_print {
return Ok(());
if self.guard.is_none() {
let guard = output.output_guard(crossterm::cursor::Show.to_string());
let guard = CleanupGuard::new(move || {
_ = write!(output, "{}", crossterm::cursor::Hide);
self.guard = Some(guard);
self.next_print = now.min(self.next_print + Duration::from_secs(1) / UPDATE_HZ);
write!(self.buffer, "\r").unwrap();
let control_chars = self.buffer.len();
write!(self.buffer, "{: >3.0}% ", 100.0 * progress.overall).unwrap();
if let Some(total) = progress.bytes_downloaded {
let (scaled, prefix) = binary_prefix(total as f32);
write!(self.buffer, "{scaled: >5.1} {prefix}B ").unwrap();
if let Some(estimate) = rate {
let (scaled, prefix) = binary_prefix(estimate);
write!(self.buffer, "at {scaled: >5.1} {prefix}B/s ").unwrap();
let bar_width = output
.saturating_sub(self.buffer.len() - control_chars + 2);
draw_progress(progress.overall, &mut self.buffer, bar_width);
write!(self.buffer, "{}", Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine)).unwrap();
write!(output, "{}", self.buffer)?;
fn draw_progress(progress: f32, buffer: &mut String, width: usize) {
const CHARS: [char; 9] = [' ', '▏', '▎', '▍', '▌', '▋', '▊', '▉', '█'];
const RESOLUTION: usize = CHARS.len() - 1;
let ticks = (width as f32 * progress.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * RESOLUTION as f32).round() as usize;
let whole = ticks / RESOLUTION;
for _ in 0..whole {
buffer.push(CHARS[CHARS.len() - 1]);
if whole < width {
let fraction = ticks % RESOLUTION;
for _ in (whole + 1)..width {
const UPDATE_HZ: u32 = 30;
const INITIAL_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
struct RateEstimate {
state: Option<RateEstimateState>,
impl RateEstimate {
fn new() -> Self {
RateEstimate { state: None }
/// Compute smoothed rate from an update
fn update(&mut self, now: Instant, total: u64) -> Option<f32> {
if let Some(ref mut state) = self.state {
return Some(state.update(now, total));
self.state = Some(RateEstimateState {
avg_rate: None,
last_sample: now,
struct RateEstimateState {
total: u64,
avg_rate: Option<f32>,
last_sample: Instant,
impl RateEstimateState {
fn update(&mut self, now: Instant, total: u64) -> f32 {
let delta = total - self.total;
self.total = total;
let dt = now - self.last_sample;
self.last_sample = now;
let sample = delta as f32 / dt.as_secs_f32();
match self.avg_rate {
None => *self.avg_rate.insert(sample),
Some(ref mut avg_rate) => {
// From Algorithms for Unevenly Spaced Time Series: Moving
// Averages and Other Rolling Operators (Andreas Eckner, 2019)
const TIME_WINDOW: f32 = 2.0;
let alpha = 1.0 - (-dt.as_secs_f32() / TIME_WINDOW).exp();
*avg_rate += alpha * (sample - *avg_rate);
pub fn snapshot_progress(ui: &Ui) -> Option<impl Fn(&RepoPath) + '_> {
struct State {
guard: Option<OutputGuard>,
output: ProgressOutput,
next_display_time: Instant,
let output = ui.progress_output()?;
// Don't clutter the output during fast operations.
let next_display_time = Instant::now() + INITIAL_DELAY;
let state = Mutex::new(State {
guard: None,
Some(move |path: &RepoPath| {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let now = Instant::now();
if now < state.next_display_time {
// Future work: Display current path after exactly, say, 250ms has elapsed, to
// better handle large single files
state.next_display_time = now + Duration::from_secs(1) / UPDATE_HZ;
if state.guard.is_none() {
state.guard = Some(
.output_guard(format!("\r{}", Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine))),
let line_width = state.output.term_width().map(usize::from).unwrap_or(80);
let max_path_width = line_width.saturating_sub(13); // Account for "Snapshotting "
let fs_path = path.to_fs_path(Path::new(""));
let (display_path, _) =
text_util::elide_start(fs_path.to_str().unwrap(), "...", max_path_width);
_ = write!(
"\r{}Snapshotting {display_path}",
_ = state.output.flush();
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_bar() {
let mut buf = String::new();
draw_progress(0.0, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, " ");
draw_progress(1.0, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "██████████");
draw_progress(0.5, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "█████ ");
draw_progress(0.54, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "█████▍ ");