mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 20:42:10 +00:00
I ran an upgraded Clippy on the codebase. All the changes seem to be about using variables directly in format strings instead of passing them as separate arguments.
185 lines
5.3 KiB
185 lines
5.3 KiB
use std::io;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crossterm::terminal::{Clear, ClearType};
use jujutsu_lib::git;
use crate::cleanup_guard::CleanupGuard;
use crate::ui::Ui;
pub struct Progress {
next_print: Instant,
rate: RateEstimate,
buffer: String,
guard: Option<CleanupGuard>,
impl Progress {
pub fn new(now: Instant) -> Self {
Self {
next_print: now + INITIAL_DELAY,
rate: RateEstimate::new(),
buffer: String::new(),
guard: None,
pub fn update(
&mut self,
now: Instant,
progress: &git::Progress,
ui: &mut Ui,
) -> io::Result<()> {
use std::fmt::Write as _;
if progress.overall == 1.0 {
write!(ui, "\r{}", Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine))?;
return Ok(());
let rate = progress
.and_then(|x| self.rate.update(now, x));
if now < self.next_print {
return Ok(());
if self.guard.is_none() {
let guard = ui.output_guard(crossterm::cursor::Show.to_string());
let guard = CleanupGuard::new(move || {
_ = write!(ui, "{}", crossterm::cursor::Hide);
self.guard = Some(guard);
self.next_print = now.min(self.next_print + Duration::from_secs(1) / UPDATE_HZ);
write!(self.buffer, "\r{}", Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine)).unwrap();
let control_chars = self.buffer.len();
write!(self.buffer, "{: >3.0}% ", 100.0 * progress.overall).unwrap();
if let Some(estimate) = rate {
let (scaled, prefix) = binary_prefix(estimate);
write!(self.buffer, " at {scaled: >5.1} {prefix}B/s ").unwrap();
let bar_width = ui
.map(|(cols, _rows)| usize::from(cols))
.saturating_sub(self.buffer.len() - control_chars + 2);
draw_progress(progress.overall, &mut self.buffer, bar_width);
write!(ui, "{}", self.buffer)?;
fn draw_progress(progress: f32, buffer: &mut String, width: usize) {
const CHARS: [char; 9] = [' ', '▏', '▎', '▍', '▌', '▋', '▊', '▉', '█'];
const RESOLUTION: usize = CHARS.len() - 1;
let ticks = (width as f32 * progress.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * RESOLUTION as f32).round() as usize;
let whole = ticks / RESOLUTION;
for _ in 0..whole {
buffer.push(CHARS[CHARS.len() - 1]);
if whole < width {
let fraction = ticks % RESOLUTION;
for _ in (whole + 1)..width {
const UPDATE_HZ: u32 = 30;
const INITIAL_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
/// Find the smallest binary prefix with which the whole part of `x` is at most
/// three digits, and return the scaled `x` and that prefix.
fn binary_prefix(x: f32) -> (f32, &'static str) {
const TABLE: [&str; 9] = ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"];
let mut i = 0;
let mut scaled = x;
while scaled.abs() >= 1000.0 && i < TABLE.len() - 1 {
i += 1;
scaled /= 1024.0;
(scaled, TABLE[i])
struct RateEstimate {
state: Option<RateEstimateState>,
impl RateEstimate {
fn new() -> Self {
RateEstimate { state: None }
/// Compute smoothed rate from an update
fn update(&mut self, now: Instant, total: u64) -> Option<f32> {
if let Some(ref mut state) = self.state {
return Some(state.update(now, total));
self.state = Some(RateEstimateState {
avg_rate: None,
last_sample: now,
struct RateEstimateState {
total: u64,
avg_rate: Option<f32>,
last_sample: Instant,
impl RateEstimateState {
fn update(&mut self, now: Instant, total: u64) -> f32 {
let delta = total - self.total;
self.total = total;
let dt = now - self.last_sample;
self.last_sample = now;
let sample = delta as f32 / dt.as_secs_f32();
match self.avg_rate {
None => *self.avg_rate.insert(sample),
Some(ref mut avg_rate) => {
// From Algorithms for Unevenly Spaced Time Series: Moving
// Averages and Other Rolling Operators (Andreas Eckner, 2019)
const TIME_WINDOW: f32 = 2.0;
let alpha = 1.0 - (-dt.as_secs_f32() / TIME_WINDOW).exp();
*avg_rate += alpha * (sample - *avg_rate);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_bar() {
let mut buf = String::new();
draw_progress(0.0, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, " ");
draw_progress(1.0, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "██████████");
draw_progress(0.5, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "█████ ");
draw_progress(0.54, &mut buf, 10);
assert_eq!(buf, "█████▍ ");