
Reimagine state management with CRDTs 🦜
Make your app state synchronized and collaborative effortlessly.

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https://github.com/loro-dev/loro/assets/18425020/fe246c47-a120-44b3-91d4-1e7232a5b4ac Loro is a [CRDTs(Conflict-free Replicated Data Types)](https://crdt.tech/) library that makes building [local-first apps][local-first] easier. It is currently available for JavaScript (via WASM) and Rust developers. Explore our vision in our blog: [**✨ Reimagine State Management with CRDTs**](https://loro.dev/blog/loro-now-open-source). # Features **Basic Features Provided by CRDTs** - P2P Synchronization - Automatic Merging - Local Availability - Scalability - Delta Updates **Supported CRDT Algorithms** - πŸ“ Text Editing with [Fugue] - πŸ“™ [Peritext-like Rich Text CRDT](https://loro.dev/blog/loro-richtext) - 🌲 [Moveable Tree](https://loro.dev/docs/tutorial/tree) - πŸš— [Moveable List](https://loro.dev/docs/tutorial/list) - πŸ—ΊοΈ [Last-Write-Wins Map](https://loro.dev/docs/tutorial/map) - πŸ”„ [Replayable Event Graph](https://loro.dev/docs/advanced/replayable_event_graph) **Advanced Features in Loro** - πŸ“– Preserve Editing History in a [Replayable Event Graph](https://loro.dev/docs/advanced/replayable_event_graph) - ⏱️ Fast [Time Travel](https://loro.dev/docs/tutorial/time_travel) Through History https://github.com/loro-dev/loro/assets/18425020/ec2d20a3-3d8c-4483-a601-b200243c9792 # Example [![Open in StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/edit/loro-basic-test?file=test%2Floro-sync.test.ts) ```ts import { expect, test } from 'vitest'; import { Loro, LoroList } from 'loro-crdt'; /** * Demonstrates synchronization of two documents with two rounds of exchanges. */ // Initialize document A const docA = new Loro(); const listA: LoroList = docA.getList('list'); listA.insert(0, 'A'); listA.insert(1, 'B'); listA.insert(2, 'C'); // Export the state of document A as a byte array const bytes: Uint8Array = docA.exportFrom(); // Simulate sending `bytes` across the network to another peer, B const docB = new Loro(); // Peer B imports the updates from A docB.import(bytes); // Verify that B's state matches A's state expect(docB.toJSON()).toStrictEqual({ list: ['A', 'B', 'C'], }); // Get the current operation log version of document B const version = docB.oplogVersion(); // Simulate editing at B: delete item 'B' const listB: LoroList = docB.getList('list'); listB.delete(1, 1); // Export the updates from B since the last synchronization point const bytesB: Uint8Array = docB.exportFrom(version); // Simulate sending `bytesB` back across the network to A // A imports the updates from B docA.import(bytesB); // Verify that the list at A now matches the list at B after merging expect(docA.toJSON()).toStrictEqual({ list: ['A', 'C'], }); ``` # Credits Loro draws inspiration from the innovative work of the following projects and individuals: - [Ink & Switch](https://inkandswitch.com/): The principles of Local-first Software have greatly influenced this project. The [Peritext](https://www.inkandswitch.com/peritext/) project has also shaped our approach to rich text CRDTs. - [Diamond-types](https://github.com/josephg/diamond-types): The [Replayable Event Graph (REG)](https://loro.dev/docs/advanced/replayable_event_graph) algorithm from @josephg has been adapted to reduce the computation and space usage of CRDTs. - [Automerge](https://github.com/automerge/automerge): Their use of columnar encoding for CRDTs has informed our strategies for efficient data encoding. - [Yjs](https://github.com/yjs/yjs): We have incorporated a similar algorithm for effectively merging collaborative editing operations, thanks to their pioneering works. - [Matthew Weidner](https://mattweidner.com/): His work on the [Fugue](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.00583) algorithm has been invaluable, enhancing our text editing capabilities. - [Martin Kleppmann](https://martin.kleppmann.com/): His work on CRDTs has significantly influenced our comprehension of the field. [local-first]: https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first/ [Fugue]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.00583 [Peritext]: https://www.inkandswitch.com/peritext/