use std::{fmt::Debug, ptr::NonNull}; use fxhash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use crate::{ rle_trait::{GlobalIndex, HasIndex, ZeroElement}, rle_tree::{ node::{InternalNode, LeafNode}, tree_trait::GlobalTreeTrait, Arena, HeapMode, UnsafeCursor, VecTrait, }, HasLength, Mergable, Rle, RleTree, Sliceable, }; const MAX_CHILDREN_SIZE: usize = 32; type RangeMapTrait = GlobalTreeTrait, MAX_CHILDREN_SIZE, TreeArena>; #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RangeMap< Index: GlobalIndex + 'static, Value: Rle + ZeroElement + 'static, TreeArena: Arena + 'static = HeapMode, > { pub(crate) tree: RleTree, RangeMapTrait>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct WithIndex { pub(crate) value: Value, pub(crate) index: Index, } impl HasLength for WithIndex { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { self.value.content_len() } } impl Sliceable for WithIndex { fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { Self { value: self.value.slice(from, to), index: self.index + Index::from_usize(from).unwrap(), } } } impl Mergable for WithIndex { fn is_mergable(&self, other: &Self, conf: &()) -> bool { self.value.is_mergable(&other.value, conf) && self.index + Index::from_usize(self.value.content_len()).unwrap() == other.index } fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self, conf: &()) { self.value.merge(&other.value, conf) } } impl HasIndex for WithIndex { type Int = Index; fn get_start_index(&self) -> Self::Int { self.index } } impl< Index: GlobalIndex + 'static, Value: Rle + ZeroElement + 'static, TreeArena: Arena + 'static, > Default for RangeMap { fn default() -> Self { Self { tree: Default::default(), } } } impl< Index: GlobalIndex + 'static, Value: Rle + ZeroElement + 'static, TreeArena: Arena + 'static, > RangeMap { pub fn set_large_range(&mut self, start: Index, value: Value) { let end = start + Index::from_usize(std::cmp::max(value.content_len(), 1)).unwrap(); self.tree.delete_range(Some(start), Some(end)); self.tree.insert( start, WithIndex { value, index: start, }, ); } /// In our use cases, most of the set operation is at small range. /// So we can travel from the first cursor to modify each element gradually pub fn set_small_range(&mut self, start: Index, value: Value) { let end = start + Index::from_usize(std::cmp::max(value.atom_len(), 1)).unwrap(); #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] let cursor = self.tree.get_cursor_ge_mut(start); if cursor.is_none() { self.tree.insert( start, WithIndex { value, index: start, }, ); return; } let mut cursor = cursor.unwrap(); // SAFETY: we have exclusive ref to the tree let mut cur_leaf = unsafe { cursor.0.leaf.as_mut() }; let mut cur_ptr = cur_leaf.into(); let mut index = cursor.0.index; let mut iter_children = cur_leaf.children.iter_mut().skip(index); let mut elem =; let elem_end = elem.index + Index::from_usize(elem.atom_len()).unwrap(); // there are a lot of updates are in-place, we can update them directly and return // because cache won't change if elem.index == start && elem_end == end { *elem = WithIndex { value, index: start, }; return; } if elem.index >= end { // there is no elements inside the target range, we can insert directly self.tree.insert( start, WithIndex { value, index: start, }, ); return; } if elem.index < start && end < elem_end { // element contains the target range let offset = (start - elem.index).as_(); let leaf: NonNull<_> = cur_leaf.into(); #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] let leaf: NonNull< LeafNode<'_, WithIndex, RangeMapTrait>, // SAFETY: ignore lifetime to bypass tree mut borrow check > = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(leaf) }; self.tree.update_at_cursors( &mut [UnsafeCursor { leaf, index, offset, pos: crate::rle_tree::Position::Middle, len: (end - start).as_(), }], &mut |v| { v.value = value.clone(); }, &mut |_, _| {}, ); return; } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct Data { delete_start: Option, delete_end: Option, } let mut visited_nodes: FxHashMap>, Data> = Default::default(); let mut cur_data: Data = Default::default(); let mut last_inside_element: Option> = None; // iterate over the elements inside the range loop { if elem.index >= end { visited_nodes.insert(cur_leaf.into(), cur_data); break; } let elem_end = elem.index + Index::from_usize(elem.atom_len()).unwrap(); if start > elem_end { // go to next loop } else if elem.index < start { // start element overlaps with target range // let it keep its left part let new_len = (start - elem.index).as_(); *elem = elem.slice(0, new_len); } else if elem_end > end { // end element overlaps with target range // let it keep its right part let start = (end - elem.index).as_(); *elem = elem.slice(start, elem.atom_len()); visited_nodes.insert(cur_ptr, cur_data); break; } else { // elements inside the target range // extends its start to last_end if last_inside_element.is_none() { last_inside_element = Some(elem.into()); } else { cur_data.delete_start.get_or_insert(index); cur_data.delete_end = Some(index + 1); } } // move to next element if let Some(next) = { index += 1; elem = next; } else { if let Some(next) = cur_leaf.next_mut() { visited_nodes.insert(cur_ptr, cur_data); cur_ptr = next.into(); cur_data = Default::default(); cur_leaf = next; iter_children = cur_leaf.children.iter_mut().skip(0); } else { visited_nodes.insert(cur_ptr, cur_data); // is the last element of the tree break; } index = 0; elem =; } } if let Some(mut insider) = last_inside_element { // we can extended the last element to the end // SAFETY: we just got the element from the tree and save it to the option value let insider = unsafe { insider.as_mut() }; insider.index = start; insider.value = value; } else { // need to insert a new element from here // current pointer must be greater than start or at the end of the tree // SAFETY: we just visited cursor unsafe { let cursor: UnsafeCursor<_, RangeMapTrait> = UnsafeCursor::new(cur_ptr, index, 0, crate::rle_tree::Position::Start, 0); let last_item = cursor.as_ref(); if last_item.index >= end { let value = WithIndex { value, index: start, }; cursor.insert_notify(value, &mut |_, _| {}); } else if last_item.get_end_index() <= start { // current pointer points to the end of the tree let cursor: UnsafeCursor<_, RangeMapTrait> = cursor.shift(last_item.atom_len()).unwrap(); cursor.insert_notify( WithIndex { value, index: start, }, &mut |_, _| {}, ); } else { unreachable!() } } } let mut visited_internal_nodes: FxHashSet>> = FxHashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(visited_nodes.len(), Default::default()); for (mut leaf, data) in visited_nodes { // SAFETY: we have exclusive ref to the tree let leaf = unsafe { leaf.as_mut() }; if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (data.delete_start, data.delete_end) { leaf.children.drain(start..end); } leaf.update_cache(); visited_internal_nodes.insert(leaf.parent); } while !visited_internal_nodes.is_empty() { let len = visited_internal_nodes.len(); for mut internal in std::mem::replace( &mut visited_internal_nodes, FxHashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(len, Default::default()), ) { // SAFETY: we have exclusive ref to the tree let internal = unsafe { internal.as_mut() }; let mut del_start = None; let mut del_end = None; for i in 0..internal.children().len() { let child = &internal.children()[i]; if child.node.is_empty() { del_start.get_or_insert(i); del_end = Some(i + 1); } } if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (del_start, del_end) { internal.drain_children(start, end); } internal.update_cache(None); if let Some(parent) = internal.parent { visited_internal_nodes.insert(parent); } } } } #[inline] pub fn debug_check(&mut self) { self.tree.debug_check() } #[inline] pub fn delete(&mut self, start: Option, end: Option) { self.tree.delete_range(start, end); } /// Return the values overlap with the given range /// /// Note that the returned values may exceed the given range #[inline] pub fn get_range(&self, start: Index, end: Index) -> impl Iterator { self.iter_range(start, end).map(|(_, b)| b) } /// Return the values overlap with the given range and their indexes /// /// Note that the returned values may exceed the given range /// /// TODO: need double check this method #[inline] pub fn get_range_with_index( &self, start: Index, end: Index, ) -> impl Iterator { self.iter_range(start, end) } /// Return the values contained by the given range, the returned values are sliced by the given range #[inline] pub fn get_range_sliced( &self, start: Index, end: Index, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.tree.iter_range(start, Some(end)).map(|x| { let sliced = x.get_sliced(); (sliced.index, sliced.value) }) } #[inline] pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: Index) -> Option<&mut Value> { let cursor = self.tree.get_mut(index); if let Some(mut cursor) = cursor { match cursor.pos() { crate::rle_tree::Position::Before | crate::rle_tree::Position::End | crate::rle_tree::Position::After => None, crate::rle_tree::Position::Start | crate::rle_tree::Position::Middle => { Some(&mut cursor.as_tree_mut().value) } } } else { None } } #[inline] pub fn get(&self, index: Index) -> Option<&Value> { let cursor = self.tree.get(index); if let Some(cursor) = cursor { match cursor.pos() { crate::rle_tree::Position::Before | crate::rle_tree::Position::End | crate::rle_tree::Position::After => None, crate::rle_tree::Position::Start | crate::rle_tree::Position::Middle => { Some(&cursor.as_tree_ref().value) } } } else { None } } pub fn iter_range(&self, start: Index, end: Index) -> impl Iterator { let mut cursor = if start < end { self.tree.get_cursor_ge(start) } else { None }; std::iter::from_fn(move || loop { if let Some(inner) = std::mem::take(&mut cursor) { cursor = inner.next_elem_start(); let item = inner.as_tree_ref(); if item.get_end_index() <= start { continue; } else if item.index >= end { return None; } else { let ans = (item.index, &item.value); return Some(ans); } } else { return None; } }) } #[inline] pub fn has(&self, index: Index) -> bool { self.get(index).is_some() } #[inline] pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.tree = Default::default(); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct WithStartEnd { pub start: Index, pub end: Index, pub value: T, } impl WithStartEnd { #[inline] pub fn new(start: Index, end: Index, value: T) -> Self { Self { start, end, value } } } impl Sliceable for WithStartEnd { fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { Self { start: self.start + Index::from_usize(from).unwrap(), end: Index::min(self.end, self.start + Index::from_usize(to).unwrap()), value: self.value.slice(from, to), } } } impl HasLength for WithStartEnd { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { Index::as_(self.end - self.start) } } impl ZeroElement for WithStartEnd { fn zero_element() -> Self { Self { start: Index::from_usize(0).unwrap(), end: Index::from_usize(0).unwrap(), value: T::zero_element(), } } } impl Mergable for WithStartEnd { fn is_mergable(&self, other: &Self, _conf: &()) -> bool where Self: Sized, { self.end == other.start && self.value == other.value } fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self, _conf: &()) where Self: Sized, { self.end = other.end; } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::ops::Range; use super::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] struct V { from: usize, to: usize, key: String, } impl V { fn new(from: usize, to: usize, key: &str) -> Self { Self { from, to, key: key.into(), } } } impl HasLength for V { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { - self.from } } impl Mergable for V {} impl Sliceable for V { fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { V { from: self.from + from, to: self.from + to, key: self.key.clone(), } } } impl ZeroElement for V { fn zero_element() -> Self { Self { from: 0, to: 0, key: "".to_string(), } } } type VRangeMap = RangeMap; #[test] fn test_0() { let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_large_range(10, V::new(10, 20, "a")); map.set_large_range(12, V::new(12, 15, "b")); // 10-12, 12-15, 15-20 assert_eq!(map.get_range(7, 8).collect::>(), Vec::<&V>::new()); assert_eq!( map.get_range(8, 12).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(10, 12, "a")] ); assert_eq!( map.get_range(14, 16).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(12, 15, "b"), &V::new(15, 20, "a")] ); // 10-11, 11-12, 12-15, 15-20 map.set_large_range(11, V::new(11, 12, "c")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(9, 15).collect::>(), vec![ &V::new(10, 11, "a"), &V::new(11, 12, "c"), &V::new(12, 15, "b") ] ); // 5-20 map.set_large_range(5, V::new(5, 20, "k")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(9, 15).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(5, 20, "k")] ); } #[test] fn test_small_range() { let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_small_range(10, V::new(10, 20, "a")); map.set_small_range(12, V::new(12, 15, "b")); // 10-12, 12-15, 15-20 assert_eq!(map.get_range(7, 8).collect::>(), Vec::<&V>::new()); assert_eq!( map.get_range(8, 12).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(10, 12, "a")] ); assert_eq!( map.get_range(14, 16).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(12, 15, "b"), &V::new(15, 20, "a")] ); // 10-11, 11-12, 12-15, 15-20 map.set_small_range(11, V::new(11, 12, "c")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(9, 15).collect::>(), vec![ &V::new(10, 11, "a"), &V::new(11, 12, "c"), &V::new(12, 15, "b") ] ); // 5-20 map.set_small_range(5, V::new(5, 20, "k")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(9, 15).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(5, 20, "k"),] ); } #[test] fn test_small_range_across_spans() { let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_small_range(0, V::new(0, 5, "a")); map.set_small_range(10, V::new(10, 15, "b")); map.set_small_range(20, V::new(20, 25, "c")); map.set_small_range(2, V::new(2, 23, "k")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(0, 30).collect::>(), vec![ &V::new(0, 2, "a"), &V::new(2, 23, "k"), &V::new(23, 25, "c"), ] ) } #[test] fn test_small_range_inside() { let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_small_range(0, V::new(0, 5, "a")); map.set_small_range(1, V::new(1, 3, "b")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(0, 30).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(0, 1, "a"), &V::new(1, 3, "b"), &V::new(3, 5, "a"),] ); let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_small_range(0, V::new(0, 5, "a")); map.set_small_range(0, V::new(0, 3, "b")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(0, 30).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(0, 3, "b"), &V::new(3, 5, "a"),] ); let mut map: VRangeMap = Default::default(); map.set_small_range(0, V::new(0, 5, "a")); map.set_small_range(3, V::new(3, 5, "b")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(0, 30).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(0, 3, "a"), &V::new(3, 5, "b"),] ); map.set_small_range(3, V::new(3, 6, "c")); assert_eq!( map.get_range(0, 30).collect::>(), vec![&V::new(0, 3, "a"), &V::new(3, 6, "c")] ); } static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(RangeMap>: Sync, Send); }