/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use clap::Parser; use reverie::syscalls::Displayable; use reverie::syscalls::Errno; use reverie::syscalls::Syscall; use reverie::Error; use reverie::GlobalTool; use reverie::Guest; use reverie::Pid; use reverie::Tool; use reverie_util::CommonToolArguments; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; /// A tool to introduce inject "chaos" into a running process. A pathological /// kernel is simulated by forcing reads to only return one byte a time. #[derive(Debug, Parser)] struct Args { #[clap(flatten)] common_opts: CommonToolArguments, #[clap(flatten)] chaos_opts: ChaosOpts, } #[derive(Parser, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default)] struct ChaosOpts { /// Skips the first N syscalls of a process before doing any intervention. /// This is useful when you need to skip past an error caused by the tool. #[clap(long, value_name = "N", default_value = "0")] skip: u64, /// If set, does not intercept `read`-like system calls and modify them. #[clap(long)] no_read: bool, /// If set, does not intercept `recv`-like system calls and modify them. #[clap(long)] no_recv: bool, /// If set, does not inject random `EINTR` errors. #[clap(long)] no_interrupt: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct ChaosTool { count: AtomicU64, } impl Clone for ChaosTool { fn clone(&self) -> Self { ChaosTool { count: AtomicU64::new(self.count.load(Ordering::SeqCst)), } } } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] struct ChaosToolGlobal {} #[reverie::global_tool] impl GlobalTool for ChaosToolGlobal { type Request = (); type Response = (); type Config = ChaosOpts; async fn receive_rpc(&self, _from: Pid, _request: ()) {} } #[reverie::tool] impl Tool for ChaosTool { type GlobalState = ChaosToolGlobal; type ThreadState = bool; fn new(_pid: Pid, _cfg: &ChaosOpts) -> Self { Self { count: AtomicU64::new(0), } } async fn handle_syscall_event>( &self, guest: &mut T, syscall: Syscall, ) -> Result { let count = self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let config = guest.config().clone(); let memory = guest.memory(); // This provides a way to wait until the dynamic linker has done its job // before we start trying to create chaos. glibc's dynamic linker has a // bug where it doesn't retry `read` calls that don't return the // expected amount of data. if count < config.skip { eprintln!( "SKIPPED [pid={}, n={}] {}", guest.pid(), count, syscall.display(&memory), ); return guest.tail_inject(syscall).await; } // Transform the syscall arguments. let syscall = match syscall { Syscall::Read(read) => { if !config.no_interrupt && !*guest.thread_state() { // Return an EINTR instead of running the syscall. // Programs should always retry the read in this case. *guest.thread_state_mut() = true; // XXX: inject a signal like SIGINT? let err = Errno::ERESTARTSYS; eprintln!( "[pid={}, n={}] {} = {}", guest.pid(), count, syscall.display(&memory), -err.into_raw() as i64 ); return Ok(Err(err)?); } else if !config.no_read { // Reduce read length to 1 byte at most. Syscall::Read(read.with_len(1.min(read.len()))) } else { // Return syscall unmodified. Syscall::Read(read) } } Syscall::Recvfrom(recv) if !config.no_recv => { // Reduce recv length to 1 byte at most. Syscall::Recvfrom(recv.with_len(1.min(recv.len()))) } x => { eprintln!( "[pid={}, n={}] {}", guest.pid(), count, syscall.display(&memory), ); return guest.tail_inject(x).await; } }; *guest.thread_state_mut() = false; let ret = guest.inject(syscall).await; eprintln!( "[pid={}, n={}] {} = {}", guest.pid(), count, syscall.display_with_outputs(&memory), ret.unwrap_or_else(|errno| -errno.into_raw() as i64) ); Ok(ret?) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let args = Args::from_args(); let log_guard = args.common_opts.init_tracing(); let tracer = reverie_ptrace::TracerBuilder::::new(args.common_opts.into()) .config(args.chaos_opts) .spawn() .await?; let (status, _) = tracer.wait().await?; drop(log_guard); // Flush logs before exiting. status.raise_or_exit() }