/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ //! tests for delaying signal delivery //! SIGALRM: suppressed //! SIGVTALRM: delayed about 500ms, then delivered //! SIGSYS: delayed till next syscall. //! //! NB: restarted syscalls should not count, as syscall //! returning ERESTARTSYS could be automatically restarted use nix::sys::signal::{self, Signal}; use reverie::{ syscalls::{Errno, Syscall, SyscallInfo, Sysno, Tgkill}, Error, Guest, Tool, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration}; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Clone)] struct LocalState; const GAP_MS: u64 = 500; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] struct ThreadState { sigpending: Option, injected_signal: Option, } // syscall is interrupted and may restart fn is_syscall_restarted(errno: Errno) -> bool { [ Errno::ERESTARTSYS, Errno::ERESTARTNOINTR, Errno::ERESTARTNOHAND, Errno::ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK, ] .contains(&errno) } #[reverie::tool] impl Tool for LocalState { type ThreadState = ThreadState; async fn handle_signal_event>( &self, guest: &mut T, signal: signal::Signal, ) -> Result, Errno> { Ok(if signal == Signal::SIGVTALRM { sleep(Duration::from_millis(GAP_MS)).await; Some(signal) } else if signal == Signal::SIGALRM { None // Suppress the signal. } else if signal == Signal::SIGSYS { eprintln!( "[pid = {}] delay delivery of signal {:?}, thread_state {:?}", guest.tid(), signal, guest.thread_state(), ); match guest.thread_state_mut().injected_signal.take() { None => { guest.thread_state_mut().sigpending = Some(signal as i32); None } Some(sig) => { guest.thread_state_mut().sigpending = None; Some(Signal::try_from(sig).unwrap()) } } } else { println!("[pid = {}] deliverying signal {:?}", guest.tid(), signal); Some(signal) }) } async fn handle_syscall_event>( &self, guest: &mut T, syscall: Syscall, ) -> Result { let pending = guest.thread_state().sigpending; if pending.is_some() { eprintln!( "[pid = {}] syscall {:?} pending signal {:?}", guest.tid(), syscall, pending, ); } if [ Sysno::exit_group, Sysno::exit, Sysno::execve, Sysno::execveat, ] .contains(&syscall.number()) { eprintln!("[pid = {}] tail injecting {:?}", guest.tid(), syscall); guest.tail_inject(syscall).await } else { eprintln!("[pid = {}] injecting {:?}", guest.tid(), syscall); let res = guest.inject(syscall).await; if let Some(sig) = pending { // NB: don't do signal delivery if syscall is interrupted // and restarted. if res.is_ok() || res.is_err() && is_syscall_restarted(res.unwrap_err()) { eprintln!( "[pid = {}] injecting tgkill to deliver signal {:?}", guest.tid(), sig ); let send_signal = Tgkill::new() .with_tgid(guest.pid().as_raw()) .with_tid(guest.tid().as_raw()) .with_sig(sig); guest.thread_state_mut().injected_signal = Some(sig); let _ = guest.inject(send_signal).await; } } Ok(res?) } } } #[cfg(all(not(sanitized), test))] mod tests { use super::*; use reverie::ExitStatus; use reverie_ptrace::testing::{check_fn, test_fn}; use std::{io, mem::MaybeUninit, sync::mpsc, thread, time}; // kernel_sigset_t used by naked syscall #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] struct KernelSigset(u64); impl From<&[Signal]> for KernelSigset { fn from(signals: &[Signal]) -> Self { let mut set: u64 = 0; for &sig in signals { set |= 1u64 << (sig as usize - 1); } KernelSigset(set) } } #[allow(dead_code)] unsafe fn block_signals(signals: &[Signal]) -> io::Result { let set = KernelSigset::from(signals); let mut oldset: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::uninit(); if libc::syscall( libc::SYS_rt_sigprocmask, libc::SIG_BLOCK, &set as *const _, oldset.as_mut_ptr(), 8, ) != 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(KernelSigset(oldset.assume_init())) } } // unblock signal(s) and set its handler to SIG_DFL unsafe fn unblock_signals(signals: &[Signal]) -> io::Result { let set = KernelSigset::from(signals); let mut oldset: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::uninit(); if libc::syscall( libc::SYS_rt_sigprocmask, libc::SIG_UNBLOCK, &set as *const _, oldset.as_mut_ptr(), 8, ) != 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(KernelSigset(oldset.assume_init())) } } unsafe fn restore_sig_handlers(signals: &[Signal]) -> io::Result<()> { for &sig in signals { libc::signal(sig as i32, libc::SIG_DFL); } Ok(()) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn sigprof_handler( _sig: i32, _siginfo: *mut libc::siginfo_t, _ucontext: *const libc::c_void, ) { nix::unistd::write(2, b"caught SIGPROF!").unwrap(); unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_exit_group, 0); } } unsafe fn install_sigprof_handler() -> i32 { let mut sa: libc::sigaction = MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init(); sa.sa_flags = libc::SA_RESTART | libc::SA_SIGINFO | libc::SA_NODEFER; sa.sa_sigaction = sigprof_handler as _; libc::sigaction(libc::SIGPROF, &sa as *const _, std::ptr::null_mut()) } unsafe fn sigtimedwait(signals: &[Signal], timeout_ns: u64) -> io::Result { let mut siginfo: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::zeroed(); let sigset = KernelSigset::from(signals); let timeout = libc::timespec { tv_sec: timeout_ns as i64 / 1000000000, tv_nsec: (timeout_ns % 1000000000) as i64, }; match Signal::try_from(libc::syscall( libc::SYS_rt_sigtimedwait, &sigset as *const _, siginfo.as_mut_ptr(), &timeout as *const _, 8, ) as i32) { Ok(sig) => { let siginfo = siginfo.assume_init(); assert_eq!(siginfo.si_signo, sig as i32); Ok(sig) } Err(_) => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()), } } unsafe fn sigsuspend(signals: &[Signal]) -> io::Result<()> { let mut set: u64 = 0; for &sig in signals { set |= 1u64 << (sig as usize - 1); } libc::syscall(libc::SYS_rt_sigsuspend, &set as *const _, 8); // always return Err. Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } // set timer with SIGPROF as signal unsafe fn settimer(time_us: u64) -> io::Result<()> { let zero = libc::timeval { tv_sec: 0, tv_usec: 0, }; let mut next = libc::timeval { tv_sec: time_us as i64 / 1000000, tv_usec: time_us as i64 % 1000000, }; if next.tv_usec > 1000000 { next.tv_sec += 1; next.tv_usec -= 1000000; } let timer_val = libc::itimerval { it_interval: zero, it_value: next, }; if libc::syscall( libc::SYS_setitimer, libc::ITIMER_PROF, &timer_val as *const _, 0, ) != 0 { eprintln!("setitimer returned error: {:?}", io::Error::last_os_error()); Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(()) } } #[test] fn signal_delay_500ms() { check_fn::(|| { assert!(unsafe { restore_sig_handlers(&[Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGVTALRM, libc::SIG_IGN) }; let now = time::Instant::now(); thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(10)); assert!(signal::raise(Signal::SIGVTALRM).is_ok()); assert!(now.elapsed().as_millis() >= GAP_MS as u128 + 10); }); } #[test] // signal is suppressed by handle_signal_event fn signal_suppress() { check_fn::(|| { assert!(unsafe { restore_sig_handlers(&[Signal::SIGALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGALRM]) }.is_ok()); let now = time::Instant::now(); thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(10)); assert!(signal::raise(Signal::SIGALRM).is_ok()); assert!(now.elapsed().as_millis() < GAP_MS as u128); }); } #[test] fn sigtimedwait_sanity() { check_fn::(|| { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || { assert!(sender.send(nix::unistd::gettid()).is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGBUS, libc::SIG_DFL) }; assert_eq!( unsafe { sigtimedwait(&[Signal::SIGBUS], 1000000000000u64) }.unwrap(), Signal::SIGBUS, ); eprintln!("[thread] sigtimedwait returned SIGBUS"); }); let thread_id = receiver.recv().unwrap(); // wait until thread is blocked by rt_sigtimedwait.. thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); let signal_sent = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_tkill, thread_id.as_raw(), Signal::SIGBUS as i32) }; assert_eq!(signal_sent, 0); assert!(handle.join().is_ok()); }); } #[test] fn sigsuspend_sanity() { let (output, _) = test_fn::(|| { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || { assert!(sender.send(nix::unistd::gettid()).is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGBUS, libc::SIG_DFL) }; assert_eq!( unsafe { sigsuspend(&[]) } .err() .and_then(|e| e.raw_os_error()), Some(libc::EINTR) ); }); let thread_id = receiver.recv().unwrap(); // wait until thread is blocked by rt_sigtimedwait.. thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); let signal_sent = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_tkill, thread_id.as_raw(), Signal::SIGBUS as i32) }; assert_eq!(signal_sent, 0); assert!(handle.join().is_ok()); }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(output.status, ExitStatus::Signaled(Signal::SIGBUS, true)); } #[test] // A sanity check ITIMER_PROF can indeed cause program to exit with SIGPROF // NB: rust runtime masks most signals, hence SIGPROF has to be explicitly // unmasked. fn sigprof_sanity() { check_fn::(|| { assert_eq!(unsafe { install_sigprof_handler() }, 0); // timer should expire assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGPROF]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { settimer(100000) }.is_ok()); loop {} }); } #[test] // SIGSYS is delayed till next syscall is trapped. However, since we send // SIGSYS when rt_sigsuspend is called, rt_sigsuspend won't return because // the signal is delayed till next syscall. Which causes this test to timeout // pease note this is expected behavior. Showing we cannot assume signal // delivery can be always delayed. fn sigsuspend_delay_till_next_syscall_should_timeout_1() { check_fn::(|| { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let _handle = thread::spawn(move || { assert!(sender.send(nix::unistd::gettid()).is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGSYS, libc::SIG_DFL) }; assert_eq!( unsafe { sigsuspend(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) } .err() .and_then(|e| e.raw_os_error()), Some(libc::EINTR) ); }); let thread_id = receiver.recv().unwrap(); // wait until thread is blocked by rt_sigtimedwait.. thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); let signal_sent = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_tkill, thread_id.as_raw(), Signal::SIGSYS as i32) }; assert_eq!(signal_sent, 0); assert!(unsafe { restore_sig_handlers(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert_eq!(unsafe { install_sigprof_handler() }, 0); // timer should expire assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { settimer(500000) }.is_ok()); loop { /* sigprof handler calls exit_group */ } }); } #[test] // similar to sigsuspend_delay_till_next_syscall_should_timeout_1, but this test // only has one line difference compare to sigsuspend_delay_till_next_syscall_should_pass // to emphasis SIGSYS is indeeded not delivered without the extra syscall after tgkill. // because we delay SIGSYS delivery to next syscall. fn sigsuspend_delay_till_next_syscall_should_timeout_2() { check_fn::(|| { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let _handle = thread::spawn(move || { let tid = nix::unistd::gettid(); let pid = nix::unistd::getpid(); assert!(sender.send(tid).is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGSYS, libc::SIG_DFL); }; // block SIGPROF as the parent task is setting up a timer // with ITIMER_PROF. Linux does not guarantee which thread // receive the signal. As a result, we simply mask SIGPROF // in this thread, so that only parent task can receive it. assert!(unsafe { block_signals(&[Signal::SIGPROF]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGSYS]) }.is_ok()); assert_eq!( unsafe { sigtimedwait(&[Signal::SIGSYS], 1000_000_000) }.ok(), Some(Signal::SIGSYS) ); unsafe { libc::syscall( libc::SYS_tgkill, pid.as_raw(), tid.as_raw(), Signal::SIGSYS as i32, ); // expected to timeout, because we delay signal delivery to next // syscall which returns success loop {} } }); let thread_id = receiver.recv().unwrap(); // wait until thread is blocked by rt_sigtimedwait.. thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let signal_sent = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_tkill, thread_id.as_raw(), Signal::SIGSYS as i32) }; assert_eq!(signal_sent, 0); assert!(unsafe { restore_sig_handlers(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert_eq!(unsafe { install_sigprof_handler() }, 0); // timer should expire assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { settimer(500000) }.is_ok()); loop {} }); } #[test] // since we delay SIGSYS till next syscall, adding a syscall like getsid should // cause SIGSYS to be delivered, hence the program should be killed by SIGSYS. fn sigsuspend_delay_till_next_syscall_should_pass() { let (output, _) = test_fn::(|| { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let _handle = thread::spawn(move || { let tid = nix::unistd::gettid(); let pid = nix::unistd::getpid(); assert!(sender.send(tid).is_ok()); unsafe { libc::signal(libc::SIGSYS, libc::SIG_DFL); }; assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGSYS]) }.is_ok()); assert_eq!( unsafe { sigtimedwait(&[Signal::SIGSYS], 1000_000_000) }.ok(), Some(Signal::SIGSYS) ); unsafe { libc::syscall( libc::SYS_tgkill, pid.as_raw(), tid.as_raw(), Signal::SIGSYS as i32, ); // signal should delivered after SYS_getsid returned // hence the program should be killed by SIGSYS libc::syscall(libc::SYS_getsid); // will run into SIGSYS handler (SIG_DFL) hence below // statement is not reachable. unreachable!() } }); let thread_id = receiver.recv().unwrap(); // wait until thread is blocked by rt_sigtimedwait.. thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let signal_sent = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_tkill, thread_id.as_raw(), Signal::SIGSYS as i32) }; assert_eq!(signal_sent, 0); assert!(unsafe { restore_sig_handlers(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert_eq!(unsafe { install_sigprof_handler() }, 0); assert!(unsafe { unblock_signals(&[Signal::SIGPROF, Signal::SIGVTALRM]) }.is_ok()); assert!(unsafe { settimer(500000) }.is_ok()); // SIGSYS handler (SIG_DFL) should be called before timer expire unreachable!() }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(output.status, ExitStatus::Signaled(Signal::SIGSYS, true)); } }