/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ use std::alloc; use std::env; use std::mem; use nix::unistd; use reverie::syscalls::Displayable; use reverie::syscalls::MemoryAccess; use reverie::syscalls::Syscall; use reverie::syscalls::Sysno; use reverie::Error; use reverie::GlobalTool; use reverie::Guest; use reverie::Pid; use reverie::Tool; use tracing::warn; #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] struct TestTool {} type Dupcount = u64; #[reverie::global_tool] impl GlobalTool for TestTool { type Request = (); type Response = (); type Config = Dupcount; async fn receive_rpc(&self, _from: Pid, _message: ()) {} } /// How many bytes of randomness to peak at. const RAND_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::(); /// How many times to DUPLICATE select system calls that are intercepted. const NUM_REPS: Dupcount = 3; #[reverie::tool] impl Tool for TestTool { type GlobalState = TestTool; type ThreadState = (); async fn handle_syscall_event>( &self, guest: &mut T, call: Syscall, ) -> Result { let reps = guest.config().clone(); match call { Syscall::Gettid(_) | Syscall::Getgid(_) | Syscall::Getsid(_) | Syscall::Getppid(_) | Syscall::Getpgid(_) | Syscall::Getpid(_) => { for i in 1..=reps { let syscall_ret = guest.inject(call).await; warn!( "[pid {}] Duplicated syscall ({}/{})! {} = {}", guest.tid(), i, reps, call.display_with_outputs(&guest.memory()), syscall_ret.unwrap_or_else(|errno| errno.into_raw() as i64) ); } } Syscall::Getrandom(r) => { if r.buflen() < RAND_SIZE { warn!( "[pid {}] not touching getrandom, buflen too small.", guest.tid() ); } else { for i in 1..=reps { let syscall_ret = guest.inject(call).await; let bufaddr = r.buf().unwrap(); let mut buf: [u8; RAND_SIZE] = [0; RAND_SIZE]; guest.memory().read_exact(bufaddr, &mut buf).unwrap(); let rand_word: u64 = u64::from_le_bytes(buf); warn!( "[pid {}] Duplicated getrandom syscall ({}/{}): {}, returned {}, first word {}", guest.tid(), i, reps, call.display_with_outputs(&guest.memory()), syscall_ret.unwrap_or_else(|errno| errno.into_raw() as i64), rand_word ); } } } _ => {} } // Irrespective of above, run a tail_inject at the end: guest.tail_inject(call).await } } fn guest_mode() { println!("Running in guest mode (actual test)."); let tid = unistd::gettid(); let pid = unistd::getpid(); let gid = unistd::getgid(); let ppid = unistd::getppid(); let pgid = unistd::getpgid(None).unwrap(); let sid = unistd::getsid(None).unwrap(); println!( "Read IDs: t {}, p {}, g {}, pp {}, pg {}, s{}", tid, pid, gid, ppid, pgid, sid, ); // let r = syscalls::syscall!(0, 100, 0); let sz = RAND_SIZE; let rand_num: u64 = unsafe { let layout = alloc::Layout::from_size_align(sz, sz).unwrap(); let buf = alloc::alloc(layout); let no = Sysno::getrandom as i64; let rand = libc::syscall(no, buf, sz, 0); if rand < 0 { panic!("getrandom returned error code {}\n", rand); } else if rand != sz as i64 { panic!( "getrandom did not generate all {} bytes (instead {}\n", sz, rand ); } #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] let num: u64 = *(buf as *mut u64); alloc::dealloc(buf, layout); num }; println!("Generated random number: {}", rand_num); } async fn host_mode(thisprog: &str) -> Result { println!("Running in HOST mode (ReverieTool)"); let mut command = reverie::process::Command::new(thisprog); command.arg("guest"); let tracer = reverie_ptrace::TracerBuilder::::new(command) .config(NUM_REPS) .spawn() .await?; let (status, _) = tracer.wait().await?; Ok(status.code().unwrap_or(1)) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); match &args[..] { [p] => std::process::exit(host_mode(p).await?), [_, s] if s == "guest" => guest_mode(), _ => panic!( "Expected 'guest' or no CLI argument. Got unexpected command line args ({}): {:?}", args.len(), args ), } Ok(()) }