use syn::ItemStruct; // #[salsa::accumulator(jar = Jar0)] // struct Accumulator(DataType); pub(crate) fn accumulator( args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream, ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { let args = syn::parse_macro_input!(args as Args); let struct_impl = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as ItemStruct); accumulator_contents(&args, &struct_impl) .unwrap_or_else(syn::Error::into_compile_error) .into() } type Args = crate::options::Options; struct Accumulator; impl crate::options::AllowedOptions for Accumulator { const RETURN_REF: bool = false; const SPECIFY: bool = false; const NO_EQ: bool = false; const JAR: bool = true; const DATA: bool = false; const DB: bool = false; const RECOVERY_FN: bool = false; } fn accumulator_contents( args: &Args, struct_item: &syn::ItemStruct, ) -> syn::Result { // We expect a single anonymous field. let data_ty = data_ty(struct_item)?; let struct_name = &struct_item.ident; let struct_ty = &parse_quote! {#struct_name}; let inherent_impl = inherent_impl(args, struct_ty, data_ty); let ingredients_for_impl = ingredients_for_impl(args, struct_ty, data_ty); let struct_item_out = struct_item_out(args, struct_item, data_ty); let accumulator_impl = accumulator_impl(args, struct_ty, data_ty); Ok(quote! { #inherent_impl #ingredients_for_impl #struct_item_out #accumulator_impl }) } fn data_ty(struct_item: &syn::ItemStruct) -> syn::Result<&syn::Type> { match &struct_item.fields { syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => { if fields.unnamed.len() != 1 { return Err(syn::Error::new( struct_item.ident.span(), "accumulator structs should have only one anonymous field", )); } else { Ok(&fields.unnamed[0].ty) } } _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new( struct_item.ident.span(), "accumulator structs should have only one anonymous field", )); } } } fn struct_item_out( _args: &Args, struct_item: &syn::ItemStruct, data_ty: &syn::Type, ) -> syn::ItemStruct { let mut struct_item_out = struct_item.clone(); struct_item_out.fields = syn::Fields::Unnamed(parse_quote! { (std::marker::PhantomData<#data_ty>) }); struct_item_out } fn inherent_impl(args: &Args, struct_ty: &syn::Type, data_ty: &syn::Type) -> syn::ItemImpl { let jar_ty = args.jar_ty(); parse_quote! { impl #struct_ty { pub fn push(db: &DB, data: #data_ty) where DB: salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>, { let (jar, runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(db); let ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #struct_ty >>::ingredient(jar); ingredients.push(runtime, data) } } } } fn ingredients_for_impl(args: &Args, struct_ty: &syn::Type, data_ty: &syn::Type) -> syn::ItemImpl { let jar_ty = args.jar_ty(); parse_quote! { impl salsa::storage::IngredientsFor for #struct_ty { type Ingredients = salsa::accumulator::AccumulatorIngredient<#data_ty>; type Jar = #jar_ty; fn create_ingredients(ingredients: &mut salsa::routes::Ingredients) -> Self::Ingredients where DB: salsa::DbWithJar + salsa::storage::JarFromJars, { let index = ingredients.push_mut( |jars| { let jar = >::jar_from_jars(jars); <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor>::ingredient(jar) }, |jars| { let jar = >::jar_from_jars_mut(jars); <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor>::ingredient_mut(jar) }, ); salsa::accumulator::AccumulatorIngredient::new(index) } } } } fn accumulator_impl(args: &Args, struct_ty: &syn::Type, data_ty: &syn::Type) -> syn::ItemImpl { let jar_ty = args.jar_ty(); parse_quote! { impl salsa::accumulator::Accumulator for #struct_ty { type Data = #data_ty; type Jar = #jar_ty; fn accumulator_ingredient<'db, Db>( db: &'db Db, ) -> &'db salsa::accumulator::AccumulatorIngredient where Db: ?Sized + salsa::storage::HasJar { let (jar, _) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(db); let ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<#struct_ty>>::ingredient(jar); ingredients } } } }