2024-05-24 07:16:50 -04:00

448 lines
19 KiB

use proc_macro2::{Literal, Span, TokenStream};
use crate::salsa_struct::{SalsaField, SalsaStruct, TheStructKind};
/// For an tracked struct `Foo` with fields `f1: T1, ..., fN: TN`, we generate...
/// * the "id struct" `struct Foo(salsa::Id)`
/// * the tracked ingredient, which maps the id fields to the `Id`
/// * for each value field, a function ingredient
pub(crate) fn tracked(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
struct_item: syn::ItemStruct,
) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let struct_name = struct_item.ident.clone();
let tokens = SalsaStruct::with_struct(args, struct_item)
.and_then(|el| TrackedStruct(el).generate_tracked())?;
Ok(crate::debug::dump_tokens(&struct_name, tokens))
struct TrackedStruct(SalsaStruct<Self>);
impl std::ops::Deref for TrackedStruct {
type Target = SalsaStruct<Self>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl crate::options::AllowedOptions for TrackedStruct {
const RETURN_REF: bool = false;
const SPECIFY: bool = false;
const NO_EQ: bool = false;
const SINGLETON: bool = false;
const JAR: bool = true;
const DATA: bool = true;
const DB: bool = false;
const RECOVERY_FN: bool = false;
const LRU: bool = false;
const CONSTRUCTOR_NAME: bool = true;
impl TrackedStruct {
fn generate_tracked(&self) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let config_struct = self.config_struct();
let the_struct = self.the_struct(&config_struct.ident)?;
let config_impl = self.config_impl(&config_struct);
let inherent_impl = self.tracked_inherent_impl();
let ingredients_for_impl = self.tracked_struct_ingredients(&config_struct);
let salsa_struct_in_db_impl = self.salsa_struct_in_db_impl();
let tracked_struct_in_db_impl = self.tracked_struct_in_db_impl();
let update_impl = self.update_impl();
let as_id_impl = self.as_id_impl();
let as_debug_with_db_impl = self.as_debug_with_db_impl();
Ok(quote! {
fn config_struct(&self) -> syn::ItemStruct {
let config_ident = syn::Ident::new(
&format!("__{}Config", self.the_ident()),
let visibility = self.visibility();
parse_quote! {
#visibility struct #config_ident {
_uninhabited: std::convert::Infallible,
fn config_impl(&self, config_struct: &syn::ItemStruct) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let config_ident = &config_struct.ident;
let field_tys: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::ty).collect();
let id_field_indices = self.id_field_indices();
let arity = self.all_field_count();
let lt_db = &self.named_db_lifetime();
// Create the function body that will update the revisions for each field.
// If a field is a "backdate field" (the default), then we first check if
// the new value is `==` to the old value. If so, we leave the revision unchanged.
let old_fields = syn::Ident::new("old_fields_", Span::call_site());
let new_fields = syn::Ident::new("new_fields_", Span::call_site());
let revisions = syn::Ident::new("revisions_", Span::call_site());
let current_revision = syn::Ident::new("current_revision_", Span::call_site());
let update_fields: TokenStream = self
.map(|(field, i)| {
let field_ty = field.ty();
let field_index = Literal::u32_unsuffixed(i);
if field.is_backdate_field() {
quote_spanned! { field.span() =>
if salsa::update::helper::Dispatch::<#field_ty>::maybe_update(
) {
#revisions[#field_index] = #current_revision;
} else {
quote_spanned! { field.span() =>
&mut #revisions[#field_index],
unsafe { &mut (*#old_fields).#field_index },
parse_quote! {
impl salsa::tracked_struct::Configuration for #config_ident {
type Fields<#lt_db> = ( #(#field_tys,)* );
type Revisions = [salsa::Revision; #arity];
fn id_fields(fields: &Self::Fields<'_>) -> impl std::hash::Hash {
( #( &fields.#id_field_indices ),* )
fn revision(revisions: &Self::Revisions, field_index: u32) -> salsa::Revision {
revisions[field_index as usize]
fn new_revisions(current_revision: salsa::Revision) -> Self::Revisions {
[current_revision; #arity]
unsafe fn update_fields<#lt_db>(
#current_revision: salsa::Revision,
#revisions: &mut Self::Revisions,
#old_fields: *mut Self::Fields<#lt_db>,
#new_fields: Self::Fields<#lt_db>,
) {
use salsa::update::helper::Fallback as _;
/// Generate an inherent impl with methods on the tracked type.
fn tracked_inherent_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let (ident, _, impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = self.the_ident_and_generics();
let the_kind = &self.the_struct_kind();
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let db_dyn_ty = self.db_dyn_ty();
let tracked_field_ingredients: Literal = self.tracked_field_ingredients_index();
let field_indices = self.all_field_indices();
let field_vises: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::vis).collect();
let field_tys: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::ty).collect();
let field_get_names: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::get_name).collect();
let field_clones: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::is_clone_field).collect();
let field_getters: Vec<syn::ImplItemMethod> = field_indices.iter().zip(&field_get_names).zip(&field_tys).zip(&field_vises).zip(&field_clones).map(|((((field_index, field_get_name), field_ty), field_vis), is_clone_field)|
match the_kind {
TheStructKind::Id => {
if !*is_clone_field {
parse_quote_spanned! { field_get_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #field_get_name<'db>(self, __db: &'db #db_dyn_ty) -> &'db #field_ty
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident #type_generics >>::ingredient(__jar);
&__ingredients.#tracked_field_ingredients[#field_index].field(__runtime, self.0).#field_index
} else {
parse_quote_spanned! { field_get_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #field_get_name<'db>(self, __db: &'db #db_dyn_ty) -> #field_ty
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident #type_generics >>::ingredient(__jar);
__ingredients.#tracked_field_ingredients[#field_index].field(__runtime, self.0).#field_index.clone()
TheStructKind::Pointer(lt_db) => {
if !*is_clone_field {
parse_quote_spanned! { field_get_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #field_get_name(self, __db: & #lt_db #db_dyn_ty) -> & #lt_db #field_ty
let (_, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let fields = unsafe { &*self.0 }.field(__runtime, #field_index);
} else {
parse_quote_spanned! { field_get_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #field_get_name(self, __db: & #lt_db #db_dyn_ty) -> #field_ty
let (_, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let fields = unsafe { &*self.0 }.field(__runtime, #field_index);
let field_names = self.all_field_names();
let field_tys = self.all_field_tys();
let constructor_name = self.constructor_name();
let data = syn::Ident::new("__data", Span::call_site());
let salsa_id = match the_kind {
TheStructKind::Id => quote!(self.0),
TheStructKind::Pointer(_) => quote!(unsafe { &*self.0 }.id()),
let ctor = match the_kind {
TheStructKind::Id => quote!(salsa::AsId::from_id(,
TheStructKind::Pointer(_) => quote!(Self(#data, std::marker::PhantomData)),
let lt_db = self.maybe_elided_db_lifetime();
parse_quote! {
#[allow(dead_code, clippy::pedantic, clippy::complexity, clippy::style)]
impl #impl_generics #ident #type_generics
#where_clause {
pub fn #constructor_name(__db: &#lt_db #db_dyn_ty, #(#field_names: #field_tys,)*) -> Self
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< Self >>::ingredient(__jar);
let #data = __ingredients.0.new_struct(
pub fn salsa_id(&self) -> salsa::Id {
/// Generate the `IngredientsFor` impl for this tracked struct.
/// The tracked struct's ingredients include both the main tracked struct ingredient along with a
/// function ingredient for each of the value fields.
fn tracked_struct_ingredients(&self, config_struct: &syn::ItemStruct) -> syn::ItemImpl {
use crate::literal;
let (ident, _, impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = self.the_ident_and_generics();
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let config_struct_name = &config_struct.ident;
let field_indices: Vec<Literal> = self.all_field_indices();
let arity = self.all_field_count();
let tracked_struct_ingredient: Literal = self.tracked_struct_ingredient_index();
let tracked_fields_ingredients: Literal = self.tracked_field_ingredients_index();
let debug_name_struct = literal(self.the_ident());
let debug_name_fields: Vec<_> = self.all_field_names().into_iter().map(literal).collect();
parse_quote! {
impl #impl_generics salsa::storage::IngredientsFor for #ident #type_generics
#where_clause {
type Jar = #jar_ty;
type Ingredients = (
[salsa::tracked_struct::TrackedFieldIngredient<#config_struct_name>; #arity],
fn create_ingredients<DB>(
routes: &mut salsa::routes::Routes<DB>,
) -> Self::Ingredients
DB: salsa::DbWithJar<Self::Jar> + salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>,
let struct_ingredient = {
let index = routes.push(
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient(jar);
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars_mut(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient_mut(jar);
&mut ingredients.#tracked_struct_ingredient
salsa::tracked_struct::TrackedStructIngredient::new(index, #debug_name_struct)
let field_ingredients = [
let index = routes.push(
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient(jar);
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars_mut(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient_mut(jar);
&mut ingredients.#tracked_fields_ingredients[#field_indices]
struct_ingredient.new_field_ingredient(index, #field_indices, #debug_name_fields)
(struct_ingredient, field_ingredients)
/// Implementation of `SalsaStructInDb`.
fn salsa_struct_in_db_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let (ident, parameters, _, type_generics, where_clause) = self.the_ident_and_generics();
let db = syn::Ident::new("DB", ident.span());
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let tracked_struct_ingredient = self.tracked_struct_ingredient_index();
parse_quote! {
impl<#db, #parameters> salsa::salsa_struct::SalsaStructInDb<#db> for #ident #type_generics
#db: ?Sized + salsa::DbWithJar<#jar_ty>,
fn register_dependent_fn(db: & #db, index: salsa::routes::IngredientIndex) {
let (jar, _) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(db);
let ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<#ident #type_generics>>::ingredient(jar);
/// Implementation of `TrackedStructInDb`.
fn tracked_struct_in_db_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let (ident, parameters, _, type_generics, where_clause) = self.the_ident_and_generics();
let db = syn::Ident::new("DB", ident.span());
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let tracked_struct_ingredient = self.tracked_struct_ingredient_index();
parse_quote! {
impl<#db, #parameters> salsa::tracked_struct::TrackedStructInDb<#db> for #ident #type_generics
#db: ?Sized + salsa::DbWithJar<#jar_ty>,
fn database_key_index(db: &#db, id: salsa::Id) -> salsa::DatabaseKeyIndex {
let (jar, _) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(db);
let ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<#ident #type_generics>>::ingredient(jar);
/// Implementation of `Update`.
fn update_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let (ident, _, impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = self.the_ident_and_generics();
parse_quote! {
unsafe impl #impl_generics salsa::update::Update for #ident #type_generics
unsafe fn maybe_update(old_pointer: *mut Self, new_value: Self) -> bool {
if unsafe { *old_pointer } != new_value {
unsafe { *old_pointer = new_value };
} else {
/// The index of the tracked struct ingredient in the ingredient tuple.
fn tracked_struct_ingredient_index(&self) -> Literal {
/// The index of the tracked field ingredients array in the ingredient tuple.
fn tracked_field_ingredients_index(&self) -> Literal {
/// For this struct, we create a tuple that contains the function ingredients
/// for each field and the tracked-struct ingredient. These are the indices
/// of the function ingredients within that tuple.
fn all_field_indices(&self) -> Vec<Literal> {
/// For this struct, we create a tuple that contains the function ingredients
/// for each "other" field and the tracked-struct ingredient. These are the indices
/// of the function ingredients within that tuple.
fn all_field_count(&self) -> Literal {
/// Indices of each of the id fields
fn id_field_indices(&self) -> Vec<Literal> {
.filter(|(field, _)| field.is_id_field())
.map(|(_, index)| Literal::usize_unsuffixed(index))
impl SalsaField {
/// true if this is an id field
fn is_id_field(&self) -> bool {