Niko Matsakis 689751b243 wire up salsa struct seletion, test it
We now delete entities and data associated with them!
2022-08-16 17:55:32 -04:00

258 lines
8.8 KiB

use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
use crossbeam::queue::SegQueue;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::durability::Durability;
use crate::id::AsId;
use crate::ingredient::IngredientRequiresReset;
use crate::key::DependencyIndex;
use crate::runtime::local_state::QueryOrigin;
use crate::runtime::Runtime;
use crate::DatabaseKeyIndex;
use super::hash::FxDashMap;
use super::ingredient::Ingredient;
use super::routes::IngredientIndex;
use super::Revision;
pub trait InternedId: AsId {}
impl<T: AsId> InternedId for T {}
pub trait InternedData: Sized + Eq + Hash + Clone {}
impl<T: Eq + Hash + Clone> InternedData for T {}
/// The interned ingredient has the job of hashing values of type `Data` to produce an `Id`.
/// It used to store interned structs but also to store the id fields of a tracked struct.
/// Interned values endure until they are explicitly removed in some way.
pub struct InternedIngredient<Id: InternedId, Data: InternedData> {
/// Index of this ingredient in the database (used to construct database-ids, etc).
ingredient_index: IngredientIndex,
/// Maps from data to the existing interned id for that data.
/// Deadlock requirement: We access `key_map` while holding lock on `value_map`, but not vice versa.
key_map: FxDashMap<Data, Id>,
/// Maps from an interned id to its data.
/// Deadlock requirement: We access `key_map` while holding lock on `value_map`, but not vice versa.
value_map: FxDashMap<Id, Box<Data>>,
/// counter for the next id.
counter: AtomicCell<u32>,
/// Stores the revision when this interned ingredient was last cleared.
/// You can clear an interned table at any point, deleting all its entries,
/// but that will make anything dependent on those entries dirty and in need
/// of being recomputed.
reset_at: Revision,
/// When specific entries are deleted from the interned table, their data is added
/// to this vector rather than being immediately freed. This is because we may` have
/// references to that data floating about that are tied to the lifetime of some
/// `&db` reference. This queue itself is not freed until we have an `&mut db` reference,
/// guaranteeing that there are no more references to it.
deleted_entries: SegQueue<Box<Data>>,
impl<Id, Data> InternedIngredient<Id, Data>
Id: InternedId,
Data: InternedData,
pub fn new(ingredient_index: IngredientIndex) -> Self {
Self {
key_map: Default::default(),
value_map: Default::default(),
counter: AtomicCell::default(),
reset_at: Revision::start(),
deleted_entries: Default::default(),
pub fn intern(&self, runtime: &Runtime, data: Data) -> Id {
if let Some(id) = self.key_map.get(&data) {
return *id;
loop {
let next_id = self.counter.fetch_add(1);
let next_id = Id::from_id(crate::id::Id::from_u32(next_id));
match self.value_map.entry(next_id) {
// If we already have an entry with this id...
dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Occupied(_) => continue,
// Otherwise...
dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
self.key_map.insert(data.clone(), next_id);
return next_id;
pub(crate) fn reset_at(&self) -> Revision {
pub fn reset(&mut self, revision: Revision) {
assert!(revision > self.reset_at);
self.reset_at = revision;
pub fn data<'db>(&'db self, runtime: &'db Runtime, id: Id) -> &'db Data {
let data = match self.value_map.get(&id) {
Some(d) => d,
None => {
panic!("no data found for id `{:?}`", id)
// Unsafety clause:
// * Values are only removed or altered when we have `&mut self`
unsafe { transmute_lifetime(self, &**data) }
/// Get the ingredient index for this table.
pub(super) fn ingredient_index(&self) -> IngredientIndex {
/// Deletes an index from the interning table, making it available for re-use.
/// # Warning
/// This should only be used when you are certain that the given `id` has not (and will not)
/// be used in the current revision. More specifically, this is used when a query `Q` executes
/// and we can compare the entities `E_now` that it produced in this revision vs the entities
/// `E_prev` it produced in the last revision. Any missing entities `E_prev - E_new` can be
/// deleted.
/// If you are wrong about this, it should not be unsafe, but unpredictable results may occur.
pub(crate) fn delete_index(&self, id: Id) {
match self.value_map.entry(id) {
dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
panic!("No entry for id `{:?}`", id);
dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
// Careful: even though `id` ought not to have been used in this revision,
// we don't know that for sure since users could have leaked things. If they did,
// they may have stray references into `data`. So push the box onto the
// "to be deleted" queue.
// To avoid this, we could include some kind of atomic counter in the `Box` that
// gets set whenever `data` executes, so we can track if the data was accessed since
// the last time an `&mut self` method was called. But that'd take extra storage
// and doesn't obviously seem worth it.
pub(crate) fn clear_deleted_indices(&mut self) {
std::mem::take(&mut self.deleted_entries);
// Returns `u` but with the lifetime of `t`.
// Safe if you know that data at `u` will remain shared
// until the reference `t` expires.
unsafe fn transmute_lifetime<'t, 'u, T, U>(_t: &'t T, u: &'u U) -> &'t U {
impl<DB: ?Sized, Id, Data> Ingredient<DB> for InternedIngredient<Id, Data>
Id: InternedId,
Data: InternedData,
fn maybe_changed_after(&self, _db: &DB, _input: DependencyIndex, revision: Revision) -> bool {
revision < self.reset_at
fn cycle_recovery_strategy(&self) -> crate::cycle::CycleRecoveryStrategy {
fn origin(&self, _key_index: crate::Id) -> Option<QueryOrigin> {
fn mark_validated_output(&self, _db: &DB, executor: DatabaseKeyIndex, output_key: crate::Id) {
"mark_validated_output({:?}, {:?}): input cannot be the output of a tracked function",
executor, output_key
fn remove_stale_output(
_db: &DB,
executor: DatabaseKeyIndex,
stale_output_key: crate::Id,
) {
"remove_stale_output({:?}, {:?}): interned ids are not outputs",
executor, stale_output_key
fn reset_for_new_revision(&mut self) {
// Interned ingredients do not, normally, get deleted except when they are "reset" en masse.
// There ARE methods (e.g., `clear_deleted_entries` and `remove`) for deleting individual
// items, but those are only used for tracked struct ingredients.
panic!("unexpected call to `reset_for_new_revision`")
fn salsa_struct_deleted(&self, _db: &DB, _id: crate::Id) {
panic!("unexpected call: interned ingredients do not register for salsa struct deletion events");
impl<Id, Data> IngredientRequiresReset for InternedIngredient<Id, Data>
Id: InternedId,
Data: InternedData,
const RESET_ON_NEW_REVISION: bool = false;
pub struct IdentityInterner<Id: AsId> {
data: PhantomData<Id>,
impl<Id: AsId> IdentityInterner<Id> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
IdentityInterner { data: PhantomData }
pub fn intern(&self, _runtime: &Runtime, id: Id) -> Id {
pub fn data(&self, _runtime: &Runtime, id: Id) -> (Id,) {