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use std::{fmt, hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData, ops::DerefMut};
use crossbeam::{atomic::AtomicCell, queue::SegQueue};
use tracked_field::FieldIngredientImpl;
use crate::{
ingredient::{fmt_index, Ingredient, Jar, JarAux},
key::{DatabaseKeyIndex, DependencyIndex},
table::{memo::MemoTable, sync::SyncTable, Slot, Table},
zalsa::{IngredientIndex, Zalsa},
Database, Durability, Event, EventKind, Id, Revision,
pub mod tracked_field;
// ANCHOR: Configuration
/// Trait that defines the key properties of a tracked struct.
/// Implemented by the `#[salsa::tracked]` macro when applied
/// to a struct.
pub trait Configuration: Sized + 'static {
const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str;
const FIELD_DEBUG_NAMES: &'static [&'static str];
/// A (possibly empty) tuple of the fields for this struct.
type Fields<'db>: Send + Sync;
/// A array of [`Revision`][] values, one per each of the value fields.
/// When a struct is re-recreated in a new revision, the corresponding
/// entries for each field are updated to the new revision if their
/// values have changed (or if the field is marked as `#[no_eq]`).
type Revisions: Send + Sync + DerefMut<Target = [Revision]>;
type Struct<'db>: Copy;
/// Create an end-user struct from the underlying raw pointer.
/// This call is an "end-step" to the tracked struct lookup/creation
/// process in a given revision: it occurs only when the struct is newly
/// created or, if a struct is being reused, after we have updated its
/// fields (or confirmed it is green and no updates are required).
fn struct_from_id<'db>(id: Id) -> Self::Struct<'db>;
/// Deref the struct to yield the underlying id.
fn deref_struct(s: Self::Struct<'_>) -> Id;
fn id_fields(fields: &Self::Fields<'_>) -> impl Hash;
/// Create a new value revision array where each element is set to `current_revision`.
fn new_revisions(current_revision: Revision) -> Self::Revisions;
/// Update the field data and, if the value has changed,
/// the appropriate entry in the `revisions` array.
/// # Safety
/// Requires the same conditions as the `maybe_update`
/// method on [the `Update` trait](`crate::update::Update`).
/// In short, requires that `old_fields` be a pointer into
/// storage from a previous revision.
/// It must meet its validity invariant.
/// Owned content must meet safety invariant.
/// `*mut` here is not strictly needed;
/// it is used to signal that the content
/// is not guaranteed to recursively meet
/// its safety invariant and
/// hence this must be dereferenced with caution.
/// Ensures that `old_fields` is fully updated and valid
/// after it returns and that `revisions` has been updated
/// for any field that changed.
unsafe fn update_fields<'db>(
current_revision: Revision,
revisions: &mut Self::Revisions,
old_fields: *mut Self::Fields<'db>,
new_fields: Self::Fields<'db>,
// ANCHOR_END: Configuration
pub struct JarImpl<C>
C: Configuration,
phantom: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: Configuration> Default for JarImpl<C> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
phantom: Default::default(),
impl<C: Configuration> Jar for JarImpl<C> {
fn create_ingredients(
_aux: &dyn JarAux,
struct_index: crate::zalsa::IngredientIndex,
) -> Vec<Box<dyn Ingredient>> {
let struct_ingredient = <IngredientImpl<C>>::new(struct_index);
std::iter::once(Box::new(struct_ingredient) as _)
.chain((0..C::FIELD_DEBUG_NAMES.len()).map(|field_index| {
Box::new(<FieldIngredientImpl<C>>::new(struct_index, field_index)) as _
pub trait TrackedStructInDb: SalsaStructInDb {
/// Converts the identifier for this tracked struct into a `DatabaseKeyIndex`.
fn database_key_index(db: &dyn Database, id: Id) -> DatabaseKeyIndex;
/// Created for each tracked struct.
/// This ingredient only stores the "id" fields. It is a kind of "dressed up" interner;
/// the active query + values of id fields are hashed to create the tracked
/// struct id. The value fields are stored in [`crate::function::FunctionIngredient`]
/// instances keyed by the tracked struct id. Unlike normal interners, tracked
/// struct indices can be deleted and reused aggressively: when a tracked
/// function re-executes, any tracked structs that it created before but did
/// not create this time can be deleted.
pub struct IngredientImpl<C>
C: Configuration,
/// Our index in the database.
ingredient_index: IngredientIndex,
/// Phantom data: we fetch `Value<C>` out from `Table`
phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> Value<C>>,
/// Store freed ids
free_list: SegQueue<Id>,
/// Defines the identity of a tracked struct.
/// This is the key to a hashmap that is (initially)
/// stored in the [`ActiveQuery`](`crate::active_query::ActiveQuery`)
/// struct and later moved to the [`Memo`](`crate::function::memo::Memo`).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct KeyStruct {
/// The hash of the `#[id]` fields of this struct.
/// Note that multiple structs may share the same hash.
data_hash: u64,
/// The unique disambiguator assigned within the active query
/// to distinguish distinct tracked structs with the same hash.
disambiguator: Disambiguator,
// ANCHOR: ValueStruct
pub struct Value<C>
C: Configuration,
/// The durability minimum durability of all inputs consumed
/// by the creator query prior to creating this tracked struct.
/// If any of those inputs changes, then the creator query may
/// create this struct with different values.
durability: Durability,
/// The revision when this tracked struct was last updated.
/// This field also acts as a kind of "lock". Once it is equal
/// to `Some(current_revision)`, the fields are locked and
/// cannot change further. This makes it safe to give out `&`-references
/// so long as they do not live longer than the current revision
/// (which is assured by tying their lifetime to the lifetime of an `&`-ref
/// to the database).
/// The struct is updated from an older revision `R0` to the current revision `R1`
/// when the struct is first accessed in `R1`, whether that be because the original
/// query re-created the struct (i.e., by user calling `Struct::new`) or because
/// the struct was read from. (Structs may not be recreated in the new revision if
/// the inputs to the query have not changed.)
/// When re-creating the struct, the field is temporarily set to `None`.
/// This is signal that there is an active `&mut` modifying the other fields:
/// even reading from those fields in that situation would create UB.
/// This `None` value should never be observable by users unless they have
/// leaked a reference across threads somehow.
updated_at: AtomicCell<Option<Revision>>,
/// Fields of this tracked struct. They can change across revisions,
/// but they do not change within a particular revision.
fields: C::Fields<'static>,
/// The revision information for each field: when did this field last change.
/// When tracked structs are re-created, this revision may be updated to the
/// current revision if the value is different.
revisions: C::Revisions,
/// Memo table storing the results of query functions etc.
memos: MemoTable,
/// Sync table storing the results of query functions etc.
syncs: SyncTable,
// ANCHOR_END: ValueStruct
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Disambiguator(pub u32);
impl<C> IngredientImpl<C>
C: Configuration,
/// Convert the fields from a `'db` lifetime to `'static`: used when storing
/// the data into this ingredient, should never be released outside this type.
unsafe fn to_static<'db>(&'db self, fields: C::Fields<'db>) -> C::Fields<'static> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(fields) }
unsafe fn to_self_ref<'db>(&'db self, fields: &'db C::Fields<'static>) -> &'db C::Fields<'db> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(fields) }
/// Convert from static back to the db lifetime; used when returning data
/// out from this ingredient.
unsafe fn to_self_ptr<'db>(&'db self, fields: *mut C::Fields<'static>) -> *mut C::Fields<'db> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(fields) }
/// Create a tracked struct ingredient. Generated by the `#[tracked]` macro,
/// not meant to be called directly by end-users.
fn new(index: IngredientIndex) -> Self {
Self {
ingredient_index: index,
phantom: PhantomData,
free_list: Default::default(),
/// Returns the database key index for a tracked struct with the given id.
pub fn database_key_index(&self, id: Id) -> DatabaseKeyIndex {
DatabaseKeyIndex {
ingredient_index: self.ingredient_index,
key_index: id,
pub fn new_struct<'db>(
&'db self,
db: &'db dyn Database,
fields: C::Fields<'db>,
) -> C::Struct<'db> {
let (zalsa, zalsa_local) = db.zalsas();
let data_hash = crate::hash::hash(&C::id_fields(&fields));
let (current_deps, disambiguator) =
zalsa_local.disambiguate(self.ingredient_index, Revision::start(), data_hash);
let key_struct = KeyStruct {
let current_revision = zalsa.current_revision();
match zalsa_local.tracked_struct_id(&key_struct) {
Some(id) => {
// The struct already exists in the intern map.
self.update(zalsa, current_revision, id, ¤t_deps, fields);
None => {
// This is a new tracked struct, so create an entry in the struct map.
let id = self.allocate(zalsa, zalsa_local, current_revision, ¤t_deps, fields);
let key = self.database_key_index(id);
zalsa_local.store_tracked_struct_id(key_struct, key);
fn allocate<'db>(
&'db self,
zalsa: &'db Zalsa,
zalsa_local: &'db ZalsaLocal,
current_revision: Revision,
current_deps: &StampedValue<()>,
fields: C::Fields<'db>,
) -> Id {
let value = || Value {
updated_at: AtomicCell::new(Some(current_revision)),
durability: current_deps.durability,
fields: unsafe { self.to_static(fields) },
revisions: C::new_revisions(current_deps.changed_at),
memos: Default::default(),
syncs: Default::default(),
if let Some(id) = self.free_list.pop() {
let data_raw = Self::data_raw(zalsa.table(), id);
unsafe { (*data_raw).updated_at.load().is_none() },
"free list entry for `{id:?}` does not have `None` for `updated_at`"
// Overwrite the free-list entry. Use `*foo = ` because the entry
// has been previously initialized and we want to free the old contents.
unsafe {
*data_raw = value();
} else {
zalsa_local.allocate::<Value<C>>(zalsa.table(), self.ingredient_index, value())
/// Get mutable access to the data for `id` -- this holds a write lock for the duration
/// of the returned value.
/// # Panics
/// * If the value is not present in the map.
/// * If the value is already updated in this revision.
fn update<'db>(
&'db self,
zalsa: &'db Zalsa,
current_revision: Revision,
id: Id,
current_deps: &StampedValue<()>,
fields: C::Fields<'db>,
) {
let data_raw = Self::data_raw(zalsa.table(), id);
// The protocol is:
// * When we begin updating, we store `None` in the `created_at` field
// * When completed, we store `Some(current_revision)` in `created_at`
// No matter what mischief users get up to, it should be impossible for us to
// observe `None` in `created_at`. The `id` should only be associated with one
// query and that query can only be running in one thread at a time.
// We *can* observe `Some(current_revision)` however, which means that this
// tracked struct is already updated for this revision in two ways.
// In that case we should not modify or touch it because there may be
// `&`-references to its contents floating around.
// Observing `Some(current_revision)` can happen in two scenarios: leaks (tsk tsk)
// but also the scenario embodied by the test test `test_run_5_then_20` in `specify_tracked_fn_in_rev_1_but_not_2.rs`:
// * Revision 1:
// * Tracked function F creates tracked struct S
// * F reads input I
// * Revision 2: I is changed, F is re-executed
// When F is re-executed in rev 2, we first try to validate F's inputs/outputs,
// which is the list [output: S, input: I]. As no inputs have changed by the time
// we reach S, we mark it as verified. But then input I is seen to hvae changed,
// and so we re-execute F. Note that we *know* that S will have the same value
// (barring program bugs).
// Further complicating things: it is possible that F calls F2
// and gives it (e.g.) S as one of its arguments. Validating F2 may cause F2 to
// re-execute which means that it may indeed have read from S's fields
// during the current revision and thus obtained an `&` reference to those fields
// that is still live.
// UNSAFE: Marking as mut requires exclusive access for the duration of
// the `mut`. We have now *claimed* this data by swapping in `None`,
// any attempt to read concurrently will panic.
let last_updated_at = unsafe { (*data_raw).updated_at.load() };
"two concurrent writers to {id:?}, should not be possible"
if last_updated_at == Some(current_revision) {
// already read-locked
// Acquire the write-lock. This can only fail if there is a parallel thread
// reading from this same `id`, which can only happen if the user has leaked it.
// Tsk tsk.
let swapped_out = unsafe { (*data_raw).updated_at.swap(None) };
if swapped_out != last_updated_at {
"failed to acquire write lock, id `{id:?}` must have been leaked across threads"
// UNSAFE: Marking as mut requires exclusive access for the duration of
// the `mut`. We have now *claimed* this data by swapping in `None`,
// any attempt to read concurrently will panic.
let data = unsafe { &mut *data_raw };
// SAFETY: We assert that the pointer to `data.revisions`
// is a pointer into the database referencing a value
// from a previous revision. As such, it continues to meet
// its validity invariant and any owned content also continues
// to meet its safety invariant.
unsafe {
&mut data.revisions,
if current_deps.durability < data.durability {
data.revisions = C::new_revisions(current_revision);
data.durability = current_deps.durability;
let swapped_out = data.updated_at.swap(Some(current_revision));
/// Fetch the data for a given id created by this ingredient from the table,
/// -giving it the appropriate type.
fn data(table: &Table, id: Id) -> &Value<C> {
fn data_raw(table: &Table, id: Id) -> *mut Value<C> {
/// Deletes the given entities. This is used after a query `Q` executes and we can compare
/// the entities `E_now` that it produced in this revision vs the entities
/// `E_prev` it produced in the last revision. Any missing entities `E_prev - E_new` can be
/// deleted.
/// # Warning
/// Using this method on an entity id that MAY be used in the current revision will lead to
/// unspecified results (but not UB). See [`InternedIngredient::delete_index`] for more
/// discussion and important considerations.
pub(crate) fn delete_entity(&self, db: &dyn crate::Database, id: Id) {
db.salsa_event(&|| Event {
thread_id: std::thread::current().id(),
kind: crate::EventKind::DidDiscard {
key: self.database_key_index(id),
let zalsa = db.zalsa();
let current_revision = zalsa.current_revision();
let data = Self::data_raw(zalsa.table(), id);
// We want to set `updated_at` to `None`, signalling that other field values
// cannot be read. The current vaue should be `Some(R0)` for some older revision.
let data_ref = unsafe { &*data };
match data_ref.updated_at.load() {
None => {
panic!("cannot delete write-locked id `{id:?}`; value leaked across threads");
Some(r) => {
if r == current_revision {
"cannot delete read-locked id `{id:?}`; \
value leaked across threads or user functions not deterministic"
if data_ref.updated_at.compare_exchange(Some(r), None).is_err() {
panic!("race occurred when deleting value `{id:?}`")
// Take the memo table. This is safe because we have modified `data_ref.updated_at` to `None`
// and the code that references the memo-table has a read-lock.
let memo_table = unsafe { (*data).take_memo_table() };
for (memo_ingredient_index, memo) in memo_table.into_memos() {
let ingredient_index = zalsa.ingredient_index_for_memo(memo_ingredient_index);
let executor = DatabaseKeyIndex {
key_index: id,
db.salsa_event(&|| Event {
thread_id: std::thread::current().id(),
kind: EventKind::DidDiscard { key: executor },
for stale_output in memo.origin().outputs() {
.remove_stale_output(db, executor, stale_output.key_index);
// now that all cleanup has occurred, make available for re-use
/// Return reference to the field data ignoring dependency tracking.
/// Used for debugging.
pub fn leak_fields<'db>(
&'db self,
db: &'db dyn Database,
s: C::Struct<'db>,
) -> &'db C::Fields<'db> {
let id = C::deref_struct(s);
let value = Self::data(db.zalsa().table(), id);
unsafe { self.to_self_ref(&value.fields) }
/// Access to this value field.
/// Note that this function returns the entire tuple of value fields.
/// The caller is responible for selecting the appropriate element.
pub fn field<'db>(
&'db self,
db: &'db dyn crate::Database,
s: C::Struct<'db>,
field_index: usize,
) -> &'db C::Fields<'db> {
let (zalsa, zalsa_local) = db.zalsas();
let id = C::deref_struct(s);
let field_ingredient_index = self.ingredient_index.successor(field_index);
let data = Self::data(zalsa.table(), id);
let field_changed_at = data.revisions[field_index];
DependencyIndex {
ingredient_index: field_ingredient_index,
key_index: Some(id),
unsafe { self.to_self_ref(&data.fields) }
impl<C> Ingredient for IngredientImpl<C>
C: Configuration,
fn ingredient_index(&self) -> IngredientIndex {
fn maybe_changed_after(
_db: &dyn Database,
_input: Option<Id>,
_revision: Revision,
) -> bool {
fn cycle_recovery_strategy(&self) -> CycleRecoveryStrategy {
fn origin(&self, _db: &dyn Database, _key_index: crate::Id) -> Option<QueryOrigin> {
fn mark_validated_output<'db>(
&'db self,
_db: &'db dyn Database,
_executor: DatabaseKeyIndex,
_output_key: Option<crate::Id>,
) {
// we used to update `update_at` field but now we do it lazilly when data is accessed
// FIXME: delete this method
fn remove_stale_output(
db: &dyn Database,
_executor: DatabaseKeyIndex,
stale_output_key: Option<crate::Id>,
) {
// This method is called when, in prior revisions,
// `executor` creates a tracked struct `salsa_output_key`,
// but it did not in the current revision.
// In that case, we can delete `stale_output_key` and any data associated with it.
self.delete_entity(db.as_dyn_database(), stale_output_key.unwrap());
fn fmt_index(&self, index: Option<crate::Id>, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt_index(C::DEBUG_NAME, index, fmt)
fn debug_name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn requires_reset_for_new_revision(&self) -> bool {
fn reset_for_new_revision(&mut self) {}
impl<C> std::fmt::Debug for IngredientImpl<C>
C: Configuration,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("ingredient_index", &self.ingredient_index)
impl<C> Value<C>
C: Configuration,
fn take_memo_table(&mut self) -> MemoTable {
// This fn is only called after `updated_at` has been set to `None`;
// this ensures that there is no concurrent access
// (and that the `&mut self` is accurate...).
std::mem::take(&mut self.memos)
fn read_lock(&self, current_revision: Revision) {
loop {
match self.updated_at.load() {
None => {
panic!("access to field whilst the value is being initialized");
Some(r) => {
if r == current_revision {
if self
.compare_exchange(Some(r), Some(current_revision))
impl<C> Slot for Value<C>
C: Configuration,
unsafe fn memos(&self, current_revision: Revision) -> &crate::table::memo::MemoTable {
// Acquiring the read lock here with the current revision
// ensures that there is no danger of a race
// when deleting a tracked struct.
unsafe fn syncs(&self, current_revision: Revision) -> &crate::table::sync::SyncTable {
// Acquiring the read lock here with the current revision
// ensures that there is no danger of a race
// when deleting a tracked struct.