and we can use that to construct a diff based on our history.
## RPC implementation details
Every client will have a single TCP connection to ``.
The API will consist of resources named with URL-like paths, for example: `/worktrees/1`.
You'll be able to communicate with any resource in the following ways:
*`send`: A "fire-and-forget" message with no reply. (We may not need this)
*`request`: A message that expects a reply message that is tagged with the same sequence number as the request.
*`request_stream`: A message that expects a series of reply messages that are tagged with the same sequence number as the request. Unsure if this is needed beyond `subscribe`.
*`subscribe`: Returns a stream that allows the resource to emit messages at any time in the future. When the stream is dropped, we unsubscribe automatically.
Any resource you can subscribe to is considered a *channel*, and all of its processing needs to occur on a single machine. We'll recognize channels based on their URL pattern and handle them specially in our frontend servers. For any channel, the frontend will perform a lookup for the machine on which that channel exists. If no machine exists, we'll select one. Maybe it's always the frontend itself?. If a channel already exists on another server, we'll proxy the connection through the frontend and relay and broadcasts from this channel to the client.
The client will interact with the server via a `api::Client` object. Model objects with remote behavior will interact directly with this client to communicate with the server. For example, `Worktree` will be changed to an enum type with `Local` and `Remote` variants. The local variant will have an optional `client` in order to stream local changes to the server when sharing. The remote variant will always have a client and implement all worktree operations in terms of it.