use super::Point; use crate::{OffsetUtf16, PointUtf16}; use arrayvec::ArrayString; use bromberg_sl2::{DigestString, HashMatrix}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{cmp, fmt, io, mem, ops::Range, str}; use sum_tree::{Bias, Dimension, SumTree}; #[cfg(test)] const CHUNK_BASE: usize = 6; #[cfg(not(test))] const CHUNK_BASE: usize = 16; #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] pub struct Rope { chunks: SumTree, } impl Rope { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } pub fn append(&mut self, rope: Rope) { let mut chunks = rope.chunks.cursor::<()>();; if let Some(chunk) = chunks.item() { if self.chunks.last().map_or(false, |c| c.0.len() < CHUNK_BASE) || chunk.0.len() < CHUNK_BASE { self.push(&chunk.0);; } } self.chunks.push_tree(chunks.suffix(&()), &()); self.check_invariants(); } pub fn replace(&mut self, range: Range, text: &str) { let mut new_rope = Rope::new(); let mut cursor = self.cursor(0); new_rope.append(cursor.slice(range.start)); cursor.seek_forward(range.end); new_rope.push(text); new_rope.append(cursor.suffix()); *self = new_rope; } pub fn slice(&self, range: Range) -> Rope { let mut cursor = self.cursor(0); cursor.seek_forward(range.start); cursor.slice(range.end) } pub fn push(&mut self, text: &str) { let mut new_chunks = SmallVec::<[_; 16]>::new(); let mut new_chunk = ArrayString::new(); for ch in text.chars() { if new_chunk.len() + ch.len_utf8() > 2 * CHUNK_BASE { new_chunks.push(Chunk(new_chunk)); new_chunk = ArrayString::new(); } new_chunk.push(ch); } if !new_chunk.is_empty() { new_chunks.push(Chunk(new_chunk)); } let mut new_chunks = new_chunks.into_iter(); let mut first_new_chunk =; self.chunks.update_last( |last_chunk| { if let Some(first_new_chunk_ref) = first_new_chunk.as_mut() { if last_chunk.0.len() + first_new_chunk_ref.0.len() <= 2 * CHUNK_BASE { last_chunk.0.push_str(&first_new_chunk.take().unwrap().0); } else { let mut text = ArrayString::<{ 4 * CHUNK_BASE }>::new(); text.push_str(&last_chunk.0); text.push_str(&first_new_chunk_ref.0); let (left, right) = text.split_at(find_split_ix(&text)); last_chunk.0.clear(); last_chunk.0.push_str(left); first_new_chunk_ref.0.clear(); first_new_chunk_ref.0.push_str(right); } } }, &(), ); self.chunks .extend(first_new_chunk.into_iter().chain(new_chunks), &()); self.check_invariants(); } pub fn push_front(&mut self, text: &str) { let suffix = mem::replace(self, Rope::from(text)); self.append(suffix); } fn check_invariants(&self) { #[cfg(test)] { // Ensure all chunks except maybe the last one are not underflowing. // Allow some wiggle room for multibyte characters at chunk boundaries. let mut chunks = self.chunks.cursor::<()>().peekable(); while let Some(chunk) = { if chunks.peek().is_some() { assert!(chunk.0.len() + 3 >= CHUNK_BASE); } } } } pub fn summary(&self) -> TextSummary { self.chunks.summary().text.clone() } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.chunks.extent(&()) } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 } pub fn max_point(&self) -> Point { self.chunks.extent(&()) } pub fn max_point_utf16(&self) -> PointUtf16 { self.chunks.extent(&()) } pub fn cursor(&self, offset: usize) -> Cursor { Cursor::new(self, offset) } pub fn chars(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.chars_at(0) } pub fn chars_at(&self, start: usize) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.chunks_in_range(start..self.len()).flat_map(str::chars) } pub fn reversed_chars_at(&self, start: usize) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.reversed_chunks_in_range(0..start) .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.chars().rev()) } pub fn bytes_in_range(&self, range: Range) -> Bytes { Bytes::new(self, range) } pub fn chunks(&self) -> Chunks { self.chunks_in_range(0..self.len()) } pub fn chunks_in_range(&self, range: Range) -> Chunks { Chunks::new(self, range, false) } pub fn reversed_chunks_in_range(&self, range: Range) -> Chunks { Chunks::new(self, range, true) } pub fn offset_to_offset_utf16(&self, offset: usize) -> OffsetUtf16 { if offset >= self.summary().len { return self.summary().len_utf16; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(usize, OffsetUtf16)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = offset - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor.item().map_or(Default::default(), |chunk| { chunk.offset_to_offset_utf16(overshoot) }) } pub fn offset_utf16_to_offset(&self, offset: OffsetUtf16) -> usize { if offset >= self.summary().len_utf16 { return self.summary().len; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(OffsetUtf16, usize)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = offset - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor.item().map_or(Default::default(), |chunk| { chunk.offset_utf16_to_offset(overshoot) }) } pub fn offset_to_point(&self, offset: usize) -> Point { if offset >= self.summary().len { return self.summary().lines; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(usize, Point)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = offset - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor .item() .map_or(Point::zero(), |chunk| chunk.offset_to_point(overshoot)) } pub fn offset_to_point_utf16(&self, offset: usize) -> PointUtf16 { if offset >= self.summary().len { return self.summary().lines_utf16(); } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(usize, PointUtf16)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = offset - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor.item().map_or(PointUtf16::zero(), |chunk| { chunk.offset_to_point_utf16(overshoot) }) } pub fn point_to_point_utf16(&self, point: Point) -> PointUtf16 { if point >= self.summary().lines { return self.summary().lines_utf16(); } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(Point, PointUtf16)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = point - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor.item().map_or(PointUtf16::zero(), |chunk| { chunk.point_to_point_utf16(overshoot) }) } pub fn point_to_offset(&self, point: Point) -> usize { if point >= self.summary().lines { return self.summary().len; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(Point, usize)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = point - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor .item() .map_or(0, |chunk| chunk.point_to_offset(overshoot)) } pub fn point_utf16_to_offset(&self, point: PointUtf16) -> usize { if point >= self.summary().lines_utf16() { return self.summary().len; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(PointUtf16, usize)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = point - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor .item() .map_or(0, |chunk| chunk.point_utf16_to_offset(overshoot)) } pub fn point_utf16_to_point(&self, point: PointUtf16) -> Point { if point >= self.summary().lines_utf16() { return self.summary().lines; } let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::<(PointUtf16, Point)>();, Bias::Left, &()); let overshoot = point - cursor.start().0; cursor.start().1 + cursor .item() .map_or(Point::zero(), |chunk| chunk.point_utf16_to_point(overshoot)) } pub fn clip_offset(&self, mut offset: usize, bias: Bias) -> usize { let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::();, Bias::Left, &()); if let Some(chunk) = cursor.item() { let mut ix = offset - cursor.start(); while !chunk.0.is_char_boundary(ix) { match bias { Bias::Left => { ix -= 1; offset -= 1; } Bias::Right => { ix += 1; offset += 1; } } } offset } else { self.summary().len } } pub fn clip_offset_utf16(&self, offset: OffsetUtf16, bias: Bias) -> OffsetUtf16 { let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::();, Bias::Right, &()); if let Some(chunk) = cursor.item() { let overshoot = offset - cursor.start(); *cursor.start() + chunk.clip_offset_utf16(overshoot, bias) } else { self.summary().len_utf16 } } pub fn clip_point(&self, point: Point, bias: Bias) -> Point { let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::();, Bias::Right, &()); if let Some(chunk) = cursor.item() { let overshoot = point - cursor.start(); *cursor.start() + chunk.clip_point(overshoot, bias) } else { self.summary().lines } } pub fn clip_point_utf16(&self, point: PointUtf16, bias: Bias) -> PointUtf16 { let mut cursor = self.chunks.cursor::();, Bias::Right, &()); if let Some(chunk) = cursor.item() { let overshoot = point - cursor.start(); *cursor.start() + chunk.clip_point_utf16(overshoot, bias) } else { self.summary().lines_utf16() } } pub fn line_len(&self, row: u32) -> u32 { self.clip_point(Point::new(row, u32::MAX), Bias::Left) .column } pub fn fingerprint(&self) -> String { self.chunks.summary().fingerprint.to_hex() } } impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Rope { fn from(text: &'a str) -> Self { let mut rope = Self::new(); rope.push(text); rope } } impl fmt::Display for Rope { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for chunk in self.chunks() { write!(f, "{}", chunk)?; } Ok(()) } } pub struct Cursor<'a> { rope: &'a Rope, chunks: sum_tree::Cursor<'a, Chunk, usize>, offset: usize, } impl<'a> Cursor<'a> { pub fn new(rope: &'a Rope, offset: usize) -> Self { let mut chunks = rope.chunks.cursor();, Bias::Right, &()); Self { rope, chunks, offset, } } pub fn seek_forward(&mut self, end_offset: usize) { debug_assert!(end_offset >= self.offset); self.chunks.seek_forward(&end_offset, Bias::Right, &()); self.offset = end_offset; } pub fn slice(&mut self, end_offset: usize) -> Rope { debug_assert!( end_offset >= self.offset, "cannot slice backwards from {} to {}", self.offset, end_offset ); let mut slice = Rope::new(); if let Some(start_chunk) = self.chunks.item() { let start_ix = self.offset - self.chunks.start(); let end_ix = cmp::min(end_offset, self.chunks.end(&())) - self.chunks.start(); slice.push(&start_chunk.0[start_ix..end_ix]); } if end_offset > self.chunks.end(&()) {; slice.append(Rope { chunks: self.chunks.slice(&end_offset, Bias::Right, &()), }); if let Some(end_chunk) = self.chunks.item() { let end_ix = end_offset - self.chunks.start(); slice.push(&end_chunk.0[..end_ix]); } } self.offset = end_offset; slice } pub fn summary(&mut self, end_offset: usize) -> D { debug_assert!(end_offset >= self.offset); let mut summary = D::default(); if let Some(start_chunk) = self.chunks.item() { let start_ix = self.offset - self.chunks.start(); let end_ix = cmp::min(end_offset, self.chunks.end(&())) - self.chunks.start(); summary.add_assign(&D::from_text_summary(&TextSummary::from( &start_chunk.0[start_ix..end_ix], ))); } if end_offset > self.chunks.end(&()) {; summary.add_assign(&self.chunks.summary(&end_offset, Bias::Right, &())); if let Some(end_chunk) = self.chunks.item() { let end_ix = end_offset - self.chunks.start(); summary.add_assign(&D::from_text_summary(&TextSummary::from( &end_chunk.0[..end_ix], ))); } } self.offset = end_offset; summary } pub fn suffix(mut self) -> Rope { self.slice(self.rope.chunks.extent(&())) } pub fn offset(&self) -> usize { self.offset } } pub struct Chunks<'a> { chunks: sum_tree::Cursor<'a, Chunk, usize>, range: Range, reversed: bool, } impl<'a> Chunks<'a> { pub fn new(rope: &'a Rope, range: Range, reversed: bool) -> Self { let mut chunks = rope.chunks.cursor(); if reversed {, Bias::Left, &()); } else {, Bias::Right, &()); } Self { chunks, range, reversed, } } pub fn offset(&self) -> usize { if self.reversed { self.range.end.min(self.chunks.end(&())) } else { self.range.start.max(*self.chunks.start()) } } pub fn seek(&mut self, offset: usize) { let bias = if self.reversed { Bias::Left } else { Bias::Right }; if offset >= self.chunks.end(&()) { self.chunks.seek_forward(&offset, bias, &()); } else {, bias, &()); } if self.reversed { self.range.end = offset; } else { self.range.start = offset; } } pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<&'a str> { let chunk = self.chunks.item()?; if self.reversed && self.range.start >= self.chunks.end(&()) { return None; } let chunk_start = *self.chunks.start(); if self.range.end <= chunk_start { return None; } let start = self.range.start.saturating_sub(chunk_start); let end = self.range.end - chunk_start; Some(&chunk.0[start..chunk.0.len().min(end)]) } } impl<'a> Iterator for Chunks<'a> { type Item = &'a str; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let result = self.peek(); if result.is_some() { if self.reversed { self.chunks.prev(&()); } else {; } } result } } pub struct Bytes<'a> { chunks: sum_tree::Cursor<'a, Chunk, usize>, range: Range, } impl<'a> Bytes<'a> { pub fn new(rope: &'a Rope, range: Range) -> Self { let mut chunks = rope.chunks.cursor();, Bias::Right, &()); Self { chunks, range } } pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { let chunk = self.chunks.item()?; let chunk_start = *self.chunks.start(); if self.range.end <= chunk_start { return None; } let start = self.range.start.saturating_sub(chunk_start); let end = self.range.end - chunk_start; Some(&chunk.0.as_bytes()[start..chunk.0.len().min(end)]) } } impl<'a> Iterator for Bytes<'a> { type Item = &'a [u8]; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let result = self.peek(); if result.is_some() {; } result } } impl<'a> io::Read for Bytes<'a> { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { if let Some(chunk) = self.peek() { let len = cmp::min(buf.len(), chunk.len()); buf[..len].copy_from_slice(&chunk[..len]); self.range.start += len; if len == chunk.len() {; } Ok(len) } else { Ok(0) } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] struct Chunk(ArrayString<{ 2 * CHUNK_BASE }>); impl Chunk { fn offset_to_offset_utf16(&self, target: usize) -> OffsetUtf16 { let mut offset = 0; let mut offset_utf16 = OffsetUtf16(0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if offset >= target { break; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); offset_utf16.0 += ch.len_utf16(); } offset_utf16 } fn offset_utf16_to_offset(&self, target: OffsetUtf16) -> usize { let mut offset_utf16 = OffsetUtf16(0); let mut offset = 0; for ch in self.0.chars() { if offset_utf16 >= target { break; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); offset_utf16.0 += ch.len_utf16(); } offset } fn offset_to_point(&self, target: usize) -> Point { let mut offset = 0; let mut point = Point::new(0, 0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if offset >= target { break; } if ch == '\n' { point.row += 1; point.column = 0; } else { point.column += ch.len_utf8() as u32; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); } point } fn offset_to_point_utf16(&self, target: usize) -> PointUtf16 { let mut offset = 0; let mut point = PointUtf16::new(0, 0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if offset >= target { break; } if ch == '\n' { point.row += 1; point.column = 0; } else { point.column += ch.len_utf16() as u32; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); } point } fn point_to_offset(&self, target: Point) -> usize { let mut offset = 0; let mut point = Point::new(0, 0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if point >= target { if point > target { panic!("point {:?} is inside of character {:?}", target, ch); } break; } if ch == '\n' { point.row += 1; if point.row > target.row { panic!( "point {:?} is beyond the end of a line with length {}", target, point.column ); } point.column = 0; } else { point.column += ch.len_utf8() as u32; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); } offset } fn point_to_point_utf16(&self, target: Point) -> PointUtf16 { let mut point = Point::zero(); let mut point_utf16 = PointUtf16::new(0, 0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if point >= target { break; } if ch == '\n' { point_utf16.row += 1; point_utf16.column = 0; point.row += 1; point.column = 0; } else { point_utf16.column += ch.len_utf16() as u32; point.column += ch.len_utf8() as u32; } } point_utf16 } fn point_utf16_to_offset(&self, target: PointUtf16) -> usize { let mut offset = 0; let mut point = PointUtf16::new(0, 0); for ch in self.0.chars() { if point >= target { if point > target { panic!("point {:?} is inside of character {:?}", target, ch); } break; } if ch == '\n' { point.row += 1; if point.row > target.row { panic!( "point {:?} is beyond the end of a line with length {}", target, point.column ); } point.column = 0; } else { point.column += ch.len_utf16() as u32; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); } offset } fn point_utf16_to_point(&self, target: PointUtf16) -> Point { let mut point = Point::zero(); let mut point_utf16 = PointUtf16::zero(); for ch in self.0.chars() { if point_utf16 >= target { if point_utf16 > target { panic!("point {:?} is inside of character {:?}", target, ch); } break; } if ch == '\n' { point_utf16 += PointUtf16::new(1, 0); point += Point::new(1, 0); } else { point_utf16 += PointUtf16::new(0, ch.len_utf16() as u32); point += Point::new(0, ch.len_utf8() as u32); } } point } fn clip_point(&self, target: Point, bias: Bias) -> Point { for (row, line) in self.0.split('\n').enumerate() { if row == target.row as usize { let mut column = target.column.min(line.len() as u32); while !line.is_char_boundary(column as usize) { match bias { Bias::Left => column -= 1, Bias::Right => column += 1, } } return Point::new(row as u32, column); } } unreachable!() } fn clip_point_utf16(&self, target: PointUtf16, bias: Bias) -> PointUtf16 { for (row, line) in self.0.split('\n').enumerate() { if row == target.row as usize { let mut code_units = line.encode_utf16(); let mut column = code_units.by_ref().take(target.column as usize).count(); if char::decode_utf16(code_units).next().transpose().is_err() { match bias { Bias::Left => column -= 1, Bias::Right => column += 1, } } return PointUtf16::new(row as u32, column as u32); } } unreachable!() } fn clip_offset_utf16(&self, target: OffsetUtf16, bias: Bias) -> OffsetUtf16 { let mut code_units = self.0.encode_utf16(); let mut offset = code_units.by_ref().take(target.0 as usize).count(); if char::decode_utf16(code_units).next().transpose().is_err() { match bias { Bias::Left => offset -= 1, Bias::Right => offset += 1, } } OffsetUtf16(offset) } } impl sum_tree::Item for Chunk { type Summary = ChunkSummary; fn summary(&self) -> Self::Summary { ChunkSummary::from(self.0.as_str()) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ChunkSummary { text: TextSummary, fingerprint: HashMatrix, } impl<'a> From<&'a str> for ChunkSummary { fn from(text: &'a str) -> Self { Self { text: TextSummary::from(text), fingerprint: bromberg_sl2::hash_strict(text.as_bytes()), } } } impl sum_tree::Summary for ChunkSummary { type Context = (); fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &Self, _: &()) { self.text += &summary.text; self.fingerprint = self.fingerprint * summary.fingerprint; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TextSummary { pub len: usize, pub len_utf16: OffsetUtf16, pub lines: Point, pub first_line_chars: u32, pub last_line_chars: u32, pub last_line_len_utf16: u32, pub longest_row: u32, pub longest_row_chars: u32, } impl TextSummary { pub fn lines_utf16(&self) -> PointUtf16 { PointUtf16 { row: self.lines.row, column: self.last_line_len_utf16, } } } impl<'a> From<&'a str> for TextSummary { fn from(text: &'a str) -> Self { let mut len_utf16 = OffsetUtf16(0); let mut lines = Point::new(0, 0); let mut first_line_chars = 0; let mut last_line_chars = 0; let mut last_line_len_utf16 = 0; let mut longest_row = 0; let mut longest_row_chars = 0; for c in text.chars() { len_utf16.0 += c.len_utf16(); if c == '\n' { lines += Point::new(1, 0); last_line_len_utf16 = 0; last_line_chars = 0; } else { lines.column += c.len_utf8() as u32; last_line_len_utf16 += c.len_utf16() as u32; last_line_chars += 1; } if lines.row == 0 { first_line_chars = last_line_chars; } if last_line_chars > longest_row_chars { longest_row = lines.row; longest_row_chars = last_line_chars; } } TextSummary { len: text.len(), len_utf16, lines, first_line_chars, last_line_chars, last_line_len_utf16, longest_row, longest_row_chars, } } } impl sum_tree::Summary for TextSummary { type Context = (); fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &Self, _: &Self::Context) { *self += summary; } } impl std::ops::Add for TextSummary { type Output = Self; fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { self.add_assign(&rhs); self } } impl<'a> std::ops::AddAssign<&'a Self> for TextSummary { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &'a Self) { let joined_chars = self.last_line_chars + other.first_line_chars; if joined_chars > self.longest_row_chars { self.longest_row = self.lines.row; self.longest_row_chars = joined_chars; } if other.longest_row_chars > self.longest_row_chars { self.longest_row = self.lines.row + other.longest_row; self.longest_row_chars = other.longest_row_chars; } if self.lines.row == 0 { self.first_line_chars += other.first_line_chars; } if other.lines.row == 0 { self.last_line_chars += other.first_line_chars; self.last_line_len_utf16 += other.last_line_len_utf16; } else { self.last_line_chars = other.last_line_chars; self.last_line_len_utf16 = other.last_line_len_utf16; } self.len += other.len; self.len_utf16 += other.len_utf16; self.lines += other.lines; } } impl std::ops::AddAssign for TextSummary { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self += &other; } } pub trait TextDimension: 'static + for<'a> Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self; fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); } impl TextDimension for (D1, D2) { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { ( D1::from_text_summary(summary), D2::from_text_summary(summary), ) } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.0.add_assign(&other.0); self.1.add_assign(&other.1); } } impl<'a> sum_tree::Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> for TextSummary { fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &'a ChunkSummary, _: &()) { *self += &summary.text; } } impl TextDimension for TextSummary { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { summary.clone() } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { *self += other; } } impl<'a> sum_tree::Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> for usize { fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &'a ChunkSummary, _: &()) { *self += summary.text.len; } } impl TextDimension for usize { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { summary.len } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { *self += other; } } impl<'a> sum_tree::Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> for OffsetUtf16 { fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &'a ChunkSummary, _: &()) { *self += summary.text.len_utf16; } } impl TextDimension for OffsetUtf16 { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { summary.len_utf16 } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { *self += other; } } impl<'a> sum_tree::Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> for Point { fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &'a ChunkSummary, _: &()) { *self += summary.text.lines; } } impl TextDimension for Point { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { summary.lines } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { *self += other; } } impl<'a> sum_tree::Dimension<'a, ChunkSummary> for PointUtf16 { fn add_summary(&mut self, summary: &'a ChunkSummary, _: &()) { *self += summary.text.lines_utf16(); } } impl TextDimension for PointUtf16 { fn from_text_summary(summary: &TextSummary) -> Self { summary.lines_utf16() } fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { *self += other; } } fn find_split_ix(text: &str) -> usize { let mut ix = text.len() / 2; while !text.is_char_boundary(ix) { if ix < 2 * CHUNK_BASE { ix += 1; } else { ix = (text.len() / 2) - 1; break; } } while !text.is_char_boundary(ix) { ix -= 1; } debug_assert!(ix <= 2 * CHUNK_BASE); debug_assert!(text.len() - ix <= 2 * CHUNK_BASE); ix } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::random_char_iter::RandomCharIter; use rand::prelude::*; use std::{cmp::Ordering, env, io::Read}; use Bias::{Left, Right}; #[test] fn test_all_4_byte_chars() { let mut rope = Rope::new(); let text = "🏀".repeat(256); rope.push(&text); assert_eq!(rope.text(), text); } #[test] fn test_clip() { let rope = Rope::from("🧘"); assert_eq!(rope.clip_offset(1, Bias::Left), 0); assert_eq!(rope.clip_offset(1, Bias::Right), 4); assert_eq!(rope.clip_offset(5, Bias::Right), 4); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point(Point::new(0, 1), Bias::Left), Point::new(0, 0) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point(Point::new(0, 1), Bias::Right), Point::new(0, 4) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point(Point::new(0, 5), Bias::Right), Point::new(0, 4) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point_utf16(PointUtf16::new(0, 1), Bias::Left), PointUtf16::new(0, 0) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point_utf16(PointUtf16::new(0, 1), Bias::Right), PointUtf16::new(0, 2) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_point_utf16(PointUtf16::new(0, 3), Bias::Right), PointUtf16::new(0, 2) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_offset_utf16(OffsetUtf16(1), Bias::Left), OffsetUtf16(0) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_offset_utf16(OffsetUtf16(1), Bias::Right), OffsetUtf16(2) ); assert_eq!( rope.clip_offset_utf16(OffsetUtf16(3), Bias::Right), OffsetUtf16(2) ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 100)] fn test_random_rope(mut rng: StdRng) { let operations = env::var("OPERATIONS") .map(|i| i.parse().expect("invalid `OPERATIONS` variable")) .unwrap_or(10); let mut expected = String::new(); let mut actual = Rope::new(); for _ in 0..operations { let end_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=expected.len()), Right); let start_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=end_ix), Left); let len = rng.gen_range(0..=64); let new_text: String = RandomCharIter::new(&mut rng).take(len).collect(); let mut new_actual = Rope::new(); let mut cursor = actual.cursor(0); new_actual.append(cursor.slice(start_ix)); new_actual.push(&new_text); cursor.seek_forward(end_ix); new_actual.append(cursor.suffix()); actual = new_actual; expected.replace_range(start_ix..end_ix, &new_text); assert_eq!(actual.text(), expected); log::info!("text: {:?}", expected); for _ in 0..5 { let end_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=expected.len()), Right); let start_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=end_ix), Left); let actual_text = actual.chunks_in_range(start_ix..end_ix).collect::(); assert_eq!(actual_text, &expected[start_ix..end_ix]); let mut actual_text = String::new(); actual .bytes_in_range(start_ix..end_ix) .read_to_string(&mut actual_text) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_text, &expected[start_ix..end_ix]); assert_eq!( actual .reversed_chunks_in_range(start_ix..end_ix) .collect::>() .into_iter() .rev() .collect::(), &expected[start_ix..end_ix] ); } let mut offset_utf16 = OffsetUtf16(0); let mut point = Point::new(0, 0); let mut point_utf16 = PointUtf16::new(0, 0); for (ix, ch) in expected.char_indices().chain(Some((expected.len(), '\0'))) { assert_eq!(actual.offset_to_point(ix), point, "offset_to_point({})", ix); assert_eq!( actual.offset_to_point_utf16(ix), point_utf16, "offset_to_point_utf16({})", ix ); assert_eq!( actual.point_to_offset(point), ix, "point_to_offset({:?})", point ); assert_eq!( actual.point_utf16_to_offset(point_utf16), ix, "point_utf16_to_offset({:?})", point_utf16 ); assert_eq!( actual.offset_to_offset_utf16(ix), offset_utf16, "offset_to_offset_utf16({:?})", ix ); assert_eq!( actual.offset_utf16_to_offset(offset_utf16), ix, "offset_utf16_to_offset({:?})", offset_utf16 ); if ch == '\n' { point += Point::new(1, 0); point_utf16 += PointUtf16::new(1, 0); } else { point.column += ch.len_utf8() as u32; point_utf16.column += ch.len_utf16() as u32; } offset_utf16.0 += ch.len_utf16(); } let mut offset_utf16 = OffsetUtf16(0); let mut point_utf16 = PointUtf16::zero(); for unit in expected.encode_utf16() { let left_offset = actual.clip_offset_utf16(offset_utf16, Bias::Left); let right_offset = actual.clip_offset_utf16(offset_utf16, Bias::Right); assert!(right_offset >= left_offset); // Ensure translating UTF-16 offsets to UTF-8 offsets doesn't panic. actual.offset_utf16_to_offset(left_offset); actual.offset_utf16_to_offset(right_offset); let left_point = actual.clip_point_utf16(point_utf16, Bias::Left); let right_point = actual.clip_point_utf16(point_utf16, Bias::Right); assert!(right_point >= left_point); // Ensure translating UTF-16 points to offsets doesn't panic. actual.point_utf16_to_offset(left_point); actual.point_utf16_to_offset(right_point); offset_utf16.0 += 1; if unit == b'\n' as u16 { point_utf16 += PointUtf16::new(1, 0); } else { point_utf16 += PointUtf16::new(0, 1); } } for _ in 0..5 { let end_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=expected.len()), Right); let start_ix = clip_offset(&expected, rng.gen_range(0..=end_ix), Left); assert_eq!( actual.cursor(start_ix).summary::(end_ix), TextSummary::from(&expected[start_ix..end_ix]) ); } let mut expected_longest_rows = Vec::new(); let mut longest_line_len = -1_isize; for (row, line) in expected.split('\n').enumerate() { let row = row as u32; assert_eq!( actual.line_len(row), line.len() as u32, "invalid line len for row {}", row ); let line_char_count = line.chars().count() as isize; match line_char_count.cmp(&longest_line_len) { Ordering::Less => {} Ordering::Equal => expected_longest_rows.push(row), Ordering::Greater => { longest_line_len = line_char_count; expected_longest_rows.clear(); expected_longest_rows.push(row); } } } let longest_row = actual.summary().longest_row; assert!( expected_longest_rows.contains(&longest_row), "incorrect longest row {}. expected {:?} with length {}", longest_row, expected_longest_rows, longest_line_len, ); } } fn clip_offset(text: &str, mut offset: usize, bias: Bias) -> usize { while !text.is_char_boundary(offset) { match bias { Bias::Left => offset -= 1, Bias::Right => offset += 1, } } offset } impl Rope { fn text(&self) -> String { let mut text = String::new(); for chunk in self.chunks.cursor::<()>() { text.push_str(&chunk.0); } text } } }