use crate::{contact_notification::ContactNotification, contacts_popover, ToggleScreenSharing}; use call::{ActiveCall, ParticipantLocation}; use client::{proto::PeerId, Authenticate, ContactEventKind, User, UserStore}; use clock::ReplicaId; use contacts_popover::ContactsPopover; use gpui::{ actions, color::Color, elements::*, geometry::{rect::RectF, vector::vec2f, PathBuilder}, json::{self, ToJson}, Border, CursorStyle, Entity, ModelHandle, MouseButton, MutableAppContext, RenderContext, Subscription, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, }; use settings::Settings; use std::ops::Range; use theme::Theme; use workspace::{FollowNextCollaborator, JoinProject, ToggleFollow, Workspace}; actions!(collab, [ToggleCollaborationMenu, ShareProject]); pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_action(CollabTitlebarItem::toggle_contacts_popover); cx.add_action(CollabTitlebarItem::share_project); } pub struct CollabTitlebarItem { workspace: WeakViewHandle, user_store: ModelHandle, contacts_popover: Option>, _subscriptions: Vec, } impl Entity for CollabTitlebarItem { type Event = (); } impl View for CollabTitlebarItem { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "CollabTitlebarItem" } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { let workspace = if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade(cx) { workspace } else { return Empty::new().boxed(); }; let theme =; let mut container = Flex::row(); container.add_children(self.render_toggle_screen_sharing_button(&theme, cx)); if { let project =; if project.is_shared() || project.is_remote() || ActiveCall::global(cx).read(cx).room().is_none() { container.add_child(self.render_toggle_contacts_button(&theme, cx)); } else { container.add_child(self.render_share_button(&theme, cx)); } } container.add_children(self.render_collaborators(&workspace, &theme, cx)); container.add_children(self.render_current_user(&workspace, &theme, cx)); container.add_children(self.render_connection_status(&workspace, cx)); container.boxed() } } impl CollabTitlebarItem { pub fn new( workspace: &ViewHandle, user_store: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let mut subscriptions = Vec::new(); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(workspace, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&active_call, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); subscriptions.push(cx.observe_window_activation(|this, active, cx| { this.window_activation_changed(active, cx) })); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(user_store, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); subscriptions.push( cx.subscribe(user_store, move |this, user_store, event, cx| { if let Some(workspace) = this.workspace.upgrade(cx) { workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { if let client::Event::Contact { user, kind } = event { if let ContactEventKind::Requested | ContactEventKind::Accepted = kind { workspace.show_notification( as usize, cx, |cx| { cx.add_view(|cx| { ContactNotification::new( user.clone(), *kind, user_store, cx, ) }) }) } } }); } }), ); Self { workspace: workspace.downgrade(), user_store: user_store.clone(), contacts_popover: None, _subscriptions: subscriptions, } } fn window_activation_changed(&mut self, active: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade(cx) { let project = if active { Some( } else { None }; ActiveCall::global(cx) .update(cx, |call, cx| call.set_location(project.as_ref(), cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } fn share_project(&mut self, _: &ShareProject, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade(cx) { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let project =; active_call .update(cx, |call, cx| call.share_project(project, cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } pub fn toggle_contacts_popover( &mut self, _: &ToggleCollaborationMenu, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match self.contacts_popover.take() { Some(_) => {} None => { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade(cx) { let project =; let user_store =; let view = cx.add_view(|cx| ContactsPopover::new(project, user_store, cx)); cx.subscribe(&view, |this, _, event, cx| { match event { contacts_popover::Event::Dismissed => { this.contacts_popover = None; } } cx.notify(); }) .detach(); self.contacts_popover = Some(view); } } } cx.notify(); } fn render_toggle_contacts_button( &self, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> ElementBox { let titlebar = &theme.workspace.titlebar; let badge = if self .user_store .read(cx) .incoming_contact_requests() .is_empty() { None } else { Some( Empty::new() .collapsed() .contained() .with_style(titlebar.toggle_contacts_badge) .contained() .with_margin_left(titlebar.toggle_contacts_button.default.icon_width) .with_margin_top(titlebar.toggle_contacts_button.default.icon_width) .aligned() .boxed(), ) }; Stack::new() .with_child( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |state, _| { let style = titlebar .toggle_contacts_button .style_for(state, self.contacts_popover.is_some()); Svg::new("icons/plus_8.svg") .with_color(style.color) .constrained() .with_width(style.icon_width) .aligned() .constrained() .with_width(style.button_width) .with_height(style.button_width) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleCollaborationMenu); }) .aligned() .boxed(), ) .with_children(badge) .with_children(self.contacts_popover.as_ref().map(|popover| { Overlay::new( ChildView::new(popover, cx) .contained() .with_margin_top(titlebar.height) .with_margin_left(titlebar.toggle_contacts_button.default.button_width) .with_margin_right(-titlebar.toggle_contacts_button.default.button_width) .boxed(), ) .with_fit_mode(OverlayFitMode::SwitchAnchor) .with_anchor_corner(AnchorCorner::BottomLeft) .with_z_index(999) .boxed() })) .boxed() } fn render_toggle_screen_sharing_button( &self, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> Option { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let room =; let icon; let tooltip; if { icon = "icons/disable_screen_sharing_12.svg"; tooltip = "Stop Sharing Screen" } else { icon = "icons/enable_screen_sharing_12.svg"; tooltip = "Share Screen"; } let titlebar = &theme.workspace.titlebar; Some( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |state, _| { let style = titlebar.call_control.style_for(state, false); Svg::new(icon) .with_color(style.color) .constrained() .with_width(style.icon_width) .aligned() .constrained() .with_width(style.button_width) .with_height(style.button_width) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleScreenSharing); }) .with_tooltip::( 0, tooltip.into(), Some(Box::new(ToggleScreenSharing)), theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } fn render_share_button(&self, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { enum Share {} let titlebar = &theme.workspace.titlebar; MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |state, _| { let style = titlebar.share_button.style_for(state, false); Label::new("Share".into(), style.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, |_, cx| cx.dispatch_action(ShareProject)) .with_tooltip::( 0, "Share project with call participants".into(), None, theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ) .aligned() .contained() .with_margin_left(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_margin) .boxed() } fn render_collaborators( &self, workspace: &ViewHandle, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> Vec { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); if let Some(room) = { let project =; let mut participants = room .read(cx) .remote_participants() .values() .cloned() .collect::>(); participants.sort_by_key(|p| Some(project.collaborators().get(&p.peer_id)?.replica_id)); participants .into_iter() .filter_map(|participant| { let project =; let replica_id = project .collaborators() .get(&participant.peer_id) .map(|collaborator| collaborator.replica_id); let user = participant.user.clone(); Some(self.render_avatar( &user, replica_id, Some(( participant.peer_id, &user.github_login, participant.location, )), workspace, theme, cx, )) }) .collect() } else { Default::default() } } fn render_current_user( &self, workspace: &ViewHandle, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> Option { let user =; let replica_id =; let status = *; if let Some(user) = user { Some(self.render_avatar(&user, Some(replica_id), None, workspace, theme, cx)) } else if matches!(status, client::Status::UpgradeRequired) { None } else { Some( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |state, _| { let style = theme .workspace .titlebar .sign_in_prompt .style_for(state, false); Label::new("Sign in".to_string(), style.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, |_, cx| cx.dispatch_action(Authenticate)) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } } fn render_avatar( &self, user: &User, replica_id: Option, peer: Option<(PeerId, &str, ParticipantLocation)>, workspace: &ViewHandle, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> ElementBox { let is_followed = peer.map_or(false, |(peer_id, _, _)| { }); let mut avatar_style; if let Some((_, _, location)) = peer.as_ref() { if let ParticipantLocation::SharedProject { project_id } = *location { if Some(project_id) == { avatar_style = theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar; } else { avatar_style = theme.workspace.titlebar.inactive_avatar; } } else { avatar_style = theme.workspace.titlebar.inactive_avatar; } } else { avatar_style = theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar; } let mut replica_color = None; if let Some(replica_id) = replica_id { let color = theme.editor.replica_selection_style(replica_id).cursor; replica_color = Some(color); if is_followed { avatar_style.border = Border::all(1.0, color); } } let content = Stack::new() .with_children(user.avatar.as_ref().map(|avatar| { Image::new(avatar.clone()) .with_style(avatar_style) .constrained() .with_width(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_width) .aligned() .boxed() })) .with_children(|replica_color| { AvatarRibbon::new(replica_color) .constrained() .with_width(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_ribbon.width) .with_height(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_ribbon.height) .aligned() .bottom() .boxed() })) .constrained() .with_width(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_width) .contained() .with_margin_left(theme.workspace.titlebar.avatar_margin) .boxed(); if let Some((peer_id, peer_github_login, location)) = peer { if let Some(replica_id) = replica_id { MouseEventHandler::::new(replica_id.into(), cx, move |_, _| content) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFollow(peer_id)) }) .with_tooltip::( peer_id.as_u64() as usize, if is_followed { format!("Unfollow {}", peer_github_login) } else { format!("Follow {}", peer_github_login) }, Some(Box::new(FollowNextCollaborator)), theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ) .boxed() } else if let ParticipantLocation::SharedProject { project_id } = location { let user_id =; MouseEventHandler::::new(peer_id.as_u64() as usize, cx, move |_, _| { content }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(JoinProject { project_id, follow_user_id: user_id, }) }) .with_tooltip::( peer_id.as_u64() as usize, format!("Follow {} into external project", peer_github_login), Some(Box::new(FollowNextCollaborator)), theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ) .boxed() } else { content } } else { content } } fn render_connection_status( &self, workspace: &ViewHandle, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> Option { let theme = &; match &* { client::Status::ConnectionError | client::Status::ConnectionLost | client::Status::Reauthenticating { .. } | client::Status::Reconnecting { .. } | client::Status::ReconnectionError { .. } => Some( Container::new( Align::new( ConstrainedBox::new( Svg::new("icons/cloud_slash_12.svg") .with_color(theme.workspace.titlebar.offline_icon.color) .boxed(), ) .with_width(theme.workspace.titlebar.offline_icon.width) .boxed(), ) .boxed(), ) .with_style(theme.workspace.titlebar.offline_icon.container) .boxed(), ), client::Status::UpgradeRequired => Some( Label::new( "Please update Zed to collaborate".to_string(), theme.workspace.titlebar.outdated_warning.text.clone(), ) .contained() .with_style(theme.workspace.titlebar.outdated_warning.container) .aligned() .boxed(), ), _ => None, } } } pub struct AvatarRibbon { color: Color, } impl AvatarRibbon { pub fn new(color: Color) -> AvatarRibbon { AvatarRibbon { color } } } impl Element for AvatarRibbon { type LayoutState = (); type PaintState = (); fn layout( &mut self, constraint: gpui::SizeConstraint, _: &mut gpui::LayoutContext, ) -> (gpui::geometry::vector::Vector2F, Self::LayoutState) { (constraint.max, ()) } fn paint( &mut self, bounds: gpui::geometry::rect::RectF, _: gpui::geometry::rect::RectF, _: &mut Self::LayoutState, cx: &mut gpui::PaintContext, ) -> Self::PaintState { let mut path = PathBuilder::new(); path.reset(bounds.lower_left()); path.curve_to( bounds.origin() + vec2f(bounds.height(), 0.), bounds.origin(), ); path.line_to(bounds.upper_right() - vec2f(bounds.height(), 0.)); path.curve_to(bounds.lower_right(), bounds.upper_right()); path.line_to(bounds.lower_left()); cx.scene.push_path(, None)); } fn rect_for_text_range( &self, _: Range, _: RectF, _: RectF, _: &Self::LayoutState, _: &Self::PaintState, _: &gpui::MeasurementContext, ) -> Option { None } fn debug( &self, bounds: gpui::geometry::rect::RectF, _: &Self::LayoutState, _: &Self::PaintState, _: &gpui::DebugContext, ) -> gpui::json::Value { json::json!({ "type": "AvatarRibbon", "bounds": bounds.to_json(), "color": self.color.to_json(), }) } }