#!/bin/bash set -eu # Ensure cargo-edit is installed which cargo-set-version > /dev/null || cargo install cargo-edit # Ensure we're in a clean state on an up-to-date `main` branch. if [[ -n $(git status --short --untracked-files=no) ]]; then echo "Can't roll the railcars with uncommitted changes" exit 1 fi if [[ $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) != "main" ]]; then echo "Run this command on the main branch" exit 1 fi git pull -q --ff-only origin main # Determine the name of the new preview branch version=$(script/get-crate-version zed) major=$(echo $version | cut -d. -f1) minor=$(echo $version | cut -d. -f2) prev_minor=$(expr $minor - 1) next_minor=$(expr $minor + 1) minor_branch_name="v${major}.${minor}.x" prev_minor_branch_name="v${major}.${prev_minor}.x" next_minor_branch_name="v${major}.${next_minor}.x" echo "Promoting existing branch ${prev_minor_branch_name} to stable..." git checkout -q ${prev_minor_branch_name} git clean -qdff old_prev_minor_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo -n "stable" > crates/zed/RELEASE_CHANNEL git commit -q --all --message "Stable ${prev_minor_branch_name}" stable_tag_name="v$(script/get-crate-version zed)" git tag ${stable_tag_name} echo "Creating new preview branch ${minor_branch_name}..." git checkout -q -b ${minor_branch_name} echo -n "preview" > crates/zed/RELEASE_CHANNEL git commit -q --all --message "Preview ${minor_branch_name}" preview_tag_name="v$(script/get-crate-version zed)-pre" git tag ${preview_tag_name} echo "Preparing main for version ${next_minor_branch_name}..." git checkout -q main git clean -q -dff old_main_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo -n "dev" > crates/zed/RELEASE_CHANNEL cargo set-version --package zed --bump minor cargo check -q git commit -q --all --message "Dev ${next_minor_branch_name}" cat <