use super::collab_titlebar_item::LeaveCall; use crate::contacts_popover; use call::ActiveCall; use client::{proto::PeerId, Contact, User, UserStore}; use editor::{Cancel, Editor}; use futures::StreamExt; use fuzzy::{match_strings, StringMatchCandidate}; use gpui::{ elements::*, geometry::{rect::RectF, vector::vec2f}, impl_actions, impl_internal_actions, keymap_matcher::KeymapContext, platform::{CursorStyle, MouseButton, PromptLevel}, AppContext, Entity, ModelHandle, Subscription, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, }; use menu::{Confirm, SelectNext, SelectPrev}; use project::Project; use serde::Deserialize; use settings::Settings; use std::{mem, sync::Arc}; use theme::IconButton; use workspace::{JoinProject, OpenSharedScreen}; impl_actions!(contact_list, [RemoveContact, RespondToContactRequest]); impl_internal_actions!(contact_list, [ToggleExpanded, Call]); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.add_action(ContactList::remove_contact); cx.add_action(ContactList::respond_to_contact_request); cx.add_action(ContactList::cancel); cx.add_action(ContactList::select_next); cx.add_action(ContactList::select_prev); cx.add_action(ContactList::confirm); cx.add_action(ContactList::toggle_expanded); cx.add_action(ContactList::call); } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] struct ToggleExpanded(Section); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] struct Call { recipient_user_id: u64, initial_project: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum Section { ActiveCall, Requests, Online, Offline, } #[derive(Clone)] enum ContactEntry { Header(Section), CallParticipant { user: Arc, is_pending: bool, }, ParticipantProject { project_id: u64, worktree_root_names: Vec, host_user_id: u64, is_last: bool, }, ParticipantScreen { peer_id: PeerId, is_last: bool, }, IncomingRequest(Arc), OutgoingRequest(Arc), Contact { contact: Arc, calling: bool, }, } impl PartialEq for ContactEntry { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match self { ContactEntry::Header(section_1) => { if let ContactEntry::Header(section_2) = other { return section_1 == section_2; } } ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user: user_1, .. } => { if let ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user: user_2, .. } = other { return ==; } } ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id: project_id_1, .. } => { if let ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id: project_id_2, .. } = other { return project_id_1 == project_id_2; } } ContactEntry::ParticipantScreen { peer_id: peer_id_1, .. } => { if let ContactEntry::ParticipantScreen { peer_id: peer_id_2, .. } = other { return peer_id_1 == peer_id_2; } } ContactEntry::IncomingRequest(user_1) => { if let ContactEntry::IncomingRequest(user_2) = other { return ==; } } ContactEntry::OutgoingRequest(user_1) => { if let ContactEntry::OutgoingRequest(user_2) = other { return ==; } } ContactEntry::Contact { contact: contact_1, .. } => { if let ContactEntry::Contact { contact: contact_2, .. } = other { return ==; } } } false } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct RequestContact(pub u64); #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct RemoveContact { user_id: u64, github_login: String, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct RespondToContactRequest { pub user_id: u64, pub accept: bool, } pub enum Event { Dismissed, } pub struct ContactList { entries: Vec, match_candidates: Vec, list_state: ListState, project: ModelHandle, user_store: ModelHandle, filter_editor: ViewHandle, collapsed_sections: Vec
, selection: Option, _subscriptions: Vec, } impl ContactList { pub fn new( project: ModelHandle, user_store: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let filter_editor = cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line( Some(Arc::new(|theme| { theme.contact_list.user_query_editor.clone() })), cx, ); editor.set_placeholder_text("Filter contacts", cx); editor }); cx.subscribe(&filter_editor, |this, _, event, cx| { if let editor::Event::BufferEdited = event { let query =; if !query.is_empty() { this.selection.take(); } this.update_entries(cx); if !query.is_empty() { this.selection = this .entries .iter() .position(|entry| !matches!(entry, ContactEntry::Header(_))); } } }) .detach(); let list_state = ListState::::new(0, Orientation::Top, 1000., move |this, ix, cx| { let theme =; let is_selected = this.selection == Some(ix); let current_project_id =; match &this.entries[ix] { ContactEntry::Header(section) => { let is_collapsed = this.collapsed_sections.contains(section); Self::render_header( *section, &theme.contact_list, is_selected, is_collapsed, cx, ) } ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user, is_pending } => { Self::render_call_participant( user, *is_pending, is_selected, &theme.contact_list, ) } ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id, worktree_root_names, host_user_id, is_last, } => Self::render_participant_project( *project_id, worktree_root_names, *host_user_id, Some(*project_id) == current_project_id, *is_last, is_selected, &theme.contact_list, cx, ), ContactEntry::ParticipantScreen { peer_id, is_last } => { Self::render_participant_screen( *peer_id, *is_last, is_selected, &theme.contact_list, cx, ) } ContactEntry::IncomingRequest(user) => Self::render_contact_request( user.clone(), this.user_store.clone(), &theme.contact_list, true, is_selected, cx, ), ContactEntry::OutgoingRequest(user) => Self::render_contact_request( user.clone(), this.user_store.clone(), &theme.contact_list, false, is_selected, cx, ), ContactEntry::Contact { contact, calling } => Self::render_contact( contact, *calling, &this.project, &theme.contact_list, is_selected, cx, ), } }); let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let mut subscriptions = Vec::new(); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&user_store, |this, _, cx| this.update_entries(cx))); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&active_call, |this, _, cx| this.update_entries(cx))); let mut this = Self { list_state, selection: None, collapsed_sections: Default::default(), entries: Default::default(), match_candidates: Default::default(), filter_editor, _subscriptions: subscriptions, project, user_store, }; this.update_entries(cx); this } pub fn editor_text(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> String { } pub fn with_editor_text(self, editor_text: String, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { self.filter_editor .update(cx, |picker, cx| picker.set_text(editor_text, cx)); self } fn remove_contact(&mut self, request: &RemoveContact, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let user_id = request.user_id; let github_login = &request.github_login; let user_store = self.user_store.clone(); let prompt_message = format!( "Are you sure you want to remove \"{}\" from your contacts?", github_login ); let mut answer = cx.prompt(PromptLevel::Warning, &prompt_message, &["Remove", "Cancel"]); let window_id = cx.window_id(); cx.spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { if == Some(0) { if let Err(e) = user_store .update(&mut cx, |store, cx| store.remove_contact(user_id, cx)) .await { cx.prompt( window_id, PromptLevel::Info, &format!("Failed to remove contact: {}", e), &["Ok"], ); } } }) .detach(); } fn respond_to_contact_request( &mut self, action: &RespondToContactRequest, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.user_store .update(cx, |store, cx| { store.respond_to_contact_request(action.user_id, action.accept, cx) }) .detach(); } fn cancel(&mut self, _: &Cancel, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let did_clear = self.filter_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { if editor.buffer().read(cx).len(cx) > 0 { editor.set_text("", cx); true } else { false } }); if !did_clear { cx.emit(Event::Dismissed); } } fn select_next(&mut self, _: &SelectNext, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(ix) = self.selection { if self.entries.len() > ix + 1 { self.selection = Some(ix + 1); } } else if !self.entries.is_empty() { self.selection = Some(0); } self.list_state.reset(self.entries.len()); if let Some(ix) = self.selection { self.list_state.scroll_to(ListOffset { item_ix: ix, offset_in_item: 0., }); } cx.notify(); } fn select_prev(&mut self, _: &SelectPrev, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(ix) = self.selection { if ix > 0 { self.selection = Some(ix - 1); } else { self.selection = None; } } self.list_state.reset(self.entries.len()); if let Some(ix) = self.selection { self.list_state.scroll_to(ListOffset { item_ix: ix, offset_in_item: 0., }); } cx.notify(); } fn confirm(&mut self, _: &Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(selection) = self.selection { if let Some(entry) = self.entries.get(selection) { match entry { ContactEntry::Header(section) => { let section = *section; self.toggle_expanded(&ToggleExpanded(section), cx); } ContactEntry::Contact { contact, calling } => { if && !contact.busy && !calling { &Call { recipient_user_id:, initial_project: Some(self.project.clone()), }, cx, ); } } ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id, host_user_id, .. } => { cx.dispatch_global_action(JoinProject { project_id: *project_id, follow_user_id: *host_user_id, }); } ContactEntry::ParticipantScreen { peer_id, .. } => { cx.dispatch_action(OpenSharedScreen { peer_id: *peer_id }); } _ => {} } } } } fn toggle_expanded(&mut self, action: &ToggleExpanded, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let section = action.0; if let Some(ix) = self.collapsed_sections.iter().position(|s| *s == section) { self.collapsed_sections.remove(ix); } else { self.collapsed_sections.push(section); } self.update_entries(cx); } fn update_entries(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let user_store =; let query =; let executor = cx.background().clone(); let prev_selected_entry = self.selection.and_then(|ix| self.entries.get(ix).cloned()); let old_entries = mem::take(&mut self.entries); if let Some(room) = ActiveCall::global(cx).read(cx).room() { let room =; let mut participant_entries = Vec::new(); // Populate the active user. if let Some(user) = user_store.current_user() { self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates.push(StringMatchCandidate { id: 0, string: user.github_login.clone(), char_bag: user.github_login.chars().collect(), }); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); if !matches.is_empty() { let user_id =; participant_entries.push(ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user, is_pending: false, }); let mut projects = room.local_participant().projects.iter().peekable(); while let Some(project) = { participant_entries.push(ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id:, worktree_root_names: project.worktree_root_names.clone(), host_user_id: user_id, is_last: projects.peek().is_none(), }); } } } // Populate remote participants. self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates .extend(room.remote_participants().iter().map(|(_, participant)| { StringMatchCandidate { id: as usize, string: participant.user.github_login.clone(), char_bag: participant.user.github_login.chars().collect(), } })); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); for mat in matches { let user_id = mat.candidate_id as u64; let participant = &room.remote_participants()[&user_id]; participant_entries.push(ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user: participant.user.clone(), is_pending: false, }); let mut projects = participant.projects.iter().peekable(); while let Some(project) = { participant_entries.push(ContactEntry::ParticipantProject { project_id:, worktree_root_names: project.worktree_root_names.clone(), host_user_id:, is_last: projects.peek().is_none() && participant.tracks.is_empty(), }); } if !participant.tracks.is_empty() { participant_entries.push(ContactEntry::ParticipantScreen { peer_id: participant.peer_id, is_last: true, }); } } // Populate pending participants. self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates .extend( room.pending_participants() .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(id, participant)| StringMatchCandidate { id, string: participant.github_login.clone(), char_bag: participant.github_login.chars().collect(), }), ); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); participant_entries.extend(matches.iter().map(|mat| ContactEntry::CallParticipant { user: room.pending_participants()[mat.candidate_id].clone(), is_pending: true, })); if !participant_entries.is_empty() { self.entries.push(ContactEntry::Header(Section::ActiveCall)); if !self.collapsed_sections.contains(&Section::ActiveCall) { self.entries.extend(participant_entries); } } } let mut request_entries = Vec::new(); let incoming = user_store.incoming_contact_requests(); if !incoming.is_empty() { self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates .extend( incoming .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(ix, user)| StringMatchCandidate { id: ix, string: user.github_login.clone(), char_bag: user.github_login.chars().collect(), }), ); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); request_entries.extend( matches .iter() .map(|mat| ContactEntry::IncomingRequest(incoming[mat.candidate_id].clone())), ); } let outgoing = user_store.outgoing_contact_requests(); if !outgoing.is_empty() { self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates .extend( outgoing .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(ix, user)| StringMatchCandidate { id: ix, string: user.github_login.clone(), char_bag: user.github_login.chars().collect(), }), ); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); request_entries.extend( matches .iter() .map(|mat| ContactEntry::OutgoingRequest(outgoing[mat.candidate_id].clone())), ); } if !request_entries.is_empty() { self.entries.push(ContactEntry::Header(Section::Requests)); if !self.collapsed_sections.contains(&Section::Requests) { self.entries.append(&mut request_entries); } } let contacts = user_store.contacts(); if !contacts.is_empty() { self.match_candidates.clear(); self.match_candidates .extend( contacts .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(ix, contact)| StringMatchCandidate { id: ix, string: contact.user.github_login.clone(), char_bag: contact.user.github_login.chars().collect(), }), ); let matches = executor.block(match_strings( &self.match_candidates, &query, true, usize::MAX, &Default::default(), executor.clone(), )); let (mut online_contacts, offline_contacts) = matches .iter() .partition::, _>(|mat| contacts[mat.candidate_id].online); if let Some(room) = ActiveCall::global(cx).read(cx).room() { let room =; online_contacts.retain(|contact| { let contact = &contacts[contact.candidate_id]; !room.contains_participant( }); } for (matches, section) in [ (online_contacts, Section::Online), (offline_contacts, Section::Offline), ] { if !matches.is_empty() { self.entries.push(ContactEntry::Header(section)); if !self.collapsed_sections.contains(§ion) { let active_call = &ActiveCall::global(cx).read(cx); for mat in matches { let contact = &contacts[mat.candidate_id]; self.entries.push(ContactEntry::Contact { contact: contact.clone(), calling: active_call.pending_invites().contains(&, }); } } } } } if let Some(prev_selected_entry) = prev_selected_entry { self.selection.take(); for (ix, entry) in self.entries.iter().enumerate() { if *entry == prev_selected_entry { self.selection = Some(ix); break; } } } let old_scroll_top = self.list_state.logical_scroll_top(); self.list_state.reset(self.entries.len()); // Attempt to maintain the same scroll position. if let Some(old_top_entry) = old_entries.get(old_scroll_top.item_ix) { let new_scroll_top = self .entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry == old_top_entry) .map(|item_ix| ListOffset { item_ix, offset_in_item: old_scroll_top.offset_in_item, }) .or_else(|| { let entry_after_old_top = old_entries.get(old_scroll_top.item_ix + 1)?; let item_ix = self .entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry == entry_after_old_top)?; Some(ListOffset { item_ix, offset_in_item: 0., }) }) .or_else(|| { let entry_before_old_top = old_entries.get(old_scroll_top.item_ix.saturating_sub(1))?; let item_ix = self .entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry == entry_before_old_top)?; Some(ListOffset { item_ix, offset_in_item: 0., }) }); self.list_state .scroll_to(new_scroll_top.unwrap_or(old_scroll_top)); } cx.notify(); } fn render_call_participant( user: &User, is_pending: bool, is_selected: bool, theme: &theme::ContactList, ) -> Element { Flex::row() .with_children(user.avatar.clone().map(|avatar| { Image::from_data(avatar) .with_style(theme.contact_avatar) .aligned() .left() .boxed() })) .with_child( Label::new( user.github_login.clone(), theme.contact_username.text.clone(), ) .contained() .with_style(theme.contact_username.container) .aligned() .left() .flex(1., true) .boxed(), ) .with_children(if is_pending { Some( Label::new("Calling", theme.calling_indicator.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(theme.calling_indicator.container) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } else { None }) .constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style( *theme .contact_row .style_for(&mut Default::default(), is_selected), ) .boxed() } fn render_participant_project( project_id: u64, worktree_root_names: &[String], host_user_id: u64, is_current: bool, is_last: bool, is_selected: bool, theme: &theme::ContactList, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Element { let font_cache = cx.font_cache(); let host_avatar_height = theme .contact_avatar .width .or(theme.contact_avatar.height) .unwrap_or(0.); let row = &theme.project_row.default; let tree_branch = theme.tree_branch; let line_height =; let cap_height =; let baseline_offset = + (theme.row_height - line_height) / 2.; let project_name = if worktree_root_names.is_empty() { "untitled".to_string() } else { worktree_root_names.join(", ") }; MouseEventHandler::::new(project_id as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let tree_branch = *tree_branch.style_for(mouse_state, is_selected); let row = theme.project_row.style_for(mouse_state, is_selected); Flex::row() .with_child( Stack::new() .with_child( Canvas::new(move |scene, bounds, _, _, _| { let start_x = bounds.min_x() + (bounds.width() / 2.) - (tree_branch.width / 2.); let end_x = bounds.max_x(); let start_y = bounds.min_y(); let end_y = bounds.min_y() + baseline_offset - (cap_height / 2.); scene.push_quad(gpui::Quad { bounds: RectF::from_points( vec2f(start_x, start_y), vec2f( start_x + tree_branch.width, if is_last { end_y } else { bounds.max_y() }, ), ), background: Some(tree_branch.color), border: gpui::Border::default(), corner_radius: 0., }); scene.push_quad(gpui::Quad { bounds: RectF::from_points( vec2f(start_x, end_y), vec2f(end_x, end_y + tree_branch.width), ), background: Some(tree_branch.color), border: gpui::Border::default(), corner_radius: 0., }); }) .boxed(), ) .constrained() .with_width(host_avatar_height) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Label::new(project_name, .aligned() .left() .contained() .with_style( .flex(1., false) .boxed(), ) .constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style(row.container) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(if !is_current { CursorStyle::PointingHand } else { CursorStyle::Arrow }) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { if !is_current { cx.dispatch_global_action(JoinProject { project_id, follow_user_id: host_user_id, }); } }) .boxed() } fn render_participant_screen( peer_id: PeerId, is_last: bool, is_selected: bool, theme: &theme::ContactList, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Element { let font_cache = cx.font_cache(); let host_avatar_height = theme .contact_avatar .width .or(theme.contact_avatar.height) .unwrap_or(0.); let row = &theme.project_row.default; let tree_branch = theme.tree_branch; let line_height =; let cap_height =; let baseline_offset = + (theme.row_height - line_height) / 2.; MouseEventHandler::::new( peer_id.as_u64() as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let tree_branch = *tree_branch.style_for(mouse_state, is_selected); let row = theme.project_row.style_for(mouse_state, is_selected); Flex::row() .with_child( Stack::new() .with_child( Canvas::new(move |scene, bounds, _, _, _| { let start_x = bounds.min_x() + (bounds.width() / 2.) - (tree_branch.width / 2.); let end_x = bounds.max_x(); let start_y = bounds.min_y(); let end_y = bounds.min_y() + baseline_offset - (cap_height / 2.); scene.push_quad(gpui::Quad { bounds: RectF::from_points( vec2f(start_x, start_y), vec2f( start_x + tree_branch.width, if is_last { end_y } else { bounds.max_y() }, ), ), background: Some(tree_branch.color), border: gpui::Border::default(), corner_radius: 0., }); scene.push_quad(gpui::Quad { bounds: RectF::from_points( vec2f(start_x, end_y), vec2f(end_x, end_y + tree_branch.width), ), background: Some(tree_branch.color), border: gpui::Border::default(), corner_radius: 0., }); }) .boxed(), ) .constrained() .with_width(host_avatar_height) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Svg::new("icons/disable_screen_sharing_12.svg") .with_color(row.icon.color) .constrained() .with_width(row.icon.width) .aligned() .left() .contained() .with_style(row.icon.container) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Label::new("Screen", .aligned() .left() .contained() .with_style( .flex(1., false) .boxed(), ) .constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style(row.container) .boxed() }, ) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(OpenSharedScreen { peer_id }); }) .boxed() } fn render_header( section: Section, theme: &theme::ContactList, is_selected: bool, is_collapsed: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Element { enum Header {} enum LeaveCallContactList {} let header_style = theme .header_row .style_for(&mut Default::default(), is_selected); let text = match section { Section::ActiveCall => "Collaborators", Section::Requests => "Contact Requests", Section::Online => "Online", Section::Offline => "Offline", }; let leave_call = if section == Section::ActiveCall { Some( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |state, _| { let style = theme.leave_call.style_for(state, false); Label::new("Leave Call", style.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, |_, _, cx| cx.dispatch_action(LeaveCall)) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } else { None }; let icon_size = theme.section_icon_size; MouseEventHandler::::new(section as usize, cx, |_, _| { Flex::row() .with_child( Svg::new(if is_collapsed { "icons/chevron_right_8.svg" } else { "icons/chevron_down_8.svg" }) .with_color(header_style.text.color) .constrained() .with_max_width(icon_size) .with_max_height(icon_size) .aligned() .constrained() .with_width(icon_size) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Label::new(text, header_style.text.clone()) .aligned() .left() .contained() .with_margin_left(theme.contact_username.container.margin.left) .flex(1., true) .boxed(), ) .with_children(leave_call) .constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style(header_style.container) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleExpanded(section)) }) .boxed() } fn render_contact( contact: &Contact, calling: bool, project: &ModelHandle, theme: &theme::ContactList, is_selected: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Element { let online =; let busy = contact.busy || calling; let user_id =; let github_login = contact.user.github_login.clone(); let initial_project = project.clone(); let mut element = MouseEventHandler::::new( as usize, cx, |_, cx| { Flex::row() .with_children(contact.user.avatar.clone().map(|avatar| { let status_badge = if { Some( Empty::new() .collapsed() .contained() .with_style(if busy { theme.contact_status_busy } else { theme.contact_status_free }) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } else { None }; Stack::new() .with_child( Image::from_data(avatar) .with_style(theme.contact_avatar) .aligned() .left() .boxed(), ) .with_children(status_badge) .boxed() })) .with_child( Label::new( contact.user.github_login.clone(), theme.contact_username.text.clone(), ) .contained() .with_style(theme.contact_username.container) .aligned() .left() .flex(1., true) .boxed(), ) .with_child( MouseEventHandler::::new( as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let button_style = theme.contact_button.style_for(mouse_state, false); render_icon_button(button_style, "icons/x_mark_8.svg") .aligned() .flex_float() .boxed() }, ) .with_padding(Padding::uniform(2.)) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(RemoveContact { user_id, github_login: github_login.clone(), }) }) .flex_float() .boxed(), ) .with_children(if calling { Some( Label::new("Calling", theme.calling_indicator.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(theme.calling_indicator.container) .aligned() .boxed(), ) } else { None }) .constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style( *theme .contact_row .style_for(&mut Default::default(), is_selected), ) .boxed() }) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { if online && !busy { cx.dispatch_action(Call { recipient_user_id: user_id, initial_project: Some(initial_project.clone()), }); } }); if online { element = element.with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand); } element.boxed() } fn render_contact_request( user: Arc, user_store: ModelHandle, theme: &theme::ContactList, is_incoming: bool, is_selected: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Element { enum Decline {} enum Accept {} enum Cancel {} let mut row = Flex::row() .with_children(user.avatar.clone().map(|avatar| { Image::from_data(avatar) .with_style(theme.contact_avatar) .aligned() .left() .boxed() })) .with_child( Label::new( user.github_login.clone(), theme.contact_username.text.clone(), ) .contained() .with_style(theme.contact_username.container) .aligned() .left() .flex(1., true) .boxed(), ); let user_id =; let github_login = user.github_login.clone(); let is_contact_request_pending =; let button_spacing = theme.contact_button_spacing; if is_incoming { row.add_children([ MouseEventHandler::::new( as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let button_style = if is_contact_request_pending { &theme.disabled_button } else { theme.contact_button.style_for(mouse_state, false) }; render_icon_button(button_style, "icons/x_mark_8.svg") .aligned() .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(RespondToContactRequest { user_id, accept: false, }) }) .contained() .with_margin_right(button_spacing) .boxed(), MouseEventHandler::::new( as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let button_style = if is_contact_request_pending { &theme.disabled_button } else { theme.contact_button.style_for(mouse_state, false) }; render_icon_button(button_style, "icons/check_8.svg") .aligned() .flex_float() .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(RespondToContactRequest { user_id, accept: true, }) }) .boxed(), ]); } else { row.add_child( MouseEventHandler::::new( as usize, cx, |mouse_state, _| { let button_style = if is_contact_request_pending { &theme.disabled_button } else { theme.contact_button.style_for(mouse_state, false) }; render_icon_button(button_style, "icons/x_mark_8.svg") .aligned() .flex_float() .boxed() }) .with_padding(Padding::uniform(2.)) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(RemoveContact { user_id, github_login: github_login.clone(), }) }) .flex_float() .boxed(), ); } row.constrained() .with_height(theme.row_height) .contained() .with_style( *theme .contact_row .style_for(&mut Default::default(), is_selected), ) .boxed() } fn call(&mut self, action: &Call, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let recipient_user_id = action.recipient_user_id; let initial_project = action.initial_project.clone(); ActiveCall::global(cx) .update(cx, |call, cx| { call.invite(recipient_user_id, initial_project, cx) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } impl Entity for ContactList { type Event = Event; } impl View for ContactList { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "ContactList" } fn keymap_context(&self, _: &AppContext) -> KeymapContext { let mut cx = Self::default_keymap_context(); cx.add_identifier("menu"); cx } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Element { enum AddContact {} let theme =; Flex::column() .with_child( Flex::row() .with_child( ChildView::new(&self.filter_editor, cx) .contained() .with_style(theme.contact_list.user_query_editor.container) .flex(1., true) .boxed(), ) .with_child( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |_, _| { render_icon_button( &theme.contact_list.add_contact_button, "icons/user_plus_16.svg", ) .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, |_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(contacts_popover::ToggleContactFinder) }) .with_tooltip::( 0, "Search for new contact".into(), None, theme.tooltip.clone(), cx, ) .boxed(), ) .constrained() .with_height(theme.contact_list.user_query_editor_height) .boxed(), ) .with_child(List::new(self.list_state.clone()).flex(1., false).boxed()) .boxed() } fn focus_in(&mut self, _: gpui::AnyViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if !self.filter_editor.is_focused(cx) { cx.focus(&self.filter_editor); } } fn focus_out(&mut self, _: gpui::AnyViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if !self.filter_editor.is_focused(cx) { cx.emit(Event::Dismissed); } } } fn render_icon_button(style: &IconButton, svg_path: &'static str) -> impl Drawable { Svg::new(svg_path) .with_color(style.color) .constrained() .with_width(style.icon_width) .aligned() .contained() .with_style(style.container) .constrained() .with_width(style.button_width) .with_height(style.button_width) }