pub mod items; use anyhow::Result; use collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet}; use editor::{ diagnostic_block_renderer, display_map::{BlockDisposition, BlockId, BlockProperties, RenderBlock}, highlight_diagnostic_message, items::BufferItemHandle, Autoscroll, BuildSettings, Editor, ExcerptId, ExcerptProperties, MultiBuffer, ToOffset, }; use gpui::{ action, elements::*, keymap::Binding, AnyViewHandle, AppContext, Entity, ModelHandle, MutableAppContext, RenderContext, Task, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, }; use language::{ Bias, Buffer, Diagnostic, DiagnosticEntry, DiagnosticSeverity, Point, Selection, SelectionGoal, }; use postage::watch; use project::{Project, ProjectPath}; use std::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, cmp::Ordering, mem, ops::Range, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, }; use util::TryFutureExt; use workspace::{ItemNavHistory, Workspace}; action!(Deploy); action!(OpenExcerpts); const CONTEXT_LINE_COUNT: u32 = 1; pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_bindings([ Binding::new("alt-shift-D", Deploy, Some("Workspace")), Binding::new( "alt-shift-D", OpenExcerpts, Some("ProjectDiagnosticsEditor"), ), ]); cx.add_action(ProjectDiagnosticsEditor::deploy); cx.add_action(ProjectDiagnosticsEditor::open_excerpts); } type Event = editor::Event; struct ProjectDiagnostics { project: ModelHandle, } struct ProjectDiagnosticsEditor { model: ModelHandle, workspace: WeakViewHandle, editor: ViewHandle, excerpts: ModelHandle, path_states: Vec, paths_to_update: BTreeSet, build_settings: BuildSettings, settings: watch::Receiver, } struct PathState { path: ProjectPath, header: Option, diagnostic_groups: Vec, } struct DiagnosticGroupState { primary_diagnostic: DiagnosticEntry, primary_excerpt_ix: usize, excerpts: Vec, blocks: HashSet, block_count: usize, } impl ProjectDiagnostics { fn new(project: ModelHandle) -> Self { Self { project } } } impl Entity for ProjectDiagnostics { type Event = (); } impl Entity for ProjectDiagnosticsEditor { type Event = Event; } impl View for ProjectDiagnosticsEditor { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "ProjectDiagnosticsEditor" } fn render(&mut self, _: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { if self.path_states.is_empty() { let theme = &self.settings.borrow().theme.project_diagnostics; Label::new( "No problems detected in the project".to_string(), theme.empty_message.clone(), ) .aligned() .contained() .with_style(theme.container) .boxed() } else { ChildView::new( } } fn on_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if !self.path_states.is_empty() { cx.focus(&self.editor); } } } impl ProjectDiagnosticsEditor { fn new( model: ModelHandle, workspace: WeakViewHandle, settings: watch::Receiver, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let project =; cx.subscribe(&project, |this, _, event, cx| match event { project::Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsFinished => { let paths = mem::take(&mut this.paths_to_update); this.update_excerpts(paths, cx); } project::Event::DiagnosticsUpdated(path) => { this.paths_to_update.insert(path.clone()); } _ => {} }) .detach(); let excerpts = cx.add_model(|cx| MultiBuffer::new(; let build_settings = editor::settings_builder(excerpts.downgrade(), settings.clone()); let editor = cx.add_view(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(excerpts.clone(), build_settings.clone(), cx)); cx.subscribe(&editor, |_, _, event, cx| cx.emit(*event)) .detach(); let paths_to_update = project .read(cx) .diagnostic_summaries(cx) .map(|e| e.0) .collect(); let this = Self { model, workspace, excerpts, editor, build_settings, settings, path_states: Default::default(), paths_to_update: Default::default(), }; this.update_excerpts(paths_to_update, cx); this } fn deploy(workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &Deploy, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(existing) = workspace.item_of_type::(cx) { workspace.activate_item(&existing, cx); } else { let diagnostics = cx.add_model(|_| ProjectDiagnostics::new(workspace.project().clone())); workspace.open_item(diagnostics, cx); } } fn open_excerpts(&mut self, _: &OpenExcerpts, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade(cx) { let editor =; let excerpts =; let mut new_selections_by_buffer = HashMap::default(); for selection in editor.local_selections::(cx) { for (buffer, mut range) in excerpts.excerpted_buffers(selection.start..selection.end, cx) { if selection.reversed { mem::swap(&mut range.start, &mut range.end); } new_selections_by_buffer .entry(buffer) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(range) } } // We defer the pane interaction because we ourselves are a workspace item // and activating a new item causes the pane to call a method on us reentrantly, // which panics if we're on the stack. workspace.defer(cx, |workspace, cx| { for (buffer, ranges) in new_selections_by_buffer { let buffer = BufferItemHandle(buffer); if !workspace.activate_pane_for_item(&buffer, cx) { workspace.activate_next_pane(cx); } let editor = workspace .open_item(buffer, cx) .downcast::() .unwrap(); editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.select_ranges(ranges, Some(Autoscroll::Center), cx) }); } }); } } fn update_excerpts(&self, paths: BTreeSet, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let project =; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| { async move { for path in paths { let buffer = project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| project.open_buffer(path.clone(), cx)) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |view, cx| view.populate_excerpts(path, buffer, cx)) } Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) } .log_err() }) .detach(); } fn populate_excerpts( &mut self, path: ProjectPath, buffer: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let was_empty = self.path_states.is_empty(); let snapshot =; let path_ix = match self.path_states.binary_search_by_key(&&path, |e| &e.path) { Ok(ix) => ix, Err(ix) => { self.path_states.insert( ix, PathState { path: path.clone(), header: None, diagnostic_groups: Default::default(), }, ); ix } }; let mut prev_excerpt_id = if path_ix > 0 { let prev_path_last_group = &self.path_states[path_ix - 1] .diagnostic_groups .last() .unwrap(); prev_path_last_group.excerpts.last().unwrap().clone() } else { ExcerptId::min() }; let path_state = &mut self.path_states[path_ix]; let mut groups_to_add = Vec::new(); let mut group_ixs_to_remove = Vec::new(); let mut blocks_to_add = Vec::new(); let mut blocks_to_remove = HashSet::default(); let mut first_excerpt_id = None; let excerpts_snapshot = self.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, excerpts_cx| { let mut old_groups = path_state.diagnostic_groups.iter().enumerate().peekable(); let mut new_groups = snapshot .diagnostic_groups() .into_iter() .filter(|group| group.entries[group.primary_ix].diagnostic.is_disk_based) .peekable(); loop { let mut to_insert = None; let mut to_remove = None; let mut to_keep = None; match (old_groups.peek(), new_groups.peek()) { (None, None) => break, (None, Some(_)) => to_insert =, (Some(_), None) => to_remove =, (Some((_, old_group)), Some(new_group)) => { let old_primary = &old_group.primary_diagnostic; let new_primary = &new_group.entries[new_group.primary_ix]; match compare_diagnostics(old_primary, new_primary, &snapshot) { Ordering::Less => to_remove =, Ordering::Equal => { to_keep =;; } Ordering::Greater => to_insert =, } } } if let Some(group) = to_insert { let mut group_state = DiagnosticGroupState { primary_diagnostic: group.entries[group.primary_ix].clone(), primary_excerpt_ix: 0, excerpts: Default::default(), blocks: Default::default(), block_count: 0, }; let mut pending_range: Option<(Range, usize)> = None; let mut is_first_excerpt_for_group = true; for (ix, entry) in group.entries.iter().map(Some).chain([None]).enumerate() { let resolved_entry =|e| e.resolve::(&snapshot)); if let Some((range, start_ix)) = &mut pending_range { if let Some(entry) = resolved_entry.as_ref() { if entry.range.start.row <= range.end.row + 1 + CONTEXT_LINE_COUNT * 2 { range.end = range.end.max(entry.range.end); continue; } } let excerpt_start = Point::new(range.start.row.saturating_sub(CONTEXT_LINE_COUNT), 0); let excerpt_end = snapshot.clip_point( Point::new(range.end.row + CONTEXT_LINE_COUNT, u32::MAX), Bias::Left, ); let excerpt_id = excerpts.insert_excerpt_after( &prev_excerpt_id, ExcerptProperties { buffer: &buffer, range: excerpt_start..excerpt_end, }, excerpts_cx, ); prev_excerpt_id = excerpt_id.clone(); first_excerpt_id.get_or_insert_with(|| prev_excerpt_id.clone()); group_state.excerpts.push(excerpt_id.clone()); let header_position = (excerpt_id.clone(), language::Anchor::min()); if is_first_excerpt_for_group { is_first_excerpt_for_group = false; let mut primary = group.entries[group.primary_ix].diagnostic.clone(); primary.message = primary.message.split('\n').next().unwrap().to_string(); group_state.block_count += 1; blocks_to_add.push(BlockProperties { position: header_position, height: 2, render: diagnostic_header_renderer( primary, self.build_settings.clone(), ), disposition: BlockDisposition::Above, }); } else { group_state.block_count += 1; blocks_to_add.push(BlockProperties { position: header_position, height: 1, render: context_header_renderer(self.build_settings.clone()), disposition: BlockDisposition::Above, }); } for entry in &group.entries[*start_ix..ix] { let mut diagnostic = entry.diagnostic.clone(); if diagnostic.is_primary { group_state.primary_excerpt_ix = group_state.excerpts.len() - 1; diagnostic.message = entry.diagnostic.message.split('\n').skip(1).collect(); } if !diagnostic.message.is_empty() { group_state.block_count += 1; blocks_to_add.push(BlockProperties { position: (excerpt_id.clone(), entry.range.start.clone()), height: diagnostic.message.matches('\n').count() as u8 + 1, render: diagnostic_block_renderer( diagnostic, true, self.build_settings.clone(), ), disposition: BlockDisposition::Below, }); } } pending_range.take(); } if let Some(entry) = resolved_entry { pending_range = Some((entry.range.clone(), ix)); } } groups_to_add.push(group_state); } else if let Some((group_ix, group_state)) = to_remove { excerpts.remove_excerpts(group_state.excerpts.iter(), excerpts_cx); group_ixs_to_remove.push(group_ix); blocks_to_remove.extend(group_state.blocks.iter().copied()); } else if let Some((_, group)) = to_keep { prev_excerpt_id = group.excerpts.last().unwrap().clone(); first_excerpt_id.get_or_insert_with(|| prev_excerpt_id.clone()); } } excerpts.snapshot(excerpts_cx) }); self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { blocks_to_remove.extend(path_state.header); editor.remove_blocks(blocks_to_remove, cx); let header_block =|excerpt_id| BlockProperties { position: excerpts_snapshot.anchor_in_excerpt(excerpt_id, language::Anchor::min()), height: 2, render: path_header_renderer(buffer, self.build_settings.clone()), disposition: BlockDisposition::Above, }); let block_ids = editor.insert_blocks( blocks_to_add .into_iter() .map(|block| { let (excerpt_id, text_anchor) = block.position; BlockProperties { position: excerpts_snapshot.anchor_in_excerpt(excerpt_id, text_anchor), height: block.height, render: block.render, disposition: block.disposition, } }) .chain(header_block.into_iter()), cx, ); let mut block_ids = block_ids.into_iter(); for group_state in &mut groups_to_add { group_state.blocks = block_ids.by_ref().take(group_state.block_count).collect(); } path_state.header =; }); for ix in group_ixs_to_remove.into_iter().rev() { path_state.diagnostic_groups.remove(ix); } path_state.diagnostic_groups.extend(groups_to_add); path_state.diagnostic_groups.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| { let range_a = &a.primary_diagnostic.range; let range_b = &b.primary_diagnostic.range; range_a .start .cmp(&range_b.start, &snapshot) .unwrap() .then_with(|| range_a.end.cmp(&range_b.end, &snapshot).unwrap()) }); if path_state.diagnostic_groups.is_empty() { self.path_states.remove(path_ix); } self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let groups; let mut selections; let new_excerpt_ids_by_selection_id; if was_empty { groups = self.path_states.first()?.diagnostic_groups.as_slice(); new_excerpt_ids_by_selection_id = [(0, ExcerptId::min())].into_iter().collect(); selections = vec![Selection { id: 0, start: 0, end: 0, reversed: false, goal: SelectionGoal::None, }]; } else { groups = self.path_states.get(path_ix)?.diagnostic_groups.as_slice(); new_excerpt_ids_by_selection_id = editor.refresh_selections(cx); selections = editor.local_selections::(cx); } // If any selection has lost its position, move it to start of the next primary diagnostic. for selection in &mut selections { if let Some(new_excerpt_id) = new_excerpt_ids_by_selection_id.get(& { let group_ix = match groups.binary_search_by(|probe| { probe.excerpts.last().unwrap().cmp(&new_excerpt_id) }) { Ok(ix) | Err(ix) => ix, }; if let Some(group) = groups.get(group_ix) { let offset = excerpts_snapshot .anchor_in_excerpt( group.excerpts[group.primary_excerpt_ix].clone(), group.primary_diagnostic.range.start.clone(), ) .to_offset(&excerpts_snapshot); selection.start = offset; selection.end = offset; } } } editor.update_selections(selections, None, cx); Some(()) }); if self.path_states.is_empty() { if self.editor.is_focused(cx) { cx.focus_self(); } } else { if cx.handle().is_focused(cx) { cx.focus(&self.editor); } } cx.notify(); } } impl workspace::Item for ProjectDiagnostics { type View = ProjectDiagnosticsEditor; fn build_view( handle: ModelHandle, workspace: &Workspace, nav_history: ItemNavHistory, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self::View { let diagnostics = ProjectDiagnosticsEditor::new( handle, workspace.weak_handle(), workspace.settings(), cx, ); diagnostics .editor .update(cx, |editor, _| editor.set_nav_history(Some(nav_history))); diagnostics } fn project_path(&self) -> Option { None } } impl workspace::ItemView for ProjectDiagnosticsEditor { type ItemHandle = ModelHandle; fn item_handle(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Self::ItemHandle { self.model.clone() } fn title(&self, _: &AppContext) -> String { "Project Diagnostics".to_string() } fn project_path(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { None } fn navigate(&mut self, data: Box, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.navigate(data, cx)); } fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn can_save(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { true } fn save(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Task> { self.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| } fn can_save_as(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn save_as( &mut self, _: ModelHandle, _: PathBuf, _: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { unreachable!() } fn should_activate_item_on_event(event: &Self::Event) -> bool { Editor::should_activate_item_on_event(event) } fn should_update_tab_on_event(event: &Event) -> bool { matches!( event, Event::Saved | Event::Dirtied | Event::FileHandleChanged ) } fn clone_on_split(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option where Self: Sized, { let diagnostics = ProjectDiagnosticsEditor::new( self.model.clone(), self.workspace.clone(), self.settings.clone(), cx, ); diagnostics.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let nav_history = self .editor .read(cx) .nav_history() .map(|nav_history| ItemNavHistory::new(nav_history.history(), &cx.handle())); editor.set_nav_history(nav_history); }); Some(diagnostics) } fn act_as_type( &self, type_id: TypeId, self_handle: &ViewHandle, _: &AppContext, ) -> Option { if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self_handle.into()) } else if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some((&self.editor).into()) } else { None } } fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.deactivated(cx)); } } fn path_header_renderer(buffer: ModelHandle, build_settings: BuildSettings) -> RenderBlock { Arc::new(move |cx| { let settings = build_settings(cx); let style =; let font_size = (style.text_scale_factor *; let mut filename = None; let mut path = None; if let Some(file) =**cx).file() { filename = file .path() .file_name() .map(|f| f.to_string_lossy().to_string()); path = file .path() .parent() .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string() + "/"); } Flex::row() .with_child( Label::new( filename.unwrap_or_else(|| "untitled".to_string()), style.filename.text.clone().with_font_size(font_size), ) .contained() .with_style(style.filename.container) .boxed(), ) .with_children(|path| { Label::new(path, style.path.text.clone().with_font_size(font_size)) .contained() .with_style(style.path.container) .boxed() })) .aligned() .left() .contained() .with_style(style.container) .with_padding_left(cx.gutter_padding) .expanded() .named("path header block") }) } fn diagnostic_header_renderer( diagnostic: Diagnostic, build_settings: BuildSettings, ) -> RenderBlock { let (message, highlights) = highlight_diagnostic_message(&diagnostic.message); Arc::new(move |cx| { let settings = build_settings(cx); let style = &; let font_size = (style.text_scale_factor *; let icon_width = cx.em_width * style.icon_width_factor; let icon = if diagnostic.severity == DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR { Svg::new("icons/diagnostic-error-10.svg") .with_color( } else { Svg::new("icons/diagnostic-warning-10.svg") .with_color( }; Flex::row() .with_child( icon.constrained() .with_width(icon_width) .aligned() .contained() .boxed(), ) .with_child( Label::new( message.clone(), style.message.label.clone().with_font_size(font_size), ) .with_highlights(highlights.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.message.container) .with_margin_left(cx.gutter_padding) .aligned() .boxed(), ) .with_children(diagnostic.code.clone().map(|code| { Label::new(code, style.code.text.clone().with_font_size(font_size)) .contained() .with_style(style.code.container) .aligned() .boxed() })) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .with_padding_left(cx.gutter_width - cx.gutter_padding - icon_width) .expanded() .named("diagnostic header") }) } fn context_header_renderer(build_settings: BuildSettings) -> RenderBlock { Arc::new(move |cx| { let settings = build_settings(cx); let text_style =; Label::new("…".to_string(), text_style) .contained() .with_padding_left(cx.gutter_padding) .named("collapsed context") }) } fn compare_diagnostics( lhs: &DiagnosticEntry, rhs: &DiagnosticEntry, snapshot: &language::BufferSnapshot, ) -> Ordering { lhs.range .start .to_offset(&snapshot) .cmp(&rhs.range.start.to_offset(snapshot)) .then_with(|| { lhs.range .end .to_offset(&snapshot) .cmp(&rhs.range.end.to_offset(snapshot)) }) .then_with(|| lhs.diagnostic.message.cmp(&rhs.diagnostic.message)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use editor::{display_map::BlockContext, DisplayPoint, EditorSnapshot}; use gpui::TestAppContext; use language::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticEntry, DiagnosticSeverity, PointUtf16}; use serde_json::json; use unindent::Unindent as _; use workspace::WorkspaceParams; #[gpui::test] async fn test_diagnostics(mut cx: TestAppContext) { let params = cx.update(WorkspaceParams::test); let project = params.project.clone(); let workspace = cx.add_view(0, |cx| Workspace::new(¶ms, cx)); params .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/test", json!({ "": " const a: i32 = 'a'; const b: i32 = c; " .unindent(), "": " fn main() { let x = vec![]; let y = vec![]; a(x); b(y); // comment 1 // comment 2 c(y); d(x); } " .unindent(), }), ) .await; project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/test", false, cx) }) .await .unwrap(); // Create some diagnostics project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project .update_diagnostic_entries( PathBuf::from("/test/"), None, vec![ DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(1, 8)..PointUtf16::new(1, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "move occurs because `x` has type `Vec`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait" .to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, is_primary: false, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 1, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(2, 8)..PointUtf16::new(2, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "move occurs because `y` has type `Vec`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait" .to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, is_primary: false, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 0, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(3, 6)..PointUtf16::new(3, 7), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "value moved here".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, is_primary: false, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 1, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(4, 6)..PointUtf16::new(4, 7), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "value moved here".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, is_primary: false, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 0, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(7, 6)..PointUtf16::new(7, 7), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "use of moved value\nvalue used here after move".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, is_primary: true, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 0, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(8, 6)..PointUtf16::new(8, 7), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "use of moved value\nvalue used here after move".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, is_primary: true, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 1, ..Default::default() }, }, ], cx, ) .unwrap(); }); // Open the project diagnostics view while there are already diagnostics. let model = cx.add_model(|_| ProjectDiagnostics::new(project.clone())); let view = cx.add_view(0, |cx| { ProjectDiagnosticsEditor::new(model, workspace.downgrade(), params.settings, cx) }); view.next_notification(&cx).await; view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx| { let editor = view.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.snapshot(cx)); assert_eq!( editor_blocks(&editor, cx), [ (0, "path header block".into()), (2, "diagnostic header".into()), (15, "diagnostic header".into()), (24, "collapsed context".into()), ] ); assert_eq!( editor.text(), concat!( // // // "\n", // filename "\n", // padding // diagnostic group 1 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding " let x = vec![];\n", " let y = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " a(x);\n", " b(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " // comment 1\n", " // comment 2\n", " c(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " d(x);\n", // diagnostic group 2 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding "fn main() {\n", " let x = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " let y = vec![];\n", " a(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " b(y);\n", "\n", // context ellipsis " c(y);\n", " d(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic "}" ) ); // Cursor is at the first diagnostic view.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( editor.selected_display_ranges(cx), [DisplayPoint::new(12, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(12, 6)] ); }); }); // Diagnostics are added for another earlier path. project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.disk_based_diagnostics_started(cx); project .update_diagnostic_entries( PathBuf::from("/test/"), None, vec![DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(0, 15)..PointUtf16::new(0, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "mismatched types\nexpected `usize`, found `char`".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, is_primary: true, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 0, ..Default::default() }, }], cx, ) .unwrap(); project.disk_based_diagnostics_finished(cx); }); view.next_notification(&cx).await; view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx| { let editor = view.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.snapshot(cx)); assert_eq!( editor_blocks(&editor, cx), [ (0, "path header block".into()), (2, "diagnostic header".into()), (7, "path header block".into()), (9, "diagnostic header".into()), (22, "diagnostic header".into()), (31, "collapsed context".into()), ] ); assert_eq!( editor.text(), concat!( // // // "\n", // filename "\n", // padding // diagnostic group 1 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding "const a: i32 = 'a';\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic "const b: i32 = c;\n", // // // "\n", // filename "\n", // padding // diagnostic group 1 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding " let x = vec![];\n", " let y = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " a(x);\n", " b(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " // comment 1\n", " // comment 2\n", " c(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " d(x);\n", // diagnostic group 2 "\n", // primary message "\n", // filename "fn main() {\n", " let x = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " let y = vec![];\n", " a(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " b(y);\n", "\n", // context ellipsis " c(y);\n", " d(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic "}" ) ); // Cursor keeps its position. view.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( editor.selected_display_ranges(cx), [DisplayPoint::new(19, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(19, 6)] ); }); }); // Diagnostics are added to the first path project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.disk_based_diagnostics_started(cx); project .update_diagnostic_entries( PathBuf::from("/test/"), None, vec![ DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(0, 15)..PointUtf16::new(0, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "mismatched types\nexpected `usize`, found `char`" .to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, is_primary: true, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 0, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(1, 15)..PointUtf16::new(1, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { message: "unresolved name `c`".to_string(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, is_primary: true, is_disk_based: true, group_id: 1, ..Default::default() }, }, ], cx, ) .unwrap(); project.disk_based_diagnostics_finished(cx); }); view.next_notification(&cx).await; view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx| { let editor = view.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.snapshot(cx)); assert_eq!( editor_blocks(&editor, cx), [ (0, "path header block".into()), (2, "diagnostic header".into()), (7, "diagnostic header".into()), (12, "path header block".into()), (14, "diagnostic header".into()), (27, "diagnostic header".into()), (36, "collapsed context".into()), ] ); assert_eq!( editor.text(), concat!( // // // "\n", // filename "\n", // padding // diagnostic group 1 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding "const a: i32 = 'a';\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic "const b: i32 = c;\n", // diagnostic group 2 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding "const a: i32 = 'a';\n", "const b: i32 = c;\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic // // // "\n", // filename "\n", // padding // diagnostic group 1 "\n", // primary message "\n", // padding " let x = vec![];\n", " let y = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " a(x);\n", " b(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " // comment 1\n", " // comment 2\n", " c(y);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " d(x);\n", // diagnostic group 2 "\n", // primary message "\n", // filename "fn main() {\n", " let x = vec![];\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " let y = vec![];\n", " a(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic " b(y);\n", "\n", // context ellipsis " c(y);\n", " d(x);\n", "\n", // supporting diagnostic "}" ) ); }); } fn editor_blocks(editor: &EditorSnapshot, cx: &AppContext) -> Vec<(u32, String)> { editor .blocks_in_range(0..editor.max_point().row()) .filter_map(|(row, block)| { block .render(&BlockContext { cx, anchor_x: 0., gutter_padding: 0., gutter_width: 0., em_width: 0., }) .name() .map(|s| (row, s.to_string())) }) .collect() } }