use editor::{Editor, EditorSettings}; use fuzzy::PathMatch; use gpui::{ action, elements::*, keymap::{self, Binding}, AppContext, Axis, Entity, ModelHandle, MutableAppContext, RenderContext, Task, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, }; use postage::watch; use project::{Project, ProjectPath, WorktreeId}; use std::{ cmp, path::Path, sync::{ atomic::{self, AtomicBool}, Arc, }, }; use util::post_inc; use workspace::{ menu::{Confirm, SelectNext, SelectPrev}, Settings, Workspace, }; pub struct FileFinder { handle: WeakViewHandle, settings: watch::Receiver, project: ModelHandle, query_editor: ViewHandle, search_count: usize, latest_search_id: usize, latest_search_did_cancel: bool, latest_search_query: String, matches: Vec, selected: Option<(usize, Arc)>, cancel_flag: Arc, list_state: UniformListState, } action!(Toggle); action!(Select, ProjectPath); pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_action(FileFinder::toggle); cx.add_action(FileFinder::confirm); cx.add_action(FileFinder::select); cx.add_action(FileFinder::select_prev); cx.add_action(FileFinder::select_next); cx.add_bindings(vec![ Binding::new("cmd-p", Toggle, None), Binding::new("escape", Toggle, Some("FileFinder")), ]); } pub enum Event { Selected(ProjectPath), Dismissed, } impl Entity for FileFinder { type Event = Event; } impl View for FileFinder { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "FileFinder" } fn render(&mut self, _: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { let settings = self.settings.borrow(); Align::new( ConstrainedBox::new( Container::new( Flex::new(Axis::Vertical) .with_child( Container::new(ChildView::new( .with_style(settings.theme.selector.input_editor.container) .boxed(), ) .with_child(Flexible::new(1.0, false, self.render_matches()).boxed()) .boxed(), ) .with_style(settings.theme.selector.container) .boxed(), ) .with_max_width(500.0) .with_max_height(420.0) .boxed(), ) .top() .named("file finder") } fn on_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.focus(&self.query_editor); } fn keymap_context(&self, _: &AppContext) -> keymap::Context { let mut cx = Self::default_keymap_context(); cx.set.insert("menu".into()); cx } } impl FileFinder { fn render_matches(&self) -> ElementBox { if self.matches.is_empty() { let settings = self.settings.borrow(); return Container::new( Label::new( "No matches".into(), settings.theme.selector.empty.label.clone(), ) .boxed(), ) .with_style(settings.theme.selector.empty.container) .named("empty matches"); } let handle = self.handle.clone(); let list = UniformList::new( self.list_state.clone(), self.matches.len(), move |mut range, items, cx| { let cx = cx.as_ref(); let finder = handle.upgrade(cx).unwrap(); let finder =; let start = range.start; range.end = cmp::min(range.end, finder.matches.len()); items.extend( finder.matches[range] .iter() .enumerate() .map(move |(i, path_match)| finder.render_match(path_match, start + i)), ); }, ); Container::new(list.boxed()) .with_margin_top(6.0) .named("matches") } fn render_match(&self, path_match: &PathMatch, index: usize) -> ElementBox { let selected_index = self.selected_index(); let settings = self.settings.borrow(); let style = if index == selected_index { &settings.theme.selector.active_item } else { &settings.theme.selector.item }; let (file_name, file_name_positions, full_path, full_path_positions) = self.labels_for_match(path_match); let container = Container::new( Flex::row() // .with_child( // Container::new( // LineBox::new( // Svg::new("icons/file-16.svg") // .with_color(style.label.text.color) // .boxed(), // style.label.text.clone(), // ) // .boxed(), // ) // .with_padding_right(6.0) // .boxed(), // ) .with_child( Flexible::new( 1.0, false, Flex::column() .with_child( Label::new(file_name.to_string(), style.label.clone()) .with_highlights(file_name_positions) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Label::new(full_path, style.label.clone()) .with_highlights(full_path_positions) .boxed(), ) .boxed(), ) .boxed(), ) .boxed(), ) .with_style(style.container); let action = Select(ProjectPath { worktree_id: WorktreeId::from_usize(path_match.worktree_id), path: path_match.path.clone(), }); EventHandler::new(container.boxed()) .on_mouse_down(move |cx| { cx.dispatch_action(action.clone()); true }) .named("match") } fn labels_for_match(&self, path_match: &PathMatch) -> (String, Vec, String, Vec) { let path_string = path_match.path.to_string_lossy(); let full_path = [path_match.path_prefix.as_ref(), path_string.as_ref()].join(""); let path_positions = path_match.positions.clone(); let file_name = path_match.path.file_name().map_or_else( || path_match.path_prefix.to_string(), |file_name| file_name.to_string_lossy().to_string(), ); let file_name_start = path_match.path_prefix.chars().count() + path_string.chars().count() - file_name.chars().count(); let file_name_positions = path_positions .iter() .filter_map(|pos| { if pos >= &file_name_start { Some(pos - file_name_start) } else { None } }) .collect(); (file_name, file_name_positions, full_path, path_positions) } fn toggle(workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &Toggle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { workspace.toggle_modal(cx, |cx, workspace| { let project = workspace.project().clone(); let finder = cx.add_view(|cx| Self::new(workspace.settings.clone(), project, cx)); cx.subscribe(&finder, Self::on_event).detach(); finder }); } fn on_event( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: ViewHandle, event: &Event, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { Event::Selected(project_path) => { workspace .open_path(project_path.clone(), cx) .detach_and_log_err(cx); workspace.dismiss_modal(cx); } Event::Dismissed => { workspace.dismiss_modal(cx); } } } pub fn new( settings: watch::Receiver, project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { cx.observe(&project, Self::project_updated).detach(); let query_editor = cx.add_view(|cx| { Editor::single_line( { let settings = settings.clone(); Arc::new(move |_| { let settings = settings.borrow(); EditorSettings { style: settings.theme.selector.input_editor.as_editor(), tab_size: settings.tab_size, soft_wrap: editor::SoftWrap::None, } }) }, cx, ) }); cx.subscribe(&query_editor, Self::on_query_editor_event) .detach(); Self { handle: cx.weak_handle(), settings, project, query_editor, search_count: 0, latest_search_id: 0, latest_search_did_cancel: false, latest_search_query: String::new(), matches: Vec::new(), selected: None, cancel_flag: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), list_state: Default::default(), } } fn project_updated(&mut self, _: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let query = self.query_editor.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.text(cx)); if let Some(task) = self.spawn_search(query, cx) { task.detach(); } } fn on_query_editor_event( &mut self, _: ViewHandle, event: &editor::Event, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { editor::Event::Edited => { let query = self.query_editor.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.text(cx)); if query.is_empty() { self.latest_search_id = post_inc(&mut self.search_count); self.matches.clear(); cx.notify(); } else { if let Some(task) = self.spawn_search(query, cx) { task.detach(); } } } editor::Event::Blurred => cx.emit(Event::Dismissed), _ => {} } } fn selected_index(&self) -> usize { if let Some(selected) = self.selected.as_ref() { for (ix, path_match) in self.matches.iter().enumerate() { if (path_match.worktree_id, path_match.path.as_ref()) == (selected.0, selected.1.as_ref()) { return ix; } } } 0 } fn select_prev(&mut self, _: &SelectPrev, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mut selected_index = self.selected_index(); if selected_index > 0 { selected_index -= 1; let mat = &self.matches[selected_index]; self.selected = Some((mat.worktree_id, mat.path.clone())); } self.list_state .scroll_to(ScrollTarget::Show(selected_index)); cx.notify(); } fn select_next(&mut self, _: &SelectNext, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mut selected_index = self.selected_index(); if selected_index + 1 < self.matches.len() { selected_index += 1; let mat = &self.matches[selected_index]; self.selected = Some((mat.worktree_id, mat.path.clone())); } self.list_state .scroll_to(ScrollTarget::Show(selected_index)); cx.notify(); } fn confirm(&mut self, _: &Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(m) = self.matches.get(self.selected_index()) { cx.emit(Event::Selected(ProjectPath { worktree_id: WorktreeId::from_usize(m.worktree_id), path: m.path.clone(), })); } } fn select(&mut self, Select(project_path): &Select, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.emit(Event::Selected(project_path.clone())); } #[must_use] fn spawn_search(&mut self, query: String, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option> { let search_id = util::post_inc(&mut self.search_count);, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); self.cancel_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let cancel_flag = self.cancel_flag.clone(); let project = self.project.clone(); Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let matches = project .read_with(&cx, |project, cx| { project.match_paths(&query, false, false, 100, cancel_flag.as_ref(), cx) }) .await; let did_cancel = cancel_flag.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.update_matches((search_id, did_cancel, query, matches), cx) }); })) } fn update_matches( &mut self, (search_id, did_cancel, query, matches): (usize, bool, String, Vec), cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if search_id >= self.latest_search_id { self.latest_search_id = search_id; if self.latest_search_did_cancel && query == self.latest_search_query { util::extend_sorted(&mut self.matches, matches.into_iter(), 100, |a, b| b.cmp(a)); } else { self.matches = matches; } self.latest_search_query = query; self.latest_search_did_cancel = did_cancel; self.list_state .scroll_to(ScrollTarget::Show(self.selected_index())); cx.notify(); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use editor::Input; use serde_json::json; use std::path::PathBuf; use workspace::{Workspace, WorkspaceParams}; #[gpui::test] async fn test_matching_paths(mut cx: gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut path_openers = Vec::new(); cx.update(|cx| { super::init(cx); editor::init(cx, &mut path_openers); }); let mut params = cx.update(WorkspaceParams::test); params.path_openers = Arc::from(path_openers); params .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "a": { "banana": "", "bandana": "", } }), ) .await; let (window_id, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(¶ms, cx)); params .project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/root", false, cx) }) .await .unwrap();|cx| .await; cx.dispatch_action(window_id, vec![], Toggle); let finder =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .modal() .cloned() .unwrap() .downcast::() .unwrap() }); let query_buffer =|cx|; let chain = vec![,]; cx.dispatch_action(window_id, chain.clone(), Input("b".into())); cx.dispatch_action(window_id, chain.clone(), Input("n".into())); cx.dispatch_action(window_id, chain.clone(), Input("a".into())); finder .condition(&cx, |finder, _| finder.matches.len() == 2) .await; let active_pane =|cx|; cx.dispatch_action(window_id, vec![,], SelectNext); cx.dispatch_action(window_id, vec![,], Confirm); active_pane .condition(&cx, |pane, _| pane.active_item().is_some()) .await;|cx| { let active_item =; assert_eq!(active_item.title(cx), "bandana"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_matching_cancellation(mut cx: gpui::TestAppContext) { let params = cx.update(WorkspaceParams::test); let fs = params.fs.as_fake(); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "hello": "", "goodbye": "", "halogen-light": "", "happiness": "", "height": "", "hi": "", "hiccup": "", }), ) .await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(¶ms, cx)); params .project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/dir", false, cx) }) .await .unwrap();|cx| .await; let (_, finder) = cx.add_window(|cx| { FileFinder::new( params.settings.clone(),, cx, ) }); let query = "hi".to_string(); finder .update(&mut cx, |f, cx| f.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx)) .unwrap() .await; finder.read_with(&cx, |f, _| assert_eq!(f.matches.len(), 5)); finder.update(&mut cx, |finder, cx| { let matches = finder.matches.clone(); // Simulate a search being cancelled after the time limit, // returning only a subset of the matches that would have been found. finder.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx).unwrap().detach(); finder.update_matches( ( finder.latest_search_id, true, // did-cancel query.clone(), vec![matches[1].clone(), matches[3].clone()], ), cx, ); // Simulate another cancellation. finder.spawn_search(query.clone(), cx).unwrap().detach(); finder.update_matches( ( finder.latest_search_id, true, // did-cancel query.clone(), vec![matches[0].clone(), matches[2].clone(), matches[3].clone()], ), cx, ); assert_eq!(finder.matches, matches[0..4]) }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_single_file_worktrees(mut cx: gpui::TestAppContext) { let params = cx.update(WorkspaceParams::test); params .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree("/root", json!({ "the-parent-dir": { "the-file": "" } })) .await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(¶ms, cx)); params .project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/root/the-parent-dir/the-file", false, cx) }) .await .unwrap();|cx| .await; let (_, finder) = cx.add_window(|cx| { FileFinder::new( params.settings.clone(),, cx, ) }); // Even though there is only one worktree, that worktree's filename // is included in the matching, because the worktree is a single file. finder .update(&mut cx, |f, cx| f.spawn_search("thf".into(), cx)) .unwrap() .await;|cx| { let finder =; assert_eq!(finder.matches.len(), 1); let (file_name, file_name_positions, full_path, full_path_positions) = finder.labels_for_match(&finder.matches[0]); assert_eq!(file_name, "the-file"); assert_eq!(file_name_positions, &[0, 1, 4]); assert_eq!(full_path, "the-file"); assert_eq!(full_path_positions, &[0, 1, 4]); }); // Since the worktree root is a file, searching for its name followed by a slash does // not match anything. finder .update(&mut cx, |f, cx| f.spawn_search("thf/".into(), cx)) .unwrap() .await; finder.read_with(&cx, |f, _| assert_eq!(f.matches.len(), 0)); } #[gpui::test(retries = 5)] async fn test_multiple_matches_with_same_relative_path(mut cx: gpui::TestAppContext) { let params = cx.update(WorkspaceParams::test); params .fs .as_fake() .insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "dir1": { "a.txt": "" }, "dir2": { "a.txt": "" } }), ) .await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(¶ms, cx)); workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_paths( &[PathBuf::from("/root/dir1"), PathBuf::from("/root/dir2")], cx, ) }) .await;|cx| .await; let (_, finder) = cx.add_window(|cx| { FileFinder::new( params.settings.clone(),, cx, ) }); // Run a search that matches two files with the same relative path. finder .update(&mut cx, |f, cx| f.spawn_search("a.t".into(), cx)) .unwrap() .await; // Can switch between different matches with the same relative path. finder.update(&mut cx, |f, cx| { assert_eq!(f.matches.len(), 2); assert_eq!(f.selected_index(), 0); f.select_next(&SelectNext, cx); assert_eq!(f.selected_index(), 1); f.select_prev(&SelectPrev, cx); assert_eq!(f.selected_index(), 0); }); } }