2023-02-05 23:36:30 -08:00

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These are the config settings available to jj/Jujutsu.

The config settings are loaded from the following locations. Less common ways to specify jj config settings are discussed in a later section.

  • ~/.jjconfig.toml (global)
  • .jj/repo/config.toml (per-repository)

See the TOML site for more on syntax. One thing to remember is that anything under a heading can be dotted e.g. user.name = "YOUR NAME" is equivalent to:

name = "YOUR NAME"

Headings only need to be set once in the real config file but Jujutsu favors the dotted style in these instructions, if only because it's easier to write down in an unconfusing way. If you are confident with TOML then use whichever suits you in your config. If you mix the styles, put the dotted keys before the first heading.

The other thing to remember is that the value of a setting (the part to the right of the = sign) should be surrounded in quotes if it's a string. That's probably enough TOML to keep you out of trouble but the syntax guide is very short if you ever need to check.

User settings

user.name = "YOUR NAME"
user.email = "YOUR_EMAIL@example.com"

Don't forget to change these to your own details!

UI settings

Colorizing output

Possible values are always, never and auto (default: auto). auto will use color only when writing to a terminal.

This setting overrides the NO_COLOR environment variable (if set).

ui.color = "never" # Turn off color

Custom colors and styles

You can customize the colors used for various elements of the UI. For example:

colors.commit_id = "green"

The following colors are available:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

They each come in a bright version too, e.g. "bright red".

If you use a string value for a color, as in the example above, it will be used for the foreground color. You can also set the background color, or make the text bold or underlined. For that, you need to use a table:

colors.commit_id = { fg = "green", bg = "red", bold = true, underline = true }

The key names are called "labels". The above used commit_id as label. You can also create rules combining multiple labels. The rules work a bit like CSS selectors. For example, if you want to color commit IDs green in general but make the commit ID of the working-copy commit also be underlined, you can do this:

colors.commit_id = "green"
colors."working_copy commit_id" = { underline = true }

Parts of the style that are not overridden - such as the foreground color in the example above - are inherited from the parent style.

Which elements can be colored is not yet documented, but see the default color configuration for some examples of what's possible.

Diff format

# Possible values: "color-words" (default), "git", "summary"
ui.diff.format = "git"

Graph style

# Possible values: "curved", "square", "ascii", "ascii-large",
# "legacy" (default)
ui.graph.style = "curved"

Display of commit and change ids

ui.unique-prefixes = "brackets"  # Does not rely on color

Whether to highlight a unique prefix for commit & change ids. Possible values are styled, brackets and none (default: styled).

ui.log-id-preferred-length = 6

Determines the number of characters displayed for jj log for change or commit ids. The default is 12. If the ui.unique-prefixes option is not set to none, this option will be ignored if the number of characters it specifies is insufficient to print the entire unique prefix of an id.

This option can be convenient to set on a per-repository level.

Relative timestamps

ui.relative-timestamps = true

False by default, but setting to true will change timestamps to be rendered as x days/hours/seconds ago instead of being rendered as a full timestamp.


The default pager is can be set via ui.pager or the PAGER environment variable. The priority is as follows (environment variables are marked with a $):

ui.pager > $PAGER

less -FRX is the default pager in the absence of any other setting.


You can define aliases for commands, including their arguments. For example:

# `jj l` shows commits on the working-copy commit's (anonymous) branch
# compared to the `main` branch
aliases.l = ["log", "-r", "(main..@): | (main..@)-"]


The default editor is set via ui.editor, though there are several places to set it. The priority is as follows (environment variables are marked with a $):

$JJ_EDITOR > ui.editor > $VISUAL > $EDITOR

Pico is the default editor in the absence of any other setting, but you could set it explicitly too.

ui.editor = "pico"

To use NeoVim instead:

ui.editor = "nvim"

For GUI editors you possibly need to use a -w or --wait. Some examples:

ui.editor = "code -w"       # VS Code
ui.editor = "bbedit -w"     # BBEdit
ui.editor = "subl -n -w"    # Sublime Text
ui.editor = "mate -w"       # TextMate
ui.editor = ["C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe",
    "-multiInst", "-notabbar", "-nosession", "-noPlugin"] # Notepad++
ui.editor = "idea --temp-project --wait"   #IntelliJ

Obviously, you would only set one line, don't copy them all in!

Editing diffs

The ui.diff-editor setting affects the tool used for editing diffs (e.g. jj split, jj amend -i). The default is meld. The left and right directories to diff are passed as the first and second argument respectively.

For example:

ui.diff-editor = "kdiff3" # Use merge-tools.kdiff3.edit-args
ui.diff-editor = ["kdiff3", "--merge"] # Specify edit-args inline

Custom arguments can be added, and will be inserted before the paths to diff:

# merge-tools.kdiff3.program = "kdiff3"      # Defaults to the name of the tool if not specified
merge-tools.kdiff3.edit-args = ["--merge", "--cs", "CreateBakFiles=0"]

Using Vim as a diff editor

Using ui.diff-editor = "vimdiff" is possible but not recommended. For a better experience, you can follow these instructions to configure the DirDiff Vim plugin.

3-way merge tools for conflict resolution

The ui.merge-editor key specifies the tool used for three-way merge tools by jj resolve. For example:

# Use merge-tools.meld.merge-args
ui.merge-editor = "meld"  # Or "kdiff3" or "vimdiff"
# Specify merge-args inline
ui.merge-editor = ["meld", "$left", "$base", "$right", "-o", "$output"]

The "meld", "kdiff3", and "vimdiff" tools can be used out of the box, as long as they are installed.

To use a different tool named TOOL, the arguments to pass to the tool MUST be specified either inline or in the merge-tools.TOOL.merge-args key. As an example of how to set this key and other tool configuration options, here is the out-of-the-box configuration of the three default tools. (There is no need to copy it to your config file verbatim, but you are welcome to customize it.)

# merge-tools.kdiff3.program  = "kdiff3"     # Defaults to the name of the tool if not specified
merge-tools.kdiff3.merge-args = ["$base", "$left", "$right", "-o", "$output", "--auto"]
merge-tools.meld.merge-args = ["$left", "$base", "$right", "-o", "$output", "--auto-merge"]

merge-tools.vimdiff.merge-args = ["-f", "-d", "$output", "-M",
    "$left", "$base", "$right",
    "-c", "wincmd J", "-c", "set modifiable",
    "-c", "set write"]
merge-tools.vimdiff.program = "vim"
merge-tools.vimdiff.merge-tool-edits-conflict-markers = true    # See below for an explanation

jj replaces the following arguments with the appropriate file names:

  • $output (REQUIRED) is replaced with the name of the file that the merge tool should output. jj will read this file after the merge tool exits.

  • $left and $right are replaced with the paths to two files containing the content of each side of the conflict.

  • $base is replaced with the path to a file containing the contents of the conflicted file in the last common ancestor of the two sides of the conflict.

Editing conflict markers with a tool or a text editor

By default, the merge tool starts with an empty output file. If the tool puts anything into the output file, and exits with the 0 exit code, jj assumes that the conflict is fully resolved. This is appropriate for most graphical merge tools.

Some tools (e.g. vimdiff) can present a multi-way diff but don't resolve conflict themselves. When using such tools, jj can help you by populating the output file with conflict markers before starting the merge tool (instead of leaving the output file empty and letting the merge tool fill it in). To do that, set the merge-tools.vimdiff.merge-tool-edits-conflict-markers = true option.

With this option set, if the output file still contains conflict markers after the conflict is done, jj assumes that the conflict was only partially resolved and parses the conflict markers to get the new state of the conflict. The conflict is considered fully resolved when there are no conflict markers left.

Git settings

Automatic local branch creation

By default, when jj imports a remote-tracking branch from Git, it also creates a local branch with the same name. In some repositories, this may be undesirable, e.g.:

  • There is a remote with a lot of historical branches that you don't want to be exported to the co-located Git repo.
  • There are multiple remotes with conflicting views of that branch, resulting in an unhelpful conflicted state.

You can disable this behavior by setting git.auto-local-branch like so,

git.auto-local-branch = false

Note that this setting may make it easier to accidentally delete remote branches. Since the local branch isn't created, the remote branch will be deleted if you push the branch with jj git push --branch or jj git push --all.

Alternative ways to specify configuration settings

Instead of ~/.jjconfig.toml, the config settings can be located at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/jj/config.toml as per the XDG specification. It is an error for both of these files to exist.

The location of the jj config file can also be overridden with the JJ_CONFIG environment variable. If it is not empty, it should contain the path to a TOML file that will be used instead of any configuration file in the default locations. For example,

env JJ_CONFIG=/dev/null jj log       # Ignores any settings specified in the config file.

You can use one or more --config-toml options on the command line to specify additional configuration settings. This overrides settings defined in config files or environment variables. For example,

jj --config-toml='ui.color="always"' --config-toml='ui.difftool="kdiff3"' split

Config specified this way must be valid TOML. In particular, string values must be surrounded by quotes. To pass these quotes to jj, most shells require surrounding those quotes with single quotes as shown above.

In sh-compatible shells, --config-toml can be used to merge entire TOML files with the config specified in .jjconfig.toml:

jj --config-toml="$(cat extra-config.toml)" log