63 KiB
Patch Changes
: ### 🚜 Refactor- Refine the TS Type of Awareness
- Parse Uint8array to LoroValue::Binary (#320)
📚 Documentation
- Update how to publish new npm pkgs
Updated dependencies [
]- loro-wasm@0.14.4
Patch Changes
Patch Changes
Refactor rename
- Rename stable pos to cursor (#317)
Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.14.2
Patch Changes
Supports Cursors
🚀 Features
- Cursors (#290)
Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.14.1
Minor Changes
Improved API
🚀 Features
- Access value/container by path (#308)
- Decode import blob meta (#307)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Decode iter return result by updating columnar to 0.3.4 (#309)
🚜 Refactor
- Replace "local" and "fromCheckout" in event with "triggeredBy" (#312)
- Add concrete type for each different container (#313)
- (ts) Make types better (#315)
📚 Documentation
- Refine wasm docs (#304)
- Clarify that peer id should be convertible to a u64 (#306)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add coverage report cli (#311)
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.14.0
Patch Changes
- Fix type errors and conversion from js->rust error
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.13.1
Minor Changes
mode for Containers #300Now creating sub-containers is much easier.
A container can be either attached to a document or detached. When it's detached, its history/state is not persisted. You can attach a container to a document by inserting it into an existing attached container. Once a container is attached, its state, along with all of its descendants's states, will be recreated in the document. After attaching, the container and its descendants will each have their corresponding "attached" version of themselves.
When a detached container x is attached to a document, you can use
to obtain the corresponding attached container.When we use const text = new LoroList(), it's not attached to a doc. But we can insert it into a doc by map.insertContainer(”t”, text), where the map is attached. But if we want the operations on the text to be recorded to the doc, we now need to get its attached version. So we can use “let attachedText = text.getAttached()”
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.13.0
Minor Changes
- Add getParent and getOrCreate
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.12.0
Patch Changes
- Fix batch import
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.11.1
Minor Changes
Fix a few bugs and include BREAKING CHANG refactors
- fix: should not reset the state when calling checkout to latest (#265)
- refactor: only send a event for one
(#263) - perf: optimize snapshot encoding speed (#264)
- feat: remove deleted set in tree state and optimize api (#259)
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.11.0
Patch Changes
- fix: remove checking after checkout
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.10.1
Minor Changes
- New encoding schema
- BREAKING CHANGE: refactor: Optimizing Encoding Representation for Child Container Creation to Reduce Document Size (#247)
- feat: compare frontiers causal order (#257)
- docs: update docs about rich text style (#258)
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.10.0
Patch Changes
- Fix a few richtext time travel issues
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.9.4
Patch Changes
- feat: add getChangeAtLamport
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.9.3
Patch Changes
- Fix a few rich text issue
- fix: time travel back should be able to nullify rich text span (#254)
- fix: formalize apply delta method (#252)
- fix: how to find best insert pos for richtext & expand type reverse behavior (#250)
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.9.2
Patch Changes
- Fix use consistnt peer id repr and expose VersionVector type
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.9.1
Minor Changes
- Refine the rich text CRDT in Loro
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.9.0
Minor Changes
- Stabilize encoding and fix several issues related to time travel
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.8.0
Patch Changes
- Fix encoding value err
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.2
Patch Changes
- Fix export compressed snapshot
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.2
Patch Changes
- Add compressed method
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.2
Patch Changes
- Fix v0 exports
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.2
Patch Changes
- Add experimental encode methods
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.2
Patch Changes
- Fix a few richtext errors
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.1
Minor Changes
- refactor: remove setPanicHook and call it internally when loaded
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.7.0
Patch Changes
- Fix checkout err on seq data
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.6.5
Patch Changes
- Fix time travel issue #211
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.6.4
Patch Changes
- Fix isContainer issue
Patch Changes
- Refine getType and isContainer
Patch Changes
Minor Changes
- Improve API of event
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
- loro-wasm@0.6.0
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.5.0 (2023-11-27)
- encoding schema is changed
Bug Fixes
- #181 importing should use inherent arena (8e901cf)
- deno dirname in windows (#183) (c04dc34)
- from snapshot should enable auto commit (b940214)
- keep strong ref to doc in handlers #190 (#191) (e23ef43)
- remove compress feature (#184) (899270c)
- typo in lib.rs (#176) (83b0e8c)
0.4.3 (2023-11-16)
Bug Fixes
- avoid i32 overflow (f799da9)
0.4.2 (2023-11-16)
Bug Fixes
0.4.1 (2023-11-12)
- add
mark to event (#164) (08e4ed9) - add bench (d03617c)
- add compress (c9f63b6)
- add compress (6b6286d)
- add contains (b30dee1)
- add context check (df3a708)
- add cursor support (59f59b1)
- add decode state and loro to_json (be02701)
- add decode state and loro to_json (92e2bff)
- add delta compose (9544e27)
- add deps to change (3eb4157)
- add encode (5969f92)
- add enum as inner fork (7704ce2)
- add fromCheckout to wasm (fdd24bd)
- add gc feature gate (811d585)
- add go bindgen (8f73917)
- add index map (0ce9dbc)
- add java bindgen (271250b)
- add list notify (4ed1eae)
- add map state snapshot (48d784b)
- add notify to map and list (c574e7e)
- add origin to doc state diff (874533e)
- add pool mapping (1c8f378)
- add prelim (bc8235f)
- add prelim struct (43cb9cc)
- add Prelim struct (b5880f0)
- add push to List (99278b1)
- add python bingen (8397274)
- add recursive wasm (4726677)
- add return type for map and list (39ece04)
- add rle global index tree trait (067fb82)
- add simple origin (99e48b6)
- add subscribe to containers in wasm (6df69bd)
- add tracing spans (d718ed3)
- add tracing spans (32b53aa)
- add typed versions of getMap and getList to Loro class (#96) (bc09a04)
- add withstartend (8f00518)
- apply change (8c0f033)
- autocommit transaction (#127) (8293347)
- basic import export pipeline (f838373)
- basic pipeline for text (1f827f9)
- basic snapshot encoding (e993f1b)
- basic wasm interface (e0a472f)
- change & op (aae5cf2)
- change cfg api (b156023)
- checkout to target version & use unicode index by default (#98) (c105ff2)
- cmp vv (aa060a9)
- compact bytes init (8704d22)
- compressed rle update encode mode (#107) (17d1a9e)
- conenct container and store (19c1215)
- connect diff calculator (8ebd41f)
- container checker (0f2333b)
- container iter (13becdb)
- convert event to js & add vitest (49f664d)
- convert frontiers to version vector (336bd1e)
- convert remote change to local change in oplog (8f6a6e1)
- create doc from snapshot (#136) (e1ab03f)
- cursor mut (66c50d4)
- dag find path (ed14536)
- dag init (1ca2b42)
- dag iter (b828783)
- dag partial iter (8f6dd65)
- delete (550bce2)
- delete range (e19fb6a)
- diff calc bring back & tree new event and value (#149) (acafc76), closes #147 #151
- dynamic insert content (efd806b)
- encode updates (d3a0d10)
- encode/decode v2 (f208744)
- event (buggy) (b5c325b)
- event & wasm (15be521)
- expose ContainerID (cc129ee)
- expose from loro crate (490a54d)
- expose frontier & make it comparable (#95) (0a31b67)
- expose version and change inspect api to wasm (#156) (7ccfd1e)
- extra pkg loro-crdt to wrap loro-wasm (2f74b13)
- fast gc (794e001)
- get missing span of vv (b6d3f6b)
- get op content from store (4f2f07d)
- get timestamp (c31a4a0)
- get value deep (0d0603d)
- get vv from dag (16395a4)
- handlers (a3488c7)
- hierarchy children & parent (e402850)
- impl C ffi (95309db)
- impl list map text transaction (3c9818e)
- impl loro decode (580f2e5)
- impl yata (670d194)
- impl yata insert_at (ec59679)
- implicit commit (89c832e)
- import without state (a8b7d65)
- init (9ecd041)
- init content map (bd1b0a2)
- init delta (1ae9bf2)
- init encoding and build pipeline for wasm (f14905d)
- init ffi (a26d4b0)
- init list container transaction (47b9b34)
- init nodejs bindgen (5b6f864)
- init txn (bc11f0a)
- insert at cursor (36c9fd7)
- insert obj to list (b56d747)
- insertion (3c96a6b)
- integrate to text container (dce9f03)
- introduce crdt-list (cd95e22)
- introduce rope (c25500d)
- iter update in rle tree (bc980c5)
- list & text states (2cbe214)
- list container (077d696)
- list diff calculator (d2c3eea)
- list init (29c4d20)
- list push_front (5743f8d)
- loro use auto commit transaction (47d1bb6)
- LoroValue Binary (331dc6c)
- make capacity adjustable (92434cc)
- make getting child container handler simple (#104) (b22bd98)
- map basic (a44a3cd)
- map container (aa9590b)
- map transaction (4652d83)
- mermaid (77065bf)
- minor: add a min match size (e8ca8d6)
- movable tree support (#120) (e01e984)
- new map diff and map state (4a8ce16)
- new rle vec (1c5cd94)
- notify (72599b9)
- op iter (6c61c6b)
- pending bk (fdacd62)
- pending import (c1a72c3)
- pending remote changes, todo snapshot (80a9d12)
- pending snapshot (c34df16)
- Peritext-like rich text support (#123) (d942e3d)
- pin (10bac8c)
- readonly arena (cc4e1d0)
- record diff in app state (7f3bd5b)
- record hierarchical info (9bdb6b9)
- recursive emit events (fbebb5b)
- recursive map type; but perf becomes worse (3d2ea64)
- remove gc (99c8529)
- replace notify set range method (bd30f67)
- return cursor in iter (0d99ceb)
- reuse tracker (a1d1517)
- rle (2c7e2de)
- rle tree insert (028e3ba)
- root subscriber & apply event to value (aaf4e68)
- set range (bf8973c)
- setup framework (fb27c16)
- simple export and import (5c47f2e)
- state snapshot (2fedf8d)
- state snapshot import (85865e5)
- subscribe for container events (470d23a)
- subscribe unsubscribe (e153f11)
- supply-chain safety with cargo-vet (1252bcd)
- support richtext in wasm & mark text with arbitrary value (#142) (a40b5c6), closes #139
- support txn abort for states (fd588be)
- supports setting capacity (346117f)
- text transaction (46e2c5a)
- text utf16 (00dbf06)
- to json and from json (154ddfc)
- transaction decode (0ff122b)
- txn apply local op (4634f0d)
- update at cursor pos (374e323)
- update columnar (5b0f3e3)
- use columnar iterable (a1c3eea)
- use ContainerTrait (9fefd75)
- use text tracker diff (c50294a)
- use the same api for container and temp container (4bb3ea8)
- wasm encode decode basic (91e7b3a)
- wasm transaction (ce00729)
- wasm: get deep value (66d74c1)
- wasm: root subscribe & unsubscribe (572fe85)
Bug Fixes
- decode snapshot after pending (4a1f4e8)
- a few common ancestors bugs (906aebf)
- a few recursive bugs (0fac770)
- a weird deps bug (b1d438d)
- adapt crdt-list change (a7ce6dd)
- add 2 site tests & fix update cursor bug (b099b45)
- add compress (3727fb7)
- add debug info & reduce 40% mem usage (1e9d576)
- add err when updates cannot be apply (e4b6c5b)
- add event diff test & fix related bugs (0a421d3)
- add local info (f9f556f)
- add root tracking test & and fix several related bugs (06d53dd)
- add safety comment to rle (9240ad1)
- all vv and head vv error (18235db)
- all_vv update (8dbdf04)
- allow holes exist in tracker vv (beeda6c)
- apply effects order (16dd4c7)
- avoid potential memory leak (6a2da8a)
- avoid repeatedly apply (36adcd0)
- avoid Unresolved as PrelimValue (a04d079)
- avoid zero len del in text (b805661)
- basic import export test (788808b)
- batch notify should be sorted by path length (fb8a0e2)
- better capacity setting (59d9c9b)
- better dag find common ancestor (e11e93f)
- bugs related to unknown type (3d07e7e)
- build event when commit (dd4e7d5)
- build links between leaf nodes (3fb88bd)
- cache error (8807d43)
- cache update in list diff calc (5f5db10)
- calculate lamport by deps (e418978)
- cap (6546577)
- cargo fix (50b2834)
- causal iter sort (73bc9a7)
- change deps bug (6dcd9d1)
- changes traveler bug (3551bc4)
- check err (6a8087c)
- checkout result err (05f8023)
- client idx use Rle (e048224)
- columnar iter name (0b64a56)
- commit txn when dropping (93a52ba)
- common ancestor step 1 (352ddc1)
- compress flag (b3420e4)
- container id should be converted to js string (f27786f)
- container length is inconsistent when fuzzing caused by decode (95ad837)
- container may be deleted from doc when editing (bc66583)
- crdt-list yata integrate err (4213d4c)
- cursor get_sliced should have len > 0 (9d31605)
- cursor should be invalidated (65d6f4f)
- cursor should not use Deref (a93d9f7)
- dag (78faec3)
- dag issues (8db4778)
- dag partial iter bug (6473d9c)
- dead lock on list (b94274d)
- decode batch (#54) (625771c)
- decode deps (45c1a2e)
- decode hierarchy for snapshot mode (4748e1d)
- decode notify (27eb840)
- decode remove unknown (eb8a076)
- decode unknown (89a2659)
- delete span iter bug (ec4e192)
- delta compose delete insert (c4a62be)
- DeltaValue trait add length (25c1f44)
- deno tests (e01b695)
- dep counter (b8e27dc)
- dep is in merged pending change (d4f786e)
- diff calc err (e15e207)
- effect iter, get_cursor_at_id_span bug (b057201)
- empty doc with pending decode snapshot (7b012de)
- empty input (8bb427a)
- encode enhanced pending changes (a77bf2f)
- encode use dep_on_self (5b22a1e)
- encode when only create container but no op (f468e3b)
- encode_from no compression by default (#77) (1002c9c)
- encoding (889f564)
- encoding error (a91b43a)
- encoding merge err (3bb2d34)
- encoding version use u8 (bfeed8f)
- export iter bug (985a8f6)
- feature err (2ecb156)
- find yspan.origin right error (5ac137c)
- find_path (15c60ae)
- first met dep may have smaller counter (fec3c27)
- fix a delete bug & init bench (9e66e2d)
- fix a encode/decode issue (3638e3d)
- fix a few bugs (61c27ca)
- fix a few bugs (5f6d663)
- fix a few import panic (1d3cd60)
- fix a few recursive_refactored bug (16ec59d)
- fix insertion err (1f0f502)
- fix lamport infer in change encode (f527de5)
- fix memory leak (b582e00)
- fix several bugs (bcc2c57)
- fix several issues detected by fuzzer (886c1cd)
- fix several iter & delete bug (5104e94)
- fix yspan merge bug (d7d626d)
- fuzz (fba6024)
- fuzz deps (e85ba3f)
- g-btree bug, fixed by upgrade dep (a52549e)
- g-btree delete leaf err (bcf81a4)
- get container by id err (b98c225)
- get cursors at id span bug (7154b5e)
- get deep value & throw mismatched context err (88003bd)
- get first cursor at id span err (46252a4)
- get is span should consider unapplied status (9080e68)
- get lamport by frontiers bug (3d3c54e)
- get path dead loop (76f995f)
- hierarchy notify (a24e284)
- impl Fugue correctly (#133) (c9cf106)
- import (f0b8cf3)
- import change slice (e6a4be5)
- import context diff should keep causal order (63bb791)
- imported changes were not mergeable (#147) (5b65963)
- insert / delete 0 length content (31b0fa3)
- insert map logic bug (d34abee)
- interface update (a20b4c9)
- it's possible to enter the no sibling state (284f1e0)
- iter bug (3eae708)
- iter bug & lamport bug & set init len for tracker (9157e75)
- iter end (90596fa)
- lamport issue (2a0f842)
- lamport order (0cbf5e2)
- lamport remove sort (033916c)
- list (c7e5c90)
- list assert err (c798662)
- list iter and slice err (882def3)
- list op merge logic (55c274d)
- list state err (fa13d1d)
- list use delta as op (d144906)
- list_op delete merge error (24773ac)
- lookup change (f0266f0)
- loro-crdt type (aadde5a)
- make directly apply faster (e7b1148)
- make encoding enhanced simpler (9b18ff9)
- make events JsValue (86057ad)
- make export less strict (6c1fef7)
- make it work for text container simple cases (26a68dc)
- make LoroCore: Send + Sync (#61) (a03c68a)
- make LoroValue serialize & deserialize compatible with json and binary (5ec8752)
- make recursive case work (f5ae229)
- make subscription work (db29178)
- make text container send&sync (39f5140)
- make text event in wasm use utf16 as index and len (#88) (3e64116)
- map apply order (8f6059d)
- map fuzz diff delete LoroValue::Null (398ddcb)
- map lamport order (b6e9983)
- map pool mapping (af29f7e)
- map version checkout err (#101) (72cc8c6)
- merge err (1ce91be)
- merge err (3ea9770)
- mermaid links fix (4a608cc)
- modify after merging (2d316b4)
- nesting notify (953a461)
- new encode format (dad7680)
- no panic when integrate an deleted container (a7f21e3)
- nodejs patch (5c0d8b7)
- not leaking closure (b0d7ad8)
- notify (77eac9e)
- notify fuzzy test (2c11846)
- op content merge (98c9360)
- op converter (c294c61)
- op counter (d1d2425)
- op iter bug (3b42c06)
- opt offset [lamport] (7c8aa72)
- origin left should points to non-deleted (7c032b6)
- other client pending import (with debug (9db061e)
- partial iter bug (037093f)
- pass dag prop test (56be50c)
- pass delta test (344bbb1)
- path reverse (870b39e)
- post delete handler (c8a83fe)
- prelim compatible with pool (4194c79)
- prelim transaction (f165e25)
- range map (96f29ee)
- redefine and fix find common ancestor (a9d57bf)
- reduce heap alloc (9c35aa2)
- reduce heap alloc (43c2860)
- reduce unsafe code (b80a70b)
- refine mermaid diagram style (bb3eb7b)
- refine rangemap interface (1933fe6)
- remove a few unsafe blocks about create cursor (02ebfbc)
- remove auto commit (04dd105)
- remove changes error freeze behavior (58fb7de)
- remove checker to container inner (73598c4)
- remove container encoding (16400dd)
- remove counter & lamport from RleUpdates encoding (ea921e4)
- remove counter & lamport from snapshot (ccfa3ee)
- remove delta clone (3a0b8d9)
- remove events when delete container (8f4b5f1)
- remove heap (e3a93be)
- remove lamport from snapshot (d87b3b9)
- remove needless check (90fe4cc)
- remove needless notify (ff9877d)
- remove needless notify (83abf39)
- remove over conservative check (139d71e)
- remove temp, add checker (4f5f809)
- remove unknown type on content (780f756)
- rename has global index (7e5c9b0)
- resolve deep value (1c7ccf2)
- return err when changes should be queued (ae730d2)
- return Err when index out of bound (532eee0)
- return none for deleted container when finding path (d2123a2)
- revert enhanced encoding (05dc62a)
- richtext event (#138) (95e6130)
- rle iter logic (4784918)
- rletree creator (0127690)
- rleUpdates lamport calculate (52dd09d)
- rm snapshot start counter (04cec60)
- seq container vv error (e385c09)
- set small range err (592199a)
- settimeout by default in subscription (94f481e)
- should be readonly when doc is in detached mode (640828b)
- should filter out non-active spans on delete (a2fcd73)
- should keep deleted container id in hierarchy (8722208)
- should notify err (c611728)
- should use slicerange in text container (114e129)
- simplify create level when apply update (81b8f2c)
- simplify get siblings (6da6cd2)
- simplify op set (bc57f01)
- slice issue (ec07825)
- snapshot container error due to temp idx (dc69267)
- snapshot encode err (#135) (8235eaa)
- snapshot encoding err (2a436e0)
- snapshot load diff (7ffac80)
- snapshot pending import (ac80775)
- snapshot unknown and change value to i64 (af6342a)
- SnapshotOp map use u32 (d2b8941)
- some suggestions about rm lamport (1743f4a)
- sort change by ord (e196e23)
- sort key -lamport (de12fc8)
- speed up encode (6020198)
- still apply op from deleted container (fcffc29)
- string fuzzy (1df1f1d)
- styling (0241567)
- test (38ccf36)
- text container heads update (93af1c7)
- text sync issues (abec22c)
- to json result (b1738e3)
- to_json resolve deep (3faaf25)
- to_json resolve deep (11292e3)
- to_json resolve deep (8a3f205)
- tracker state fix (12e2899)
- transaction (74a7aa6)
- transaction op apply (1979c23)
- tree balance issue (d36c41b)
- try merging parent after its children removed (7191668)
- try to avoid recursive lock in notification (05f19de)
- try to put origin right to an un deleted elem (0509db4)
- two sites sync issue (69521a9)
- type err (3a0c00f)
- type err (8a15d2e)
- type error (cb26a46)
- typo on op -> diff (aa151a4)
- ues try_lock (cf1f7dc)
- unsound (violate borrow stack rules) bugs detected by Miri (#32) (f757b86)
- unsubscribe (8545a0a)
- update bumpalo fix potential leaks (737c14e)
- update crate path (fbb2403)
- update deps (cc3a869)
- update leaf cache when create new elem by del (e30ba86)
- use &mut instead of BumpBox for Node (12e2937)
- use after free in heap mode when deleting (f7821f0)
- use better structure for log store access (4fc987f)
- use BTreeMap to iter node content (7ec25b3)
- use container id when converting unresolved to jsvalue (16e76ea)
- use heap mode in text state (62891e2), closes #8
- use LoroValue as json content (2e1d508)
- use LoroValue as json content (fabef2a)
- use Option as delta meta (449a772)
- use promise.then instead of timeout (32378a7)
- use split_off to take n (6fd81c8)
- use stack instead of heap (5707258)
- use topological sort for causal iter (ee22d29)
- use Transaction to decode/import (#92) (e51d6f8)
- use update encoding by default (bd3ac43)
- use utf16 by default for text in wasm (4c37235)
- utf16 len fallback to utf8 when unknown (#93) (bbcb6f3)
- utf16 query err (#151) (5a9baeb)
- vec slice bug (cf3e3ee)
- vec slice is ill defined (610a651)
- warnings (200a6dd)
- wasm add client id check (9734860)
- wasm change peerid should be bigint (48611c5)
- wasm hierarchy notify dead lock (80640ca)
- wasm interface (e124bbb)
- wasm loro class inner mutability (6a02ce1)
- wasm type convert err (3c7e939)
- yata fuzzing now works (b11fe73)
- yata fuzzing works now (7f728db)
- yata id spans generate bug (280382c)
- yspan slice bug (8406b18)