
This section documents the contents of the salsa crate. The salsa crate contains code that interacts with the generated code to create the complete "salsa experience".

Major types

The crate has a few major types.

The salsa::Storage struct

The salsa::Storage struct is what users embed into their database. It consists of two main parts:

The salsa::Runtime struct

The salsa::Runtime struct stores the data that is used to track which queries are being executed and to coordinate between them. The Runtime is embedded within the salsa::Storage struct.

Important. The Runtime does not store the actual data from the queries; they live alongside it in the salsa::Storage struct. This ensures that the type of Runtime is not generic which is needed to ensure dyn safety.


There is one salsa::Runtime for each active thread, and each of them has a unique RuntimeId. The Runtime state itself is divided into;

  • SharedState, accessible from all runtimes;
  • LocalState, accessible only from this runtime.

Query storage implementations and support code

For each kind of query (input, derived, interned, etc) there is a corresponding "storage struct" that contains the code to implement it. For example, derived queries are implemented by the DerivedStorage struct found in the salsa::derived module.

Storage structs like DerivedStorage are generic over a query type Q, which corresponds to the query structs in the generated code. The query structs implement the Query trait which gives basic info such as the key and value type of the query and its ability to recover from cycles. In some cases, the Q type is expected to implement additional traits: derived queries, for example, implement QueryFunction, which defines the code that will execute when the query is called.

The storage structs, in turn, implement key traits from the plumbing module. The most notable is the QueryStorageOps, which defines the basic operations that can be done on a query.