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490.34 M 180.02 526.56 C 187.05 518.85 192.43 511.34 211.51 490.34 M 179.75 532.96 C 190.73 518.36 204.12 502.66 217.15 489.94 M 179.75 532.96 C 189.22 523.11 198.79 511.84 217.15 489.94 M 180.15 538.61 C 192.08 526.19 205.39 510.09 222.14 490.3 M 180.15 538.61 C 193.41 525.35 205.22 510.36 222.14 490.3 M 179.89 545 C 198.38 523.15 213.76 504.61 227.78 489.91 M 179.89 545 C 190.56 532.31 200.4 520.04 227.78 489.91 M 180.28 550.65 C 193.14 535.7 202.34 523.98 232.77 490.27 M 180.28 550.65 C 199.79 526.45 220.15 502.8 232.77 490.27 M 180.02 557.04 C 199.61 532.89 217.72 513.03 238.41 489.87 M 180.02 557.04 C 196.85 537.42 212.49 518.21 238.41 489.87 M 179.76 563.44 C 204.55 537.97 224.92 507.49 243.4 490.24 M 179.76 563.44 C 200.32 539.06 220.64 515.93 243.4 490.24 M 180.15 569.08 C 203.32 546.29 223.28 520.01 249.04 489.84 M 180.15 569.08 C 197.01 547.8 215.25 527.82 249.04 489.84 M 179.89 575.48 C 209.26 544.18 236.91 510.08 254.03 490.2 M 179.89 575.48 C 200.6 551.98 220.85 528.42 254.03 490.2 M 180.29 581.13 C 209.38 546.48 236.76 513.66 259.67 489.81 M 180.29 581.13 C 205.86 551.06 232.15 521.87 259.67 489.81 M 180.02 587.52 C 209.26 555.14 238.33 518.05 264.66 490.17 M 180.02 587.52 C 196.88 566.98 215.56 545.95 264.66 490.17 M 179.76 593.92 C 203.19 566.99 227.2 538.81 270.3 489.77 M 179.76 593.92 C 213.33 558.69 244.16 522.05 270.3 489.77 M 180.16 599.56 C 211.6 561.27 247.05 518.57 275.29 490.13 M 180.16 599.56 C 205.81 568.58 231.87 538.27 275.29 490.13 M 179.9 605.96 C 218.21 558.32 259.04 514.36 280.93 489.74 M 179.9 605.96 C 217.92 561.34 255.25 517.12 280.93 489.74 M 180.29 611.61 C 211.82 575.56 245.18 535.59 285.92 490.1 M 180.29 611.61 C 218.77 564.84 258.72 518.92 285.92 490.1 M 180.03 618 C 202.35 591.35 228.38 567 291.56 489.7 M 180.03 618 C 213.99 578.18 248.88 538.51 291.56 489.7 M 179.77 624.4 C 208.22 590.58 236.65 559.45 296.55 490.06 M 179.77 624.4 C 228.24 570.89 273.83 517.09 296.55 490.06 M 180.16 630.04 C 231 573.09 276.07 519.57 302.19 489.67 M 180.16 630.04 C 208.82 598.5 236.11 566.56 302.19 489.67 M 179.9 636.44 C 221.13 588.69 261.11 543.34 307.18 490.03 M 179.9 636.44 C 227.85 579.5 278.58 521.47 307.18 490.03 M 180.3 642.08 C 226.38 592.06 267.45 540.8 312.82 489.63 M 180.3 642.08 C 221.05 599.14 258.22 554.42 312.82 489.63 M 180.03 648.48 C 227.76 593.39 278.86 537.75 317.81 489.99 M 180.03 648.48 C 208.12 617.19 236.53 584.52 317.81 489.99 M 179.77 654.88 C 237.42 589.63 295.1 527.8 322.79 490.35 M 179.77 654.88 C 212.87 618.28 246.47 579.63 322.79 490.35 M 180.17 660.52 C 224.66 610.89 266 560.99 328.44 489.96 M 180.17 660.52 C 212.44 624.97 243.36 589.22 328.44 489.96 M 185.81 660.13 C 221.96 616.23 263.06 570.99 333.42 490.32 M 185.81 660.13 C 224.49 616.37 262.5 571.88 333.42 490.32 M 190.8 660.49 C 248.18 591.95 308.13 523.35 339.07 489.92 M 190.8 660.49 C 223.57 621.04 258.47 582.83 339.07 489.92 M 196.44 660.09 C 229.07 621.54 262.33 586.2 344.05 490.28 M 196.44 660.09 C 247.63 603.02 296.42 546.15 344.05 490.28 M 201.43 660.45 C 257.68 593.6 314.02 527.97 349.7 489.89 M 201.43 660.45 C 256.04 597.86 312.31 533.48 349.7 489.89 M 207.07 660.06 C 246.14 617.14 281.04 574.21 354.68 490.25 M 207.07 660.06 C 254.52 604.87 301.23 551.36 354.68 490.25 M 212.06 660.42 C 262.72 602.1 312.53 543.85 360.33 489.86 M 212.06 660.42 C 272.08 594.11 331.6 526 360.33 489.86 M 217.7 660.03 C 266.84 602.28 316.36 545.06 365.31 490.22 M 217.7 660.03 C 253.6 620.44 290.22 578.79 365.31 490.22 M 222.69 660.39 C 275.4 596.64 329.9 533.54 370.96 489.82 M 222.69 660.39 C 276.54 598.08 331.42 533.27 370.96 489.82 M 228.33 659.99 C 284.21 597.52 337.39 535.67 375.94 490.18 M 228.33 659.99 C 287.33 594.87 343.81 530.64 375.94 490.18 M 233.32 660.35 C 286.7 598.37 338.64 539.62 381.59 489.79 M 233.32 660.35 C 292.72 590.77 351.81 524.14 381.59 489.79 M 238.96 659.96 C 272.86 620.26 306.22 582.11 386.57 490.15 M 238.96 659.96 C 272.93 620.85 308.47 582.01 386.57 490.15 M 243.95 660.32 C 277.94 621.34 310.16 584.51 392.22 489.75 M 243.95 660.32 C 287.53 611.1 331.56 561.01 392.22 489.75 M 248.94 660.68 C 291.96 607 341.13 553.28 397.2 490.11 M 248.94 660.68 C 296.13 606.62 345.37 550.02 397.2 490.11 M 254.58 660.28 C 294.82 617.57 329.77 574.62 402.85 489.72 M 254.58 660.28 C 300.55 608.89 344.47 559.05 402.85 489.72 M 259.57 660.64 C 290.32 623.8 322.13 589.99 407.83 490.08 M 259.57 660.64 C 315.21 596.12 370.36 532.41 407.83 490.08 M 265.21 660.25 C 320.99 598.41 376.78 534.3 413.48 489.68 M 265.21 660.25 C 324.23 595.25 380.93 528.65 413.48 489.68 M 270.2 660.61 C 298.9 627.68 330.26 589.42 418.46 490.04 M 270.2 660.61 C 325.84 596.07 384 529.38 418.46 490.04 M 275.84 660.21 C 312.55 615.57 353.28 569.72 424.11 489.65 M 275.84 660.21 C 327.16 603.02 377.42 544.47 424.11 489.65 M 280.83 660.57 C 311.96 626.61 341.24 590.91 429.09 490.01 M 280.83 660.57 C 326.66 608.13 373.31 554.86 429.09 490.01 M 286.47 660.18 C 326.26 614.01 362.73 571.98 434.08 490.37 M 286.47 660.18 C 330.08 610.64 371.64 561.94 434.08 490.37 M 291.46 660.54 C 321.42 625.99 351.23 589.08 439.72 489.97 M 291.46 660.54 C 350.67 593.99 408.35 528.09 439.72 489.97 M 297.1 660.14 C 332 617.63 366.87 579.26 444.71 490.33 M 297.1 660.14 C 348.31 601.4 399.44 542.31 444.71 490.33 M 302.09 660.5 C 361.73 592.31 419.35 528.41 450.36 489.94 M 302.09 660.5 C 337.56 620.02 374.24 578.55 450.36 489.94 M 307.73 660.11 C 358.04 601.28 409.69 541.1 455.34 490.3 M 307.73 660.11 C 365.46 593.25 423.03 526.24 455.34 490.3 M 312.72 660.47 C 356.14 612.34 394.3 567.93 460.99 489.91 M 312.72 660.47 C 363.5 603.46 413.12 544.9 460.99 489.91 M 318.36 660.07 C 359.46 613.6 396.8 569.6 465.97 490.27 M 318.36 660.07 C 361.63 607.65 406.11 555.78 465.97 490.27 M 323.35 660.44 C 376.35 602.62 425.95 541.88 471.62 489.87 M 323.35 660.44 C 374.86 601.23 426.3 540.02 471.62 489.87 M 328.99 660.04 C 377.49 603.8 427.29 545.38 476.6 490.23 M 328.99 660.04 C 370.96 610.84 413.72 561.54 476.6 490.23 M 333.98 660.4 C 364.9 622.9 395.85 586.94 482.25 489.84 M 333.98 660.4 C 363.81 623.45 394.21 588.95 482.25 489.84 M 339.62 660.01 C 375.34 617.83 410.22 579.04 487.23 490.2 M 339.62 660.01 C 394.35 596.59 449.46 533.79 487.23 490.2 M 344.61 660.37 C 387.56 612.27 428.45 564.46 492.88 489.8 M 344.61 660.37 C 374.59 624.57 405.91 589.19 492.88 489.8 M 350.25 659.97 C 399.97 602.21 449.16 546.27 497.86 490.16 M 350.25 659.97 C 396.99 606.2 445.11 550.89 497.86 490.16 M 355.24 660.33 C 391.05 617.16 429.92 571.63 503.51 489.77 M 355.24 660.33 C 403.63 603.54 453.91 545.75 503.51 489.77 M 360.88 659.94 C 406.58 607.98 450.78 560.52 508.49 490.13 M 360.88 659.94 C 406.42 607.45 451.74 554.73 508.49 490.13 M 365.87 660.3 C 401.61 618.73 436.01 577.94 514.14 489.73 M 365.87 660.3 C 418.71 601.71 467.99 543.4 514.14 489.73 M 370.85 660.66 C 411 610.96 453.49 561.69 519.12 490.09 M 370.85 660.66 C 404 621.32 438.26 580.8 519.12 490.09 M 376.5 660.26 C 412.99 617.76 446.57 578.08 524.77 489.7 M 376.5 660.26 C 415.41 617.09 452.69 573.92 524.77 489.7 M 381.48 660.62 C 440.07 593.84 496.5 528.5 529.75 490.06 M 381.48 660.62 C 412.48 624.1 445.35 586.33 529.75 490.06 M 387.13 660.23 C 425.95 612.79 466.1 566.85 535.4 489.66 M 387.13 660.23 C 426.78 614.17 466.76 568.12 535.4 489.66 M 392.11 660.59 C 443.44 597.86 498.46 539 540.38 490.02 M 392.11 660.59 C 438.72 604.72 486.67 550.58 540.38 490.02 M 397.76 660.19 C 433.16 619.4 470.41 578.88 546.03 489.63 M 397.76 660.19 C 435.9 616.44 473.58 571.97 546.03 489.63 M 402.74 660.55 C 445.15 612.1 491.3 562.12 550.36 490.74 M 402.74 660.55 C 432.25 627.15 461.86 592.86 550.36 490.74 M 408.39 660.16 C 445.29 616.14 485.98 571.46 550.75 496.39 M 408.39 660.16 C 447.14 616.58 484.89 573.27 550.75 496.39 M 413.37 660.52 C 462.88 604.2 509.29 549.62 550.49 502.78 M 413.37 660.52 C 449.67 619.18 483.84 577.81 550.49 502.78 M 419.02 660.12 C 467.84 603.12 513.6 549.3 550.88 508.43 M 419.02 660.12 C 448.4 627.32 477.86 593.58 550.88 508.43 M 424 660.48 C 454.75 628.34 481.39 593.74 550.62 514.83 M 424 660.48 C 462.83 614.15 504.31 566.14 550.62 514.83 M 429.65 660.09 C 469.48 612.17 511.42 565.87 550.36 521.22 M 429.65 660.09 C 454.46 631.12 479.27 602.9 550.36 521.22 M 434.63 660.45 C 463.2 625.08 497.02 586.1 550.76 526.87 M 434.63 660.45 C 470.32 620.06 507.11 578.17 550.76 526.87 M 440.28 660.06 C 475.09 617.23 510.17 579.49 550.49 533.26 M 440.28 660.06 C 483.78 610.64 527.93 560.77 550.49 533.26 M 445.26 660.42 C 465.49 634.87 488.84 609.36 550.89 538.91 M 445.26 660.42 C 469.24 635.59 490.24 609.55 550.89 538.91 M 450.91 660.02 C 474.04 633.58 495.26 606.78 550.63 545.31 M 450.91 660.02 C 482.41 624.07 514.16 586.84 550.63 545.31 M 455.89 660.38 C 492.4 617.62 526.28 579.39 550.37 551.7 M 455.89 660.38 C 485.12 628.14 513.83 594.43 550.37 551.7 M 461.54 659.99 C 484.6 632.53 512.79 604.17 550.76 557.35 M 461.54 659.99 C 495.24 619.32 529.96 579.04 550.76 557.35 M 466.52 660.35 C 488.69 630.33 515.77 603.08 550.5 563.74 M 466.52 660.35 C 492.07 632.48 517.77 602.18 550.5 563.74 M 472.17 659.95 C 495.1 633.44 515.24 609.87 550.89 569.39 M 472.17 659.95 C 488.29 640.29 505.56 620.54 550.89 569.39 M 477.15 660.31 C 501.63 633.6 522.02 606.68 550.63 575.78 M 477.15 660.31 C 494.66 641.15 511.39 619.62 550.63 575.78 M 482.14 660.67 C 509.49 628.59 535.77 601.78 550.37 582.18 M 482.14 660.67 C 499.01 644.39 513.06 626.01 550.37 582.18 M 487.78 660.28 C 511.68 632.8 532.69 609.91 550.77 587.83 M 487.78 660.28 C 511.46 632.62 534.27 605.36 550.77 587.83 M 492.77 660.64 C 509.79 640.04 526.36 619.05 550.5 594.22 M 492.77 660.64 C 507.76 642.82 523.5 624.26 550.5 594.22 M 498.41 660.24 C 520.06 637.2 539.61 612.12 550.9 599.87 M 498.41 660.24 C 513.67 643.14 529.67 623.7 550.9 599.87 M 503.4 660.6 C 515.17 646.38 528.4 631.81 550.64 606.26 M 503.4 660.6 C 515.59 646.79 528.56 632.53 550.64 606.26 M 509.04 660.21 C 520.46 646.5 535.31 630.87 550.38 612.66 M 509.04 660.21 C 518.05 649.74 525.56 640.05 550.38 612.66 M 514.03 660.57 C 523.18 649.88 533.79 636.27 550.77 618.31 M 514.03 660.57 C 522.86 650 533.03 639.26 550.77 618.31 M 519.67 660.17 C 529.96 647.44 540.85 639.86 550.51 624.7 M 519.67 660.17 C 526.53 650.94 533.81 644.11 550.51 624.7 M 524.66 660.53 C 531.81 649.56 539.91 640.97 550.25 631.1 M 524.66 660.53 C 530.35 653.43 536.76 646.5 550.25 631.1 M 530.3 660.14 C 535.36 652.18 543.15 647.99 550.64 636.74 M 530.3 660.14 C 536.9 652.22 544.18 644.06 550.64 636.74 M 535.29 660.5 C 540.77 655.48 542.42 652.35 550.38 643.14 M 535.29 660.5 C 539.15 654.7 544.52 649.64 550.38 643.14 M 540.93 660.11 C 544.58 657.94 544.29 655.38 550.78 648.78 M 540.93 660.11 C 544.78 656.07 548.98 651.86 550.78 648.78 M 545.92 660.47 C 546.75 659.89 548.43 658.8 550.51 655.18 M 545.92 660.47 C 547.15 659.03 548.34 657.14 550.51 655.18" fill="none" stroke="#e1d5e7" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 180 490 C 289.29 489.49 400.08 488.36 550 490 M 180 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M 90.04 24.34 C 96.31 15.57 104.52 7.9 111.03 0.19 M 89.78 30.74 C 101.4 19.17 111.98 8.41 116.67 -0.2 M 89.78 30.74 C 96.08 23.1 102.09 15.74 116.67 -0.2 M 90.17 36.39 C 100.76 23.94 113.86 8.99 121.66 0.16 M 90.17 36.39 C 95.64 29.78 103.68 20.93 121.66 0.16 M 89.91 42.78 C 103.36 27.56 115.99 12.35 127.31 -0.24 M 89.91 42.78 C 97.81 32.64 106.89 24.79 127.31 -0.24 M 90.3 48.43 C 101.65 35.01 111.76 24.03 132.29 0.12 M 90.3 48.43 C 99.1 36.81 108.83 26.15 132.29 0.12 M 90.04 54.82 C 108.7 36.1 122.36 14.34 137.94 -0.27 M 90.04 54.82 C 101.88 42.57 111.95 28.5 137.94 -0.27 M 89.78 61.22 C 104.16 43.8 121.42 25.28 142.92 0.09 M 89.78 61.22 C 107.47 39.85 126.19 18.31 142.92 0.09 M 90.18 66.86 C 105.86 50.49 120.81 33.08 148.57 -0.3 M 90.18 66.86 C 105.94 48.89 120.82 30.25 148.57 -0.3 M 89.91 73.26 C 106.92 54.46 124.41 32.96 153.55 0.06 M 89.91 73.26 C 103.5 57.26 115.7 42.77 153.55 0.06 M 90.31 78.91 C 104.07 62.61 116.84 48.4 159.2 -0.34 M 90.31 78.91 C 111.48 55.06 131.78 30.06 159.2 -0.34 M 90.05 85.3 C 110.36 63.7 129.6 40.05 164.18 0.02 M 90.05 85.3 C 117.24 53.37 145.47 19.87 164.18 0.02 M 89.79 91.7 C 107.33 72.2 126.51 49.22 169.83 -0.37 M 89.79 91.7 C 118.04 59.93 145.07 27.23 169.83 -0.37 M 90.18 97.34 C 115.79 63.86 143.35 34.75 174.81 -0.01 M 90.18 97.34 C 119.94 62.56 149.79 29.26 174.81 -0.01 M 89.92 103.74 C 121.22 68.97 151.67 33.82 179.8 0.35 M 89.92 103.74 C 107.88 81.15 127.32 60.8 179.8 0.35 M 90.31 109.39 C 108.56 85.11 130.27 64.42 185.44 -0.05 M 90.31 109.39 C 120.9 73.59 152.54 38.46 185.44 -0.05 M 90.05 115.78 C 114.7 88.78 137.01 64.42 190.43 0.31 M 90.05 115.78 C 123.71 77.2 158.15 39.81 190.43 0.31 M 89.79 122.18 C 113.18 94.67 139.2 65.39 196.07 -0.08 M 89.79 122.18 C 114.19 94.82 137.87 68.26 196.07 -0.08 M 90.19 127.82 C 130.41 83.97 168.65 36.23 201.06 0.28 M 90.19 127.82 C 129.69 81.27 169.97 35.1 201.06 0.28 M 89.92 134.22 C 117.73 99.63 146.81 67.83 206.7 -0.12 M 89.92 134.22 C 120.98 100.13 150.83 64.29 206.7 -0.12 M 90.32 139.86 C 122.93 103.5 154.54 65.69 211.69 0.24 M 90.32 139.86 C 134.44 90.58 178.63 39.12 211.69 0.24 M 90.06 146.26 C 116.1 117.56 140.3 86.07 217.33 -0.15 M 90.06 146.26 C 115.33 114.98 141.12 85.71 217.33 -0.15 M 89.8 152.66 C 134.55 101.07 182.58 47.91 222.32 0.21 M 89.8 152.66 C 120.4 119.18 149.39 84.94 222.32 0.21 M 90.19 158.3 C 120.23 121.43 152.13 87.64 227.96 -0.19 M 90.19 158.3 C 132.46 108.79 174.84 59.37 227.96 -0.19 M 89.93 164.7 C 143.11 105.66 194 42.74 232.95 0.17 M 89.93 164.7 C 122.46 126.34 154.69 89.56 232.95 0.17 M 90.32 170.34 C 142.42 109.22 196.18 49.92 238.59 -0.22 M 90.32 170.34 C 143.65 109.68 196.36 49.41 238.59 -0.22 M 90.06 176.74 C 147.45 110.69 206.22 40.04 243.58 0.14 M 90.06 176.74 C 135.65 125.78 182.07 73.05 243.58 0.14 M 89.8 183.14 C 148.63 115.9 206.19 46.98 249.22 -0.25 M 89.8 183.14 C 128.69 139.13 166.9 94.45 249.22 -0.25 M 90.2 188.78 C 130.43 138.97 175.06 90.29 254.21 0.11 M 90.2 188.78 C 148.76 121.01 207.29 54.56 254.21 0.11 M 89.93 195.18 C 155.02 122.55 217.41 46.64 259.85 -0.29 M 89.93 195.18 C 153.46 121.1 215.53 48.42 259.85 -0.29 M 89.67 201.58 C 142.63 140.54 193.61 81.74 264.84 0.07 M 89.67 201.58 C 150.34 129.37 211.72 59.47 264.84 0.07 M 90.07 207.22 C 128.46 161.75 168.19 115.01 270.48 -0.32 M 90.07 207.22 C 141.35 148.05 191.23 90.75 270.48 -0.32 M 89.81 213.62 C 133 160.68 178.46 109.68 275.47 0.04 M 89.81 213.62 C 132.65 162.78 177.58 112.29 275.47 0.04 M 90.2 219.26 C 146.3 156.95 204.25 91.68 281.11 -0.36 M 90.2 219.26 C 129.6 175.04 167.69 130.42 281.11 -0.36 M 89.94 225.66 C 140.93 166.66 193.62 109.9 286.1 0 M 89.94 225.66 C 165.65 135.92 244.57 46.72 286.1 0 M 89.68 232.06 C 152.55 160.49 212.56 91.89 291.09 0.36 M 89.68 232.06 C 150.9 163.44 211.2 94.37 291.09 0.36 M 90.07 237.7 C 164.41 154.15 239.64 67.36 296.73 -0.03 M 90.07 237.7 C 133.96 185.85 177.11 135.79 296.73 -0.03 M 89.81 244.1 C 150.92 173.77 212.15 101.76 301.72 0.33 M 89.81 244.1 C 140.05 184.9 191.86 125.01 301.72 0.33 M 90.2 249.74 C 174.12 155.71 258.39 60.84 307.36 -0.07 M 90.2 249.74 C 155.16 178.13 218.86 104.59 307.36 -0.07 M 89.94 256.14 C 148.07 190.25 204.82 126.75 312.35 0.29 M 89.94 256.14 C 140.79 199.35 191.83 141.95 312.35 0.29 M 89.68 262.54 C 136.52 207.58 181.83 152.84 317.99 -0.1 M 89.68 262.54 C 151.01 194.27 211.21 124.67 317.99 -0.1 M 90.08 268.18 C 160.6 185.98 231.71 104.44 322.98 0.26 M 90.08 268.18 C 172.36 175.5 253.65 82.2 322.98 0.26 M 89.82 274.58 C 170.69 183.33 249.54 90.92 328.62 -0.14 M 89.82 274.58 C 174.36 176.72 259.21 79.16 328.62 -0.14 M 90.21 280.22 C 163.7 195.87 234.47 112.22 333.61 0.22 M 90.21 280.22 C 147.81 213.29 204.81 148.01 333.61 0.22 M 89.95 286.62 C 170.06 194.43 250.02 100.1 339.25 -0.17 M 89.95 286.62 C 144.59 220.89 200.03 156.37 339.25 -0.17 M 89.69 293.02 C 145.99 230.65 199.79 166.87 344.24 0.19 M 89.69 293.02 C 142.98 229.05 198.14 165.26 344.24 0.19 M 90.08 298.66 C 179.23 194.95 267.44 91.94 349.88 -0.21 M 90.08 298.66 C 178.86 197.75 266.33 96.51 349.88 -0.21 M 89.82 305.06 C 191.57 187.2 293.51 69.38 354.87 0.15 M 89.82 305.06 C 182.67 199.61 274.73 93.94 354.87 0.15 M 90.21 310.7 C 149.62 246.21 207.35 179.46 360.51 -0.24 M 90.21 310.7 C 193.22 190.08 296.61 69.98 360.51 -0.24 M 89.95 317.1 C 158.95 237.12 228.3 157.1 365.5 0.12 M 89.95 317.1 C 197.97 191.85 306.69 68.28 365.5 0.12 M 89.69 323.5 C 197.28 198.98 302.57 77.13 371.14 -0.27 M 89.69 323.5 C 163.18 237.88 235.77 153.69 371.14 -0.27 M 90.09 329.14 C 154.74 255.78 217.02 182.59 376.13 0.09 M 90.09 329.14 C 157.62 252.63 225.32 175.51 376.13 0.09 M 89.82 335.54 C 183.33 227.93 275.47 120.67 381.77 -0.31 M 89.82 335.54 C 171.5 239.62 253.88 145.35 381.77 -0.31 M 90.22 341.18 C 150.55 269.86 212.15 199.41 386.76 0.05 M 90.22 341.18 C 170.72 247.96 252.92 154.42 386.76 0.05 M 89.96 347.58 C 194.89 223.38 301.91 100.88 392.4 -0.34 M 89.96 347.58 C 204.54 216.72 318.9 84.84 392.4 -0.34 M 89.7 353.98 C 171.92 260.58 255.52 164.42 397.39 0.02 M 89.7 353.98 C 158.09 275.07 227.66 194.85 397.39 0.02 M 90.09 359.62 C 160.36 276.62 232.38 195.04 402.38 0.38 M 90.09 359.62 C 184.43 252.8 277.98 144.97 402.38 0.38 M 89.83 366.02 C 152.72 293.3 216.29 219.98 408.02 -0.02 M 89.83 366.02 C 191.56 250.43 292.5 134.14 408.02 -0.02 M 90.22 371.66 C 201.15 246.28 310.25 120.91 413.01 0.34 M 90.22 371.66 C 157.45 294.53 224.37 217.86 413.01 0.34 M 89.96 378.06 C 197.5 253.1 307.46 127.65 418.65 -0.05 M 89.96 378.06 C 186.16 267.38 282.23 156.46 418.65 -0.05 M 89.7 384.46 C 188.95 270.44 288.45 155.73 423.64 0.31 M 89.7 384.46 C 181.23 278.96 273.74 172.53 423.64 0.31 M 90.1 390.1 C 197.33 264.77 307.13 140.47 429.28 -0.09 M 90.1 390.1 C 164.32 307.06 236.59 223.58 429.28 -0.09 M 89.83 396.5 C 212.03 254.84 335.89 112.73 434.27 0.27 M 89.83 396.5 C 193.43 275.25 298.14 155.06 434.27 0.27 M 90.23 402.14 C 219.45 254.65 347.98 107.1 439.91 -0.12 M 90.23 402.14 C 180.12 297.03 270.34 193.1 439.91 -0.12 M 89.97 408.54 C 165.4 322.31 241.35 236.1 444.9 0.24 M 89.97 408.54 C 194.18 286.14 299.82 164.63 444.9 0.24 M 89.71 414.93 C 234.5 249.74 378.15 84.31 450.54 -0.16 M 89.71 414.93 C 206 283.2 319.76 151.98 450.54 -0.16 M 90.1 420.58 C 230.01 259.75 370.31 99.44 455.53 0.2 M 90.1 420.58 C 193.43 302.22 296.43 184.23 455.53 0.2 M 89.84 426.98 C 197.27 306.55 302.58 185.11 461.17 -0.19 M 89.84 426.98 C 238.44 256.88 386.55 87.2 461.17 -0.19 M 90.23 432.62 C 173.38 336.25 256.18 239.81 466.16 0.17 M 90.23 432.62 C 203.91 303.17 315.74 174.35 466.16 0.17 M 89.97 439.02 C 175.85 343.02 259.9 246.75 471.8 -0.22 M 89.97 439.02 C 176.81 341.48 262.36 242.94 471.8 -0.22 M 89.71 445.41 C 214.28 301.23 341.05 155.84 476.79 0.14 M 89.71 445.41 C 167.14 356.41 245.28 265.89 476.79 0.14 M 90.11 451.06 C 223.71 298.45 357.29 144.06 482.43 -0.26 M 90.11 451.06 C 182.22 345.92 273.97 240.65 482.43 -0.26 M 89.84 457.46 C 219.58 311.13 345.63 163.91 487.42 0.1 M 89.84 457.46 C 195.72 335.34 301.82 212.95 487.42 0.1 M 90.24 463.1 C 216.26 317.5 342.73 172.18 493.06 -0.29 M 90.24 463.1 C 245.53 286.43 400 109.6 493.06 -0.29 M 89.98 469.5 C 198.41 346.09 306.74 221.84 498.05 0.07 M 89.98 469.5 C 243.24 291.37 397.09 113.81 498.05 0.07 M 89.72 475.89 C 231.88 314.11 373.51 151.6 503.69 -0.33 M 89.72 475.89 C 230.99 313.43 372.06 151.54 503.69 -0.33 M 90.11 481.54 C 196.12 359.57 302.22 239.07 508.68 0.03 M 90.11 481.54 C 190.54 367.27 289.95 252.98 508.68 0.03 M 89.85 487.93 C 241.83 309.63 395.9 133.11 514.32 -0.36 M 89.85 487.93 C 212.96 343.77 337.04 200.45 514.32 -0.36 M 90.24 493.58 C 184.42 386.75 274.79 281.56 519.31 0 M 90.24 493.58 C 248.9 312.37 406.02 131.3 519.31 0 M 89.98 499.98 C 198.09 376.74 305.28 253.41 524.29 0.36 M 89.98 499.98 C 237.98 330.48 386.12 159.39 524.29 0.36 M 89.72 506.37 C 226.93 346.32 364.92 189.05 529.94 -0.04 M 89.72 506.37 C 223.51 354.74 354.48 203.62 529.94 -0.04 M 90.12 512.02 C 268.88 308.59 446.95 104.24 534.92 0.32 M 90.12 512.02 C 224.03 357.65 359.58 202.39 534.92 0.32 M 89.85 518.41 C 247.11 336.61 402.62 157.39 540.57 -0.07 M 89.85 518.41 C 261.89 321.09 435.02 122.28 540.57 -0.07 M 90.25 524.06 C 256.94 334.79 422.05 144.45 545.55 0.29 M 90.25 524.06 C 231.52 362.41 372.77 199.48 545.55 0.29 M 89.99 530.46 C 249.73 346.3 409.63 161.75 551.2 -0.11 M 89.99 530.46 C 269.35 324.23 446.75 119.92 551.2 -0.11 M 89.73 536.85 C 186.04 425.61 283.58 312.97 556.18 0.25 M 89.73 536.85 C 187.86 422.92 287.51 307.7 556.18 0.25 M 90.12 542.5 C 271.01 334.2 450.96 128.19 561.83 -0.14 M 90.12 542.5 C 224.3 386.93 359.42 230.96 561.83 -0.14 M 89.86 548.89 C 256.41 359.53 420.62 169.73 566.81 0.22 M 89.86 548.89 C 269.57 342.86 447.64 138.42 566.81 0.22 M 90.25 554.54 C 257.62 361.45 425.8 166.55 572.46 -0.17 M 90.25 554.54 C 229.37 396.52 366.67 238.48 572.46 -0.17 M 89.99 560.93 C 246.7 380.25 402.19 200.72 577.44 0.19 M 89.99 560.93 C 223.8 407.2 355.99 255.05 577.44 0.19 M 89.73 567.33 C 282.26 349.23 473.34 128.79 583.09 -0.21 M 89.73 567.33 C 282.34 343.93 475.3 121.85 583.09 -0.21 M 90.12 572.98 C 192.02 456.41 294.83 338.73 588.07 0.15 M 90.12 572.98 C 241.59 400.3 392.02 228.14 588.07 0.15 M 89.86 579.37 C 221.72 427.21 355.32 274.19 593.72 -0.24 M 89.86 579.37 C 206.44 443.44 323.42 307.92 593.72 -0.24 M 90.26 585.02 C 198.12 456.79 308.11 330.34 598.7 0.12 M 90.26 585.02 C 282.36 365.41 472.64 146.11 598.7 0.12 M 90 591.41 C 289.72 363.83 488.49 135.05 604.35 -0.28 M 90 591.41 C 219.66 439.38 351.16 288.68 604.35 -0.28 M 89.74 597.81 C 246.8 419.3 401.3 240.17 609.33 0.08 M 89.74 597.81 C 253.71 407.35 419.22 216.22 609.33 0.08 M 90.13 603.45 C 293.01 367.32 496.74 132.03 614.98 -0.31 M 90.13 603.45 C 255.33 413.51 420.5 222.4 614.98 -0.31 M 89.87 609.85 C 264.15 407.92 439.57 206.14 619.96 0.05 M 89.87 609.85 C 234.78 440.89 381.08 272.98 619.96 0.05 M 90.26 615.5 C 273.35 402.72 458.72 188.58 625.61 -0.35 M 90.26 615.5 C 244.07 437.5 399.97 258.02 625.61 -0.35 M 90 621.89 C 270.03 416.56 449.14 210.58 630.59 0.01 M 90 621.89 C 253.81 435.6 416.51 249.17 630.59 0.01 M 89.74 628.29 C 289.74 398.74 489.74 167.53 635.58 0.37 M 89.74 628.29 C 236.9 460.4 384.15 291.32 635.58 0.37 M 90.13 633.93 C 227.2 479.24 362.65 322.6 641.22 -0.02 M 90.13 633.93 C 294.39 400.22 497.67 166.58 641.22 -0.02 M 89.87 640.33 C 307.89 389.48 524.99 140.3 646.21 0.34 M 89.87 640.33 C 290.02 408.64 489.7 178.28 646.21 0.34 M 90.27 645.98 C 290.97 414.06 493.33 181 651.85 -0.06 M 90.27 645.98 C 297.55 406.27 505.23 166.74 651.85 -0.06 M 90.01 652.37 C 311.91 395.22 534.27 139.29 656.84 0.3 M 90.01 652.37 C 249.69 470.06 409.49 286.2 656.84 0.3 M 89.74 658.77 C 256.66 464.12 424.97 269.71 662.48 -0.09 M 89.74 658.77 C 265.4 457.41 440.65 255.2 662.48 -0.09 M 90.14 664.41 C 311.6 409.63 532.73 154.25 667.47 0.27 M 90.14 664.41 C 306.26 417.61 521.44 170.1 667.47 0.27 M 89.88 670.81 C 319.61 401.68 551.82 135.89 673.11 -0.13 M 89.88 670.81 C 266.88 466.98 441.93 265.72 673.11 -0.13 M 90.27 676.45 C 213.56 533.54 337.76 391.19 678.1 0.23 M 90.27 676.45 C 317.95 412.25 545.59 150.63 678.1 0.23 M 90.01 682.85 C 301.27 440.2 513.86 197.4 683.74 -0.16 M 90.01 682.85 C 318.15 419.19 548.01 154.38 683.74 -0.16 M 89.75 689.25 C 298.65 448.42 507.11 206.52 688.73 0.2 M 89.75 689.25 C 262.3 487.52 437.33 286.36 688.73 0.2 M 90.14 694.89 C 330.03 417.6 568.29 141.31 694.37 -0.19 M 90.14 694.89 C 282.81 476.8 474.26 257.2 694.37 -0.19 M 89.88 701.29 C 285.03 480.08 479.34 257.41 699.36 0.17 M 89.88 701.29 C 257.27 507.45 423.83 316.31 699.36 0.17 M 90.28 706.93 C 252.84 517.54 417.94 327.83 705 -0.23 M 90.28 706.93 C 311.09 452.88 530.44 200.27 705 -0.23 M 90.02 713.33 C 252.01 527.31 412.1 343.93 709.99 0.13 M 90.02 713.33 C 296.08 477.21 499.72 242.75 709.99 0.13 M 89.75 719.73 C 255.03 529.53 420.82 338.29 715.63 -0.26 M 89.75 719.73 C 273.24 508.02 455.28 298.48 715.63 -0.26 M 90.15 725.37 C 314.31 468.07 539.81 209.37 720.62 0.1 M 90.15 725.37 C 264.2 527.87 438.21 328.26 720.62 0.1 M 89.89 731.77 C 225.58 579.66 358.23 426.52 726.26 -0.3 M 89.89 731.77 C 228.81 573.03 367.31 413.74 726.26 -0.3 M 90.28 737.41 C 237.78 567.39 382.71 399.58 731.25 0.06 M 90.28 737.41 C 308.56 483.25 528.18 230.24 731.25 0.06 M 90.02 743.81 C 261.08 550.49 429.22 356.39 736.9 -0.33 M 90.02 743.81 C 317.93 481.78 544.1 222.17 736.9 -0.33 M 89.76 750.21 C 303.08 509.43 513.96 266.92 741.88 0.03 M 89.76 750.21 C 335.68 464.28 583.68 178.61 741.88 0.03 M 90.15 755.85 C 295.29 521.23 501.08 284.23 747.53 -0.37 M 90.15 755.85 C 229.58 591 371.31 427.45 747.53 -0.37 M 89.89 762.25 C 308.39 514.39 526.88 264.14 752.51 -0.01 M 89.89 762.25 C 253.25 571.49 417.78 382.15 752.51 -0.01 M 90.29 767.89 C 351.98 466.28 613.75 164.58 757.5 0.35 M 90.29 767.89 C 263.59 565.97 439.87 363.24 757.5 0.35 M 90.03 774.29 C 333.68 491.98 578.55 209.56 763.14 -0.04 M 90.03 774.29 C 238.64 599.1 389.94 425.31 763.14 -0.04 M 89.76 780.69 C 266.27 576.79 442.87 374.29 768.13 0.32 M 89.76 780.69 C 260.07 583.59 430.9 386.2 768.13 0.32 M 90.16 786.33 C 350.88 484.99 612.05 184.8 773.77 -0.08 M 90.16 786.33 C 232 627.58 371.49 466.7 773.77 -0.08 M 89.9 792.73 C 239.73 618.79 389.52 449.3 778.76 0.28 M 89.9 792.73 C 266.99 586.45 444.91 380.91 778.76 0.28 M 90.29 798.37 C 345.75 500.81 602.2 205.26 784.4 -0.11 M 90.29 798.37 C 297.06 560.06 502.14 324.17 784.4 -0.11 M 90.03 804.77 C 292.37 571.94 492.12 341.41 789.39 0.25 M 90.03 804.77 C 278.94 582.14 471.15 361.54 789.39 0.25 M 89.77 811.17 C 341.19 525.24 592.17 236.37 795.03 -0.14 M 89.77 811.17 C 249.76 632.6 406.5 451.81 795.03 -0.14 M 90.16 816.81 C 262.37 620.91 431.72 425.55 800.02 0.22 M 90.16 816.81 C 239.56 647.91 387.08 477.81 800.02 0.22 M 89.9 823.21 C 367.26 499.13 646.73 177.22 805.66 -0.18 M 89.9 823.21 C 327.13 554.59 561.38 284.72 805.66 -0.18 M 90.3 828.85 C 361.87 519.64 629.62 212.04 810.65 0.18 M 90.3 828.85 C 290.65 595.81 493.84 361.54 810.65 0.18 M 90.04 835.25 C 358.97 526.85 628.82 217.99 816.29 -0.21 M 90.04 835.25 C 354.87 532.76 620.02 228.37 816.29 -0.21 M 89.77 841.65 C 324.15 572.77 558.55 304.43 821.28 0.15 M 89.77 841.65 C 264.73 646.33 436.81 448.09 821.28 0.15 M 90.17 847.29 C 254.02 662.05 414.23 476.91 826.92 -0.25 M 90.17 847.29 C 314.57 589.34 540.34 328.6 826.92 -0.25 M 89.91 853.69 C 274.8 639.75 461.27 426.21 831.91 0.11 M 89.91 853.69 C 328.95 580.32 568.86 304.48 831.91 0.11 M 90.3 859.33 C 309.34 603.66 531.46 348.52 837.55 -0.28 M 90.3 859.33 C 343.32 563.31 598.52 269.19 837.55 -0.28 M 90.04 865.73 C 286.46 634.36 485.26 405.37 842.54 0.08 M 90.04 865.73 C 325.9 590.45 563.14 317.9 842.54 0.08 M 89.78 872.13 C 394.86 524.33 696.76 177.16 848.18 -0.32 M 89.78 872.13 C 296.16 635.56 502.67 398.06 848.18 -0.32 M 90.17 877.77 C 243.19 699.88 398.03 523.83 853.17 0.04 M 90.17 877.77 C 317.26 617.48 543.24 356.7 853.17 0.04 M 89.91 884.17 C 359.48 569.9 631.16 255.3 858.81 -0.35 M 89.91 884.17 C 331.33 605.44 574.23 326.34 858.81 -0.35 M 90.31 889.81 C 268.41 680.6 447.84 474.12 863.8 0.01 M 90.31 889.81 C 297.54 651.12 506.74 410.3 863.8 0.01 M 90.05 896.21 C 263.98 694.13 439.54 491.23 868.79 0.37 M 90.05 896.21 C 328.43 623.47 567.29 348.66 868.79 0.37 M 89.78 902.61 C 294.13 669.58 499.44 434.22 874.43 -0.03 M 89.78 902.61 C 368.98 585.45 645.48 267.47 874.43 -0.03 M 90.18 908.25 C 340.08 623.97 586.49 339.83 879.42 0.33 M 90.18 908.25 C 321.4 641.42 556.01 372.13 879.42 0.33 M 89.92 914.65 C 350.89 615.08 612.84 315.57 885.06 -0.06 M 89.92 914.65 C 388.8 571.08 688.19 227.39 885.06 -0.06 M 90.31 920.29 C 367.43 603.08 644.85 284.99 890.05 0.3 M 90.31 920.29 C 366.99 596.72 646.91 275.46 890.05 0.3 M 90.05 926.69 C 258.03 729.82 425.82 535.41 895.69 -0.09 M 90.05 926.69 C 322.06 662.21 553.67 395.11 895.69 -0.09 M 89.79 933.09 C 330.66 661.23 567.5 388.33 900.68 0.27 M 89.79 933.09 C 371.29 611.4 653.28 287.36 900.68 0.27 M 90.18 938.73 C 266.73 737.01 440.08 538.01 906.32 -0.13 M 90.18 938.73 C 375.38 605.7 664.34 272.73 906.32 -0.13 M 89.92 945.13 C 383.3 614.03 672.22 280.67 911.31 0.23 M 89.92 945.13 C 407.11 579.61 723.58 214.39 911.31 0.23 M 90.32 950.77 C 401.05 587.92 716.4 226.18 916.95 -0.16 M 90.32 950.77 C 380.13 612.3 672.04 276.12 916.95 -0.16 M 90.05 957.17 C 388.06 609.71 690.19 264.02 921.94 0.2 M 90.05 957.17 C 408.44 595.78 722.53 233.9 921.94 0.2 M 89.79 963.57 C 336.25 682.2 579.76 402.83 927.58 -0.2 M 89.79 963.57 C 405.84 596.06 723.99 229.62 927.58 -0.2 M 90.19 969.21 C 418.93 592.46 750.13 211.83 932.57 0.16 M 90.19 969.21 C 303.24 727.83 516.02 483.32 932.57 0.16 M 89.93 975.61 C 303.5 725.38 519.21 476.13 938.21 -0.23 M 89.93 975.61 C 298.71 734.81 507.37 494.66 938.21 -0.23 M 90.32 981.25 C 381.16 643.28 674.49 305.51 943.2 0.13 M 90.32 981.25 C 386.94 633.71 686.09 289.38 943.2 0.13 M 90.06 987.65 C 362.71 673.51 637.55 356.79 948.84 -0.27 M 90.06 987.65 C 324.06 710.94 562.08 437.32 948.84 -0.27 M 89.8 994.05 C 396.61 636.21 706.5 280.7 953.83 0.09 M 89.8 994.05 C 294.21 759.25 497.39 526.18 953.83 0.09 M 90.19 999.69 C 325.77 731.78 556.39 465.86 959.47 -0.3 M 90.19 999.69 C 368.2 685.83 642.61 370.4 959.47 -0.3 M 89.93 1006.09 C 271.99 799.11 452.57 591.03 964.46 0.06 M 89.93 1006.09 C 335.07 724.07 577.71 445.46 964.46 0.06 M 90.33 1011.73 C 276.78 796.41 460.08 585.29 970.1 -0.34 M 90.33 1011.73 C 373.32 686.64 654.8 363.43 970.1 -0.34 M 90.06 1018.13 C 350.37 720.5 611.93 419.18 975.09 0.02 M 90.06 1018.13 C 328.41 743.56 566.65 469.51 975.09 0.02 M 89.8 1024.52 C 441.61 617.3 795.47 209.57 980.73 -0.37 M 89.8 1024.52 C 411.15 652.33 732.66 282.33 980.73 -0.37 M 90.2 1030.17 C 327.8 752.79 567.31 477.03 985.72 -0.01 M 90.2 1030.17 C 284.45 809.72 478.78 585.88 985.72 -0.01 M 89.94 1036.57 C 284.94 811.29 478.73 590.29 990.71 0.35 M 89.94 1036.57 C 301.4 799.52 508.52 560.91 990.71 0.35 M 89.67 1042.96 C 270.87 831.97 451.37 622.08 996.35 -0.05 M 89.67 1042.96 C 400.48 685.67 711.2 327.56 996.35 -0.05 M 90.07 1048.61 C 435.19 648.7 780.61 251.27 1001.34 0.31 M 90.07 1048.61 C 303.98 804.47 514.58 562.63 1001.34 0.31 M 89.81 1055 C 270.99 839.17 456.71 624.7 1006.98 -0.08 M 89.81 1055 C 346.96 754.39 606.77 454.81 1006.98 -0.08 M 90.2 1060.65 C 408.97 693.93 724.97 329.35 1011.97 0.28 M 90.2 1060.65 C 441.61 653.79 795.13 247.24 1011.97 0.28 M 89.94 1067.05 C 291.08 836.97 493.32 605.19 1017.61 -0.11 M 89.94 1067.05 C 362.99 758.98 633.69 447.75 1017.61 -0.11 M 89.68 1073.44 C 364.73 757.63 640.38 440.36 1022.6 0.25 M 89.68 1073.44 C 302.09 830.13 511.22 589.76 1022.6 0.25 M 90.07 1079.09 C 301.25 835.16 513.72 591.17 1028.24 -0.15 M 90.07 1079.09 C 313.51 825.56 535.42 571.04 1028.24 -0.15 M 89.81 1085.48 C 420.07 701.72 754.44 316.58 1033.23 0.21 M 89.81 1085.48 C 282.06 864.23 474 643.67 1033.23 0.21 M 90.21 1091.13 C 313.75 830.33 543.55 567.8 1038.87 -0.18 M 90.21 1091.13 C 284.6 869.05 476.05 648.03 1038.87 -0.18 M 89.95 1097.52 C 448.37 683.01 807.95 269.82 1042.54 1.69 M 89.95 1097.52 C 368.32 776.54 644.18 459.3 1042.54 1.69 M 89.68 1103.92 C 387.63 767.09 682.69 426.41 1042.28 8.08 M 89.68 1103.92 C 368.09 787.13 642.42 471.64 1042.28 8.08 M 90.08 1109.57 C 424.23 724.34 761.42 338.08 1042.02 14.48 M 90.08 1109.57 C 432.23 715.04 778.98 316.29 1042.02 14.48 M 89.82 1115.96 C 393.66 770.92 694.16 425.68 1042.42 20.13 M 89.82 1115.96 C 293.06 885.06 493.66 654.98 1042.42 20.13 M 90.21 1121.61 C 288.53 889.81 486.35 660.91 1042.15 26.52 M 90.21 1121.61 C 305.85 875.93 521.03 628.48 1042.15 26.52 M 89.95 1128 C 445.77 721.35 802.27 310.48 1042.55 32.17 M 89.95 1128 C 371.02 799.24 656.41 471.49 1042.55 32.17 M 89.69 1134.4 C 282.69 912.39 473.16 693.84 1042.29 38.56 M 89.69 1134.4 C 457.96 706.21 828.29 280.66 1042.29 38.56 M 90.08 1140.05 C 316.17 880.18 541.05 620.32 1042.03 44.96 M 90.08 1140.05 C 381.05 809.32 669.13 478.23 1042.03 44.96 M 89.82 1146.44 C 400.55 797.08 706.21 444.97 1042.42 50.6 M 89.82 1146.44 C 356.53 838.73 625.36 530.43 1042.42 50.6 M 90.22 1152.09 C 363.29 834.81 639.51 518.97 1042.16 57 M 90.22 1152.09 C 453.06 732.92 816.42 315.33 1042.16 57 M 89.96 1158.48 C 376.73 830.79 661.91 502.25 1042.55 62.65 M 89.96 1158.48 C 324.8 880.19 563.53 605.93 1042.55 62.65 M 92.32 1161.86 C 425.03 780.54 757.37 396.89 1042.29 69.04 M 92.32 1161.86 C 394.6 821.06 693.77 477.5 1042.29 69.04 M 97.31 1162.22 C 470.15 733.37 845.9 302.33 1042.03 75.44 M 97.31 1162.22 C 432.63 773.65 768.85 386.22 1042.03 75.44 M 102.95 1161.83 C 356.11 866.65 613.91 570.06 1042.42 81.08 M 102.95 1161.83 C 383.62 838.42 662.04 517.91 1042.42 81.08 M 107.94 1162.19 C 303.31 934.4 499.66 707.06 1042.16 87.48 M 107.94 1162.19 C 455.25 757.84 805.77 354.7 1042.16 87.48 M 113.58 1161.79 C 440.3 791.47 765.26 417.35 1042.56 93.12 M 113.58 1161.79 C 420.39 802.96 731.13 445.5 1042.56 93.12 M 118.57 1162.15 C 363.55 871.96 612.45 586.02 1042.3 99.52 M 118.57 1162.15 C 483.38 740.73 851.3 317.07 1042.3 99.52 M 124.21 1161.76 C 398.48 848.65 672.78 531.58 1042.04 105.92 M 124.21 1161.76 C 361.97 891.53 594.94 622.83 1042.04 105.92 M 129.2 1162.12 C 351.61 907.29 570.94 655.88 1042.43 111.56 M 129.2 1162.12 C 347.11 914.73 561.23 667.78 1042.43 111.56 M 134.84 1161.72 C 387.73 866.87 643.06 573.58 1042.17 117.96 M 134.84 1161.72 C 407.76 852.82 677.73 542.4 1042.17 117.96 M 139.83 1162.08 C 431.56 829.72 720.83 497.45 1042.56 123.6 M 139.83 1162.08 C 327.75 948.71 514.89 734.2 1042.56 123.6 M 145.47 1161.69 C 398.99 868.75 655.09 573.46 1042.3 130 M 145.47 1161.69 C 427.43 833.75 712.53 505.91 1042.3 130 M 150.46 1162.05 C 367.28 913.68 586.04 662.02 1042.04 136.4 M 150.46 1162.05 C 468.05 798.02 783.5 435.15 1042.04 136.4 M 156.1 1161.66 C 457.9 821.22 757.6 475.51 1042.43 142.04 M 156.1 1161.66 C 499.4 767.02 844.48 370.13 1042.43 142.04 M 161.09 1162.02 C 405.84 873.52 654.07 587.74 1042.17 148.44 M 161.09 1162.02 C 368.04 930.3 570.46 696.84 1042.17 148.44 M 166.73 1161.62 C 426.5 859.87 688.77 556.79 1042.57 154.08 M 166.73 1161.62 C 515.81 758.54 863.58 357.93 1042.57 154.08 M 171.72 1161.98 C 372.06 930.09 576.89 696.95 1042.31 160.48 M 171.72 1161.98 C 437.26 854.45 704.47 547.46 1042.31 160.48 M 177.36 1161.59 C 408 895.6 637.28 632.24 1042.04 166.88 M 177.36 1161.59 C 389.7 915.38 603.19 669.68 1042.04 166.88 M 182.35 1161.95 C 387.18 924.46 591.79 690.77 1042.44 172.52 M 182.35 1161.95 C 497.51 796.97 813.91 432.92 1042.44 172.52 M 187.33 1162.31 C 499.08 800.09 810.55 440.33 1042.18 178.92 M 187.33 1162.31 C 402.25 909.13 620.44 658.16 1042.18 178.92 M 192.98 1161.91 C 498.69 807.05 807.98 451.22 1042.57 184.56 M 192.98 1161.91 C 463.57 856.11 731.74 547.1 1042.57 184.56 M 197.96 1162.27 C 504.32 811.53 807.94 460.6 1042.31 190.96 M 197.96 1162.27 C 495.95 818.19 797.67 471.59 1042.31 190.96 M 203.61 1161.88 C 385.77 948.74 568.56 737.87 1042.05 197.36 M 203.61 1161.88 C 512.38 805.8 820.62 450.83 1042.05 197.36 M 208.59 1162.24 C 418.47 920.57 627.45 680.84 1042.44 203 M 208.59 1162.24 C 460.11 870.29 711.7 580.86 1042.44 203 M 214.24 1161.84 C 495.53 835.51 778.04 509.63 1042.18 209.4 M 214.24 1161.84 C 423.48 918.35 635.74 674.16 1042.18 209.4 M 219.22 1162.2 C 435 910.93 654.68 659.16 1042.58 215.04 M 219.22 1162.2 C 427.25 919.22 637.94 676.98 1042.58 215.04 M 224.87 1161.81 C 391.61 968.98 560.56 774.21 1042.32 221.44 M 224.87 1161.81 C 410.15 946.95 597.78 731.35 1042.32 221.44 M 229.85 1162.17 C 451.13 908.95 674.27 652.06 1042.05 227.84 M 229.85 1162.17 C 557.5 791.83 881.24 418.86 1042.05 227.84 M 235.5 1161.77 C 417.28 956.08 598.54 747.55 1042.45 233.48 M 235.5 1161.77 C 440.88 928.11 644.1 694.49 1042.45 233.48 M 240.48 1162.13 C 543.03 815.32 844.7 466.22 1042.19 239.88 M 240.48 1162.13 C 503.58 860.22 767.05 557.49 1042.19 239.88 M 246.13 1161.74 C 517.44 852.02 785.64 542.6 1042.58 245.52 M 246.13 1161.74 C 407.1 979.46 567.37 795.16 1042.58 245.52 M 251.11 1162.1 C 492.07 882.67 736.44 602.56 1042.32 251.92 M 251.11 1162.1 C 458.39 926.66 661.73 692.72 1042.32 251.92 M 256.76 1161.71 C 431.03 959.04 605.44 759.4 1042.06 258.32 M 256.76 1161.71 C 474.85 913.97 691.36 664.9 1042.06 258.32 M 261.74 1162.07 C 446.35 948.43 633.07 733.31 1042.45 263.96 M 261.74 1162.07 C 430.19 970.81 596.28 779.46 1042.45 263.96 M 267.39 1161.67 C 495.3 906.38 719.22 648.17 1042.19 270.36 M 267.39 1161.67 C 566.33 819.97 863.39 478.38 1042.19 270.36 M 272.37 1162.03 C 561.72 828.65 849.28 499.02 1042.59 276 M 272.37 1162.03 C 453.06 950.69 637.2 739.7 1042.59 276 M 278.02 1161.64 C 501.74 910.51 721.35 656.39 1042.33 282.4 M 278.02 1161.64 C 548.49 854.27 818 544.63 1042.33 282.4 M 283 1162 C 544.66 858.51 809.47 555.04 1042.06 288.8 M 283 1162 C 583.33 815.96 882.64 471.4 1042.06 288.8 M 288.65 1161.6 C 515.6 905.79 740.49 647.76 1042.46 294.44 M 288.65 1161.6 C 532.16 879.95 775.37 599.54 1042.46 294.44 M 293.63 1161.96 C 469.01 961.04 646 757.48 1042.2 300.84 M 293.63 1161.96 C 557.14 856.59 822.86 551.25 1042.2 300.84 M 298.62 1162.32 C 548.29 879.27 795.49 594.41 1042.59 306.48 M 298.62 1162.32 C 559.16 857.13 822.61 554.35 1042.59 306.48 M 304.26 1161.93 C 561.66 865.8 817.37 572 1042.33 312.88 M 304.26 1161.93 C 458.77 986.47 613.4 808.25 1042.33 312.88 M 309.25 1162.29 C 560.75 871.32 812.36 582.83 1042.07 319.28 M 309.25 1162.29 C 471.43 975.05 632.41 790.23 1042.07 319.28 M 314.89 1161.89 C 474.11 980.83 633.01 797.33 1042.46 324.92 M 314.89 1161.89 C 508.72 939.3 702.87 716.1 1042.46 324.92 M 319.88 1162.25 C 470.06 988.48 625.26 810.7 1042.2 331.32 M 319.88 1162.25 C 467.5 987.8 617.01 816.6 1042.2 331.32 M 325.52 1161.86 C 488.9 973.21 653.31 783.23 1042.6 336.96 M 325.52 1161.86 C 503.45 959.89 680.32 756.88 1042.6 336.96 M 330.51 1162.22 C 583.7 870.48 839.18 575.48 1042.34 343.36 M 330.51 1162.22 C 558.86 899.75 788.12 636.63 1042.34 343.36 M 336.15 1161.82 C 611.77 847.09 886.73 529.75 1042.07 349.76 M 336.15 1161.82 C 536.62 932.69 737.6 701.62 1042.07 349.76 M 341.14 1162.18 C 576.82 890.48 811.12 620.76 1042.47 355.4 M 341.14 1162.18 C 542.13 934.17 740.39 705.39 1042.47 355.4 M 346.78 1161.79 C 589 887.99 828.89 611.47 1042.21 361.8 M 346.78 1161.79 C 578.53 893.54 813.2 622.83 1042.21 361.8 M 351.77 1162.15 C 509.86 980.93 668.93 799.16 1042.6 367.44 M 351.77 1162.15 C 575.62 899.32 801.69 638.41 1042.6 367.44 M 357.41 1161.75 C 613.99 867.22 869.11 573.1 1042.34 373.84 M 357.41 1161.75 C 612.39 869.96 867.12 576.63 1042.34 373.84 M 362.4 1162.12 C 537.81 961.5 713.82 758.51 1042.08 380.24 M 362.4 1162.12 C 505.78 997.94 646.52 835.98 1042.08 380.24 M 368.04 1161.72 C 625.02 860.58 885.82 561.6 1042.47 385.88 M 368.04 1161.72 C 617.83 874.76 869.02 585.45 1042.47 385.88 M 373.03 1162.08 C 632.25 870.15 887.18 575.84 1042.21 392.28 M 373.03 1162.08 C 635.61 864.16 894.74 565.6 1042.21 392.28 M 378.67 1161.69 C 598.7 909.79 819.84 655.41 1042.61 397.92 M 378.67 1161.69 C 604.68 903.44 829.39 645.28 1042.61 397.92 M 383.66 1162.05 C 576.12 941.5 767.53 721.99 1042.34 404.32 M 383.66 1162.05 C 551.7 969.53 718.1 778.36 1042.34 404.32 M 389.3 1161.65 C 647.71 864.32 907.16 566.36 1042.08 410.72 M 389.3 1161.65 C 572.97 949.23 760.12 733.9 1042.08 410.72 M 394.29 1162.01 C 526.55 1010.5 659.88 856.92 1042.48 416.36 M 394.29 1162.01 C 586.6 936.08 781.56 711.93 1042.48 416.36 M 399.93 1161.62 C 650.32 873.69 903.42 583.78 1042.22 422.76 M 399.93 1161.62 C 556.56 977.99 714.17 796.26 1042.22 422.76 M 404.92 1161.98 C 584.92 952.66 767.83 742.53 1042.61 428.4 M 404.92 1161.98 C 624.27 909.38 843.74 656.41 1042.61 428.4 M 410.56 1161.58 C 642.58 889.9 877.95 618.67 1042.35 434.8 M 410.56 1161.58 C 576.19 971.02 743.64 778.42 1042.35 434.8 M 415.55 1161.94 C 559.91 1001.01 701.03 838.03 1042.09 441.19 M 415.55 1161.94 C 612.98 938.47 808.92 712 1042.09 441.19 M 420.54 1162.3 C 557.59 1003.52 694.9 846.55 1042.48 446.84 M 420.54 1162.3 C 547.99 1015.43 676.31 867.88 1042.48 446.84 M 426.18 1161.91 C 584.46 984.23 740.27 804.67 1042.22 453.24 M 426.18 1161.91 C 581.75 979.86 738.24 799.78 1042.22 453.24 M 431.17 1162.27 C 590.94 982.59 749.66 799.98 1041.96 459.63 M 431.17 1162.27 C 642.86 919.04 854.22 675.97 1041.96 459.63 M 436.81 1161.87 C 634.5 933.27 834.28 703.48 1042.35 465.28 M 436.81 1161.87 C 636.17 934.91 834.02 706.94 1042.35 465.28 M 441.8 1162.23 C 586.94 996.63 730.21 831.6 1042.09 471.67 M 441.8 1162.23 C 671.8 902.3 899.82 639.92 1042.09 471.67 M 447.44 1161.84 C 655.31 918.85 864.71 678.96 1042.49 477.32 M 447.44 1161.84 C 572.88 1019.47 696.08 877.03 1042.49 477.32 M 452.43 1162.2 C 657.44 926.35 863.64 688.95 1042.23 483.72 M 452.43 1162.2 C 579.98 1013.85 706.49 868.26 1042.23 483.72 M 458.07 1161.8 C 663.29 926.39 866.18 691.16 1041.96 490.11 M 458.07 1161.8 C 625.65 965.97 793.49 771.53 1041.96 490.11 M 463.06 1162.16 C 588.17 1017.82 713.09 874.76 1042.36 495.76 M 463.06 1162.16 C 683 911.83 901.35 659.8 1042.36 495.76 M 468.7 1161.77 C 634.83 974.17 799.09 784.21 1042.1 502.15 M 468.7 1161.77 C 627.48 979.26 787 795.77 1042.1 502.15 M 473.69 1162.13 C 641.37 970.59 807.81 780.29 1042.49 507.8 M 473.69 1162.13 C 593.95 1026.01 712.15 889.75 1042.49 507.8 M 479.33 1161.74 C 628.14 988.65 778.04 816.89 1042.23 514.19 M 479.33 1161.74 C 705.34 902.74 929.09 644.83 1042.23 514.19 M 484.32 1162.1 C 633.57 988.99 785.34 814.79 1041.97 520.59 M 484.32 1162.1 C 631.84 995.29 778.36 827.22 1041.97 520.59 M 489.96 1161.7 C 663.74 958.02 839 756.77 1042.36 526.24 M 489.96 1161.7 C 704.66 915.92 919.14 669.46 1042.36 526.24 M 494.95 1162.06 C 646.94 986.74 799.49 811.64 1042.1 532.63 M 494.95 1162.06 C 668.03 963.8 838.82 766.76 1042.1 532.63 M 500.59 1161.67 C 615.5 1031.51 729.87 900.46 1042.5 538.28 M 500.59 1161.67 C 665.04 972.58 829.86 782.6 1042.5 538.28 M 505.58 1162.03 C 653.99 991.96 802.01 822.11 1042.24 544.67 M 505.58 1162.03 C 691.01 949.15 876.51 736.19 1042.24 544.67 M 511.22 1161.63 C 643.01 1010.71 775.42 858.48 1041.97 551.07 M 511.22 1161.63 C 678.9 968.32 845.36 776.31 1041.97 551.07 M 516.21 1161.99 C 651.25 1006.34 784.63 852.05 1042.37 556.72 M 516.21 1161.99 C 709.42 940.26 900.69 720.03 1042.37 556.72 M 521.85 1161.6 C 661.75 999.53 802.4 839.12 1042.11 563.11 M 521.85 1161.6 C 681.89 978.84 840.3 796.34 1042.11 563.11 M 526.84 1161.96 C 655.47 1017.11 784.42 869.84 1042.5 568.76 M 526.84 1161.96 C 728.07 932.58 927.45 703.01 1042.5 568.76 M 531.83 1162.32 C 655.59 1020.55 778.62 878.89 1042.24 575.15 M 531.83 1162.32 C 671.8 997.83 813.65 834.67 1042.24 575.15 M 537.47 1161.92 C 695.11 978.27 854.12 794.67 1041.98 581.55 M 537.47 1161.92 C 661.63 1016.6 786.74 872.71 1041.98 581.55 M 542.46 1162.28 C 678.95 1004.75 814.49 848.48 1042.37 587.19 M 542.46 1162.28 C 715.26 962.5 890.22 761.23 1042.37 587.19 M 548.1 1161.89 C 722.91 959.49 900.34 755.64 1042.11 593.59 M 548.1 1161.89 C 744.82 935.63 941.58 709.57 1042.11 593.59 M 553.09 1162.25 C 747.44 937.7 941.58 713.83 1042.51 599.24 M 553.09 1162.25 C 727.89 962.13 900.68 762.69 1042.51 599.24 M 558.73 1161.85 C 704.81 989.87 852.94 820.16 1042.25 605.63 M 558.73 1161.85 C 704.14 992.86 849.94 824.44 1042.25 605.63 M 563.72 1162.21 C 660.1 1050.77 757.08 939.87 1041.98 612.03 M 563.72 1162.21 C 676.77 1032.41 790.44 901.96 1041.98 612.03 M 569.36 1161.82 C 725.62 982.6 880.11 804.78 1042.38 617.67 M 569.36 1161.82 C 684.03 1030.38 798.28 898.38 1042.38 617.67 M 574.35 1162.18 C 754.41 956.75 934.16 749.61 1042.12 624.07 M 574.35 1162.18 C 698.66 1020.31 822.21 877.31 1042.12 624.07 M 579.99 1161.79 C 681.36 1043.97 784.32 924.08 1042.51 629.72 M 579.99 1161.79 C 725.85 995.06 870.08 828.46 1042.51 629.72 M 584.98 1162.15 C 764.5 956.06 943.67 750.69 1042.25 636.11 M 584.98 1162.15 C 685.52 1048.34 784.26 934.56 1042.25 636.11 M 590.62 1161.75 C 693.43 1044.88 795.63 927.56 1041.99 642.51 M 590.62 1161.75 C 694.16 1041.83 796.83 924.17 1041.99 642.51 M 595.61 1162.11 C 773.04 959.86 951.17 754.43 1042.38 648.15 M 595.61 1162.11 C 768.99 963.19 942.41 764.12 1042.38 648.15 M 601.25 1161.72 C 692.97 1055.52 783.76 948.55 1042.12 654.55 M 601.25 1161.72 C 741.72 1000.17 880.56 840.48 1042.12 654.55 M 606.24 1162.08 C 746.12 1002.21 886.25 842.58 1042.52 660.19 M 606.24 1162.08 C 774.72 968.59 944.28 774.8 1042.52 660.19 M 611.88 1161.68 C 729.96 1026.28 847.22 892.28 1042.26 666.59 M 611.88 1161.68 C 747.81 1005.27 884.24 847.64 1042.26 666.59 M 616.87 1162.04 C 701.93 1063.5 787.43 964.44 1041.99 672.99 M 616.87 1162.04 C 762.13 993.87 907.34 826.33 1041.99 672.99 M 622.51 1161.65 C 771.86 987.83 922.67 813.91 1042.39 678.63 M 622.51 1161.65 C 790.66 970.93 956.5 779.87 1042.39 678.63 M 627.5 1162.01 C 720.13 1053.99 812.91 947.24 1042.13 685.03 M 627.5 1162.01 C 749.21 1020.37 871.61 878.81 1042.13 685.03 M 633.14 1161.61 C 729.02 1049.77 826.83 937.77 1042.52 690.67 M 633.14 1161.61 C 764.6 1008.23 896.82 855.44 1042.52 690.67 M 638.13 1161.97 C 762.04 1021.97 884.67 880.26 1042.26 697.07 M 638.13 1161.97 C 721.85 1067.33 804.74 971.23 1042.26 697.07 M 643.77 1161.58 C 769.67 1014.09 897.45 869.93 1042 703.47 M 643.77 1161.58 C 759.13 1027.29 875.29 893.87 1042 703.47 M 648.76 1161.94 C 761.72 1033.57 874.55 903.23 1042.39 709.11 M 648.76 1161.94 C 784.46 1005.07 919.61 849.53 1042.39 709.11 M 653.74 1162.3 C 747.89 1054.05 842.16 947.71 1042.13 715.51 M 653.74 1162.3 C 773.83 1026.12 892.85 888.84 1042.13 715.51 M 659.39 1161.9 C 797.9 1004.18 934.32 846.48 1042.53 721.15 M 659.39 1161.9 C 773.84 1030.13 888.18 897.97 1042.53 721.15 M 664.37 1162.26 C 771.39 1040.52 878.09 918.44 1042.26 727.55 M 664.37 1162.26 C 812.07 991.36 959.12 821.92 1042.26 727.55 M 670.02 1161.87 C 759.6 1061.38 847.04 960.37 1042 733.95 M 670.02 1161.87 C 809.28 1000.19 949.8 839.19 1042 733.95 M 675 1162.23 C 804.18 1013.43 932.82 864.55 1042.4 739.59 M 675 1162.23 C 812.96 1003.72 951.98 843.23 1042.4 739.59 M 680.65 1161.83 C 814.93 1006.99 950.63 851.92 1042.14 745.99 M 680.65 1161.83 C 826.02 994.57 970.29 828.71 1042.14 745.99 M 685.64 1162.2 C 826.8 1001.16 967.07 839.53 1042.53 751.63 M 685.64 1162.2 C 800.44 1028.42 916.55 895.63 1042.53 751.63 M 691.28 1161.8 C 817.49 1017.36 942.52 874.12 1042.27 758.03 M 691.28 1161.8 C 796.46 1040.64 901.42 920.61 1042.27 758.03 M 696.27 1162.16 C 831.55 1005.36 966.51 850.08 1042.01 764.43 M 696.27 1162.16 C 799.68 1043.15 902.55 924.21 1042.01 764.43 M 701.91 1161.77 C 809.27 1041.22 913.67 918.82 1042.4 770.07 M 701.91 1161.77 C 812.3 1034.72 923.39 906.51 1042.4 770.07 M 706.9 1162.13 C 825.66 1026.55 944.15 892.17 1042.14 776.47 M 706.9 1162.13 C 834.79 1014.78 963.54 866.71 1042.14 776.47 M 712.54 1161.73 C 806.55 1053.81 900.18 945.5 1042.54 782.11 M 712.54 1161.73 C 795 1064.51 878.59 968.3 1042.54 782.11 M 717.53 1162.09 C 824.54 1039.67 930.17 917.69 1042.27 788.51 M 717.53 1162.09 C 807.27 1056.51 898.72 951.14 1042.27 788.51 M 723.17 1161.7 C 810.77 1061.09 897.42 960.97 1042.01 794.91 M 723.17 1161.7 C 837.35 1029.84 952.25 898.25 1042.01 794.91 M 728.16 1162.06 C 853.92 1017.64 978.09 873.26 1042.41 800.55 M 728.16 1162.06 C 821.69 1052.14 917.87 942.49 1042.41 800.55 M 733.8 1161.66 C 856.73 1022.15 978.92 880.4 1042.15 806.95 M 733.8 1161.66 C 807.2 1076.37 881.56 990.93 1042.15 806.95 M 738.79 1162.02 C 823.3 1063.88 908.46 965.53 1042.54 812.59 M 738.79 1162.02 C 855.14 1028.01 971.87 893.25 1042.54 812.59 M 744.43 1161.63 C 836.83 1052.15 932.34 944.02 1042.28 818.99 M 744.43 1161.63 C 809.12 1087.5 872.94 1014.2 1042.28 818.99 M 749.42 1161.99 C 844.77 1051.6 941.21 940.73 1042.02 825.39 M 749.42 1161.99 C 829.38 1072.56 908.06 980.86 1042.02 825.39 M 755.06 1161.59 C 819.62 1087.38 884.87 1013.48 1042.41 831.03 M 755.06 1161.59 C 846.39 1059.84 935.68 956.5 1042.41 831.03 M 760.05 1161.95 C 851.64 1056.43 942.25 950.33 1042.15 837.43 M 760.05 1161.95 C 852.59 1058.63 943.23 953.92 1042.15 837.43 M 765.03 1162.31 C 835.07 1081.78 903.55 1000.49 1042.55 843.07 M 765.03 1162.31 C 841.93 1076.2 918.47 988.67 1042.55 843.07 M 770.68 1161.92 C 850.15 1073.25 927.58 983.21 1042.28 849.47 M 770.68 1161.92 C 855.79 1063.3 942.78 963.81 1042.28 849.47 M 775.66 1162.28 C 844.02 1083.32 913.19 1004.51 1042.02 855.87 M 775.66 1162.28 C 873.62 1049.65 970.58 937.95 1042.02 855.87 M 781.31 1161.88 C 853.69 1080.76 925.97 999.44 1042.42 861.51 M 781.31 1161.88 C 846.31 1085.4 912.56 1009.25 1042.42 861.51 M 786.29 1162.24 C 848.65 1092.76 909.28 1023.14 1042.16 867.91 M 786.29 1162.24 C 877.19 1058.03 967.87 952.77 1042.16 867.91 M 791.94 1161.85 C 884.88 1053.91 978.16 946.59 1042.55 873.55 M 791.94 1161.85 C 877.13 1063.28 961.09 966.6 1042.55 873.55 M 796.92 1162.21 C 876.49 1069.37 957.17 978.2 1042.29 879.95 M 796.92 1162.21 C 880.84 1063.46 965.6 966.38 1042.29 879.95 M 802.57 1161.82 C 875.27 1078.95 947.73 994.72 1042.03 886.35 M 802.57 1161.82 C 897.53 1053.66 992.7 945.44 1042.03 886.35 M 807.55 1162.18 C 897.44 1061.15 986.35 956.91 1042.42 891.99 M 807.55 1162.18 C 885.02 1070.93 964.88 980.05 1042.42 891.99 M 813.2 1161.78 C 865.26 1101.94 915.67 1044.15 1042.16 898.39 M 813.2 1161.78 C 873.69 1092.73 932.32 1024.27 1042.16 898.39 M 818.18 1162.14 C 866.83 1108.39 911.04 1055.66 1042.56 904.03 M 818.18 1162.14 C 875.7 1097.23 932.15 1030.76 1042.56 904.03 M 823.83 1161.75 C 895.08 1079.32 966.77 996.31 1042.29 910.43 M 823.83 1161.75 C 910.67 1059.39 998.75 959.62 1042.29 910.43 M 828.81 1162.11 C 902.11 1079.86 972.02 997.66 1042.03 916.83 M 828.81 1162.11 C 902.3 1078.07 975.09 995.4 1042.03 916.83 M 834.46 1161.71 C 882.86 1104.68 934.53 1048.43 1042.43 922.47 M 834.46 1161.71 C 893.1 1096.8 950.51 1030.1 1042.43 922.47 M 839.44 1162.07 C 888.75 1105.51 935.71 1050.6 1042.17 928.87 M 839.44 1162.07 C 908.44 1080.14 977.73 999.88 1042.17 928.87 M 845.09 1161.68 C 887.97 1110.73 930.04 1062.76 1042.56 934.51 M 845.09 1161.68 C 920.06 1075.93 995.98 987.97 1042.56 934.51 M 850.07 1162.04 C 909.81 1093.75 968.93 1024.63 1042.3 940.91 M 850.07 1162.04 C 914.21 1086.47 978.51 1012.94 1042.3 940.91 M 855.72 1161.64 C 920.71 1083.1 989.03 1003.73 1042.04 947.31 M 855.72 1161.64 C 896.31 1114.57 938.46 1067.19 1042.04 947.31 M 860.7 1162 C 915.05 1101.11 968.92 1037.85 1042.43 952.95 M 860.7 1162 C 916.95 1098.72 973.11 1033.32 1042.43 952.95 M 866.35 1161.61 C 901.77 1121.39 935.75 1081.86 1042.17 959.35 M 866.35 1161.61 C 922.31 1098.52 976.46 1036.87 1042.17 959.35 M 871.33 1161.97 C 918.23 1110.09 960.58 1057.4 1042.56 964.99 M 871.33 1161.97 C 931.34 1091.32 992.61 1021.85 1042.56 964.99 M 876.98 1161.57 C 925.4 1104.97 974.96 1048.74 1042.3 971.39 M 876.98 1161.57 C 940.74 1089.66 1003.85 1018 1042.3 971.39 M 881.96 1161.93 C 917.46 1122.39 950.45 1080.64 1042.04 977.79 M 881.96 1161.93 C 931.22 1105.64 977.65 1051.02 1042.04 977.79 M 886.95 1162.29 C 923.25 1119.97 958.57 1078.72 1042.44 983.43 M 886.95 1162.29 C 945.5 1092.36 1006.99 1022.94 1042.44 983.43 M 892.59 1161.9 C 938.93 1110.9 986.01 1057.5 1042.18 989.83 M 892.59 1161.9 C 932.98 1115.32 973 1070.04 1042.18 989.83 M 897.58 1162.26 C 935.07 1118.73 975.84 1073.54 1042.57 995.47 M 897.58 1162.26 C 939.69 1113.45 980.6 1065.05 1042.57 995.47 M 903.22 1161.87 C 955.26 1100.26 1012.42 1037.96 1042.31 1001.87 M 903.22 1161.87 C 946.51 1111.41 989.79 1060.54 1042.31 1001.87 M 908.21 1162.23 C 942.69 1124.52 974.39 1084.66 1042.05 1008.26 M 908.21 1162.23 C 944.45 1119.19 981.22 1077.27 1042.05 1008.26 M 913.85 1161.83 C 949.01 1119.28 986.52 1077.98 1042.44 1013.91 M 913.85 1161.83 C 965.59 1101.7 1016.18 1043.22 1042.44 1013.91 M 918.84 1162.19 C 953.9 1121.04 988.53 1078.75 1042.18 1020.31 M 918.84 1162.19 C 960.8 1114.17 1002.29 1066.32 1042.18 1020.31 M 924.48 1161.8 C 965.02 1118.91 1003.85 1071.19 1042.57 1025.95 M 924.48 1161.8 C 971.27 1105.93 1018.47 1052.68 1042.57 1025.95 M 929.47 1162.16 C 965.99 1124.21 999.52 1079.99 1042.31 1032.35 M 929.47 1162.16 C 960.63 1123.98 992.95 1087.03 1042.31 1032.35 M 935.11 1161.76 C 957.21 1134.89 982.1 1105.45 1042.05 1038.74 M 935.11 1161.76 C 969.82 1122.85 1002.48 1082.96 1042.05 1038.74 M 940.1 1162.12 C 970.12 1127.85 1001.61 1092.61 1042.45 1044.39 M 940.1 1162.12 C 978.69 1120.39 1014.97 1077.44 1042.45 1044.39 M 945.74 1161.73 C 981.02 1124.2 1015.3 1085.78 1042.18 1050.78 M 945.74 1161.73 C 970.92 1132.52 996.49 1104.68 1042.18 1050.78 M 950.73 1162.09 C 971.57 1134.47 993.88 1110.6 1042.58 1056.43 M 950.73 1162.09 C 987.19 1121.44 1021.69 1080.41 1042.58 1056.43 M 956.37 1161.69 C 976.51 1137.36 999.74 1111.05 1042.32 1062.83 M 956.37 1161.69 C 978.44 1136.63 999.3 1111.66 1042.32 1062.83 M 961.36 1162.05 C 991.51 1127.8 1023.93 1089.71 1042.06 1069.22 M 961.36 1162.05 C 981.22 1139.8 1000 1117.61 1042.06 1069.22 M 967 1161.66 C 985.75 1142.08 1006.36 1117.4 1042.45 1074.87 M 967 1161.66 C 985.57 1141.92 1002.83 1120.07 1042.45 1074.87 M 971.99 1162.02 C 984.46 1146.42 999.31 1127.45 1042.19 1081.26 M 971.99 1162.02 C 999.73 1129.75 1025.61 1099.89 1042.19 1081.26 M 977.63 1161.62 C 997.49 1137.4 1017.78 1115.71 1042.58 1086.91 M 977.63 1161.62 C 994.66 1140.86 1013.09 1121.38 1042.58 1086.91 M 982.62 1161.98 C 995.23 1148.23 1007.33 1134.62 1042.32 1093.31 M 982.62 1161.98 C 1001.57 1140.77 1021.58 1119.78 1042.32 1093.31 M 988.26 1161.59 C 999.86 1148.61 1010.74 1134.63 1042.06 1099.7 M 988.26 1161.59 C 1005.75 1141.81 1023.54 1120.25 1042.06 1099.7 M 993.25 1161.95 C 1010.07 1144.34 1025.78 1125.62 1042.46 1105.35 M 993.25 1161.95 C 1008.95 1142.65 1025.13 1123.99 1042.46 1105.35 M 998.24 1162.31 C 1010.22 1149.66 1019.81 1137.66 1042.19 1111.74 M 998.24 1162.31 C 1010.86 1146.32 1024.91 1131.53 1042.19 1111.74 M 1003.88 1161.91 C 1019.17 1146.25 1030.41 1129.74 1042.59 1117.39 M 1003.88 1161.91 C 1018.77 1144.81 1033.47 1127.82 1042.59 1117.39 M 1008.87 1162.28 C 1016.17 1154.37 1023.43 1146.83 1042.33 1123.78 M 1008.87 1162.28 C 1016.39 1154.93 1022.53 1147.75 1042.33 1123.78 M 1014.51 1161.88 C 1022.89 1152.29 1029 1142.91 1042.07 1130.18 M 1014.51 1161.88 C 1023.96 1151.31 1034.29 1138.17 1042.07 1130.18 M 1019.5 1162.24 C 1026.22 1156.65 1030.87 1147.95 1042.46 1135.83 M 1019.5 1162.24 C 1026.13 1154.06 1034.08 1145.17 1042.46 1135.83 M 1025.14 1161.85 C 1031.7 1156.64 1037.64 1146.06 1042.2 1142.22 M 1025.14 1161.85 C 1029.12 1157.02 1033.65 1151.51 1042.2 1142.22 M 1030.13 1162.21 C 1032.49 1158.17 1038.95 1155.86 1042.59 1147.87 M 1030.13 1162.21 C 1033.6 1156.63 1037.73 1153.04 1042.59 1147.87 M 1035.77 1161.81 C 1038.4 1159.21 1039.15 1156.91 1042.33 1154.26 M 1035.77 1161.81 C 1037.19 1160.61 1039.1 1158.51 1042.33 1154.26" fill="none" stroke="#e4d7eb" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 90 0 C 454.01 -0.92 818.73 -1.07 1040 0 M 90 0 C 455.6 1.4 820.17 1.34 1040 0 M 1040 0 C 1039.52 372.14 1040.34 744.2 1040 1160 M 1040 0 C 1037.9 297.59 1038.07 594.5 1040 1160 M 1040 1160 C 741.3 1160.9 441.95 1160.07 90 1160 M 1040 1160 C 718.3 1163.46 396.25 1163.82 90 1160 M 90 1160 C 90.1 751.91 89.23 342.69 90 0 M 90 1160 C 87.46 847.08 86.87 534.81 90 0" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="580" y="720" width="420" 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740.11 617.25 719.82 M 580.25 768.48 C 591.84 755.18 605.5 740.43 622.24 720.18 M 580.25 768.48 C 588.37 758.01 597.99 748.46 622.24 720.18 M 579.99 774.88 C 591.93 758.51 606.78 743.96 627.88 719.79 M 579.99 774.88 C 593.81 759.27 606.91 743.58 627.88 719.79 M 579.73 781.28 C 596.39 759.38 615.03 740.77 632.87 720.15 M 579.73 781.28 C 597.95 760.26 617.11 739.96 632.87 720.15 M 580.12 786.92 C 598.38 766.3 615.45 745.49 638.51 719.75 M 580.12 786.92 C 594.64 770.51 608.08 754.94 638.51 719.75 M 579.86 793.32 C 597.36 774.21 612.63 758.31 643.5 720.11 M 579.86 793.32 C 592.48 778.56 606.68 762.67 643.5 720.11 M 580.26 798.96 C 603.12 771.62 626.68 746.35 649.14 719.72 M 580.26 798.96 C 600.98 774.9 622.98 749.4 649.14 719.72 M 580 805.36 C 599.18 785.73 616.71 764.9 654.13 720.08 M 580 805.36 C 594.86 787.73 609.47 771.7 654.13 720.08 M 579.73 811.76 C 607.8 783.26 631.33 751.52 659.77 719.69 M 579.73 811.76 C 594.91 791.81 610.52 773.66 659.77 719.69 M 580.13 817.4 C 602.21 794.04 621.33 768.58 664.76 720.05 M 580.13 817.4 C 599.96 795.03 621.7 770.78 664.76 720.05 M 579.87 823.8 C 603.12 794.95 630.13 766.11 670.4 719.65 M 579.87 823.8 C 607.17 791.52 635.85 758.49 670.4 719.65 M 580.26 829.44 C 605.36 801.5 631 771.41 675.39 720.01 M 580.26 829.44 C 605.7 800.61 630.37 770.96 675.39 720.01 M 580 835.84 C 612.87 799.59 645.39 760.22 680.38 720.37 M 580 835.84 C 600.86 812.72 622.83 788.86 680.38 720.37 M 579.74 842.24 C 602.78 814.3 629.92 783.46 686.02 719.98 M 579.74 842.24 C 614.62 802.51 650.67 762.21 686.02 719.98 M 580.13 847.88 C 620.44 802.36 659.62 754.04 691.01 720.34 M 580.13 847.88 C 615.23 808.93 649.28 768.93 691.01 720.34 M 579.87 854.28 C 622.44 802.29 668.68 749.8 696.65 719.94 M 579.87 854.28 C 614.89 813.34 651.31 772.06 696.65 719.94 M 580.27 859.92 C 608.83 827.43 636.84 795.2 701.64 720.3 M 580.27 859.92 C 607.12 828.88 632.3 801.06 701.64 720.3 M 580.01 866.32 C 614.31 828.74 648.45 791.16 707.28 719.91 M 580.01 866.32 C 629.51 809.34 680.86 751.3 707.28 719.91 M 579.74 872.72 C 628.64 818.34 675.08 761.57 712.27 720.27 M 579.74 872.72 C 629.9 814.94 678.68 759.24 712.27 720.27 M 580.14 878.36 C 621.86 829.74 664.77 781.13 717.91 719.87 M 580.14 878.36 C 631.59 819.38 684.52 757.73 717.91 719.87 M 579.88 884.76 C 622.74 836.71 663.68 785.65 722.9 720.23 M 579.88 884.76 C 609.85 848.25 641.08 812.85 722.9 720.23 M 580.27 890.4 C 625.61 839.35 670.06 787.59 728.54 719.84 M 580.27 890.4 C 610.13 856.53 640.38 820.67 728.54 719.84 M 580.01 896.8 C 638.25 830.64 698.34 760.64 733.53 720.2 M 580.01 896.8 C 618.04 852.75 656.66 809.06 733.53 720.2 M 579.75 903.2 C 622.58 851.85 669.47 800.17 739.17 719.8 M 579.75 903.2 C 612.51 865.56 645.11 829.19 739.17 719.8 M 580.14 908.84 C 627.26 852 674.93 799.81 744.16 720.16 M 580.14 908.84 C 632.99 845.78 686.52 784.66 744.16 720.16 M 579.88 915.24 C 624.95 867.76 664.95 817.57 749.8 719.77 M 579.88 915.24 C 619.89 868.42 661.07 821.3 749.8 719.77 M 580.28 920.88 C 628.61 865.46 672.28 813.14 754.79 720.13 M 580.28 920.88 C 646.38 845.8 712.09 769.54 754.79 720.13 M 580.02 927.28 C 626.48 871.76 674.67 818.91 760.43 719.74 M 580.02 927.28 C 648.89 849.73 717.65 771.09 760.43 719.74 M 579.75 933.68 C 631.87 870.42 687.29 806.99 765.42 720.1 M 579.75 933.68 C 637.66 869.37 693.28 805.41 765.42 720.1 M 580.15 939.32 C 641.84 864.7 706.83 792.67 771.06 719.7 M 580.15 939.32 C 619.51 890.33 661.38 842 771.06 719.7 M 579.89 945.72 C 648.15 863.37 717.08 783.68 776.05 720.06 M 579.89 945.72 C 630.2 885.54 680.81 827.75 776.05 720.06 M 580.28 951.36 C 649 873.25 715.65 794.38 781.69 719.67 M 580.28 951.36 C 654.73 865.8 729.04 779.79 781.69 719.67 M 580.02 957.76 C 649.47 876.36 716.8 796.52 786.68 720.03 M 580.02 957.76 C 657.58 867.69 736.11 777.36 786.68 720.03 M 579.76 964.16 C 641.58 888.73 705.59 816.31 792.32 719.63 M 579.76 964.16 C 657.19 875.98 733.11 787.6 792.32 719.63 M 580.15 969.8 C 652.54 884.77 723.89 801.12 797.31 719.99 M 580.15 969.8 C 638.73 902.08 696.68 835.35 797.31 719.99 M 579.89 976.2 C 651.53 895.71 719.17 816.42 802.3 720.35 M 579.89 976.2 C 655.21 891.65 727.81 807.28 802.3 720.35 M 580.29 981.84 C 658.46 888.73 740.95 796.39 807.94 719.96 M 580.29 981.84 C 647.09 906.7 711.82 831.97 807.94 719.96 M 580.03 988.24 C 632.85 930.42 684.01 868.94 812.93 720.32 M 580.03 988.24 C 661.34 896.86 740.82 803.82 812.93 720.32 M 579.76 994.64 C 631.09 937.56 683.49 879.5 818.57 719.92 M 579.76 994.64 C 642.21 922.17 704.01 849.92 818.57 719.92 M 580.16 1000.28 C 661.34 906.08 743.33 812.19 823.56 720.28 M 580.16 1000.28 C 647.1 921.6 715.51 843.06 823.56 720.28 M 579.9 1006.68 C 633.88 944.72 690.71 880.63 829.2 719.89 M 579.9 1006.68 C 629.82 949.74 680.62 892.35 829.2 719.89 M 580.29 1012.32 C 658.92 923.53 735.1 833.76 834.19 720.25 M 580.29 1012.32 C 665.8 913.38 751.19 815.21 834.19 720.25 M 580.03 1018.72 C 660.61 926.31 742.45 830.33 839.83 719.85 M 580.03 1018.72 C 676.31 908.18 771.91 797.43 839.83 719.85 M 579.77 1025.12 C 647.95 947.56 717.26 866.8 844.82 720.21 M 579.77 1025.12 C 664.68 927.33 749.36 830.1 844.82 720.21 M 580.16 1030.76 C 668.74 927.24 759.11 826.61 850.46 719.82 M 580.16 1030.76 C 633.08 969.07 687.25 907.44 850.46 719.82 M 579.9 1037.16 C 654.6 950.66 728.61 864.11 855.45 720.18 M 579.9 1037.16 C 681.18 920.37 782.37 804.37 855.45 720.18 M 580.3 1042.8 C 667.07 944.64 753.06 846.53 861.09 719.78 M 580.3 1042.8 C 691.29 915.74 802.67 787.85 861.09 719.78 M 580.04 1049.2 C 659.64 959.46 739.82 865.7 866.08 720.14 M 580.04 1049.2 C 642.98 976.18 706.88 902.95 866.08 720.14 M 579.77 1055.6 C 695.48 922.31 808.89 790.3 871.72 719.75 M 579.77 1055.6 C 646.16 982.88 709.57 908.5 871.72 719.75 M 580.17 1061.24 C 689.17 934.17 800.35 806.83 876.71 720.11 M 580.17 1061.24 C 681.71 942.02 785.26 823.27 876.71 720.11 M 579.91 1067.64 C 688.94 943.43 797.37 818.16 882.35 719.72 M 579.91 1067.64 C 644.22 994.34 708.65 920.07 882.35 719.72 M 580.3 1073.28 C 674.41 967.66 766.7 860.95 887.34 720.08 M 580.3 1073.28 C 650.12 991.48 720.54 910.94 887.34 720.08 M 580.04 1079.68 C 660.26 985.98 740.92 892.52 892.98 719.68 M 580.04 1079.68 C 667.67 980.04 754.39 880.65 892.98 719.68 M 579.78 1086.08 C 698.27 947.94 818.01 810.26 897.97 720.04 M 579.78 1086.08 C 663.63 989.14 748.55 891.96 897.97 720.04 M 580.17 1091.72 C 704.06 950.47 825.55 808.36 903.61 719.65 M 580.17 1091.72 C 704.66 948.27 828.3 806.14 903.61 719.65 M 579.91 1098.12 C 699.61 960.4 820.27 822.59 908.6 720.01 M 579.91 1098.12 C 668.01 996.44 756.8 895 908.6 720.01 M 580.31 1103.76 C 678.49 990.42 775.79 876.64 913.58 720.37 M 580.31 1103.76 C 667.02 1002.07 755.21 901.05 913.58 720.37 M 580.04 1110.16 C 712.12 957.95 842.17 807.25 919.23 719.97 M 580.04 1110.16 C 706.63 964.97 834.02 818.61 919.23 719.97 M 579.78 1116.56 C 650.21 1037.38 719.39 959.15 924.21 720.33 M 579.78 1116.56 C 693.36 986.5 806.86 856.27 924.21 720.33 M 580.18 1122.2 C 658.29 1030.61 738.19 938.89 929.86 719.94 M 580.18 1122.2 C 698.3 986.52 815.54 851.18 929.86 719.94 M 579.92 1128.6 C 719.16 969.57 858.18 809 934.84 720.3 M 579.92 1128.6 C 704.32 988.09 828.13 846.07 934.84 720.3 M 582.28 1131.97 C 662.68 1036.84 743.77 943.28 940.49 719.9 M 582.28 1131.97 C 661.06 1041.53 738.35 952.68 940.49 719.9 M 587.27 1132.33 C 722.11 976.49 857.06 820.66 945.47 720.26 M 587.27 1132.33 C 714.38 986.49 842.1 838.86 945.47 720.26 M 592.91 1131.94 C 729.18 973.41 864.94 817.07 951.12 719.87 M 592.91 1131.94 C 700.19 1007.54 808.52 882.85 951.12 719.87 M 597.9 1132.3 C 730.44 980.99 863.82 828.05 956.1 720.23 M 597.9 1132.3 C 728.14 980.72 858.73 830.01 956.1 720.23 M 603.54 1131.91 C 690.88 1029.49 780.95 927.44 961.75 719.83 M 603.54 1131.91 C 747.44 967.24 888.95 804.05 961.75 719.83 M 608.53 1132.27 C 749.02 971.27 890.52 809.73 966.73 720.19 M 608.53 1132.27 C 695.56 1030.12 783.19 929.25 966.73 720.19 M 614.17 1131.87 C 700.98 1032.76 785.7 934.78 972.38 719.8 M 614.17 1131.87 C 728.26 999.96 841.76 869.22 972.38 719.8 M 619.16 1132.23 C 752.02 977.77 884.61 825.58 977.36 720.16 M 619.16 1132.23 C 704.54 1035.02 788.74 937.51 977.36 720.16 M 624.8 1131.84 C 740.37 998.99 855.59 866.24 983.01 719.77 M 624.8 1131.84 C 698.43 1048.3 771.17 964.89 983.01 719.77 M 629.79 1132.2 C 717.53 1029.19 805.45 926.9 987.99 720.13 M 629.79 1132.2 C 720.13 1028.98 808.82 926.35 987.99 720.13 M 635.43 1131.8 C 755.23 993.85 873.76 858.64 993.64 719.73 M 635.43 1131.8 C 709.08 1048.9 781.97 965.56 993.64 719.73 M 640.42 1132.16 C 737.46 1025.04 832.05 914.94 998.62 720.09 M 640.42 1132.16 C 765.73 987.37 892.5 842.78 998.62 720.09 M 646.06 1131.77 C 733.68 1028.58 823.33 926.31 1002.3 721.96 M 646.06 1131.77 C 786.22 972.33 925.54 810.87 1002.3 721.96 M 651.05 1132.13 C 749.11 1021.24 846.77 909.31 1002.04 728.36 M 651.05 1132.13 C 753.82 1013.48 856.38 895.14 1002.04 728.36 M 656.69 1131.73 C 768.7 1004.7 881.37 874.39 1002.43 734 M 656.69 1131.73 C 746.82 1031.02 835.15 928.39 1002.43 734 M 661.68 1132.09 C 743.95 1037.7 827.22 941.34 1002.17 740.4 M 661.68 1132.09 C 788.83 984.66 917.75 836.66 1002.17 740.4 M 667.32 1131.7 C 787.52 992.86 906.24 856.39 1002.57 746.04 M 667.32 1131.7 C 735.41 1053.98 802.74 976.48 1002.57 746.04 M 672.31 1132.06 C 781.43 1004.51 892.88 877.67 1002.3 752.44 M 672.31 1132.06 C 798.56 987.44 925.48 840.99 1002.3 752.44 M 677.95 1131.66 C 743.14 1056.06 809.81 980.42 1002.04 758.84 M 677.95 1131.66 C 760.37 1037.27 841.43 943.9 1002.04 758.84 M 682.94 1132.02 C 755.94 1049.64 828.59 967.74 1002.44 764.48 M 682.94 1132.02 C 763.06 1038.74 844.54 944.58 1002.44 764.48 M 688.58 1131.63 C 778.57 1026.95 869.48 922.97 1002.18 770.88 M 688.58 1131.63 C 796.08 1008.92 902.81 886.17 1002.18 770.88 M 693.57 1131.99 C 755.1 1059.57 817.28 988.89 1002.57 776.52 M 693.57 1131.99 C 754.06 1061.05 816.36 989.65 1002.57 776.52 M 698.55 1132.35 C 783.48 1032.67 869.76 934.37 1002.31 782.92 M 698.55 1132.35 C 769.87 1052.12 840.69 971.02 1002.31 782.92 M 704.2 1131.96 C 779.66 1044.17 856.52 957.24 1002.05 789.32 M 704.2 1131.96 C 823.11 996.24 942.16 858.73 1002.05 789.32 M 709.18 1132.32 C 774.59 1057.33 840.88 982.26 1002.44 794.96 M 709.18 1132.32 C 824.38 998 940.23 864.02 1002.44 794.96 M 714.83 1131.92 C 824.21 1003.14 933.6 876.94 1002.18 801.36 M 714.83 1131.92 C 800.5 1033.7 885.83 935.18 1002.18 801.36 M 719.81 1132.28 C 833.91 1002.71 945.03 874.04 1002.58 807 M 719.81 1132.28 C 812.48 1027.97 904.15 922.22 1002.58 807 M 725.46 1131.89 C 809.2 1036.64 890.37 943.86 1002.31 813.4 M 725.46 1131.89 C 808.91 1035.06 892.17 938.73 1002.31 813.4 M 730.44 1132.25 C 800.72 1050.84 870.31 971.39 1002.05 819.8 M 730.44 1132.25 C 791.68 1063.06 851.9 992.77 1002.05 819.8 M 736.09 1131.85 C 819.47 1035.18 902.36 940.83 1002.45 825.44 M 736.09 1131.85 C 817.31 1040.51 897.06 948.75 1002.45 825.44 M 741.07 1132.21 C 821.48 1037.72 903.07 945.55 1002.19 831.84 M 741.07 1132.21 C 824.94 1035.94 908.38 939.15 1002.19 831.84 M 746.72 1131.82 C 810.25 1058.6 872.12 985.92 1002.58 837.48 M 746.72 1131.82 C 831.91 1033.95 915.83 936.7 1002.58 837.48 M 751.7 1132.18 C 805.79 1067.54 859.41 1006.03 1002.32 843.88 M 751.7 1132.18 C 842.04 1028.91 931.96 924.31 1002.32 843.88 M 757.35 1131.78 C 839.55 1037.84 921.79 942.36 1002.06 850.28 M 757.35 1131.78 C 832.78 1043.56 909.34 955.29 1002.06 850.28 M 762.33 1132.14 C 835.61 1048.03 910.17 962.36 1002.45 855.92 M 762.33 1132.14 C 836.13 1047.78 908.36 964.66 1002.45 855.92 M 767.98 1131.75 C 843.61 1045.66 918.52 957.98 1002.19 862.32 M 767.98 1131.75 C 845.75 1045.36 921.65 957.6 1002.19 862.32 M 772.96 1132.11 C 829.54 1063.27 888.11 997.31 1002.59 867.96 M 772.96 1132.11 C 822.29 1074.35 872.25 1016.47 1002.59 867.96 M 778.61 1131.71 C 854.27 1043.33 932.19 953.95 1002.32 874.36 M 778.61 1131.71 C 849.44 1050.45 920.27 968.59 1002.32 874.36 M 783.59 1132.07 C 826.59 1082.6 870.28 1029.88 1002.06 880.76 M 783.59 1132.07 C 828.84 1079.54 874.13 1027.39 1002.06 880.76 M 789.24 1131.68 C 847.52 1066.9 904.02 1001.52 1002.46 886.4 M 789.24 1131.68 C 833.72 1083.04 876.56 1033.21 1002.46 886.4 M 794.22 1132.04 C 841.71 1074.3 893.95 1017.32 1002.2 892.8 M 794.22 1132.04 C 853.02 1064.92 910.89 997.52 1002.2 892.8 M 799.87 1131.65 C 870.16 1049.56 940.86 968.85 1002.59 898.44 M 799.87 1131.65 C 874.18 1046.22 946.76 961.26 1002.59 898.44 M 804.86 1132.01 C 870.19 1057.23 933.48 982.76 1002.33 904.84 M 804.86 1132.01 C 857.51 1073.01 910.44 1012.02 1002.33 904.84 M 810.5 1131.61 C 879.56 1054.19 946.67 977.78 1002.07 911.24 M 810.5 1131.61 C 878.08 1053.86 945 975.06 1002.07 911.24 M 815.49 1131.97 C 884.64 1050.87 955.44 969.47 1002.46 916.88 M 815.49 1131.97 C 873.15 1065.85 930.75 999.41 1002.46 916.88 M 820.47 1132.33 C 866.28 1076.7 913.2 1020.96 1002.2 923.28 M 820.47 1132.33 C 890.39 1051.63 961.05 971.28 1002.2 923.28 M 826.12 1131.94 C 886.78 1060.77 949.99 990.5 1002.6 928.92 M 826.12 1131.94 C 893.07 1056.64 957.66 982.47 1002.6 928.92 M 831.1 1132.3 C 894.29 1061.26 955.88 990.51 1002.33 935.32 M 831.1 1132.3 C 872.04 1083.83 913.91 1035.43 1002.33 935.32 M 836.75 1131.9 C 901 1057.2 963.41 985.35 1002.07 941.71 M 836.75 1131.9 C 890.27 1067.93 945.81 1004.74 1002.07 941.71 M 841.73 1132.26 C 898.06 1067.18 955.15 1002.94 1002.47 947.36 M 841.73 1132.26 C 902.32 1061.31 963.98 991.19 1002.47 947.36 M 847.38 1131.87 C 887.84 1088.23 927.85 1043.02 1002.21 953.76 M 847.38 1131.87 C 892.03 1080.84 936.84 1028 1002.21 953.76 M 852.36 1132.23 C 888.67 1094.3 921.15 1052.61 1002.6 959.4 M 852.36 1132.23 C 885.38 1096.29 917.02 1058.2 1002.6 959.4 M 858.01 1131.83 C 904.72 1078.44 948.98 1026.08 1002.34 965.8 M 858.01 1131.83 C 897.35 1087.67 936.61 1043.55 1002.34 965.8 M 862.99 1132.19 C 918.09 1067.96 972.34 1007.29 1002.08 972.19 M 862.99 1132.19 C 893.55 1097.07 926.7 1059.75 1002.08 972.19 M 868.64 1131.8 C 915.6 1077.84 963.14 1021.47 1002.47 977.84 M 868.64 1131.8 C 905.89 1086.52 944.89 1043.27 1002.47 977.84 M 873.62 1132.16 C 923.79 1073.38 971.78 1017.81 1002.21 984.24 M 873.62 1132.16 C 912.14 1090.38 946.91 1050.25 1002.21 984.24 M 879.27 1131.76 C 922.77 1084.87 963.23 1035.16 1002.6 989.88 M 879.27 1131.76 C 916.4 1088.88 953.62 1045.85 1002.6 989.88 M 884.25 1132.12 C 920.04 1090.96 955.44 1051.54 1002.34 996.28 M 884.25 1132.12 C 917.22 1093.13 952.28 1054.54 1002.34 996.28 M 889.9 1131.73 C 919.61 1095.97 953.59 1057.73 1002.08 1002.67 M 889.9 1131.73 C 920.41 1098.91 950.87 1064.48 1002.08 1002.67 M 894.88 1132.09 C 935.94 1082.77 977.55 1034.85 1002.48 1008.32 M 894.88 1132.09 C 931.34 1090.37 967.56 1047.29 1002.48 1008.32 M 900.53 1131.69 C 936.76 1088.88 972.99 1048.92 1002.22 1014.71 M 900.53 1131.69 C 927.73 1099.01 956.72 1067.31 1002.22 1014.71 M 905.51 1132.05 C 934.28 1097.79 963.63 1065.35 1001.95 1021.11 M 905.51 1132.05 C 941.27 1089.24 980.27 1047.17 1001.95 1021.11 M 911.16 1131.66 C 931.66 1107.9 950.57 1088.31 1002.35 1026.76 M 911.16 1131.66 C 932.16 1106.95 953.89 1082.16 1002.35 1026.76 M 916.14 1132.02 C 947.29 1096.35 978.56 1062.47 1002.09 1033.15 M 916.14 1132.02 C 946.08 1096.93 975.59 1061.56 1002.09 1033.15 M 921.79 1131.63 C 938.9 1114.83 954.46 1095.56 1002.48 1038.8 M 921.79 1131.63 C 950.6 1099.8 977.65 1066.19 1002.48 1038.8 M 926.77 1131.99 C 953.29 1103.95 978.2 1075.01 1002.22 1045.19 M 926.77 1131.99 C 943.57 1112.35 960.58 1093.25 1002.22 1045.19 M 931.76 1132.35 C 945.29 1116.64 959.58 1097.14 1001.96 1051.59 M 931.76 1132.35 C 950.67 1110.21 969.45 1088.21 1001.96 1051.59 M 937.4 1131.95 C 955.89 1110 975.16 1087.57 1002.35 1057.24 M 937.4 1131.95 C 961.93 1105.29 984.78 1078.19 1002.35 1057.24 M 942.39 1132.31 C 953.76 1115.17 969.77 1103.15 1002.09 1063.63 M 942.39 1132.31 C 962.3 1109.15 982.71 1086.96 1002.09 1063.63 M 948.03 1131.92 C 964.42 1114.78 982.5 1093.27 1002.49 1069.28 M 948.03 1131.92 C 969.66 1108.76 990.61 1085.11 1002.49 1069.28 M 953.02 1132.28 C 967.97 1116.68 981.26 1096.17 1002.22 1075.67 M 953.02 1132.28 C 967.28 1114.63 982.74 1098.71 1002.22 1075.67 M 958.66 1131.88 C 971.87 1114.2 986.7 1096.23 1001.96 1082.07 M 958.66 1131.88 C 971.2 1117.52 983.78 1104.46 1001.96 1082.07 M 963.65 1132.24 C 974.14 1121.24 985.77 1105.37 1002.36 1087.71 M 963.65 1132.24 C 974.92 1120.17 985.82 1106.46 1002.36 1087.71 M 969.29 1131.85 C 974.9 1124.81 982.04 1117.72 1002.1 1094.11 M 969.29 1131.85 C 979.9 1120.04 990.27 1107.53 1002.1 1094.11 M 974.28 1132.21 C 981.54 1124.03 985.87 1117.01 1002.49 1099.76 M 974.28 1132.21 C 984.04 1119.73 994.15 1107.78 1002.49 1099.76 M 979.92 1131.81 C 986.95 1120.91 996.74 1112.04 1002.23 1106.15 M 979.92 1131.81 C 986.4 1124.58 993.59 1116.33 1002.23 1106.15 M 984.91 1132.17 C 990.38 1125.66 999.32 1118.71 1001.97 1112.55 M 984.91 1132.17 C 992.5 1125.17 998.81 1117.68 1001.97 1112.55 M 990.55 1131.78 C 994.14 1127.06 1000.17 1120.15 1002.36 1118.19 M 990.55 1131.78 C 994.46 1126.17 998.66 1121.72 1002.36 1118.19 M 995.54 1132.14 C 997.44 1130.46 999.01 1129.01 1002.1 1124.59 M 995.54 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80.09 M 399.78 141.22 C 415.15 125.22 428.28 107.98 452.92 80.09 M 400.17 146.87 C 413.86 128.14 429.32 113.2 458.56 79.7 M 400.17 146.87 C 417.44 127.28 434.42 107.83 458.56 79.7 M 399.91 153.26 C 420.56 129.92 440.6 103.13 463.55 80.06 M 399.91 153.26 C 423.1 127.77 444.73 101.34 463.55 80.06 M 400.31 158.91 C 425.99 126.35 452.74 97.78 469.19 79.66 M 400.31 158.91 C 419.34 137.44 439.75 114.21 469.19 79.66 M 400.05 165.3 C 426.59 134.61 448.9 106.32 474.18 80.02 M 400.05 165.3 C 425.45 138.97 449.08 110.23 474.18 80.02 M 399.79 171.7 C 420.88 146.99 442.1 127.34 479.82 79.63 M 399.79 171.7 C 415.49 153.37 432.96 133.44 479.82 79.63 M 400.18 177.35 C 423.93 151.94 446 122.75 484.81 79.99 M 400.18 177.35 C 419.96 154.36 440.82 129.41 484.81 79.99 M 399.92 183.74 C 421.29 158.26 441.25 133.77 489.8 80.35 M 399.92 183.74 C 419.96 161.59 440.46 137.45 489.8 80.35 M 400.31 189.39 C 435.43 148.99 467.56 113.06 495.44 79.95 M 400.31 189.39 C 422.59 163.47 445.41 136.95 495.44 79.95 M 400.05 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244.7 C 434.02 205.42 467.43 167.89 542.95 80.18 M 400.32 250.35 C 453.46 190.37 503.94 132.01 548.59 79.78 M 400.32 250.35 C 439.17 206.34 477.38 161.47 548.59 79.78 M 400.06 256.74 C 450.35 202.22 500.39 144.76 553.58 80.14 M 400.06 256.74 C 446.09 205.49 491.28 152.35 553.58 80.14 M 399.8 263.14 C 448.97 204.76 502.61 143.19 559.22 79.75 M 399.8 263.14 C 455.91 198.92 512.46 134.33 559.22 79.75 M 400.19 268.78 C 436.67 226.37 474.25 183.98 564.21 80.11 M 400.19 268.78 C 443.55 219.71 486.07 171.11 564.21 80.11 M 399.93 275.18 C 459.39 205.99 517.19 140.26 569.85 79.71 M 399.93 275.18 C 440.82 228.48 481.26 180.85 569.85 79.71 M 400.33 280.82 C 451.85 222.36 501.68 163.07 574.84 80.07 M 400.33 280.82 C 438.24 236.71 477.56 192.75 574.84 80.07 M 400.07 287.22 C 447.68 232.69 495.19 178.6 580.48 79.68 M 400.07 287.22 C 469.78 206.38 538.64 124.73 580.48 79.68 M 399.8 293.62 C 446.43 234.75 495.34 181.03 585.47 80.04 M 399.8 293.62 C 456.38 227.78 512.55 162.68 585.47 80.04 M 400.2 299.26 C 440.59 252.36 482.04 207.51 591.11 79.64 M 400.2 299.26 C 453.97 238.48 508.04 177.31 591.11 79.64 M 402.56 302.64 C 473.06 220.4 542.52 139.4 596.1 80 M 402.56 302.64 C 452.84 244.22 501.98 186.11 596.1 80 M 408.2 302.25 C 449.49 253.05 491.17 207.34 601.09 80.36 M 408.2 302.25 C 448 256.16 488.57 208.31 601.09 80.36 M 413.19 302.61 C 472.11 235.42 530.22 166.26 606.73 79.97 M 413.19 302.61 C 459.8 249.68 505.04 197.96 606.73 79.97 M 418.84 302.21 C 487.59 222.45 553.1 146.12 611.72 80.33 M 418.84 302.21 C 478.3 233.45 537.36 164.29 611.72 80.33 M 423.82 302.57 C 477.03 242.83 528.32 183.05 617.36 79.93 M 423.82 302.57 C 465 251.63 508.52 202.07 617.36 79.93 M 429.47 302.18 C 472.97 250.55 516.42 202.17 622.35 80.29 M 429.47 302.18 C 488.96 233.49 548.52 164.02 622.35 80.29 M 434.45 302.54 C 497.05 228.58 560.44 157.11 627.99 79.9 M 434.45 302.54 C 474.15 255.57 513.91 209.34 627.99 79.9 M 440.1 302.14 C 491.92 240.9 546.68 178.27 632.98 80.26 M 440.1 302.14 C 510.99 217.92 583.27 136.95 632.98 80.26 M 445.08 302.5 C 489.96 249.34 537.05 197.49 638.62 79.87 M 445.08 302.5 C 485.1 255.46 527.38 207.54 638.62 79.87 M 450.73 302.11 C 501.61 242.01 550.62 184.59 643.61 80.23 M 450.73 302.11 C 501.11 244.65 552.07 185.96 643.61 80.23 M 455.71 302.47 C 496.71 254.88 539 205.08 649.25 79.83 M 455.71 302.47 C 509.33 239.59 561.96 177.55 649.25 79.83 M 461.36 302.08 C 536.83 212.97 611.34 126.18 654.24 80.19 M 461.36 302.08 C 536.46 213.78 611.06 127.75 654.24 80.19 M 466.34 302.44 C 541.89 218.18 616.66 130.44 659.88 79.8 M 466.34 302.44 C 513.6 246.47 562.73 190.81 659.88 79.8 M 471.99 302.04 C 544.5 219.42 615.11 135.71 664.87 80.16 M 471.99 302.04 C 543.1 223.26 611.64 144.25 664.87 80.16 M 476.97 302.4 C 543.35 225.09 610.35 149.51 670.51 79.76 M 476.97 302.4 C 516.99 257.24 556.12 211.24 670.51 79.76 M 481.96 302.76 C 557.99 214.64 633.67 126.4 675.5 80.12 M 481.96 302.76 C 521.46 255.43 560.52 210.25 675.5 80.12 M 487.6 302.37 C 557.04 224.25 627.34 143.46 681.14 79.73 M 487.6 302.37 C 534.03 250.05 579.47 197.06 681.14 79.73 M 492.59 302.73 C 555.9 233.18 615.77 161.44 686.13 80.09 M 492.59 302.73 C 565.08 219.35 637.95 136.12 686.13 80.09 M 498.23 302.33 C 573.89 214.84 648.19 126.8 691.77 79.69 M 498.23 302.33 C 547.91 246.23 594.83 190.03 691.77 79.69 M 503.22 302.69 C 558.13 239.42 612.52 176.32 696.76 80.05 M 503.22 302.69 C 571.14 226.55 638.61 149.41 696.76 80.05 M 508.86 302.3 C 562.15 239.94 616.7 178.43 702.4 79.66 M 508.86 302.3 C 582.26 219.67 654.41 135.75 702.4 79.66 M 513.85 302.66 C 577.81 229.86 642.07 153.56 707.39 80.02 M 513.85 302.66 C 589.79 214.28 666.94 125.84 707.39 80.02 M 519.49 302.26 C 586.15 226.91 654.01 151.45 713.03 79.62 M 519.49 302.26 C 589.15 221.78 659.16 140.75 713.03 79.62 M 524.48 302.62 C 598.44 218.42 672.95 134.3 718.02 79.98 M 524.48 302.62 C 571.21 247.69 619.29 192.5 718.02 79.98 M 530.12 302.23 C 603.25 218.72 676.66 133.29 723 80.34 M 530.12 302.23 C 602.85 215.36 677.48 131.49 723 80.34 M 535.11 302.59 C 612.63 212.62 689.6 126.32 728.65 79.95 M 535.11 302.59 C 578.29 253.93 618.59 206.65 728.65 79.95 M 540.75 302.19 C 593.62 242.14 643.44 185.09 733.63 80.31 M 540.75 302.19 C 581.83 253.97 623.1 206.13 733.63 80.31 M 545.74 302.55 C 597.24 243.67 649.59 181.63 739.28 79.91 M 545.74 302.55 C 594.28 247.88 640.26 193.73 739.28 79.91 M 551.38 302.16 C 623.88 218.32 697.7 135.59 744.26 80.27 M 551.38 302.16 C 601.62 241.75 652.88 182.83 744.26 80.27 M 556.37 302.52 C 624.54 226.72 690.16 149.75 749.91 79.88 M 556.37 302.52 C 615.57 237.24 675.01 169.27 749.91 79.88 M 562.01 302.12 C 627.5 224.49 696.34 143.7 754.89 80.24 M 562.01 302.12 C 632.6 221.35 700.67 142.55 754.89 80.24 M 567 302.49 C 618.74 242.87 670.28 182.45 760.54 79.85 M 567 302.49 C 639.28 220.95 710.48 138.88 760.54 79.85 M 572.64 302.09 C 631.41 230.94 691.45 163.52 765.52 80.21 M 572.64 302.09 C 635.77 228.39 700.58 155.02 765.52 80.21 M 577.63 302.45 C 645.15 224.39 709.98 148.83 771.17 79.81 M 577.63 302.45 C 627.38 248.37 674.5 192.98 771.17 79.81 M 583.27 302.06 C 636.61 240.49 689.31 181.3 776.15 80.17 M 583.27 302.06 C 629.47 245.36 678.74 189.81 776.15 80.17 M 588.26 302.42 C 659.36 222.04 731.08 140.05 781.8 79.78 M 588.26 302.42 C 657.55 222.28 725.86 143.59 781.8 79.78 M 593.25 302.78 C 655.68 232.37 714.69 165.16 786.78 80.14 M 593.25 302.78 C 666.78 216.73 742.99 129.64 786.78 80.14 M 598.89 302.38 C 645.23 250.91 690.46 199.52 792.43 79.74 M 598.89 302.38 C 661.82 226.46 726.54 153.22 792.43 79.74 M 603.88 302.74 C 641.3 258.14 682.19 212.28 797.41 80.1 M 603.88 302.74 C 652.33 247.24 701.14 191.82 797.41 80.1 M 609.52 302.35 C 663.87 239.49 721.33 173.85 803.06 79.71 M 609.52 302.35 C 656.13 248.48 701.96 196.42 803.06 79.71 M 614.51 302.71 C 653.62 257.92 692.7 212.48 808.05 80.07 M 614.51 302.71 C 683.78 223.88 750.16 147.12 808.05 80.07 M 620.15 302.31 C 695.12 219.91 766.33 134.79 813.69 79.67 M 620.15 302.31 C 685.17 227.07 751.62 150.2 813.69 79.67 M 625.14 302.67 C 672.43 250.99 716.74 200.03 818.68 80.03 M 625.14 302.67 C 667.53 254.06 710.13 205.37 818.68 80.03 M 630.78 302.28 C 673.67 253.75 717.79 204.02 824.32 79.64 M 630.78 302.28 C 698.04 222.92 765.44 145.92 824.32 79.64 M 635.77 302.64 C 696.83 232.93 756.88 161.44 829.31 80 M 635.77 302.64 C 678.72 254.17 719.43 206.1 829.31 80 M 641.41 302.24 C 684.71 251.24 729.44 200.36 834.29 80.36 M 641.41 302.24 C 711.04 222.55 781.35 141.84 834.29 80.36 M 646.4 302.6 C 711.82 228.29 775.68 156.44 839.94 79.96 M 646.4 302.6 C 705.45 232.7 767.49 162.79 839.94 79.96 M 652.04 302.21 C 707.14 240.23 760.63 178.23 844.92 80.32 M 652.04 302.21 C 712.34 230.04 774.79 159.27 844.92 80.32 M 657.03 302.57 C 708.86 241.08 760.81 182.41 850.57 79.93 M 657.03 302.57 C 715.83 236.74 775.32 169.41 850.57 79.93 M 662.67 302.17 C 726.24 228.2 792.42 151.08 855.55 80.29 M 662.67 302.17 C 735.32 219.05 806.47 135.36 855.55 80.29 M 667.66 302.53 C 740.72 218.19 815.72 131.8 861.2 79.9 M 667.66 302.53 C 745.74 214.3 821.63 126.13 861.2 79.9 M 673.3 302.14 C 723.02 245.98 772.87 187.85 866.18 80.26 M 673.3 302.14 C 728.58 235.74 784.93 171.56 866.18 80.26 M 678.29 302.5 C 717.11 257.86 758.69 211.42 871.83 79.86 M 678.29 302.5 C 721.14 254.26 762.72 204.85 871.83 79.86 M 683.93 302.11 C 755.06 220.33 822.47 140.65 876.81 80.22 M 683.93 302.11 C 734.8 244.91 784.65 186.12 876.81 80.22 M 688.92 302.47 C 760.57 223.47 830.13 140.62 882.46 79.83 M 688.92 302.47 C 730.47 252.86 772.88 204.07 882.46 79.83 M 694.56 302.07 C 745.61 243.47 794.63 183.59 887.44 80.19 M 694.56 302.07 C 750.22 236.91 807.62 171.95 887.44 80.19 M 699.55 302.43 C 767.53 221.59 836.69 142.89 893.09 79.79 M 699.55 302.43 C 750.77 242.98 802.5 185.33 893.09 79.79 M 705.19 302.04 C 754.87 244.72 805.19 188.59 898.07 80.15 M 705.19 302.04 C 744.97 255.23 785.85 207.91 898.07 80.15 M 710.18 302.4 C 779.11 221.81 849.71 144.13 903.72 79.76 M 710.18 302.4 C 757.21 247.33 803.69 194.37 903.72 79.76 M 715.17 302.76 C 771.52 233.41 831.26 166.18 908.7 80.12 M 715.17 302.76 C 765.41 246.41 814.46 190.23 908.7 80.12 M 720.81 302.36 C 767.77 247.08 813.14 194.64 914.35 79.72 M 720.81 302.36 C 771.3 245.53 820.27 189.6 914.35 79.72 M 725.8 302.72 C 778.8 243.7 829.88 184.76 919.33 80.08 M 725.8 302.72 C 783.96 237.09 842.11 169.99 919.33 80.08 M 731.44 302.33 C 797.11 227.84 864.11 150.92 924.98 79.69 M 731.44 302.33 C 774.31 250.3 817.73 199.88 924.98 79.69 M 736.43 302.69 C 791.14 240.16 847.16 176.96 929.96 80.05 M 736.43 302.69 C 777.3 255.52 819.74 207.13 929.96 80.05 M 742.07 302.29 C 796.87 239.91 851.95 174.92 935.61 79.65 M 742.07 302.29 C 800.15 234.05 858.02 168.04 935.61 79.65 M 747.06 302.65 C 815.24 224.68 886.47 142.32 940.59 80.01 M 747.06 302.65 C 808.05 233.29 868.14 163.02 940.59 80.01 M 752.7 302.26 C 828.67 216.48 904.3 131.6 945.58 80.37 M 752.7 302.26 C 797 251.34 840.48 201.16 945.58 80.37 M 757.69 302.62 C 832.5 214.11 911.84 124.78 951.22 79.98 M 757.69 302.62 C 817.5 235.45 875.74 167.79 951.22 79.98 M 763.33 302.22 C 806.64 252.9 851.21 201.16 956.21 80.34 M 763.33 302.22 C 803.73 258.46 842.56 212.77 956.21 80.34 M 768.32 302.58 C 840.04 218.76 915.7 134.72 961.85 79.94 M 768.32 302.58 C 833.87 228.04 898.93 153.41 961.85 79.94 M 773.96 302.19 C 827.19 240.5 883.32 179.71 966.84 80.31 M 773.96 302.19 C 814.45 253.91 855.46 207.02 966.84 80.31 M 778.95 302.55 C 847 225.14 918.28 143.61 972.48 79.91 M 778.95 302.55 C 849.54 221.59 918.78 141.13 972.48 79.91 M 784.59 302.16 C 838.01 238.84 895.27 173.02 977.47 80.27 M 784.59 302.16 C 836.59 241.78 890.43 180.28 977.47 80.27 M 789.58 302.52 C 843.17 240.3 897.46 175.82 983.11 79.88 M 789.58 302.52 C 856.84 222.31 925.8 143.72 983.11 79.88 M 795.22 302.12 C 851.26 236.29 909.25 171.12 988.1 80.24 M 795.22 302.12 C 840.06 251.87 884.8 200.88 988.1 80.24 M 800.21 302.48 C 872.72 220.3 942.92 139.17 993.74 79.84 M 800.21 302.48 C 862.01 232.12 922.18 161.03 993.74 79.84 M 805.85 302.09 C 846.24 253.37 885.81 207.64 998.73 80.2 M 805.85 302.09 C 868.52 228.09 931.88 155.3 998.73 80.2 M 810.84 302.45 C 872.8 230.88 933.92 160.69 1004.37 79.81 M 810.84 302.45 C 860.18 247.14 908.51 190.36 1004.37 79.81 M 816.48 302.05 C 857.15 254.05 900.54 206.2 1009.36 80.17 M 816.48 302.05 C 864.18 249.01 911.44 195.18 1009.36 80.17 M 821.47 302.41 C 886.88 230.69 949.2 159.14 1015 79.77 M 821.47 302.41 C 897.32 213.28 974.13 124.15 1015 79.77 M 826.45 302.77 C 864.72 256.17 905.34 208.91 1019.99 80.13 M 826.45 302.77 C 877.82 241.79 929.8 183.24 1019.99 80.13 M 832.1 302.38 C 878.88 247.91 924.93 195.28 1020.39 85.78 M 832.1 302.38 C 870.34 255.77 908.5 210.83 1020.39 85.78 M 837.08 302.74 C 896.8 234.58 958.7 165.68 1020.12 92.17 M 837.08 302.74 C 893.66 239.01 951.02 173.56 1020.12 92.17 M 842.73 302.34 C 884.91 255.45 928.29 204.37 1019.86 98.57 M 842.73 302.34 C 906.22 230 967.17 159.23 1019.86 98.57 M 847.71 302.7 C 884.46 259.09 919.22 217 1020.26 104.21 M 847.71 302.7 C 901.11 244.12 953.5 183.11 1020.26 104.21 M 853.36 302.31 C 907.48 238.54 959.66 176.87 1020 110.61 M 853.36 302.31 C 904.51 244.86 956.25 185.39 1020 110.61 M 858.34 302.67 C 921.72 229.69 985.61 154.49 1019.73 117.01 M 858.34 302.67 C 920.3 231.96 981.71 159.76 1019.73 117.01 M 863.99 302.27 C 899.13 262.23 932.13 222.24 1020.13 122.65 M 863.99 302.27 C 925.38 230.26 987.69 158.98 1020.13 122.65 M 868.97 302.63 C 908.62 255.03 946.81 210.67 1019.87 129.05 M 868.97 302.63 C 919.81 245.61 972.04 185.83 1019.87 129.05 M 874.62 302.24 C 917.56 252.63 962.9 201.86 1020.26 134.69 M 874.62 302.24 C 923.06 246.46 973.32 190.55 1020.26 134.69 M 879.6 302.6 C 921.87 254.51 961.03 205.85 1020 141.09 M 879.6 302.6 C 925.11 248.16 972.5 193.59 1020 141.09 M 885.25 302.2 C 919.76 263.21 954.26 222.09 1019.74 147.49 M 885.25 302.2 C 922.32 259.95 958.29 216.91 1019.74 147.49 M 890.23 302.56 C 927.58 260.37 962.97 220.55 1020.13 153.13 M 890.23 302.56 C 940.34 246.34 990.24 188.03 1020.13 153.13 M 895.88 302.17 C 924.86 270.59 951.56 237.27 1019.87 159.53 M 895.88 302.17 C 941.57 250.18 988.69 196.9 1019.87 159.53 M 900.86 302.53 C 926.38 270.96 954.9 240.62 1020.27 165.17 M 900.86 302.53 C 938.17 257.5 976.15 215.23 1020.27 165.17 M 906.51 302.14 C 938.16 266.57 966.63 233.97 1020.01 171.57 M 906.51 302.14 C 930.01 273.46 955.42 245.37 1020.01 171.57 M 911.49 302.5 C 942.02 269.53 971.68 232.7 1019.74 177.97 M 911.49 302.5 C 950.68 257.89 989.19 213.58 1019.74 177.97 M 917.14 302.1 C 945.6 271.77 970.33 238.23 1020.14 183.61 M 917.14 302.1 C 938.49 276.34 958.44 251.67 1020.14 183.61 M 922.12 302.46 C 948.07 276.5 970.25 246.07 1019.88 190.01 M 922.12 302.46 C 960.27 259.86 997.61 217.59 1019.88 190.01 M 927.77 302.07 C 951.24 275.71 970.67 252.56 1020.27 195.65 M 927.77 302.07 C 960.99 262.47 994.82 224.27 1020.27 195.65 M 932.75 302.43 C 950.83 278.67 972.57 259.34 1020.01 202.05 M 932.75 302.43 C 954.95 274.94 978.21 249.03 1020.01 202.05 M 938.4 302.03 C 960.83 275.38 979.93 251.32 1019.75 208.45 M 938.4 302.03 C 965 271 990.86 240.27 1019.75 208.45 M 943.38 302.39 C 969.69 272.1 996.36 241.3 1020.14 214.09 M 943.38 302.39 C 966.13 276.88 988.64 250.79 1020.14 214.09 M 948.37 302.75 C 970.91 279.93 990.07 253.82 1019.88 220.49 M 948.37 302.75 C 972.14 275.69 997.24 246.08 1019.88 220.49 M 954.01 302.36 C 976.75 279.31 994.57 254.87 1020.28 226.13 M 954.01 302.36 C 965.94 287.06 980.23 272.11 1020.28 226.13 M 959 302.72 C 981.64 275.08 1002.3 249.47 1020.01 232.53 M 959 302.72 C 976.37 282.32 995.66 260.77 1020.01 232.53 M 964.64 302.32 C 974.37 287.43 987.78 276.02 1019.75 238.93 M 964.64 302.32 C 982.22 281.62 1000.19 261.87 1019.75 238.93 M 969.63 302.68 C 978.24 291.32 989.76 276.18 1020.15 244.57 M 969.63 302.68 C 983.05 285.24 998.3 268.29 1020.15 244.57 M 975.27 302.29 C 987.43 287.49 1001.64 274.31 1019.89 250.97 M 975.27 302.29 C 992.68 282.43 1009.79 262.46 1019.89 250.97 M 980.26 302.65 C 990.55 291.92 1000.91 280.05 1020.28 256.61 M 980.26 302.65 C 988.38 292.28 998.74 283.3 1020.28 256.61 M 985.9 302.25 C 993.41 296.08 999.15 288.17 1020.02 263.01 M 985.9 302.25 C 999.82 287.08 1012.55 271.95 1020.02 263.01 M 990.89 302.61 C 1001.31 290.41 1008.68 278.84 1019.76 269.41 M 990.89 302.61 C 996.75 295.74 1004.71 287.42 1019.76 269.41 M 996.53 302.22 C 1004.09 293.59 1014.75 282.34 1020.15 275.05 M 996.53 302.22 C 1005.01 293.05 1012.57 284.3 1020.15 275.05 M 1001.52 302.58 C 1005.14 297.91 1009.15 292.07 1019.89 281.45 M 1001.52 302.58 C 1007.15 296.7 1011.93 290.96 1019.89 281.45 M 1007.16 302.19 C 1009.02 300.77 1012.83 293.87 1020.29 287.09 M 1007.16 302.19 C 1011.97 296.33 1017.49 290.31 1020.29 287.09 M 1012.15 302.55 C 1014.38 300.33 1016.82 298.67 1020.02 293.49 M 1012.15 302.55 C 1014.54 299.68 1017.55 297.3 1020.02 293.49 M 1017.79 302.15 C 1018.58 301.28 1018.69 300.75 1019.76 299.89 M 1017.79 302.15 C 1018.17 301.6 1018.86 301.14 1019.76 299.89" fill="none" stroke="#b3a9b8" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 400 80 C 638.05 79.09 875.19 79.1 1020 80 M 400 80 C 603.37 77.38 807.61 77.49 1020 80 M 1020 80 C 1019.42 166.78 1022.68 250.78 1020 300 M 1020 80 C 1019.81 125.78 1020.01 171.87 1020 300 M 1020 300 C 872.48 300.8 724.79 301.17 400 300 M 1020 300 C 883.53 298.31 746.54 298.58 400 300 M 400 300 C 399.81 249.86 398.84 196.96 400 80 M 400 300 C 399.18 218.79 399.91 135.4 400 80" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="0" y="10" width="380" height="340" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 0.16 9.82 C 0.16 9.82 0.16 9.82 0.16 9.82 M 0.16 9.82 C 0.16 9.82 0.16 9.82 0.16 9.82 M -0.1 16.21 C 1.16 14.33 1.98 14.12 5.15 10.18 M -0.1 16.21 C 1.35 14.38 2.8 13.33 5.15 10.18 M 0.29 21.86 C 4.01 18.79 8.07 13.09 10.79 9.78 M 0.29 21.86 C 4.68 17.11 7.96 12.62 10.79 9.78 M 0.03 28.25 C 4.49 24.38 10.63 17.45 15.78 10.14 M 0.03 28.25 C 3.65 25.36 6.84 19.94 15.78 10.14 M -0.23 34.65 C 7.42 28.92 12.54 20.4 21.42 9.75 M -0.23 34.65 C 6.37 26.74 12.88 19.81 21.42 9.75 M 0.17 40.3 C 6.72 31.98 15.13 21.79 26.41 10.11 M 0.17 40.3 C 9.52 29.13 20.94 16.59 26.41 10.11 M -0.1 46.69 C 11.3 33.84 25.97 18.6 32.05 9.71 M -0.1 46.69 C 13.15 32.93 25.49 18.47 32.05 9.71 M 0.3 52.34 C 10.91 40.19 21.3 31.15 37.04 10.07 M 0.3 52.34 C 7.99 43.73 16.14 33.25 37.04 10.07 M 0.04 58.73 C 17.17 41.75 31.91 20.33 42.68 9.68 M 0.04 58.73 C 12.15 44.31 24.18 30.33 42.68 9.68 M -0.22 65.13 C 7.82 52.18 20.42 41.92 47.67 10.04 M -0.22 65.13 C 16.87 44.43 33.36 24.14 47.67 10.04 M 0.17 70.77 C 13.68 56.61 30.27 40.84 53.31 9.64 M 0.17 70.77 C 12.77 56.25 24.46 42.66 53.31 9.64 M -0.09 77.17 C 12.25 61.97 26.68 46.09 58.3 10 M -0.09 77.17 C 13.51 60.8 28.3 42.98 58.3 10 M 0.3 82.82 C 13.52 69.98 28.32 53.94 63.28 10.36 M 0.3 82.82 C 16.84 63.86 32.19 44.86 63.28 10.36 M 0.04 89.21 C 15.65 73.33 28.22 57.62 68.93 9.97 M 0.04 89.21 C 22.94 62.98 45.12 36.22 68.93 9.97 M -0.22 95.61 C 26.97 62.04 57.98 25.97 73.91 10.33 M -0.22 95.61 C 17.63 75.14 35.63 53.94 73.91 10.33 M 0.17 101.25 C 18.03 83.13 35.03 64.98 79.56 9.93 M 0.17 101.25 C 22.94 76.67 45.33 49.83 79.56 9.93 M -0.09 107.65 C 29.44 71.79 62.48 34.76 84.55 10.29 M -0.09 107.65 C 22.72 80.84 44.64 54.66 84.55 10.29 M 0.31 113.29 C 21.49 85.91 44.45 60.77 90.19 9.9 M 0.31 113.29 C 36.16 73.38 70.51 32.15 90.19 9.9 M 0.05 119.69 C 22.63 89.66 48.96 62.32 95.18 10.26 M 0.05 119.69 C 19.92 95.92 41.35 72.06 95.18 10.26 M -0.21 126.09 C 39.85 80.25 78.46 36.65 100.82 9.87 M -0.21 126.09 C 36.1 84.29 70.24 45.14 100.82 9.87 M 0.18 131.73 C 21.09 106.54 41.78 82.1 105.81 10.23 M 0.18 131.73 C 42.64 81.76 86.24 33 105.81 10.23 M -0.08 138.13 C 24.45 109.21 51.32 80.74 111.45 9.83 M -0.08 138.13 C 28.18 105.57 58.22 70.66 111.45 9.83 M 0.31 143.77 C 34.98 101.49 72.76 63.25 116.44 10.19 M 0.31 143.77 C 36.45 102.6 73.19 59.82 116.44 10.19 M 0.05 150.17 C 47.59 95.67 95.33 44.15 122.08 9.8 M 0.05 150.17 C 31.38 115.82 62.61 79.11 122.08 9.8 M -0.21 156.57 C 36.03 116.31 72.04 76.07 127.07 10.16 M -0.21 156.57 C 38.1 111.9 75.93 66.98 127.07 10.16 M 0.18 162.21 C 31.73 122.5 65.6 85.42 132.71 9.76 M 0.18 162.21 C 34.12 123.4 67.12 83.67 132.71 9.76 M -0.08 168.61 C 26.96 136.19 56.53 104.14 137.7 10.12 M -0.08 168.61 C 42.38 121.1 82.36 73.04 137.7 10.12 M 0.32 174.25 C 30.07 138.03 63.51 103.91 143.34 9.73 M 0.32 174.25 C 31.28 139.29 62.33 103.27 143.34 9.73 M 0.06 180.65 C 51.11 119.26 104.71 55.61 148.33 10.09 M 0.06 180.65 C 36.49 136.61 74.04 95.06 148.33 10.09 M -0.21 187.05 C 40.08 141.22 77.06 99.28 153.97 9.69 M -0.21 187.05 C 46.82 136.15 91.3 83.62 153.97 9.69 M 0.19 192.69 C 33.63 153.43 66.38 113.99 158.96 10.05 M 0.19 192.69 C 53.53 133.45 105.07 73.9 158.96 10.05 M -0.07 199.09 C 47.38 144.93 95.99 89.73 164.6 9.66 M -0.07 199.09 C 42.7 150.15 84.61 103.41 164.6 9.66 M 0.32 204.73 C 33.78 164.72 69.85 124.27 169.59 10.02 M 0.32 204.73 C 52.3 146.91 103.42 86.91 169.59 10.02 M 0.06 211.13 C 54.27 147.73 106.2 86.5 175.23 9.62 M 0.06 211.13 C 49.88 154.05 98.14 98.69 175.23 9.62 M -0.2 217.53 C 68.27 136.82 139.4 55.9 180.22 9.98 M -0.2 217.53 C 65.52 140.06 132.49 64.06 180.22 9.98 M 0.19 223.17 C 43.06 176.34 81.88 131.27 185.2 10.34 M 0.19 223.17 C 67.72 144.9 136.78 66.57 185.2 10.34 M -0.07 229.57 C 71.74 146 143.19 63.3 190.85 9.95 M -0.07 229.57 C 63.15 157.98 124.93 86 190.85 9.95 M 0.33 235.21 C 69.49 155.67 137.56 76.46 195.83 10.31 M 0.33 235.21 C 62.82 160.31 128.44 86.2 195.83 10.31 M 0.07 241.61 C 76.49 149.69 155.97 60.28 201.48 9.91 M 0.07 241.61 C 79.02 151.11 155.77 61.44 201.48 9.91 M -0.2 248.01 C 43.75 197.31 87.91 147.83 206.46 10.27 M -0.2 248.01 C 79.22 156.16 158.44 65.3 206.46 10.27 M 0.2 253.65 C 47.05 197.66 97.05 143.47 212.11 9.88 M 0.2 253.65 C 79.15 160.62 160.11 68.05 212.11 9.88 M -0.06 260.05 C 64.71 186.16 129.35 113.51 217.09 10.24 M -0.06 260.05 C 78.67 169.46 157.34 77.96 217.09 10.24 M -0.32 266.45 C 62.61 193.61 126.18 119.92 222.74 9.85 M -0.32 266.45 C 74.04 179.12 150.7 91.56 222.74 9.85 M 0.07 272.09 C 62.47 199.87 126.31 125.55 227.72 10.21 M 0.07 272.09 C 72.26 191.19 144.02 108.15 227.72 10.21 M -0.19 278.49 C 75.29 190.92 154.39 100.52 233.37 9.81 M -0.19 278.49 C 75.38 191.14 152.44 103.79 233.37 9.81 M 0.2 284.13 C 55.9 219.38 113.27 153.77 238.35 10.17 M 0.2 284.13 C 69.36 204.89 137.86 125.4 238.35 10.17 M -0.06 290.53 C 80.75 196.86 162.44 102.11 244 9.78 M -0.06 290.53 C 51.42 233.65 99.91 177.09 244 9.78 M -0.32 296.93 C 57.98 231.67 116.16 163.73 248.98 10.14 M -0.32 296.93 C 89.86 190.21 182.22 83.7 248.98 10.14 M 0.08 302.57 C 60.76 233.01 122.7 161.51 254.63 9.74 M 0.08 302.57 C 59.7 232.02 120.94 160.9 254.63 9.74 M -0.19 308.97 C 80.53 218 158.6 129.07 259.61 10.1 M -0.19 308.97 C 60.4 240.08 120.09 171.02 259.61 10.1 M 0.21 314.61 C 104.6 195.72 208.28 74.65 265.26 9.71 M 0.21 314.61 C 90.1 212.28 177.34 109.93 265.26 9.71 M -0.05 321.01 C 76.89 232.39 152.96 145.28 270.24 10.07 M -0.05 321.01 C 99.7 208.26 198.48 95.36 270.24 10.07 M -0.31 327.41 C 87.96 226.03 176.15 125.26 275.89 9.67 M -0.31 327.41 C 104.55 206.42 210.16 85.8 275.89 9.67 M 0.08 333.05 C 108.52 204.31 218.96 78.15 280.87 10.03 M 0.08 333.05 C 78.87 239.12 159.95 146.34 280.87 10.03 M -0.18 339.45 C 94.47 232.13 189.23 122.28 286.52 9.64 M -0.18 339.45 C 85.05 240.73 169.24 143.81 286.52 9.64 M 0.21 345.09 C 69.5 262.37 139.87 182.54 291.5 10 M 0.21 345.09 C 93.79 238.78 185.7 133.4 291.5 10 M 0.61 350.73 C 98.22 239.95 194.35 128.3 296.49 10.36 M 0.61 350.73 C 61.3 281.43 122.81 211.42 296.49 10.36 M 6.25 350.34 C 70.05 275.26 137.03 198.66 302.13 9.96 M 6.25 350.34 C 121 219.55 234.92 88.6 302.13 9.96 M 11.24 350.7 C 130.05 216.21 249.21 80.4 307.12 10.32 M 11.24 350.7 C 84.82 263.54 159.71 177.75 307.12 10.32 M 16.88 350.3 C 110.29 242.49 205.55 134.29 312.76 9.93 M 16.88 350.3 C 85.63 270.37 155.26 190.14 312.76 9.93 M 21.87 350.66 C 86.58 273.53 153.29 197.54 317.75 10.29 M 21.87 350.66 C 136.09 219.1 250.59 87.86 317.75 10.29 M 27.51 350.27 C 117.32 248.17 207.01 146.22 323.39 9.9 M 27.51 350.27 C 94.53 271.76 162.67 193.78 323.39 9.9 M 32.5 350.63 C 109.59 260.21 188.93 169.7 328.38 10.26 M 32.5 350.63 C 144.12 225.15 254.48 97.83 328.38 10.26 M 37.49 350.99 C 135.27 240.15 231.85 127.98 334.02 9.86 M 37.49 350.99 C 136.62 236.73 236.38 121.08 334.02 9.86 M 43.13 350.6 C 153.6 224.46 264.19 97.19 339.01 10.22 M 43.13 350.6 C 159.15 221.07 272.75 89.44 339.01 10.22 M 48.12 350.96 C 149.17 234.2 249.81 119.83 344.65 9.83 M 48.12 350.96 C 150.61 234.73 252.19 118.48 344.65 9.83 M 53.76 350.56 C 169.3 217.87 283.48 86.03 349.64 10.19 M 53.76 350.56 C 117.87 277.05 181.46 203.42 349.64 10.19 M 58.75 350.92 C 141.54 257.75 221.19 163.89 355.28 9.79 M 58.75 350.92 C 128.4 269.15 198.66 188.51 355.28 9.79 M 64.39 350.53 C 164.16 235.91 263.45 122.28 360.27 10.15 M 64.39 350.53 C 141.64 260.41 220.62 169.08 360.27 10.15 M 69.38 350.89 C 144.35 266.22 216.86 179.92 365.91 9.76 M 69.38 350.89 C 139.6 273.03 207.86 193.96 365.91 9.76 M 75.02 350.49 C 141.86 273.57 209.41 195.79 370.9 10.12 M 75.02 350.49 C 179.07 231.63 282.72 112.77 370.9 10.12 M 80.01 350.85 C 192.32 224.02 302.91 97.15 376.54 9.72 M 80.01 350.85 C 183.36 232.77 286.71 114.94 376.54 9.72 M 85.65 350.46 C 164.56 258.51 244.32 167.41 380.88 10.84 M 85.65 350.46 C 170.67 250.88 256.61 151.63 380.88 10.84 M 90.64 350.82 C 187.58 238.11 288.34 124.84 380.61 17.24 M 90.64 350.82 C 153.04 278.02 215.25 205.67 380.61 17.24 M 96.28 350.42 C 167.59 268.72 238.3 189.18 381.01 22.88 M 96.28 350.42 C 191.26 240.24 286.45 130.61 381.01 22.88 M 101.27 350.78 C 168.6 274.59 234.26 199.32 380.75 29.28 M 101.27 350.78 C 179.05 261.11 258.13 170.86 380.75 29.28 M 106.91 350.39 C 198.83 243.87 293.33 135.59 381.14 34.92 M 106.91 350.39 C 195.94 245.84 285.83 143.05 381.14 34.92 M 111.9 350.75 C 202.55 249.96 289.62 148.61 380.88 41.32 M 111.9 350.75 C 168.59 285.42 224.49 222.03 380.88 41.32 M 117.54 350.35 C 198.98 258.57 279.13 165.12 380.62 47.72 M 117.54 350.35 C 204.98 247.37 293 146.27 380.62 47.72 M 122.53 350.71 C 193.73 270.53 263.62 189.65 381.01 53.36 M 122.53 350.71 C 187.1 274.82 252.78 199.22 381.01 53.36 M 128.17 350.32 C 204.25 261.99 280.43 173.28 380.75 59.76 M 128.17 350.32 C 188.41 280.23 248.84 211.14 380.75 59.76 M 133.16 350.68 C 213.31 260.4 292.3 170.95 381.15 65.4 M 133.16 350.68 C 209.55 259.68 288.11 169.33 381.15 65.4 M 138.8 350.28 C 201.11 277.67 264.95 203.69 380.89 71.8 M 138.8 350.28 C 216.21 262.61 292.75 173.59 380.89 71.8 M 143.79 350.64 C 210.26 270.41 280.88 189.9 380.62 78.19 M 143.79 350.64 C 212.15 272.6 278.8 196.13 380.62 78.19 M 149.43 350.25 C 222.2 264.56 297.44 180.02 381.02 83.84 M 149.43 350.25 C 214.9 272.5 281.04 197.45 381.02 83.84 M 154.42 350.61 C 203.52 292.51 254.71 234.6 380.76 90.24 M 154.42 350.61 C 216.14 283.76 274.85 214.89 380.76 90.24 M 159.4 350.97 C 246.71 250.6 332.06 154.67 381.15 95.88 M 159.4 350.97 C 213.65 287.84 267.99 225.52 381.15 95.88 M 165.05 350.58 C 232.2 272.73 298.08 194.96 380.89 102.28 M 165.05 350.58 C 246.14 255.82 328.71 161.22 380.89 102.28 M 170.03 350.94 C 247.82 264.31 322.02 177.78 380.63 108.67 M 170.03 350.94 C 239.35 271.67 309.02 190.1 380.63 108.67 M 175.68 350.54 C 248.11 267.7 320.43 183.88 381.02 114.32 M 175.68 350.54 C 248.76 264.54 322.21 179.9 381.02 114.32 M 180.66 350.9 C 245.01 275.56 310.25 199.34 380.76 120.72 M 180.66 350.9 C 236.18 286.25 293.94 221.2 380.76 120.72 M 186.31 350.51 C 252.09 276.05 317.16 201.71 381.16 126.36 M 186.31 350.51 C 254.81 272.74 323.9 193.15 381.16 126.36 M 191.29 350.87 C 261.1 270.11 330.24 188.17 380.89 132.76 M 191.29 350.87 C 238.63 296.95 285.48 243.16 380.89 132.76 M 196.94 350.47 C 235.92 304.31 278.53 255.52 380.63 139.15 M 196.94 350.47 C 255.63 284.59 313.58 217.18 380.63 139.15 M 201.92 350.83 C 265.56 278.24 329.92 204.67 381.03 144.8 M 201.92 350.83 C 271.65 267.9 341.57 187.86 381.03 144.8 M 207.57 350.44 C 270.46 276.72 336.75 199.8 380.77 151.19 M 207.57 350.44 C 247.16 304.59 286.17 260.41 380.77 151.19 M 212.55 350.8 C 264.64 289.62 322.39 225.62 381.16 156.84 M 212.55 350.8 C 263.6 293.68 313.31 236.42 381.16 156.84 M 218.2 350.4 C 272.34 287.31 324.71 226.33 380.9 163.24 M 218.2 350.4 C 260.7 302.45 302.47 256.05 380.9 163.24 M 223.18 350.76 C 273.39 290.58 324.63 232.7 380.64 169.63 M 223.18 350.76 C 276.27 288.78 329.57 228.31 380.64 169.63 M 228.83 350.37 C 266.61 308.64 302.47 267.16 381.03 175.28 M 228.83 350.37 C 259.71 313 290.53 278.71 381.03 175.28 M 233.81 350.73 C 291.38 285.72 345.06 222.61 380.77 181.67 M 233.81 350.73 C 283.48 293.64 332 237.01 380.77 181.67 M 239.46 350.33 C 268.29 318.86 296.47 284.47 381.17 187.32 M 239.46 350.33 C 280.79 303.53 320.21 258.38 381.17 187.32 M 244.44 350.69 C 283.5 303.34 327.42 254.11 380.9 193.71 M 244.44 350.69 C 284.46 304.28 324.65 259.14 380.9 193.71 M 250.09 350.3 C 294.85 296.91 338.26 246.47 380.64 200.11 M 250.09 350.3 C 290.27 305.72 331.63 257.91 380.64 200.11 M 255.07 350.66 C 291.34 307.37 327.75 263.33 381.04 205.76 M 255.07 350.66 C 283.92 317.49 314.88 282.08 381.04 205.76 M 260.72 350.27 C 302.69 302.57 345.85 252.39 380.78 212.15 M 260.72 350.27 C 297.99 306.95 336.41 263.11 380.78 212.15 M 265.7 350.63 C 304.35 305.56 345.53 258 381.17 217.8 M 265.7 350.63 C 289.39 324.57 312.34 296.8 381.17 217.8 M 270.69 350.99 C 305.6 314.22 337.07 272.29 380.91 224.19 M 270.69 350.99 C 309.66 306.04 349.35 261.89 380.91 224.19 M 276.33 350.59 C 300.08 321.79 324.06 294.18 380.65 230.59 M 276.33 350.59 C 302.81 321.8 328.98 289.99 380.65 230.59 M 281.32 350.95 C 309.47 320.48 336.84 288.54 381.04 236.24 M 281.32 350.95 C 309.5 320.16 336.81 288.61 381.04 236.24 M 286.96 350.56 C 318.21 318.47 345.7 283.62 380.78 242.63 M 286.96 350.56 C 310.65 325.92 333.89 299.07 380.78 242.63 M 291.95 350.92 C 323.05 317.83 349.59 287.23 381.18 248.28 M 291.95 350.92 C 322.6 315.47 353.42 280.68 381.18 248.28 M 297.59 350.52 C 326.05 317.17 357.44 286.3 380.91 254.67 M 297.59 350.52 C 320.38 327.22 342.12 300.49 380.91 254.67 M 302.58 350.88 C 323.28 324.45 348.33 298.66 380.65 261.07 M 302.58 350.88 C 322.74 327.74 342.51 305.83 380.65 261.07 M 308.22 350.49 C 326.59 329.46 350.26 304.23 381.05 266.71 M 308.22 350.49 C 337.46 318.6 364.57 285.87 381.05 266.71 M 313.21 350.85 C 326.54 333.64 341.48 317.36 380.79 273.11 M 313.21 350.85 C 334.97 327.39 354.24 304.53 380.79 273.11 M 318.85 350.45 C 331.08 336 345.66 320.12 381.18 278.76 M 318.85 350.45 C 337.65 328.52 358.52 304.44 381.18 278.76 M 323.84 350.81 C 340.46 328.52 361.34 309.67 380.92 285.15 M 323.84 350.81 C 345.6 324.76 368.82 299.7 380.92 285.15 M 329.48 350.42 C 343.55 334.79 359.78 317.06 380.66 291.55 M 329.48 350.42 C 348.45 327.14 367.02 306.52 380.66 291.55 M 334.47 350.78 C 351.03 329.32 370.35 307.56 381.05 297.19 M 334.47 350.78 C 346.61 338.97 357.42 324.38 381.05 297.19 M 340.11 350.38 C 354.76 331.79 370.4 317.17 380.79 303.59 M 340.11 350.38 C 352.3 337.15 363.37 323.13 380.79 303.59 M 345.1 350.74 C 354.16 340.14 360.47 330.1 381.19 309.24 M 345.1 350.74 C 359.85 335.97 372.2 319.22 381.19 309.24 M 350.75 350.35 C 361.91 335.04 373.15 324.74 380.92 315.63 M 350.75 350.35 C 361.89 336.44 374.53 322.71 380.92 315.63 M 355.73 350.71 C 362.82 344.89 368.2 337.14 380.66 322.03 M 355.73 350.71 C 365 341.09 373.21 329.35 380.66 322.03 M 361.38 350.32 C 366.08 344.93 368.08 339.17 381.06 327.67 M 361.38 350.32 C 365.29 344.09 371.25 338.86 381.06 327.67 M 366.36 350.68 C 372.86 342.71 379.07 336.96 380.8 334.07 M 366.36 350.68 C 371.41 345.57 377.28 338.37 380.8 334.07 M 372.01 350.28 C 375.68 348.19 377.51 342.96 381.19 339.71 M 372.01 350.28 C 375.81 345.71 379.61 341.42 381.19 339.71 M 376.99 350.64 C 377.47 349.69 378.6 348.36 380.93 346.11 M 376.99 350.64 C 378.15 349.05 379.17 347.67 380.93 346.11" fill="none" stroke="#b3a9b8" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 0 10 C 146.31 11.41 291.35 10.95 380 10 M 0 10 C 91.72 9 182.63 8.65 380 10 M 380 10 C 378.56 95.26 378.78 179.74 380 350 M 380 10 C 378.95 113.44 378.04 218.41 380 350 M 380 350 C 230.2 350.82 81.14 350.17 0 350 M 380 350 C 282.17 350.75 185.27 351.43 0 350 M 0 350 C 1.09 258.92 1.59 166.16 0 10 M 0 350 C -2.19 224.88 -2.07 100.96 0 10" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="10" y="150" width="340" height="170" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 10.23 149.74 C 10.23 149.74 10.23 149.74 10.23 149.74 M 10.23 149.74 C 10.23 149.74 10.23 149.74 10.23 149.74 M 9.96 156.14 C 11.71 153.97 13.42 153.09 15.21 150.1 M 9.96 156.14 C 11.7 153.8 13.52 152.03 15.21 150.1 M 9.7 162.54 C 14.32 158 16.78 153.56 20.86 149.71 M 9.7 162.54 C 11.33 160.25 14.87 157.2 20.86 149.71 M 10.1 168.18 C 14.56 162.2 20.6 156.77 25.84 150.07 M 10.1 168.18 C 13.6 163.26 18.29 158.5 25.84 150.07 M 9.84 174.58 C 16.33 163.26 25.49 154.89 31.49 149.67 M 9.84 174.58 C 16.53 168.2 21.14 160.26 31.49 149.67 M 10.23 180.22 C 15.96 174.36 22.45 164.44 36.47 150.03 M 10.23 180.22 C 18.15 170.88 27.89 161.02 36.47 150.03 M 9.97 186.62 C 21.2 173 37.19 157.74 42.12 149.64 M 9.97 186.62 C 22.44 173.24 34.51 158.73 42.12 149.64 M 9.71 193.02 C 24.44 178.96 36.43 163.08 47.1 150 M 9.71 193.02 C 18.33 182.86 27.86 171.41 47.1 150 M 10.1 198.66 C 21.1 184.35 35.57 170.72 52.09 150.36 M 10.1 198.66 C 24.14 183.01 40.09 166.13 52.09 150.36 M 9.84 205.06 C 21.94 191.81 35.07 178.04 57.73 149.96 M 9.84 205.06 C 23.71 189.88 37.05 172.4 57.73 149.96 M 10.23 210.7 C 21.51 198.89 33.29 186.03 62.72 150.32 M 10.23 210.7 C 24.97 193.03 42.04 175.37 62.72 150.32 M 9.97 217.1 C 24.32 200.24 38.24 185.9 68.36 149.93 M 9.97 217.1 C 23.42 202.33 36.11 185.33 68.36 149.93 M 9.71 223.5 C 32.15 196.41 53.27 170.86 73.35 150.29 M 9.71 223.5 C 29.54 202.47 48.36 180.58 73.35 150.29 M 10.11 229.14 C 23.57 212.28 39.94 191.09 78.99 149.89 M 10.11 229.14 C 34.74 200.52 60.8 172 78.99 149.89 M 9.85 235.54 C 34.8 207.06 58.75 179.63 83.98 150.25 M 9.85 235.54 C 33.18 209.47 55.78 183.51 83.98 150.25 M 10.24 241.18 C 40.44 207.58 71.28 171.83 89.62 149.86 M 10.24 241.18 C 27.74 219.94 45.72 200.69 89.62 149.86 M 9.98 247.58 C 28.44 227.12 46.04 205.64 94.61 150.22 M 9.98 247.58 C 42.72 209.26 75.62 172.74 94.61 150.22 M 9.72 253.98 C 41.07 217.02 74.75 180.96 100.25 149.83 M 9.72 253.98 C 43.73 215.34 77.27 175.62 100.25 149.83 M 10.11 259.62 C 41.03 223.82 67.97 189.84 105.24 150.19 M 10.11 259.62 C 38.3 224.07 68.55 189.6 105.24 150.19 M 9.85 266.02 C 43.3 226.74 81.86 183.31 110.88 149.79 M 9.85 266.02 C 46.59 223.25 82.23 180.58 110.88 149.79 M 10.24 271.66 C 49.96 228.31 86.59 180.22 115.87 150.15 M 10.24 271.66 C 49.36 225.32 89.91 180.5 115.87 150.15 M 9.98 278.06 C 44.91 238.68 78.47 200.09 121.51 149.76 M 9.98 278.06 C 51.06 229.87 90.94 184.85 121.51 149.76 M 9.72 284.45 C 51.65 234.03 94.53 184.87 126.5 150.12 M 9.72 284.45 C 53.36 233.73 97.4 185.53 126.5 150.12 M 10.12 290.1 C 45.19 249.74 84.47 204.78 132.14 149.72 M 10.12 290.1 C 52.82 242.88 95.26 193.1 132.14 149.72 M 9.85 296.5 C 57.36 242.14 101.17 193.13 137.13 150.08 M 9.85 296.5 C 35.76 267.72 60.17 238.43 137.13 150.08 M 10.25 302.14 C 57.82 243.82 107.62 188.74 142.77 149.69 M 10.25 302.14 C 50.25 256.2 89.06 210.98 142.77 149.69 M 9.99 308.54 C 64.37 246.43 115.64 187.97 147.76 150.05 M 9.99 308.54 C 48.06 263.03 87.41 216.33 147.76 150.05 M 9.73 314.93 C 51.16 271.9 88.98 226.5 153.4 149.65 M 9.73 314.93 C 39.26 280.73 69.26 245.3 153.4 149.65 M 10.12 320.58 C 66.49 258.04 119.93 196.88 158.39 150.01 M 10.12 320.58 C 61.03 261.59 113.07 202.93 158.39 150.01 M 15.76 320.18 C 61.2 267.65 104.92 218.21 163.38 150.37 M 15.76 320.18 C 57.49 271.77 99.62 221.83 163.38 150.37 M 20.75 320.54 C 58.23 275.53 95.52 231.8 169.02 149.98 M 20.75 320.54 C 54.65 284.04 85.64 246.88 169.02 149.98 M 26.39 320.15 C 72.1 262.27 122.33 207.14 174.01 150.34 M 26.39 320.15 C 77.16 260.99 127.54 201.5 174.01 150.34 M 31.38 320.51 C 65.44 279.52 101.18 241.12 179.65 149.94 M 31.38 320.51 C 67.15 280.01 100.98 239.64 179.65 149.94 M 37.02 320.11 C 83.96 267.65 127.99 213.92 184.64 150.3 M 37.02 320.11 C 68.64 284.79 99.69 248.92 184.64 150.3 M 42.01 320.47 C 93.12 261.65 145.44 200.69 190.28 149.91 M 42.01 320.47 C 80.92 278.49 119.07 233.12 190.28 149.91 M 47.65 320.08 C 105.96 250.88 166.69 183.11 195.27 150.27 M 47.65 320.08 C 91.95 269.69 135.44 218.84 195.27 150.27 M 52.64 320.44 C 90.81 277.99 129.78 234.35 200.91 149.87 M 52.64 320.44 C 89.33 278.69 126.21 236.82 200.91 149.87 M 58.28 320.04 C 95.23 278.63 130.72 235.14 205.9 150.23 M 58.28 320.04 C 98.1 275.92 137.94 229.73 205.9 150.23 M 63.27 320.4 C 104.77 271.67 145.68 224.92 211.54 149.84 M 63.27 320.4 C 103.79 273.91 143.82 227.95 211.54 149.84 M 68.91 320.01 C 108.36 275.66 146.91 231.35 216.53 150.2 M 68.91 320.01 C 121.6 257.26 174.3 196.09 216.53 150.2 M 73.9 320.37 C 128.7 259.63 180.49 195.44 222.17 149.81 M 73.9 320.37 C 119.45 267.72 166.18 215.43 222.17 149.81 M 79.54 319.98 C 110.56 285.82 141.36 248.69 227.16 150.17 M 79.54 319.98 C 112.31 279.2 147.57 240.16 227.16 150.17 M 84.53 320.34 C 132 267.9 178.76 213.8 232.8 149.77 M 84.53 320.34 C 123.27 277.45 161.7 233.16 232.8 149.77 M 90.17 319.94 C 142.5 260.35 193.71 198.59 237.79 150.13 M 90.17 319.94 C 145.28 255.75 199.41 194.4 237.79 150.13 M 95.16 320.3 C 148.19 259.84 199.1 198.06 243.43 149.74 M 95.16 320.3 C 142.36 268.46 187.32 216.25 243.43 149.74 M 100.15 320.66 C 153.88 262.34 204.13 204.01 248.42 150.1 M 100.15 320.66 C 135.61 281.97 169.77 242.92 248.42 150.1 M 105.79 320.27 C 160.68 258.14 215.54 195.48 254.06 149.7 M 105.79 320.27 C 159.61 258.18 215.29 195.48 254.06 149.7 M 110.78 320.63 C 161.88 261.82 210.77 202.11 259.05 150.06 M 110.78 320.63 C 159.44 265.66 205.67 212.53 259.05 150.06 M 116.42 320.23 C 156.3 273.27 192.7 229.03 264.69 149.67 M 116.42 320.23 C 157.3 274.36 196.09 229.97 264.69 149.67 M 121.41 320.59 C 161.14 275.29 200.21 231.87 269.68 150.03 M 121.41 320.59 C 168.2 266.52 215.55 213.22 269.68 150.03 M 127.05 320.2 C 156.77 285.37 188.08 252.05 275.32 149.63 M 127.05 320.2 C 175.28 265.48 222.71 211.84 275.32 149.63 M 132.04 320.56 C 183.61 262.7 234.57 202.41 280.31 149.99 M 132.04 320.56 C 183.2 262.39 233.92 202.79 280.31 149.99 M 137.68 320.16 C 193.33 256.73 252.18 191.61 285.3 150.35 M 137.68 320.16 C 193.26 258.02 247.3 196 285.3 150.35 M 142.67 320.52 C 173.74 283.73 206.15 247.11 290.94 149.96 M 142.67 320.52 C 189.43 264.87 236.71 211.26 290.94 149.96 M 148.31 320.13 C 182.79 280.34 217.87 239.23 295.93 150.32 M 148.31 320.13 C 201.6 258.86 253.91 199.16 295.93 150.32 M 153.3 320.49 C 208.13 260.87 260.01 196.54 301.57 149.92 M 153.3 320.49 C 204.65 261.32 255.92 201 301.57 149.92 M 158.94 320.09 C 196.43 277.07 230.92 236.3 306.56 150.28 M 158.94 320.09 C 209.02 263.88 259.56 206.62 306.56 150.28 M 163.93 320.45 C 207.31 271.9 253.77 222.38 312.2 149.89 M 163.93 320.45 C 221.98 255.8 278.39 189.6 312.2 149.89 M 169.57 320.06 C 219.51 265.7 266.89 208.33 317.19 150.25 M 169.57 320.06 C 209.45 272.17 250.73 224.63 317.19 150.25 M 174.56 320.42 C 207.54 284.64 238.04 248.07 322.83 149.86 M 174.56 320.42 C 231.31 256.26 286.55 194.38 322.83 149.86 M 180.2 320.03 C 217.38 280.7 252.8 235.63 327.82 150.22 M 180.2 320.03 C 216.47 276.93 255.74 234.1 327.82 150.22 M 185.19 320.39 C 223.56 275.48 262.21 231.17 333.46 149.82 M 185.19 320.39 C 222.2 277.99 259.58 234.07 333.46 149.82 M 190.83 319.99 C 248.79 250.97 308.76 185.89 338.45 150.18 M 190.83 319.99 C 228.01 275.68 264.39 233.1 338.45 150.18 M 195.82 320.35 C 247.32 261.02 299.04 198.21 344.09 149.79 M 195.82 320.35 C 253.69 253.19 312.87 185.67 344.09 149.79 M 201.46 319.96 C 236.04 280.86 268.22 242.79 349.08 150.15 M 201.46 319.96 C 253.6 258.38 305.43 197.82 349.08 150.15 M 206.45 320.32 C 252.57 266.26 298.78 210.46 352.75 152.02 M 206.45 320.32 C 261.72 256.95 318.13 193.65 352.75 152.02 M 211.44 320.68 C 238.15 284.73 269.09 250.67 352.49 158.41 M 211.44 320.68 C 264.9 260.16 316.62 199.26 352.49 158.41 M 217.08 320.28 C 260.47 267.86 306.24 216.09 352.88 164.06 M 217.08 320.28 C 267.93 259.45 318.84 201.58 352.88 164.06 M 222.07 320.64 C 258.67 280.17 293 238.94 352.62 170.45 M 222.07 320.64 C 249.81 288.36 276.73 255.77 352.62 170.45 M 227.71 320.25 C 267.53 273.85 306.73 227.22 352.36 176.85 M 227.71 320.25 C 273.41 266.91 321.04 210.94 352.36 176.85 M 232.7 320.61 C 277.6 269.33 323.65 216.8 352.76 182.5 M 232.7 320.61 C 269.82 277.91 304.47 237.58 352.76 182.5 M 238.34 320.21 C 275.31 276.25 313.38 232.86 352.49 188.89 M 238.34 320.21 C 284.15 270.42 328.15 218.06 352.49 188.89 M 243.33 320.57 C 276.8 281.69 312.98 241.75 352.89 194.54 M 243.33 320.57 C 282.42 276.63 322.36 229.69 352.89 194.54 M 248.97 320.18 C 286.3 275.69 321.21 235.88 352.63 200.93 M 248.97 320.18 C 272.12 292.84 295.82 265.98 352.63 200.93 M 253.96 320.54 C 291.46 280.2 323.63 239.44 352.37 207.33 M 253.96 320.54 C 278.1 293.48 301.05 267.91 352.37 207.33 M 259.6 320.14 C 292.22 281.06 327.19 243.39 352.76 212.98 M 259.6 320.14 C 286.81 287.26 315.24 256.12 352.76 212.98 M 264.59 320.5 C 296.63 284.84 330.78 246.12 352.5 219.37 M 264.59 320.5 C 289.17 292.96 312.31 264.47 352.5 219.37 M 270.23 320.11 C 302.56 283.62 333.98 246.84 352.24 225.77 M 270.23 320.11 C 289.52 297.05 309.29 274.78 352.24 225.77 M 275.22 320.47 C 297.63 296.8 317.26 272.76 352.63 231.41 M 275.22 320.47 C 300.64 291.5 326.22 261.93 352.63 231.41 M 280.86 320.07 C 301.32 296.24 323.49 273.78 352.37 237.81 M 280.86 320.07 C 300.25 297.03 320.56 275.66 352.37 237.81 M 285.85 320.44 C 303.16 301.89 318.72 282.55 352.77 243.45 M 285.85 320.44 C 311.59 289.87 337.45 260.67 352.77 243.45 M 291.49 320.04 C 304.63 303.38 319.4 289.51 352.5 249.85 M 291.49 320.04 C 307.58 300.24 322.77 283.38 352.5 249.85 M 296.48 320.4 C 312.23 302.34 326.96 283.69 352.24 256.25 M 296.48 320.4 C 313.77 302.24 330.35 281.99 352.24 256.25 M 302.12 320.01 C 317.45 304.79 330.69 287.6 352.64 261.89 M 302.12 320.01 C 316.05 303.4 329.76 289.41 352.64 261.89 M 307.11 320.37 C 317.44 306.86 330.41 292.93 352.38 268.29 M 307.11 320.37 C 320.4 306.18 331.76 292.66 352.38 268.29 M 312.75 319.97 C 326.05 306.69 334.98 294.98 352.77 273.93 M 312.75 319.97 C 325.8 304.05 339.98 289.4 352.77 273.93 M 317.74 320.33 C 323.96 311.34 330.37 303.69 352.51 280.33 M 317.74 320.33 C 330.77 304.88 343.82 289.54 352.51 280.33 M 323.38 319.94 C 330.2 311.19 340.01 300.27 352.25 286.73 M 323.38 319.94 C 333.47 307.65 344.7 295.87 352.25 286.73 M 328.37 320.3 C 335.15 310.46 341.78 305.12 352.64 292.37 M 328.37 320.3 C 334.23 312.99 339.99 306.04 352.64 292.37 M 333.35 320.66 C 340.72 315.67 346.61 308.62 352.38 298.77 M 333.35 320.66 C 338.62 315.65 341.52 310.94 352.38 298.77 M 339 320.26 C 341.73 313.61 346.64 310.96 352.77 304.41 M 339 320.26 C 345.32 314.23 349.09 308.13 352.77 304.41 M 343.98 320.62 C 346.49 318.49 350.52 314.48 352.51 310.81 M 343.98 320.62 C 346.47 318.62 347.83 316.82 352.51 310.81 M 349.63 320.23 C 350.28 319.34 350.92 318.57 352.25 317.21 M 349.63 320.23 C 350.42 319.47 350.7 318.85 352.25 317.21" fill="none" stroke="#e1d5e7" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 10 150 C 139.87 151.15 271.03 150.36 350 150 M 10 150 C 110.92 151.47 211.78 152.12 350 150 M 350 150 C 352.01 214.49 350.61 280.8 350 320 M 350 150 C 352.06 210.09 350.9 270.45 350 320 M 350 320 C 258.43 318.62 166.89 318.57 10 320 M 350 320 C 221.91 320.91 95.15 320.48 10 320 M 10 320 C 7.19 255.38 10.89 188.58 10 150 M 10 320 C 8.48 274.57 8.33 231.09 10 150" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 280 80 L 280 153.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 280 158.88 L 276.5 151.88 L 280 153.63 L 283.5 151.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 120px; margin-left: 280px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;"><div>Memo with value exists:</div><div>last verified in Rv with durability D<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="280" y="123" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Memo with value exists:...</text></switch></g><path d="M 340 60 L 470 60 L 470 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 238.88 L 466.5 231.88 L 470 233.63 L 473.5 231.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 470px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;"><div>No previous memo, <br /></div><div>or memo has no value<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="63" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No previous memo,...</text></switch></g><rect x="220" y="40" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 221px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Load memo_map[K]<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="280" y="64" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Load memo_map[K]
</text></switch></g><path d="M 280 200 L 280 233.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 280 238.88 L 276.5 231.88 L 280 233.63 L 283.5 231.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 220px; margin-left: 280px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="280" y="223" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No</text></switch></g><path d="M 220 180 L 180 180 L 146.37 180" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 141.12 180 L 148.12 176.5 L 146.37 180 L 148.12 183.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 180px; margin-left: 180px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Yes</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="180" y="183" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Yes</text></switch></g><rect x="220" y="160" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 180px; margin-left: 221px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Rv is current revision?</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="280" y="184" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Rv is current revisi...</text></switch></g><path d="M 340 260 L 403.63 260" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 408.88 260 L 401.88 263.5 L 403.63 260 L 401.88 256.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 375px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Yes</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="375" y="263" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Yes</text></switch></g><path d="M 220 260 L 146.37 260" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 141.12 260 L 148.12 256.5 L 146.37 260 L 148.12 263.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 180px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="180" y="263" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No</text></switch></g><rect x="220" y="240" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 221px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Inputs with durability D changed since Rv?</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="280" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Inputs with durabili...</text></switch></g><rect x="20" y="160" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffcc99" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 180px; margin-left: 21px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Return value </div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="80" y="184" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Return value </text></switch></g><path d="M 530 250 L 670 250 L 670 168.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 163.12 L 673.5 170.12 L 670 168.37 L 666.5 170.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 250px; margin-left: 570px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;"><div>Already</div><div>claimed<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="570" y="253" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Already...</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 280 L 470 313.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 318.88 L 466.5 311.88 L 470 313.63 L 473.5 311.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 300px; margin-left: 470px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Claimed</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="303" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Claimed</text></switch></g><rect x="410" y="240" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Claim sync_map[K]<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Claim sync_map[K]
</text></switch></g><path d="M 670 122 L 670 20 L 310 20 L 310 33.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 310 38.88 L 306.5 31.88 L 310 33.63 L 313.5 31.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 98px; margin-left: 670px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;"><div>Thread completed</div><div>normally<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="101" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Thread completed...</text></switch></g><path d="M 730 142 L 830 142 L 830 140 L 923.63 140" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 928.88 140 L 921.88 143.5 L 923.63 140 L 921.88 136.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 146px; margin-left: 796px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;"><div>Cycle detected</div><div>or thread panicked<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="796" y="149" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Cycle detected...</text></switch></g><rect x="610" y="122" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 142px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Block until other thread completes</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="146" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Block until other th...</text></switch></g><path d="M 530 420 L 670 420 L 670 753.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 758.88 L 666.5 751.88 L 670 753.63 L 673.5 751.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 421px; margin-left: 596px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No previous memo</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="596" y="424" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No previous memo</text></switch></g><rect x="410" y="400" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 420px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Load memo_map[K]<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="424" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Load memo_map[K]
</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 440 L 470 513.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 518.88 L 466.5 511.88 L 470 513.63 L 473.5 511.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 480px; margin-left: 470px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Previous memo exists,<br /><div>last verified in Rv</div><div>with durability D<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="483" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Previous memo exists,...</text></switch></g><path d="M 80 240 L 80 206.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 80 201.12 L 83.5 208.12 L 80 206.37 L 76.5 208.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="20" y="240" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 21px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Update verified_at to current revision</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="80" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Update verified_at t...</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 560 L 470 593.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 598.88 L 466.5 591.88 L 470 593.63 L 473.5 591.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 580px; margin-left: 470px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="583" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No</text></switch></g><path d="M 410 540 L 370 540 L 336.37 540" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 331.12 540 L 338.12 536.5 L 336.37 540 L 338.12 543.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 540px; margin-left: 370px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Yes</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="370" y="543" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Yes</text></switch></g><rect x="410" y="520" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 540px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Rv is current revision?</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="544" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Rv is current revisi...</text></switch></g><path d="M 410 620 L 336.37 620" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 331.12 620 L 338.12 616.5 L 336.37 620 L 338.12 623.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 620px; margin-left: 370px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="370" y="623" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 640 L 470 673.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 678.88 L 466.5 671.88 L 470 673.63 L 473.5 671.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410" y="600" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 620px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Inputs with durability D changed since Rv?</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="624" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Inputs with durabili...</text></switch></g><rect x="210" y="520" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffcc99" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 540px; margin-left: 211px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Return value </div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="270" y="544" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Return value </text></switch></g><path d="M 270 600 L 270 566.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 270 561.12 L 273.5 568.12 L 270 566.37 L 266.5 568.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="210" y="600" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 620px; margin-left: 211px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Update verified_at to current revision</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="270" y="624" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Update verified_at t...</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 720 L 470 753.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 758.88 L 466.5 751.88 L 470 753.63 L 473.5 751.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 410 690 L 270 690 L 270 646.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 270 641.12 L 273.5 648.12 L 270 646.37 L 266.5 648.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 690px; margin-left: 350px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">All inputs verified</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="350" y="693" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">All inputs verified</text></switch></g><path d="M 530 780 L 603.63 780" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 608.88 780 L 601.88 783.5 L 603.63 780 L 601.88 776.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410" y="680" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 700px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">For each input I...</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="704" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">For each input I...</text></switch></g><path d="M 470 360 L 470 393.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 398.88 L 466.5 391.88 L 470 393.63 L 473.5 391.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410" y="320" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 340px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Push K onto stack<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="344" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Push K onto stack
</text></switch></g><path d="M 410 780 L 390 780 L 390 710 L 403.63 710" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 408.88 710 L 401.88 713.5 L 403.63 710 L 401.88 706.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 745px; margin-left: 390px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">No</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="390" y="748" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">No</text></switch></g><path d="M 500 760 L 500 740 L 950 740 L 950 366.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 361.12 L 953.5 368.12 L 950 366.37 L 946.5 368.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410" y="760" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#99ccff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 780px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Input I maybe changed after Rv?</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="784" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Input I maybe change...</text></switch></g><path d="M 670 800 L 670 833.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 838.88 L 666.5 831.88 L 670 833.63 L 673.5 831.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="610" y="760" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#e5ccff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 780px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Salsa Event:</div><div>Will Execute<br /></div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="784" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Salsa Event:...</text></switch></g><path d="M 610 860 L 536.37 860" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 531.12 860 L 538.12 856.5 L 536.37 860 L 538.12 863.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 670 880 L 670 913.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 918.88 L 666.5 911.88 L 670 913.63 L 673.5 911.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 900px; margin-left: 670px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Cycle detected</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="903" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Cycle detected</text></switch></g><path d="M 730 860 L 950 860 L 950 366.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 361.12 L 953.5 368.12 L 950 366.37 L 946.5 368.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="610" y="840" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#99ccff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 860px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Execute query function</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="864" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Execute query functi...</text></switch></g><path d="M 410 860 L 336.37 860" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 331.12 860 L 338.12 856.5 L 336.37 860 L 338.12 863.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410" y="840" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffffff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 860px; margin-left: 411px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Backdate value if equal to old value.</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="470" y="864" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Backdate value if eq...</text></switch></g><path d="M 210 860 L 190 860 L 190 540 L 203.63 540" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 208.88 540 L 201.88 543.5 L 203.63 540 L 201.88 536.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="210" y="840" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffffff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 860px; margin-left: 211px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;"><div>Store memo with <br /></div><div>new value.</div></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="270" y="864" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Store memo with...</text></switch></g><path d="M 610 1100 L 470 1100 L 470 886.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 470 881.12 L 473.5 888.12 L 470 886.37 L 466.5 888.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 730 1100 L 950 1100 L 950 366.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 361.12 L 953.5 368.12 L 950 366.37 L 946.5 368.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="610" y="1080" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#99ccff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1100px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Execute cycle recovery</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="1104" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Execute cycle recove...</text></switch></g><path d="M 670 960 L 670 993.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 998.88 L 666.5 991.88 L 670 993.63 L 673.5 991.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 980px; margin-left: 670px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Fallback</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="983" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Fallback</text></switch></g><path d="M 730 940 L 803.63 940" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 808.88 940 L 801.88 943.5 L 803.63 940 L 801.88 936.5 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 940px; margin-left: 770px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Panic</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="770" y="943" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Panic</text></switch></g><rect x="610" y="920" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffffff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 940px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Check recovery strategy</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="944" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Check recovery strat...</text></switch></g><path d="M 670 1040 L 670 1073.63" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 670 1078.88 L 666.5 1071.88 L 670 1073.63 L 673.5 1071.88 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1060px; margin-left: 670px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Flag is Some</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="1063" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Flag is Some</text></switch></g><path d="M 730 1020 L 870 1020 L 870 966.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 870 961.12 L 873.5 968.12 L 870 966.37 L 866.5 968.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1020px; margin-left: 770px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Flag is None</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="770" y="1023" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">Flag is None</text></switch></g><rect x="610" y="1000" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ffffff" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1020px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Check cycle flag on stack frame</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="670" y="1024" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Check cycle flag on...</text></switch></g><path d="M 930 940 L 950 940 L 950 366.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 361.12 L 953.5 368.12 L 950 366.37 L 946.5 368.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="810" y="920" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ff9999" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 940px; margin-left: 811px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Unwind with cycle</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="870" y="944" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Unwind with cycle</text></switch></g><path d="M 950 240 L 950 200 L 949.52 166.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 949.45 161.12 L 953.05 168.07 L 949.52 166.37 L 946.05 168.17 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="890" y="240" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ff9999" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 260px; margin-left: 891px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Release claim.</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="950" y="264" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Release claim.</text></switch></g><path d="M 950 320 L 950 286.37" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 281.12 L 953.5 288.12 L 950 286.37 L 946.5 288.12 Z" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="890" y="320" width="120" height="40" rx="6" ry="6" fill="#ff9999" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 340px; margin-left: 891px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Pop stack frame.</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="950" y="344" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Pop stack frame.</text></switch></g><rect x="760" y="1080" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="760" y="1080" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 769.73 1080.15 L 760 1104.03 L 773.61 1099.38 L 770.11 1112.46 L 767.78 1110.64 L 768.98 1118 L 774.21 1111.84 L 770.97 1112.62 L 779 1095.32 L 764.49 1099.82 L 774.96 1080 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 769.73 1080.15 L 760 1104.03 L 773.61 1099.38 L 770.11 1112.46 L 767.78 1110.64 L 768.98 1118 L 774.21 1111.84 L 770.97 1112.62 L 779 1095.32 L 764.49 1099.82 L 774.96 1080 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="760" y="840" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="760" y="840" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 769.73 840.15 L 760 864.03 L 773.61 859.38 L 770.11 872.46 L 767.78 870.64 L 768.98 878 L 774.21 871.84 L 770.97 872.62 L 779 855.32 L 764.49 859.82 L 774.96 840 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 769.73 840.15 L 760 864.03 L 773.61 859.38 L 770.11 872.46 L 767.78 870.64 L 768.98 878 L 774.21 871.84 L 770.97 872.62 L 779 855.32 L 764.49 859.82 L 774.96 840 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="940.5" y="122" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="940.5" y="122" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 950.23 122.15 L 940.5 146.03 L 954.11 141.38 L 950.61 154.46 L 948.28 152.64 L 949.48 160 L 954.71 153.84 L 951.47 154.62 L 959.5 137.32 L 944.99 141.82 L 955.46 122 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 950.23 122.15 L 940.5 146.03 L 954.11 141.38 L 950.61 154.46 L 948.28 152.64 L 949.48 160 L 954.71 153.84 L 951.47 154.62 L 959.5 137.32 L 944.99 141.82 L 955.46 122 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="540" y="720" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="540" y="720" width="19" height="38" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 549.73 720.15 L 540 744.03 L 553.61 739.38 L 550.11 752.46 L 547.78 750.64 L 548.98 758 L 554.21 751.84 L 550.97 752.62 L 559 735.32 L 544.49 739.82 L 554.96 720 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 549.73 720.15 L 540 744.03 L 553.61 739.38 L 550.11 752.46 L 547.78 750.64 L 548.98 758 L 554.21 751.84 L 550.97 752.62 L 559 735.32 L 544.49 739.82 L 554.96 720 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 530 270 L 890 270" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="2 6" pointer-events="stroke"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 270px; margin-left: 710px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">(Destructor)</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="710" y="273" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">(Destructo...</text></switch></g><path d="M 530 340 L 890 340" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="2 6" pointer-events="stroke"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 340px; margin-left: 710px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">(Destructor)</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="710" y="343" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11px" text-anchor="middle">(Destructo...</text></switch></g><rect x="185" y="290" width="170" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 310px; margin-left: 270px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;"><pre>shallow_verify_memo()</pre></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="270" y="314" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">shallow_verify_memo()</text></switch></g><rect x="290" y="320" width="90" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 340px; margin-left: 335px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;"><pre>fetch_hot()</pre></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="335" y="344" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">fetch_hot()</text></switch></g><rect x="940.5" y="1128" width="100" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1148px; margin-left: 991px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;"><pre>fetch_cold()</pre></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="991" y="1152" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">fetch_cold()</text></switch></g><rect x="895" y="70" width="130" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 90px; margin-left: 960px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;"><pre>sync_map.claim()</pre></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="960" y="94" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">sync_map.claim()</text></switch></g><rect x="920" y="1100" width="80" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 1120px; margin-left: 960px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;"><pre>execute()</pre></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="960" y="1124" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">execute()</text></switch></g><rect x="160" y="450" width="410" height="470" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160.23 449.74 C 160.23 449.74 160.23 449.74 160.23 449.74 M 160.23 449.74 C 160.23 449.74 160.23 449.74 160.23 449.74 M 159.97 456.14 C 162.23 453.35 164.02 451.57 165.21 450.1 M 159.97 456.14 C 161.6 454.2 163.19 453.11 165.21 450.1 M 159.7 462.53 C 162.03 460.38 164.95 456.14 170.86 449.7 M 159.7 462.53 C 163.99 459.01 166.16 454.42 170.86 449.7 M 160.1 468.18 C 162.98 464.67 166.46 458.17 175.84 450.06 M 160.1 468.18 C 163.88 464.36 168.32 459.91 175.84 450.06 M 159.84 474.57 C 166.04 464.78 175.31 458.08 181.49 449.67 M 159.84 474.57 C 164.88 468.52 172.29 459.88 181.49 449.67 M 160.23 480.22 C 166.54 473 172.69 465.32 186.47 450.03 M 160.23 480.22 C 170.17 468.42 180.2 458.4 186.47 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233.98 450.25 M 159.85 535.53 C 184.04 506.44 208.89 478.11 233.98 450.25 M 160.24 541.18 C 185.8 507.73 215.15 479.57 239.63 449.86 M 160.24 541.18 C 180.55 518.04 202.44 494.45 239.63 449.86 M 159.98 547.57 C 178.15 526.59 195.78 509.05 244.61 450.22 M 159.98 547.57 C 186.81 517.23 214.49 485.85 244.61 450.22 M 159.72 553.97 C 193.16 513.67 227.71 474.74 250.26 449.82 M 159.72 553.97 C 189.11 518.31 218.87 483.48 250.26 449.82 M 160.11 559.62 C 180.87 537.44 201.9 513.99 255.24 450.18 M 160.11 559.62 C 194.08 518.76 228.96 477.84 255.24 450.18 M 159.85 566.01 C 195.55 526.96 232.33 483.17 260.89 449.79 M 159.85 566.01 C 198.31 520.45 239.13 474.71 260.89 449.79 M 160.25 571.66 C 189.45 537.75 217.63 506.44 265.87 450.15 M 160.25 571.66 C 197.81 528.53 234.71 486.54 265.87 450.15 M 159.99 578.05 C 192.7 538.71 225.42 504.24 271.52 449.75 M 159.99 578.05 C 184.46 552.5 206.89 526.37 271.52 449.75 M 159.72 584.45 C 195.23 540.38 232.57 498.57 276.5 450.11 M 159.72 584.45 C 190.14 548.49 219.46 514.39 276.5 450.11 M 160.12 590.09 C 201.3 547.28 237.91 500.32 282.15 449.72 M 160.12 590.09 C 200.15 543.68 238.65 500.68 282.15 449.72 M 159.86 596.49 C 208.35 541.19 260.14 483.08 287.13 450.08 M 159.86 596.49 C 198.32 555.44 235.63 513.05 287.13 450.08 M 160.25 602.14 C 195.86 564 226.36 525.22 292.78 449.68 M 160.25 602.14 C 204.34 551.48 247.32 499.48 292.78 449.68 M 159.99 608.53 C 204.71 555.46 249.95 501.57 297.76 450.04 M 159.99 608.53 C 215.82 547.54 269.38 484.54 297.76 450.04 M 159.73 614.93 C 194.11 573.3 231.01 533.12 303.41 449.65 M 159.73 614.93 C 191.41 577.34 223.98 541.01 303.41 449.65 M 160.12 620.57 C 203.58 570.67 248.19 519.85 308.39 450.01 M 160.12 620.57 C 205.16 567.53 252.29 514.68 308.39 450.01 M 159.86 626.97 C 211.01 569.76 258.99 512.94 313.38 450.37 M 159.86 626.97 C 196.65 584.32 235.72 538.53 313.38 450.37 M 160.26 632.61 C 199.62 587 235.81 546.17 319.02 449.98 M 160.26 632.61 C 210.03 574.02 260.77 516.32 319.02 449.98 M 160 639.01 C 203.35 592.24 243.97 543.09 324.01 450.34 M 160 639.01 C 199.08 594.66 236.6 551.39 324.01 450.34 M 159.73 645.41 C 195.98 601.36 234.59 561.36 329.65 449.94 M 159.73 645.41 C 211.09 585.28 263.02 525.71 329.65 449.94 M 160.13 651.05 C 207.22 597.98 249.94 548.1 334.64 450.3 M 160.13 651.05 C 203.71 601.05 247.59 550.45 334.64 450.3 M 159.87 657.45 C 212.33 595.66 268.31 532.37 340.28 449.91 M 159.87 657.45 C 211.09 598.19 262.75 539.82 340.28 449.91 M 160.26 663.09 C 218.65 594.14 277.31 528.23 345.27 450.27 M 160.26 663.09 C 230.13 585.58 298.28 505.77 345.27 450.27 M 160 669.49 C 205.98 616.13 254.48 561.53 350.91 449.87 M 160 669.49 C 215.23 603.95 271.58 539.06 350.91 449.87 M 159.74 675.89 C 209.6 617.29 259.98 557.38 355.9 450.23 M 159.74 675.89 C 223.06 604 286.75 531.38 355.9 450.23 M 160.13 681.53 C 209.07 623.77 259.14 565.71 361.54 449.84 M 160.13 681.53 C 218.3 614.95 274.71 549.53 361.54 449.84 M 159.87 687.93 C 218.38 621.21 275.45 554.46 366.53 450.2 M 159.87 687.93 C 201.91 637.86 245.79 588.34 366.53 450.2 M 160.27 693.57 C 236.16 606.97 311.2 519.75 372.17 449.8 M 160.27 693.57 C 208.76 639.5 256.68 584.07 372.17 449.8 M 160 699.97 C 208.11 644.76 255.65 588.85 377.16 450.16 M 160 699.97 C 244.83 601.27 331.24 502.53 377.16 450.16 M 159.74 706.37 C 223.53 635.08 284.72 562.87 382.8 449.77 M 159.74 706.37 C 207.16 650.3 255.84 594.34 382.8 449.77 M 160.14 712.01 C 222.61 639.29 286.44 566.7 387.79 450.13 M 160.14 712.01 C 211.17 649.71 264.17 589.93 387.79 450.13 M 159.88 718.41 C 252.23 611.83 345.03 505.07 393.43 449.73 M 159.88 718.41 C 244.93 621.17 330.37 522.94 393.43 449.73 M 160.27 724.05 C 232.97 640.91 306.49 556.45 398.42 450.09 M 160.27 724.05 C 238.96 635.16 315.45 546.58 398.42 450.09 M 160.01 730.45 C 231.84 647.54 305.78 561.83 404.06 449.7 M 160.01 730.45 C 238.09 641.33 314.12 553.68 404.06 449.7 M 159.75 736.85 C 238.98 647.97 317.59 557.47 409.05 450.06 M 159.75 736.85 C 223.99 664.74 287.73 590.78 409.05 450.06 M 160.14 742.49 C 232.25 657.69 305.18 575.39 414.69 449.66 M 160.14 742.49 C 240.71 651.06 319.07 559.96 414.69 449.66 M 159.88 748.89 C 252.32 643.75 346.6 535.98 419.68 450.02 M 159.88 748.89 C 231.24 663.11 304.96 579.98 419.68 450.02 M 160.28 754.53 C 225.82 678.01 293.39 600.5 425.32 449.63 M 160.28 754.53 C 248.15 651.77 337.64 549 425.32 449.63 M 160.01 760.93 C 231.06 678.58 300.9 598.32 430.31 449.99 M 160.01 760.93 C 218.49 691.37 278.35 622.53 430.31 449.99 M 159.75 767.33 C 218.76 701.99 276.27 633.82 435.3 450.35 M 159.75 767.33 C 264.44 647.06 368.97 526.76 435.3 450.35 M 160.15 772.97 C 240.39 679.31 320.98 585.81 440.94 449.96 M 160.15 772.97 C 261.27 654.41 365.03 536.37 440.94 449.96 M 159.89 779.37 C 266.92 657.53 372.04 534.37 445.93 450.32 M 159.89 779.37 C 262.54 659.64 366.33 540.17 445.93 450.32 M 160.28 785.01 C 241.49 694.4 319.9 604.48 451.57 449.92 M 160.28 785.01 C 272.7 656.06 385.48 527.13 451.57 449.92 M 160.02 791.41 C 236.73 704.05 311.24 618.15 456.56 450.28 M 160.02 791.41 C 225.2 716.66 289.99 641.8 456.56 450.28 M 159.76 797.81 C 244.71 700.44 331.26 600.51 462.2 449.89 M 159.76 797.81 C 223.71 724.51 287.94 651.27 462.2 449.89 M 160.15 803.45 C 272.64 670.88 388.05 540.28 467.19 450.25 M 160.15 803.45 C 221.76 730.52 283.88 658.99 467.19 450.25 M 159.89 809.85 C 277.35 675.1 393.9 542.38 472.83 449.85 M 159.89 809.85 C 266.08 687.72 372.91 564.24 472.83 449.85 M 160.29 815.49 C 273.07 685.98 386.23 556.98 477.82 450.21 M 160.29 815.49 C 286.36 670.71 411.6 526.42 477.82 450.21 M 160.02 821.89 C 232.33 741.03 302.22 659.27 483.46 449.82 M 160.02 821.89 C 276.24 688.73 392.47 555.09 483.46 449.82 M 159.76 828.29 C 235.37 741.59 312.43 654.35 488.45 450.18 M 159.76 828.29 C 286.09 679.98 414.13 532.51 488.45 450.18 M 160.16 833.93 C 247.82 731.26 336.01 628.59 494.09 449.78 M 160.16 833.93 C 226.75 755.41 294.37 677.06 494.09 449.78 M 159.9 840.33 C 274.03 709.14 388.82 578.31 499.08 450.14 M 159.9 840.33 C 228.12 760.99 297.37 681.16 499.08 450.14 M 160.29 845.97 C 235.6 760.51 311.73 673.49 504.72 449.75 M 160.29 845.97 C 261.03 730.54 361.36 615.23 504.72 449.75 M 160.03 852.37 C 230.97 767.08 304.34 683.58 509.71 450.11 M 160.03 852.37 C 292.32 701.34 424.46 549.1 509.71 450.11 M 159.77 858.77 C 277.58 721.93 395.25 587.11 515.35 449.71 M 159.77 858.77 C 234.04 775.07 307.76 690.41 515.35 449.71 M 160.16 864.41 C 264.33 743.15 370.17 622.29 520.34 450.07 M 160.16 864.41 C 256.97 752.64 352.98 641.59 520.34 450.07 M 159.9 870.81 C 274.07 739.44 387.61 609.88 525.98 449.68 M 159.9 870.81 C 237.15 783.86 313.21 696.61 525.98 449.68 M 160.3 876.45 C 249.02 775.48 337.61 673.41 530.97 450.04 M 160.3 876.45 C 290.29 727.67 420.54 577.35 530.97 450.04 M 160.03 882.85 C 240.37 788.37 322.95 693.98 536.61 449.65 M 160.03 882.85 C 278.8 746.76 398.73 609.11 536.61 449.65 M 159.77 889.25 C 312.78 712.08 464.57 537.06 541.6 450.01 M 159.77 889.25 C 286.22 744.97 411.38 600.78 541.6 450.01 M 160.17 894.89 C 306.18 727.8 451.89 559.74 546.59 450.37 M 160.17 894.89 C 251.83 792.64 341.43 688.71 546.59 450.37 M 159.91 901.29 C 290.66 750.61 421.53 602.45 552.23 449.97 M 159.91 901.29 C 246.93 803.37 331.86 705.86 552.23 449.97 M 160.3 906.93 C 262.59 789.12 364.15 672.04 557.22 450.33 M 160.3 906.93 C 248.86 804.95 336.86 703.11 557.22 450.33 M 160.04 913.33 C 278.77 776.84 399.03 638.38 562.86 449.94 M 160.04 913.33 C 264.13 792.61 367.55 674.21 562.86 449.94 M 159.78 919.73 C 319.06 740.14 474.86 559.12 567.85 450.3 M 159.78 919.73 C 248.84 815.25 338.66 712.62 567.85 450.3 M 162.8 922.35 C 313.9 748.04 464.53 575.59 572.18 451.41 M 162.8 922.35 C 246.55 823.32 331.18 725.85 572.18 451.41 M 167.78 922.71 C 265.37 806.79 364.92 692.87 571.92 457.81 M 167.78 922.71 C 304.48 767.73 439.5 612.02 571.92 457.81 M 173.43 922.32 C 297.66 778.64 422.28 637.58 571.65 464.21 M 173.43 922.32 C 273.85 809.54 372.37 695.87 571.65 464.21 M 178.41 922.68 C 327.4 752.61 475.07 582.83 572.05 469.85 M 178.41 922.68 C 312.99 767.25 447.46 611.85 572.05 469.85 M 184.06 922.28 C 301.66 786.91 421.16 649.07 571.79 476.25 M 184.06 922.28 C 293.44 799.26 401.46 674.75 571.79 476.25 M 189.04 922.64 C 291.26 806.44 392.08 689.3 572.18 481.89 M 189.04 922.64 C 338.95 750.35 489.65 576.71 572.18 481.89 M 194.69 922.25 C 282.54 820.02 370.03 718.74 571.92 488.29 M 194.69 922.25 C 277.66 825.29 360.99 729.41 571.92 488.29 M 199.67 922.61 C 296.5 812.29 392.93 701.81 571.66 494.69 M 199.67 922.61 C 313.1 793.36 426.48 663.52 571.66 494.69 M 205.32 922.21 C 344.12 762.53 484.55 601.88 572.05 500.33 M 205.32 922.21 C 322.33 789.41 437.35 657.24 572.05 500.33 M 210.3 922.57 C 305.68 811.85 400.29 703.3 571.79 506.73 M 210.3 922.57 C 304.53 814.26 400.08 704.52 571.79 506.73 M 215.95 922.18 C 336.87 783.13 457.33 645.11 572.19 512.37 M 215.95 922.18 C 295.11 831.26 373.96 740.83 572.19 512.37 M 220.93 922.54 C 302.03 828.79 383.21 735.92 571.93 518.77 M 220.93 922.54 C 337.75 791.3 453.13 658.36 571.93 518.77 M 226.58 922.14 C 331.59 803.77 434.94 683.86 571.66 525.17 M 226.58 922.14 C 337.25 793.71 447.86 666.42 571.66 525.17 M 231.56 922.5 C 322.15 816.56 415.2 709.06 572.06 530.81 M 231.56 922.5 C 342.79 792.61 456.07 662.71 572.06 530.81 M 237.21 922.11 C 359.48 781.19 482.74 639.14 571.8 537.21 M 237.21 922.11 C 310.3 838.68 382.32 755 571.8 537.21 M 242.19 922.47 C 357.41 789 474.77 656.63 572.19 542.85 M 242.19 922.47 C 364.88 782.6 486.27 642.84 572.19 542.85 M 247.84 922.07 C 327.13 830.41 408.13 738.83 571.93 549.25 M 247.84 922.07 C 323.43 835.54 397.42 749.83 571.93 549.25 M 252.82 922.43 C 376.68 778.98 501.05 636.01 571.67 555.65 M 252.82 922.43 C 352.48 808.22 451.6 694.21 571.67 555.65 M 258.47 922.04 C 366.67 797.81 475.57 672.07 572.06 561.29 M 258.47 922.04 C 353.96 811.23 449.15 701.5 572.06 561.29 M 263.45 922.4 C 375.72 793.15 487.09 665.86 571.8 567.69 M 263.45 922.4 C 354.94 817.55 446.57 711.73 571.8 567.69 M 268.44 922.76 C 355.61 823.44 441.38 723.93 572.2 573.33 M 268.44 922.76 C 361.02 818.53 452.41 713.44 572.2 573.33 M 274.08 922.37 C 393.55 787.37 512.2 650.87 571.93 579.73 M 274.08 922.37 C 345.73 839.88 417.57 757.68 571.93 579.73 M 279.07 922.73 C 387.84 796.97 496.12 673.34 571.67 586.13 M 279.07 922.73 C 366.09 820.62 454.82 719.51 571.67 586.13 M 284.71 922.33 C 362.46 830.37 441.98 740.22 572.07 591.77 M 284.71 922.33 C 377.4 816.65 469.28 711.36 572.07 591.77 M 289.7 922.69 C 382.74 815.45 478.9 706.62 571.81 598.17 M 289.7 922.69 C 379.01 821.73 466.8 721.02 571.81 598.17 M 295.34 922.3 C 388.15 810.77 483.31 703.07 572.2 603.81 M 295.34 922.3 C 374.66 831.73 454.1 740.66 572.2 603.81 M 300.33 922.66 C 355.46 858.28 411.58 792.78 571.94 610.21 M 300.33 922.66 C 395.73 812.66 492.93 702.09 571.94 610.21 M 305.97 922.26 C 408.9 804.11 511.52 685.12 571.68 616.6 M 305.97 922.26 C 402.72 811.57 497.58 701.01 571.68 616.6 M 310.96 922.62 C 369.38 858.43 424.25 792.95 572.07 622.25 M 310.96 922.62 C 408.23 808.81 506.13 696.06 572.07 622.25 M 316.6 922.23 C 407.07 816.69 496.41 711.73 571.81 628.65 M 316.6 922.23 C 402.5 823.4 488.2 725.94 571.81 628.65 M 321.59 922.59 C 397.79 834.37 473.17 746.36 572.21 634.29 M 321.59 922.59 C 406.31 826.28 490.24 729.31 572.21 634.29 M 327.23 922.19 C 389.18 851.05 451.02 779.21 571.94 640.69 M 327.23 922.19 C 391.06 846.65 457.47 770.72 571.94 640.69 M 332.22 922.55 C 383.37 863.32 431.98 804.7 571.68 647.08 M 332.22 922.55 C 409.97 836.17 486.47 747.09 571.68 647.08 M 337.86 922.16 C 392.44 860.5 450.35 795.43 572.08 652.73 M 337.86 922.16 C 430.84 813.86 523.17 707.36 572.08 652.73 M 342.85 922.52 C 432.06 823.11 519.4 722.1 571.82 659.12 M 342.85 922.52 C 395.57 859.52 449.76 797.51 571.82 659.12 M 348.49 922.12 C 417.99 841.61 490.64 759.8 572.21 664.77 M 348.49 922.12 C 399.03 865.83 449.18 808.71 572.21 664.77 M 353.48 922.48 C 411.07 853.98 473.19 785.77 571.95 671.17 M 353.48 922.48 C 421.97 845.43 487.3 768.23 571.95 671.17 M 359.12 922.09 C 414.49 857.99 472.22 792.52 571.69 677.56 M 359.12 922.09 C 404.25 870.61 449.76 819.13 571.69 677.56 M 364.11 922.45 C 412.27 864.62 463.39 805.96 572.08 683.21 M 364.11 922.45 C 441.73 832.8 518.7 743.02 572.08 683.21 M 369.75 922.06 C 427.93 853.29 489.56 784.62 571.82 689.6 M 369.75 922.06 C 433.15 846.89 497.12 772.48 571.82 689.6 M 374.74 922.42 C 423.36 866.3 470.11 811.59 572.22 695.25 M 374.74 922.42 C 416.93 875.93 457.56 827.3 572.22 695.25 M 380.39 922.02 C 456.06 834.64 530.97 748.6 571.95 701.65 M 380.39 922.02 C 428.96 868.16 475.91 812.14 571.95 701.65 M 385.37 922.38 C 449.47 846.54 514.58 773.3 571.69 708.04 M 385.37 922.38 C 459.01 837.31 532.84 751.07 571.69 708.04 M 390.36 922.74 C 461.45 842.05 529.93 761.77 572.09 713.69 M 390.36 922.74 C 463.12 840.86 533.14 760.52 572.09 713.69 M 396 922.35 C 435.51 876.39 473.42 831.04 571.83 720.08 M 396 922.35 C 440.02 874.13 483.52 824.43 571.83 720.08 M 400.99 922.71 C 442.9 873.53 485.22 825.94 572.22 725.73 M 400.99 922.71 C 451.37 864.86 502.1 807.71 572.22 725.73 M 406.63 922.31 C 446.37 877.97 487.46 830.42 571.96 732.12 M 406.63 922.31 C 452.41 868.42 498.27 816.65 571.96 732.12 M 411.62 922.67 C 448.7 881.61 486.49 837.02 571.7 738.52 M 411.62 922.67 C 472.79 853.2 533.82 782.99 571.7 738.52 M 417.26 922.28 C 478.47 853.78 538.91 783.65 572.09 744.17 M 417.26 922.28 C 468.3 863.19 521.81 802.19 572.09 744.17 M 422.25 922.64 C 470.7 866.04 519.1 812.28 571.83 750.56 M 422.25 922.64 C 459.61 880.18 497.39 836.64 571.83 750.56 M 427.89 922.24 C 479.34 864.62 531.48 803.34 572.23 756.21 M 427.89 922.24 C 470.1 872.05 514.01 821.49 572.23 756.21 M 432.88 922.6 C 485.62 861.42 538.8 798.12 571.96 762.6 M 432.88 922.6 C 484.68 863.99 537.45 804.1 571.96 762.6 M 438.52 922.21 C 469.25 889.79 497.96 854.19 571.7 769 M 438.52 922.21 C 484.2 869.66 532.48 815.27 571.7 769 M 443.51 922.57 C 469.73 891.62 497.52 860.95 572.1 774.65 M 443.51 922.57 C 490.97 866.75 539.68 812.96 572.1 774.65 M 449.15 922.17 C 496.22 866.8 542.54 814.15 571.84 781.04 M 449.15 922.17 C 485.98 880.37 521.3 839.12 571.84 781.04 M 454.14 922.53 C 485.2 889.05 517.49 853.86 572.23 786.69 M 454.14 922.53 C 497.46 873.03 540.2 823.54 572.23 786.69 M 459.78 922.14 C 484.37 891.61 512.58 860.95 571.97 793.08 M 459.78 922.14 C 489.09 889.34 519.91 853.08 571.97 793.08 M 464.77 922.5 C 504.01 880.75 540.65 838.47 571.71 799.48 M 464.77 922.5 C 488.49 896.1 510.29 869.85 571.71 799.48 M 470.41 922.1 C 497.06 886.32 527.14 856.29 572.1 805.12 M 470.41 922.1 C 492.05 896.82 512.17 872.68 572.1 805.12 M 475.4 922.46 C 509.78 884.73 545.5 844.7 571.84 811.52 M 475.4 922.46 C 503.7 890.37 530.17 859.63 571.84 811.52 M 481.04 922.07 C 501.94 895.34 526.91 869.23 572.24 817.17 M 481.04 922.07 C 516.93 880.4 551.21 840.26 572.24 817.17 M 486.03 922.43 C 510.08 892.99 531.74 868.5 571.97 823.56 M 486.03 922.43 C 509.83 896.92 532.27 870.58 571.97 823.56 M 491.67 922.04 C 516.79 894.36 542.53 864.35 571.71 829.96 M 491.67 922.04 C 516.24 894.67 540.72 866.24 571.71 829.96 M 496.66 922.4 C 513.22 905.14 530.15 886.52 572.11 835.6 M 496.66 922.4 C 524.23 889.84 551.77 858.12 572.11 835.6 M 501.65 922.76 C 524.92 895 549.34 868.41 571.85 842 M 501.65 922.76 C 525.19 894.58 550.39 864.98 571.85 842 M 507.29 922.36 C 532.53 892.65 558.31 864.49 572.24 847.65 M 507.29 922.36 C 528.82 896.22 551.16 871.3 572.24 847.65 M 512.28 922.72 C 522.66 908.87 535.3 894.6 571.98 854.04 M 512.28 922.72 C 533.99 896.57 556.48 872.81 571.98 854.04 M 517.92 922.33 C 535.48 902.85 548.44 887.13 571.72 860.44 M 517.92 922.33 C 530.04 909.67 540.72 894.69 571.72 860.44 M 522.91 922.69 C 534.28 910.28 547.38 892.17 572.11 866.08 M 522.91 922.69 C 538.62 904.55 553.34 887.08 572.11 866.08 M 528.55 922.29 C 544.24 905.44 558.46 884.86 571.85 872.48 M 528.55 922.29 C 544.03 902.65 560.37 885.46 571.85 872.48 M 533.54 922.65 C 547.33 907.63 557.68 895.54 572.24 878.12 M 533.54 922.65 C 546.44 907.79 559.62 892.02 572.24 878.12 M 539.18 922.26 C 548.83 909.96 557.29 899.42 571.98 884.52 M 539.18 922.26 C 550.69 910.25 560.46 899.96 571.98 884.52 M 544.17 922.62 C 550.45 913.42 557.49 908.17 571.72 890.92 M 544.17 922.62 C 553.05 912.57 563.46 899.92 571.72 890.92 M 549.81 922.22 C 559.31 915.08 566.24 905.48 572.12 896.56 M 549.81 922.22 C 555.92 916.16 561.53 908.9 572.12 896.56 M 554.8 922.58 C 561.67 917.01 566.68 908.66 571.85 902.96 M 554.8 922.58 C 559.34 916.94 564.47 911.79 571.85 902.96 M 560.44 922.19 C 563.01 919.52 565.94 914.51 572.25 908.6 M 560.44 922.19 C 563.63 918.8 567.12 914.57 572.25 908.6 M 565.43 922.55 C 566.01 921.23 569.2 918.43 571.99 915 M 565.43 922.55 C 567.06 920.71 568.81 918.32 571.99 915" fill="none" stroke="#e1d5e7" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 450 C 282.51 449.32 404.18 450.3 570 450 M 160 450 C 267.82 448.57 374.78 448.83 570 450 M 570 450 C 567.82 625.46 568.89 801.72 570 920 M 570 450 C 571.04 613.61 571.01 777.66 570 920 M 570 920 C 415.89 918.34 262.5 919.55 160 920 M 570 920 C 442.16 919.93 313.63 919.51 160 920 M 160 920 C 161.75 801.94 160.68 682.96 160 450 M 160 920 C 157.98 782.9 157.86 646.07 160 450" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="160" y="880" width="150" height="40" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 900px; margin-left: 235px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: 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